Chapter 543 Let It Go

It was easy to leave. I don't know how Yin Zhenzun and Yun Yun discussed it. After returning to the temporary cave, he hugged the moon from his shoulders, stroked the moon's fur, and asked softly:

"Moon, they agreed to get rid of the evil cultivator's soul, are you sure?"

The moon wagged its tail, closed its eyes and nestled in Jian Jian’s arms, opened its bright black eyes after hearing the question, thought for a while before saying:
"Your Majesty, when I shot yesterday, I tried my best to avoid that kid's spirit, but there was still a third of it left. I planned to kill him with the second blow."

"Ok, I know."

It is not surprising that this is so simple. It is still easy for the moon to kill a monk in the Nascent Soul stage.

After a brief and careful recollection, there was no incident about Haiyan, a great evil cultivator, in the last life. Even if there was an evil cultivator, it was only in the cultivation world, and he did not become a public enemy, but was regarded as an accidental incident.

After a brief analysis by myself, Haiyan did not lose the support of the "blood sac" in her previous life. Although she was faced with the dilemma of not being able to ascend, she could at least persevere, at least until she merged with Yin Zhengchuan.

In this life, because of his own intervention, Haiyan's "blood sac" was exposed. From the cultivation world to the human world, he had nowhere to hide, and all the arrangements were exposed early.

It is estimated that in the last world, Haiyan finally replaced this Yin Zhengchuan, otherwise how can he explain that he can reach the Mahayana stage from the current Nascent Soul in less than a thousand years.

And Du Yanran is even more unprofitable. As a direct descendant of the Yin family, Yin Zhengchuan has good talent, is protected by the family and sect, and his own strength is not bad. He is Du Yanran's favorite type to befriend.

In this life, Yin Zhengchuan didn't pose a threat to her, but was controlled by her own life. It was up to her whether to let him survive, but, just like what she said to Liu Chuan, the world of cultivation needed a common enemy.

As for whether this enemy can exist, it all depends on the intentions of Yun Haizong and the Yin family.

"Junior Sister, have you already met True Venerable Yun Yun?"

Jianmao walked slowly towards Jianmao's cave, with a jug of wine in his hand, Jianjian got up immediately, and brought senior brother Jianmao into the cave with the moon.

"Let senior brother worry about it, I just came back from Yunhai Peak."

After the two sat down, Jian Mao put the jug on the jade table and said:

"I got your spirit wine yesterday, tasted it, and thought it tasted good. Today, I have the audacity to ask you for another jar. I also brought you a pot of my favorite 'cold spring'. You can try it."

As he spoke, he pushed the white jade jug to a simple level, and then took it with a simple smile. He knew that the other party's coming to ask for a drink was just an excuse, and the real purpose was to ask her how she was talking with Yunyun Zhenzun.

With a simple wave of his hand, he released two ice jade cups and another jar of "Purple Jade Refreshing Heart Wine", and handed them to the other party:

"Brother, drink it first, if you really like it, you can brew it yourself, this is the recipe."

A jade slip was also delivered to Jianmao.

"Oh! I'm drinking a glass of wine, why did I ask my junior sister to take the wine prescription!"

Jian Mao said with an embarrassed smile.

"Brother, please be polite. This is not a secret recipe. It mainly needs purple jade spirit rice and spirit spring to brew. The higher the level of spirit spring, the purer the brewed wine and the more spiritual power it will be."

"Okay, then brother, you're welcome."

The two poured a glass of "Cold Brew Spring" each before turning the topic to Yin Zhengchuan.

After listening to the simple narration, Jianmao didn't take it seriously.

"How to do it depends on their Yun Haizong's attitude, but if they want you to take the blame, that's not okay."

"Yes, I have the same thoughts as my brother, just wait for their news now."

"Junior Sister's spiritual pet is very special, and she will be required to take action at that time."

After listening briefly, he touched the moon's head and said with a smile:
"She's called Moon, and she's the spirit beast of our Heavenly Sword Sect 'Yaofeng'. When I participated in the selection of the Law Enforcement Hall, I made a contract. If they agree, it will indeed be the moon who made the move this time. This is the talent of their clan."

"Hehe! After they knew that they forced you to stay, it was your spiritual pet who shot. I don't know what expression they will have."

After hearing Jianmao's words, the two looked at each other and smiled, while Yueyue wagged her tail arrogantly.

Before leaving the simple cave, Jianmao said:

"Zhenzun just gave you three days. After three days, if we can't wait for their reply, we still leave on time."

"Yes, Jianlu understands."

Since Yin Zhengchuan woke up, he felt that he had been standing on the edge of the cliff, and everyone looked at him a little strangely, as if he was already an evil cultivator, but neither the great-great-grandfather nor Master Yunyun found anything on him.

He felt that Master Jian Slaughter of the Heavenly Sword Sect seemed to dislike him, but he was sure that this was the first time he had seen him, and he had never sinned against a monk of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

As the N generation of cultivators, he also has his own pride. If his own existence would bring shame to the family and sect, he was unwilling.


Yin Zhenzun's voice brought back the thoughts of Yin Zhengchuan who was sitting in a daze. He immediately got up and saluted the ancestor.

"Sit down! I want to hear your opinion. After all, this matter is about your life."

Yin Zhenzun's tone was heavy, he had not reached an agreement with Yun Yun Zhenzun just now.

What Jian Lu of Tian Jianzong said is true, although there is no substantive evidence, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that all the blame points to Yin Zhengchuan, and it is really far-fetched for him to ask Jian Lu for evidence in the hall.

"Old Ancestor, I have been missing for a hundred years. During these hundred years, I don't know what I have experienced. Although you and Master Yunyun have not discovered anything, I have a feeling that there is always something wrong. !"

Yin Zhenzun's heart sank after hearing what his great-great-grandson said. It seemed that this was the worst possible outcome.

"Since Master Jian Slaughter said that it can be eliminated, I am willing to give it a try."

Yin Zhenzun listened, sighed, and said:
"Have you thought it through?"

"Yes, the ending is already foreseen, why not fight once, if I can get rid of the evil spirit, I still have a chance to survive, if I become a mortal, at least I can pass on the family to the next generation, if unfortunately life and death, you send me into reincarnation That's enough, and it can save the sect and the family from being humiliated."

"Okay, you are indeed a descendant of my Yin family! I will notify Jian Lu tomorrow."

Yin Zhenzun told Zhenzun Yunyun the final decision, and Zhenzun Yunyun nodded in response without saying much.

When the messenger left, she asked Han Pengfei to meet Jian Jian and bring a word to Jian Jian.

When Han Pengfei arrived at Yunyin Peak, he hadn't calmed down yet. He didn't understand how his always kind aunt would let him say such a sentence.

When he saw simplicity, he was a little ashamed to speak.


After asking Han Pengfei to sit down, he simply asked directly:
"But there is a final decision?"

After listening to the simple question, Han Pengfei straightened his expression and said:

"Yes, Yin Zhenjun and Yin Zhengchuan are willing to give it a try, please do it."

For the other party's choice, simplicity is not surprising, and he nodded to show that he knew.

But Han Pengfei didn't leave, but he didn't know how to speak, and relayed his aunt's words to Jian Jian.

Simply seeing the other party's hesitation, he turned his eyes and said directly:
"But what orders does Master Yunyun have?"

After hearing the simple words, Han Pengfei realized that he had been standing for a while, and then Nuonuo said:
"Zhenzun Yunyun asked me to bring you a sentence"

"But you want Yin Zhengchuan to die directly when he is getting rid of the evil soul?"

(End of this chapter)

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