Chapter 586
"Hmm! It's not bad, at least the scope has narrowed."

Jian Jing is very optimistic, and finally has some gains.

After listening briefly, he nodded, and then said to Jian Po:

"Make all the results of the inquiries into jade slips and give them to friend Hao Meng. After all, they are the ones who chased him down."

"Yes, Your Honor!"

Jianpo acted immediately, took out a blank jade slip, stuck it directly between the eyebrows, entered the information, and handed it to Hao Meng.

Hao Meng immediately took the jade slip, with a smile on his face, which showed that Lord Jian Lun gave all the credit to himself.

Although he was tracked by the monks of their Jiusha Temple, the most critical information was indeed obtained by others.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for helping me to get such important news."

"You don't need to thank me. I only ask for one thing. The credit is yours. You should go back to the Nine Demon Palace as soon as possible and bring the news back to your palace master. In addition, it is best to inform the major sects so that everyone can know what they are doing. After all, the battle had already begun when the Zerg stretched their feet over."

"Yes, Hao Meng understands."

On this point, Hao Meng can still make it clear. After all, he has also participated in the battle of "Underworld". It was still vivid in his mind, and he still couldn't forget the overwhelming bugs.

"Your Majesty, this matter is over, we will set off immediately to return to the Hall of Nine Demons. I wonder if Your Majesty has any other orders?"

"No, you go!"

After simply waving his hands, Hao Meng saw that he was allowed to go, and immediately bowed to the two lords, and left Xianlai Inn with his staff.

Hao Meng felt that his eyelids were twitching so badly, he walked out of the gate of Xianlai Inn, led his people straight to the teleportation hall, and left Tianquan City in the teleportation array.

After everyone arrived at Yaoguang City through the teleportation array, they transferred to another teleportation array non-stop, and returned directly to the territory of the Demon Sect.

Not long after Hao Meng left Xianlai Inn, a group of monks left Xianlai Inn one after another, secretly checking the whereabouts of Hao Meng and his party.

And the simple three people in the box were talking about the news they had just received.

"Jian Po, send the news back to the Law Enforcement Hall and ask Zheng Rong to report to Brother Jian Li. The family monks here are probably going to be investigated."

Simplicity is also a headache, and this time it must be a flurry of nonsense.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the news has been sent back just now. In the territory of Tianjianzong, they will definitely not let them succeed."

Jianpo is also very fast, and has already sent the message back.

"Hasn't Liuli come back yet?"

While asking briefly, Jin Liuli had already left the courtyard where her aunt was, and was not in a hurry to see the Patriarch, but turned around and rushed to the Xianlai Inn where the others stayed.

The moment she stepped into the Xianlai Inn, Liuli noticed that some people were staring at the box on the second floor. When she went to pull the restraint, she felt more clearly that those people seemed to pay no attention, so she frowned slightly, and she was sure. These people stared at the place where the three of them were.

Jin Liuli, who entered the box, saluted the three of them first, and then told everyone the news she had received when she returned to her family.

After listening to Liuli's narration, everyone felt a little tricky. After all, this is a family matter within the Jin family. It would be bad for them to intervene forcibly.

Most importantly, this matter was voluntary by Jin Liuli's aunt.

In simple terms, this is also a deal between her aunt and the family.

Jin Ai gambled on her special physique, and poisoned Young Master Yao onto her body. Young Master Yao was alive. Whether she could withstand the erosion of this toxin depended on her ability.

If she can withstand this poison, maybe she can use this poison to break through the distraction period in one fell swoop, then she can be regarded as repaying the family's kindness of nurturing, and fulfilling her promise to the Yao family.

If she can't bear this kind of poison, she will die, or be tortured by this poison forever, then she will naturally lose her use value, but no one can blame him, the family's kindness is the same as Yao's request for her All done.

Therefore, no matter what the result is, she can officially leave the family. This is probably the most important reason why Jin Ai is willing to agree to the family.

After listening to the simple analysis, Liuli remained silent for a moment, there was indeed no room for change in this matter, and it was really inconvenient for His Majesty to intervene directly.

If my aunt was forced, she still had room to maneuver, but now she was really helpless.

She still couldn't stop thinking about the worst, and she also said bluntly to Her Majesty:
"Your Majesty, Liuli thinks that Auntie's going to Yao's house this time will definitely not have a good result."

Jian Jian and Jian Jing looked at each other. As high-level monks, the two could understand what Liuli said. This was the monk's sixth sense, and as Liuli's relatives, Jin Ai's bond made her feel more acute.

Jian Jian really wanted to use the golden 毐, and after thinking about it, he said:

"The reason why the Yao family wants to marry your aunt is to save Young Master Yao.
to solve this problem. "

Jin Liuli's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately raised his head and asked:

"Your Majesty means that the poison is directly detoxified? But"

Immediately, his eyes dimmed a bit. After all, the Yao family failed to detoxify the poison with all their strength, and even couldn't force it out of the body.

"Jian Lu, let's go and have a look. I'm also curious about what kind of poison it is, so hard to deal with."

Jian Jing understood the simple meaning and said directly.

"Hmm! I agree with Senior Sister's suggestion. I want to see what kind of poison is so powerful."

After hearing this, Jin Liuli bowed gratefully and made a big gift:
"Thank you two lords for your love for Liuli!"

"Senior sister, the two of us will be master doctors and trainers this time."

Said to Jian Jing with a simple smile.

"Okay, I didn't expect to have this kind of experience when I came out this time."

While talking and laughing, the two of them set a general direction for their actions.

"Liuli, go back and explain the situation to the Patriarch first, and then come to pick us up. I'll discuss the conditions."

"Yes, Liuli understands."

At this time, Jin Liuli had returned to her usual expression, since His Majesty helped her so much, she couldn't afford to lose the chain.

Then Jin Liuli said again:

"Your Majesty, I just found some people in the lobby of the inn. They seem to be staring at this place. I don't know what happened? But I want to send them all away."

"It should be that the people from the Nine Evil Palace had contact with us before, and when the people from the Nine Evil Palace left, they turned their attention to us."

Jianpo explained the situation just now, and Liuli's heart skipped a beat when she heard that the new type of "blood worm" was actually among the family monks in Tianquan City.

"My lord, can I tell the Patriarch this news?"

"Okay, you can start checking from your own home!"

Regarding this news, Jian Jian and Jian Jing didn't intend to hide it, and they had to investigate as soon as possible to prevent the "blood worm" from lurking.

"You go back first!"

After simply sending Jin Liuli away, he went directly to the courtyard "Feixian Pavilion" that had been booked with shopkeeper Wan before.

When the three of them left the box on the second floor, someone was indeed staring at them. After confirming that Jian Jian and his party had landed in Xianlai Inn, they did not take any action.

Kong Xingkun, who was in the other box, looked at the stalker, and immediately thought about how to win the beauty's favor.

And Lan Yi hurried to Xianlai Inn, saluted Kong Xingkun, and then reported:

"Young master, the details of the three female cultivators have not been found!"

(End of this chapter)

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