Chapter 530
Simply smiling and nodding, the moon jumped down from the jade table winkingly and turned into a little girl. She cupped her hands at Lang Xiao and said crisply:
"The moon has seen the patriarch of the wolf howl."

A rare smile appeared on Lang Xiao's ferocious face, he nodded to Yue Dian, and then said:
"I've heard of the moon a long time ago, but as the patriarch, I have never left the clan land, so I am lucky to meet you this time."

After waiting for both parties to see the ceremony, he said:
"The raccoon clan only survives in our Heavenly Sword Sect. I don't know if the monster clan has a place for them?"

"The demon lord has mentioned this matter before. According to the demon lord, the fact that the raccoons and beasts suffered such heavy losses is related to the chaos of the demon clan at that time, but the demon clan did not do nothing."

Lang Xiao's words made Yue Yue and Jian Jian raise their eyebrows when they heard it, and the consistent movements made the corners of Lang Xiao's mouth twitch.

"The raccoon clan has always been special among the monster clan. For us who are also the monster clan, the raccoon beast's lethality is limited, but for human cultivators, their ability to attack the sea of ​​consciousness and soul is very great. Help, if they are recognized by the raccoon orcs, they will become a great help for human cultivation."

Simply turning his eyes, he opened his mouth and said:

"From what you're saying, there are still people who are cultivating here."

"Your Majesty is wise, there is indeed this factor, because at that time the competition for the position of the demon king had reached a feverish level, so there was no demon master who could preside over the overall situation, so the black hands behind the scenes could take advantage of it."

Simply shaking his round fan, he said lightly:

"Aside from evil cultivators, who else is interfering with it?"

"This Nine-Tailed Demon Lord is not sure. He just said that there seems to be a shadow of the Kong family behind him."

After listening briefly, her eyes flashed, and the Kong family was actually involved. The Kong family seemed to be doing things that were not conducive to the Heavenly Sword Sect. She needed to investigate this matter carefully.

Because of Feng Nianyue's incident, the Hua family has almost disappeared from the cultivation world, and the Kong family has been keeping a low profile since Kong Qiankun was thrown out.

In fact, it was simple to suspect at the beginning, and this Kong family may not be very innocent, but at that time, their own people were very light-hearted, and the Kong family reacted very quickly, pushing all the mistakes to Kong Qiankun.

And Kong Qiankun also insisted that he did not properly handle his admirer, which caused the incident, and did not bite out the family.

At that time, Lord Jianjun asked the Law Enforcement Hall to issue a black mission order to Kong Qiankun. On the one hand, it was to eliminate the Hua family, and on the other hand, it was also to test the Kong family. That's why Jianjun put the matter aside, but she didn't expect to show her tail here now.

Lang Xiaojian simply listened in, and continued:
"Nine-Tails, who was not yet the demon master at that time, secretly contacted the powerful monk of the Heavenly Sword Sect who was related to the raccoon clan, and saved the current branch, but on the surface, the nine-tailed demon master did not help .”

Jian Jian listened and glanced at the moon, and what the wolf roar said was in line with what the ancestor of the raccoon beast said, but there was a helping hand from Nine Tails in the middle, which surprised Jian Jian a little.

"I already know about this matter. Thank you for letting me know. Does the demon master have any instructions regarding the return of the raccoon beast to the demon clan?"

Jian Jian didn't get too entangled in the previous question. If she has a direction, she can find out naturally. It's best not to let her know that there is an entanglement between the Kong family and Xie Xiu, otherwise the Fu family will be their end.

"Before this matter, the demon lord told me that the land of the raccoon beast clan is still reserved, and they are welcome to return to the demon clan at any time."

"This matter has troubled the demon master. If he can get the demon master's approval, the difficulty for the raccoon clan to return will be greatly reduced."

Simply said with a smile, then wiped his storage bracelet, took out a transparent white jade bottle and a storage bag, and pushed these two things towards Lang Xiao:
"Patriarch Wolf Howl brought you this good news. This is my heart. The purple heart fruit can improve one level of cultivation without hidden dangers. This drop of 'immortal liquid' can help improve blood, suitable for the younger generation of the clan. .”

A smile finally appeared on Lang Xiao's serious and fierce face. The gifts given by Master Jian Slaughter are all for his own cubs. After returning, he will let Lord Nine Tails look at them. If there is no problem, he will let him Xiaoyue used it.

"Lang Xiao thanked His Majesty for his kindness, so he had the audacity to accept it."

"The patriarch of the wolf howl accepted it, so I can ask you to take care of the return of the raccoon clan in the future."

"Nature, nature."

As the saying goes, by being soft on others, the wolf howl benefits, so naturally it has to take care of the raccoons and beasts.

The moon is also very clever, smiling and saluting:

"Thank you, Patriarch Lang Xiao. In the future, when the raccoon clan returns to the monster clan, they will definitely come to thank you."

This matter has been roughly finalized, Lang Xiao chatted a few more words, and took the benefits with his subordinates, and returned to his temporary cave.

The moon jumped back to its original shape, nestled in Jian Jian's embrace, with the quilt along the fur, and even hummed a couple of times comfortably.

"Moon, after you go back, you can talk to your ancestors in detail. My opinion is that there is no need for the whole family to return. Some of the people who are willing to return can go to the Yaozu to explore the way first, and then slowly move there. , the Heavenly Sword Sect regards it as your clan's retreat."

After listening to the simple words, the moon nodded her hairy head to show that she understood,

"My lord, are you paving the way for us?"

Simply touched the hand of the moon, paused slightly, and said with a smile:

"The moon already knows."

"Hmm! I have heard the patriarch of the Yaozu, Lang Xiao, and his subordinates say that in two hundred years, the place where the sect is located will become a battlefield."

"Yes, there will be a very difficult stage afterwards, so I want you to go back to the Yaozu clan, whether it is to recuperate, or to awaken your talents, it will always be good for you."

"The monster clan also has its own tough battle to fight. Our raccoon beast clan has returned, and we will also participate in the war."

"You little brains, you can turn around quite quickly, indeed, but it is always beneficial to you to be in the land of the demon clan."

The moon was a little reluctant, arched in Jian Jian's arms, and then said:

"During the war, I must stay by your side, you can't drive me away."

"Okay, the moon is my contract partner, so it's natural to help me, how can I let you go!"

After listening to the simple promise, the moon was satisfied, and the fluffy tail hooked the simple wrist again.

"If you can successfully kill the evil cultivator this time, you have to use the limited time to improve your cultivation base."

Simply arrange tasks for the moon, but they will not be soft-hearted.

"Your Majesty, you still think that I am not quick to advance in cultivation!"

The moon raised her small head and began to fight for herself.

Simply tap the small forehead of the moon, and then quietly said:

"I don't want to rush you like this, but if you don't advance to the rank as soon as possible, how will you deal with the next big battle? If we win, we will face ascension next. Are you going to ascend with me if you are not at the ninth rank?"

When the moon heard it, she immediately stood up and said loudly:

"The moon will definitely work hard not to be a drag on His Majesty, and will soar up together with His Majesty at that time."

"Okay, you are ambitious!"

At this time, Wei Zhengrong came to Tianyue Peak in a hurry, without waiting for the transmission, and entered the simple cave together with Mochizuki.

"Your Majesty, there is the latest news from the 'Xun' hall. A distracted cultivator from the Heavenly Sword Sect who entered the Da Neng Yi Mansion escaped and sent a distress signal."

(End of this chapter)

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