Chapter 509
Tianjianzong Law Enforcement Hall
Simply looking at the news that Wei Zhengrong just sent, I secretly hated, this Haiyan really didn't know how to live or die, dared to do such vicious things under the jurisdiction of Tianjianzong, and even used the emperor's dragon energy in the palace as a cover for him , damn it.

"Zheng Rong, send a message to the 'Xun' hall, withdraw all the investigators who entered the other sect, and assist the 'Zing' hall to find out all the hidden evil cultivators, leave no one behind, and kill them all."

Wei Zhengrong, Qi Wei, and Jin Liuli heard His Majesty's order without any ups and downs, and knew that this was an evil cultivator who had stepped on His Majesty's taboo, and actually used mortal flesh and blood to cultivate. passed.

"Yes, this subordinate is going to deliver the order."

"Let Meng Zhonglun come to see me when he comes back, don't be polluted by evil cultivators."

"Yes, I thank my lord for Zhong Lun's love."

After Wei Zhengrong left in a hurry, Jian Jian said to Qi Hua:

"Ask where are Jiangui and the moon?"

"Yes, Your Honor!"

Qi Hua turned out of the hall, Jian Jian said to Liu Li:

"Let Hall Master Meng come to see me."


After waiting for everyone to go down, Jian Jian threw the jade slip of news on the table. She felt that she had a bad temper recently. This evil cultivator and the matter of the Zerg made her a little angry, and then she silently recited the "Meditation Mantra" in her heart to calm down. After a moment of mood.

And Jiangui and Yueyue, who were simply missed, have already joined the Tianyu team of the "Zhan"tang team, completed the investigation of Tianji and Tianquan cities, and are rushing to Tianxuan City at this time.

"Moon, do you want to rest for a night before you go on your journey?"

Jian Gui sat on the flying boat and headed towards Tianxuan City with full power all the way, asking the moon on the side.

"Nothing, I'm not tired, you've been on the road all the time, do you want to take a rest for a day?"

Jian Gui shook his head and said:

"There is no need to rest. It is already the last city. After we cooperate with the Tianzhen team to patrol, we can return to the sect."

Jiangui knew that Yue Yue was worried about his superior, and was in a hurry to return to the clan, so he pretended not to know, and cooperated with Yue Yue to complete the task as soon as possible, so that he could return to his life.

At this time, the ink pendant on Jiangui's waist vibrated, and a message came. After Jiangui saw it, he smiled slightly, then became serious again, and finally raised his head, and said to the moon nestled on the futon:

"Just now the Law Enforcement Hall summoned us and asked about our mission schedule. Your Majesty hopes that we will complete the mission as soon as possible and return to the sect."

The moon, which was lying on its stomach, immediately stood up when it heard these words, wagging its tail, and its voice became much lighter:

"Okay, just reply that we only have the last city left to inspect, and we will go back as soon as possible."

Jiangui nodded after listening, and quickly sent the message back, and then continued:
"I also received the latest news from the Law Enforcement Hall. The mortal world has found traces of evil cultivators, and the sect has arranged for people to deal with it."

The moon listened, and the fluffy face was also full of seriousness:

"This may have something to do with the actions of various sects in the cultivation world. Our side has cleaned up and killed them so hard, so they naturally want to hide. The ordinary world is the best choice."

Jian Gui nodded when he heard that, and then said:
"Only by killing them all can we rest easy."

"Well! Your Majesty has been deploying this matter, and I hope this crisis can be resolved as soon as possible."

One person, one pet communicated about this evil cultivation, and the flying boat was getting closer and closer to Tianxuan City.

Another brown-red vein under Xiexiu Haiyan's body was broken, which made him even more annoyed. He had already let the blood bag hide in the mortal world, and used the blood of those mortals to continue his life, but he was still strangled. There were only three remaining brown-red veins, and a trace of cruelty flashed in Haiyan's eyes.

Suddenly, Haiyan seemed to have a feeling that the cave where he was hiding was opened, and then a group of monks entered the cave cautiously.

"Hehe! It's delivered to your door."

This time Haiyan smiled ferociously, looking at the monks who entered with blood red eyes, these people will become his nourishment and continue his life.

At the moment, at the outskirts of the Yunhai Sect, the monks of the 'Xun' Hall have been hiding outside, waiting for the monks who entered the abode, and on the other side, the Yunhai Sect also arranged special personnel to wait on the outskirts, and there are still a group of monks who are holding a wait-and-see attitude.

It was three days after the first team crossed the undercurrent of the seabed and arrived at the cave. They followed the instructions on the map and opened the gate of the cave, and a cold air overflowed from the cave.

The dark gate of the cave was like a monster with its huge mouth open, waiting for someone to step in. The team of ten hesitated for a moment, and finally stepped into the gate of the cave.

Ten days passed, and the first team that entered the investigation didn't get any news back. Some monks who were watching outside couldn't bear it anymore. Don't let others take the lead. They discussed it and then entered the undercurrent area of ​​the seabed.

In this way, a team of nearly a hundred monks intermittently entered the so-called Da Neng Yi Mansion within a month, and among them was a team of monks from the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Tianjianzong Law Enforcement Hall
Simply filtered all the news received in the past few days, and listed the latest news of the Da Neng Yi Mansion, as well as the process of cleaning up the evil cultivators in the mortal world, and the inspection status of the seven major cities under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Sword Sect. , Let Wei Zhengrong report to himself at any time.

On the second day after Wu Siyuan left, Wei Zhengrong submitted the jade slips with simple and necessary news:

"My lord, this is what you asked me to collect. I have expanded the collection of unconfirmed news about Yunhaizong. This is all the information for nearly a thousand years. Please read it."

She simply nodded and took the jade slip. Because of the relatively large amount of information, she took it as gossip news and used it as a pastime in her spare time. She read it slowly and carefully distinguished the authenticity from the false.

Among these news, there is also a piece of news about Yunyun Zhenzun. It is rumored that she is in love with Feng Yunyi, the Tianyun Zhenzun of the Heavenly Sword Sect. It's mutual love.

Yun Yun was dejected and went back to the sect for retreat.In the end, Mo Mei disappeared, and Feng Yunyi was rescued by his master from Demon Flame of the Heavenly Demon Palace, and returned to the clan to recuperate for a hundred years.

After reading this news, simply based on the insider information I have, I am sure that [-]% of this news is true. The only thing that has not been confirmed is that Yun Yun really loves Feng Yunyi.

Simply tapping on the table table with her fingers, she closed her eyes and began to think. Yun Yun is now sitting in the Yunhai Sect, and the most optimistic about her is Han Pengfei, the younger generation of her clan.

Suddenly, Jian Jian's eyes lit up, his dao name is Haiyi, if he cultivates to the Mahayana stage in the future, then his dao name will be Yunyi!Feng Yunyi!So, it seems that this Yunyun Zhenzun is indeed Xinyue Tianyun Zhenzun.

Simply thinking about whether to take advantage of this and get some news from Yun Haizong. This method of filtering news like a needle in a haystack is the most stupid and slowest method. What they lack most now is time.

Simply put a touch on his storage bracelet, and took out the name post of Zhenzun Tianyun. This was given to him by Zhenzun in order to ask the Nine-tailed Demon King to help him when he went to the Yaozu, so that he could look at it. use.

At that time, with the help of Patriarch Bai Jue, he successfully met Nine Tails, so this famous card was not used.Jian Jian is still thinking about whether to use this post.

Wei Zhengrong entered the hall, presented Jian Jian a jade slip, and said:

"A 'blood sac' was found under the jurisdiction of the Yin Yang Gate, and it has just been wiped out."

(End of this chapter)

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