Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 564 Returning to the Monster Race

Chapter 564 Returning to the Monster Race
The tall and strong figure of the leader of the Wolf Howl clan appeared under the banyan tree like a moving mountain, and even Lu Se, who was beside Jianjian, unconsciously took a small step back.

"Lang Xiao pays homage to Master Jian Slaughter!"

"The patriarch of the wolf howl is too polite, are you still used to staying at the welcome peak?"

Simply raise your hand and let the other person sit down.

Lu Se had already stepped forward, arranged a larger jade stool in front of the jade table, and respectfully let Lang Xiao sit down.

"Thank you for your concern. The monks of Tianjianzong have taken good care of us. I came here this time to confirm the return of the raccoon beasts to the monster clan. If there is no decision, the wolf howl can only return first. You can’t be left alone for a day.”

Lang Xiao's scarred face showed a ferocity, but his words were measured and his meaning was clearly expressed.

He just waited for the simple words, if the raccoons and beasts return, he will take them back along the way, if there is no final decision, he will return to the monsters.

"This matter has indeed delayed the return of the wolf howl patriarch. I have arranged for the Yue Hui clan to deal with this matter. There should be a decision in the next few days. I will call her to ask."

After the words fell, simply pass the contract and summon the moon.

Taking advantage of these few days, Yue Yue has already assisted the patriarch of the raccoon beast and Xing Xing to take care of the affairs of the clan, and was about to return to Tianyue Peak to report to the lord, when he received the call.

"Old Ancestor, Xing Xing, Your Majesty summoned me, I don't know why? I will come as soon as I go."

The moon explained to the ancestors, and then disappeared in a flash.

The moon appeared again, and has come to Jian Jian,
"My lord, you summoned me!"

The crisp sound of the moon sounded.

He nodded with a simple smile and said:

"Is it possible to discuss the return of your family?"

Yue Yue had already spotted the patriarch of the Wolf Howl at the side, and immediately arched his little paws to salute. After hearing the simple question, he immediately said:
"The ancestors said that for the development of the raccoon clan, it is better to return to the monster clan to practice. The patriarch is already preparing, and he is going to move there in batches."

Simply listening to what the moon said, he knew that the other party still thought that returning to the monster clan and the raccoon beast clan would have a higher chance of awakening their talent skills, so they made this decision.

"That's a good relationship. It just so happens that the patriarch of the wolf howl came to say goodbye to me. Those of you who want to go back can go with the patriarch of the wolf howl and have someone to take care of you. If you enter the clan of the monster clan, there will also be someone who recommends you. It's better than the two of you. It's better to have a black eye."

Simply said with a smile.

The moon reacted very quickly, and immediately turned to the patriarch of the wolf howl, bowing and saluting:
"In this way, the moon will ask the patriarch of Langxiao to lead the way for the clansmen."

"The moon is polite."

Lang Xiao's words are considered to be a promise to bring the raccoons and beasts back to the monsters.

The rest of the matter went much smoother, and it was simple and not polite, and directly ordered the moon:

"Yue Yue, go to the affairs hall to find Yu Yuanhai, rent a flying boat, be defensive, if your sect points are not enough, use mine."

After speaking briefly, he turned to the patriarch of the Wolf Howl and asked:

"When will the patriarch of Wolf Howl prepare to leave?"

"The sooner the better!"

Lang Xiao also had a blunt temper, which was already wasting time, so he just said it bluntly.

The moon blinked its black and bright eyes, and then replied to Jian Jian and Lang Xiao:

"Your Majesty and Patriarch Lang Xiao, please don't worry, the clan is ready, Yue Yue will rent a flying boat, take the clansmen to meet up with Patriarch Lang Xiao at Yingke Peak."

"Okay, let's go!"

After dismissing the moon with a simple wave, he turned to the patriarch Lang Howl, took out two storage rings from the storage bracelet, and pushed them to the other party.

"Thanks to the Nine-Tailed Demon Lord's action this time, we were able to lock down the evil cultivator's lair so that we could kill him in one fell swoop. This is the drink I specially prepared for the Demon Lord, and I hope the Patriarch Lang Xiao will pass it on to us."

After finishing speaking, Jian pointed to another one and continued:

"The moon is my contracted spiritual pet. It is inevitable that I love my house and my crows. I will pay more attention to their affairs. This time, I will trouble the leader of the wolf howl patriarch. I know that there are many descendants in your clan. This is some high-grade spiritual spring water. Practice, you can also wash the essence and cut the marrow, count it as my thank you gift!"

After hearing this, Lang Xiao got up immediately, took the two storage rings respectfully, and then replied:
"Lang Xiao will pass on the gift from the lord to the demon master, and accept the gift from the lord brazenly."

Simply smiled and nodded.

"Your Majesty, Lang Xiao will bid farewell here, and return to Yingke Peak first, waiting for the clansmen of the moon."

Lang Xiao returned to Yingke Peak, and greeted the clansmen that they were going back to the clan land. Everyone was revived from the state of laziness with full blood. After a while, everything was sorted out, and they waited for the patriarch's order to leave Tianjianzong.

Although, since they came to Tianjianzong, they have received good hospitality, and the aura of Yingke Peak where they are located is also abundant, but they still feel uncomfortable. Since the patriarch has not spoken, they can only hold back. Now Finally able to leave, everyone is in high spirits.

Lang Xiao squinted his eyes, knowing what the tribe was thinking, but this time it was not a waste of time, at least it was worthwhile for them to stay for a while.

He had seen the spiritual spring water in the storage ring just now, and it was indeed of the top grade, it was very rare, and only someone as powerful as His Majesty would give it away casually.

This spiritual spring water also has an effect on him. Even if he just smelled it to confirm the grade, he felt that his cultivation base in the middle of the seventh grade was a little loose. This time when he went back to Langxiao, he planned to close a small test with Xiaoyue.

Besides the moon side, she first went to the affairs hall of Tianjian Peak, found Director Yu Yuanhai, and said her request. Without further ado, Director Yu immediately dispatched a newly refined black flying boat, whose defense power was The best so far.

Yue Yue handed over the sword pendant around his neck to Yu Yuanhai, and added:
"Director Yu, if I don't have enough sect points, I'll replenish the spirit stones."

The moon doesn't want to draw the honor's points. After all, this matter belongs to her family. The honor has already expended a lot of effort to plan for her own clan. She doesn't want to rely on the honor for everything.

The clansmen have returned to the Yao clan, and how they develop in the future depends on themselves. She and the lord can't help, so before that, she should try her best to help the ancestors arrange everything.

"The moon's points are enough, there is no need to replenish the spirit stone."

Yu Yuanhai handed a storage bag to the moon, and then he hesitated to speak.

The moon was in a hurry, and without asking further questions, she stepped out of the main hall of the affairs hall.

Entering "Medicine Peak" again, the ancestors and the stars seem to be waiting for her.

"What is your lord asking you to do?"

Xing Xing spoke first.

"The patriarch of the wolf howl clan came to bid farewell to the lord. In order for our raccoon clan to return to the monster clan smoothly, the lord specifically asked the patriarch of the wolf howl to guide us."

The ancestor of the raccoon beast and Xing Xing looked at each other, and there was joy in their eyes. Originally, their hearts were a little bit drummed, but now it's all right. With a leader, at least they won't be excluded, and the trip can go smoothly.

"Your Majesty specially arranged for me to rent a flying boat from the sect, and now I can arrange for the clansmen to board the boat, and then we will go to Yingke Peak to meet the patriarch Lang Xiao, and I will send you out of the sect."

The moon said all the follow-up arrangements in one breath, and then looked at the ancestor.

"Okay, I'll arrange for the clansmen to gather at the foot of the peak."

Xing Xing immediately understood and went to the green bamboo forest to inform everyone.

The ancestor of the raccoon beast touched the little head of the moon, with a gratified smile on his face,

"Moon, the ancestors have seen everything you have done for the clan. After we return to the monster clan, you only need to stay by the side of Lord Sword Slaughter, and leave the rest to Xingxing."

(End of this chapter)

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