Chapter 605
Kong Silage just closed his eyes and meditated, as if he didn't hear what Jian Jian said. The other monks of the Kong family in the hall just winked at each other, and no one dared to transmit the sound in front of the real venerable.

Kong Yi went back and forth, and after entering the hall, he bowed to the ancestor and presented three storage bracelets for the ancestor to have a look at.

After seeing it, Kong Silage directly waved his hand and asked Master Kong to give the storage bracelet to the three of them.

Jian Jing was not polite at all, she scanned it with her spiritual sense, and found that there were millions of top-quality spirit stones inside, she was quite satisfied, and directly waved the spirit stones into her storage bracelet.

Simple is the same operation. Jianpo followed suit, only took the spirit stone, and did not directly leave the storage bracelet.

Kong Wei was not embarrassed, and directly took back the storage bracelet that had been swept away.

At this time, a flying sword sent a letter directly to Kong Wei. After the master Kong took it, his consciousness swept away, and his face was half black.

It is easy to know that this is the letter that Kong Hui sent to the family to report the letter after returning to the cultivation world.

Simple like this kind of plot, although you are late, you will arrive eventually, but if you are late, you are late.

Jian Jing also knew what was going on with the biography, so she got up and said:

"Since the matter has been resolved, let's go back to the sect first without delaying Kong Zhenzun's teaching the younger generation."

The patriarch of the Kong family nodded, and Kong Ni immediately stepped forward to lead the way for the three of them, trying to respectfully send the three plague gods away smoothly.

When Jian Jian walked to Kong Xingkun's side, he lifted the opponent's chin with a round fan, and forced Kong Xingkun to look at her. The blue light in his eyes flashed, and he said with a smile:
"Kong Xiaoyou, if you change your mind and come to Tianyue Peak to look for me at any time, the door of my cave will always be open for you! But you are no longer a child, and you can only be a servant at my place."

The startled Kong Xingkun was covered in cold sweat, and hurriedly said, "Don't dare!"

Backed away again and again, dodging the simple tuanfan.

"Tsk tsk! It's boring!"

After muttering something briefly, he fell behind the senior sister and left the hall.

After Jian Jian and the three left the Kong clan, the patriarch of the Kong family brought Kong Xingkun in front of him, and asked the other party to tell him what happened without any concealment.

Kong Xingkun knew that his recklessness this time made the clan lose face and lost the spirit stone, so he didn't dare to lie. After explaining the whole process clearly, he directly punished himself and went to retreat to face the wall.

Kong Xingkun simply punished himself, patted his ass and left, but his servants became scapegoats, because they didn't help his young master well, so they were all wiped out of cultivation and sent to the outermost periphery to plant spiritual fields .

"Yeah, the two of them took advantage of this and just came to my Kong Clan to go around and ask for some spirit stones as compensation. Isn't it a bit thunderous and rainy?"

The patriarch of the Kong family asked Patriarch Kong while stroking his beard.

Kong Yuyuan's face was also full of doubts, and then he said:

"It's probably because I was concerned about my Kong family's influence in the sect, so it was so anticlimactic."

"No, others may take care of it, but Jianlu will not. She is like a lone wolf. The prey she bites will not let go easily. Look at what happened to the Fu family. At that time, she only had the cultivation of the peak. Because, dare to kill at the door."

"It's also because there is indeed a problem with the Fu family, and people caught the handle because of their injustice. Xingkun's mistakes can be big or small, and they don't need to hold on to them."

"You were not here just now, she said that someone in my Kong family spread rumors about her, is this really the case?"

"Yes, some people in the clan secretly passed on that on the day Jian Li returned to the Law Enforcement Hall, Jian Lun returned to Tianyue Peak and never participated in any affairs of the Law Enforcement Hall, so..."

When Kong Silage heard this, he said directly:

"What nonsense, others don't know, you, the patriarch, should know that anyone can be the acting head of the law enforcement hall? It must be approved by the Zongmen Mahayana, otherwise no one will buy her account!"

"This matter was an oversight. It should have been done by people from Kong Qiankun's lineage. I will shut them up!"

"Forget it, they still hate me for giving up on Kong Qiankun. It seems that I have been too kind to them these years, making them think that I can continue to consume my patience. You go and find out, all the people who spread rumors are transferred back to the clan, according to Clan rules."

"Yes, Patriarch. It was a last resort to give up Kong Qiankun back then, otherwise we would have become enemies with the True God of Fortune and the Heavenly Sword Sect, and the whole family would be implicated at that time. Besides, they were too ambitious and vain Control the family through the direct lineage of the Mahayana True Venerable."

"It doesn't make any sense to say these things anymore. At that time, Jian Jun, the official hall master, was in charge. If he digs deeper, it is difficult to guarantee that we will not be the next Bian family."

Kong Silage also suffers from headaches. As the family grows, there are many different voices, and each branch has its own selfishness.

"I understand the embarrassment of the ancestors. I will deal with their branch carefully this time."

On this side, the Kong family has decided to deal with the family members who spread rumors, while on the other side, Jian Jian and his party of three have already caught up with Huizong's flying boat, and boarded the flying boat in a low-key manner. Only Wu Siyuan and Jianwu knew that the three of them had left more than halfway. day.

Seeing that the three returned were in a good mood, Wu Siyuan and Jianwu exchanged glances without asking any further questions.

Back in the cabin, Liuli and Jin Ai went up to greet her. After saluting, Liuli blinked her big eyes, wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask, and could only look at the simplicity.

"I'm going back to the sect soon, so please tell your aunt about the situation in the sect."

After speaking briefly, he sent the two of them away, but Liuli had no choice but to leave the cabin with her aunt.

"Junior Sister, did you succeed?"

"Hmm! It was the ancestor of his family who gave me the opportunity. Everyone of the high-ranking monks of the Kong family present has a share."

The simple smile is cunning, and the answer is very straightforward.

"You also took care of the ancestor of the Kong family?"

"Naturally, who told him to bully us with coercion."

"Junior Sister's spiritual sense seems to be stronger than her cultivation?"

Jian Jing asked directly, after all, just now was the coercion of the Mahayana period, even though it was the early stage, it was still one level higher than the two of them, Jian Po on the side also looked at Jian Jian curiously.

"This is due to the exercises I practiced. After being forged, my spiritual consciousness is one level higher than my cultivation base."

"I see."

After hearing the simple explanation, Jian Jing didn't continue to ask further questions. After all, this involves personal cultivation skills, and it is not appropriate to ask too many questions.

Jian Jing didn't know yet that Jian Jian had already put the exercises he practiced into the Library Pavilion, and among the disciples accepted by the Zongmen this time, there will be people who practice "Heaven and Earth Chaos Technique" in the future, and will use this technique Carrying forward, and surpassing the so-called orthodox Jian family, of course, this is all for later.

When the flying boat of Tianjianzong was sailing towards the sect, Tianmo Palace also received news from Jiusha Palace about the new type of "blood worm" entering the realm of comprehension.

Mo Su looked at the news sent by the Nine Demons Palace, and he never let go of his brows. This time, the Nine Demons Palace has made a contribution. He did not expect the Zerg to move so quickly, and the thing he was most worried about happened after all. .

It has been a while since Mo Su has not returned to Moyan Peak. Recently, he has been handling palace affairs in the main hall of Tianmo Peak. In the future, he will take over the position of palace lord.

"Mo Su, I heard that Lord Mo Lie is ready to let you take over the position of Palace Master?"

 Dear readers!Today is New Year's Eve, and Feng Ling hereby wishes everyone a very auspicious Year of the Tiger, a new year with a new atmosphere, a lot of money, and smooth sailing in career, love, and family!I also hope that you can take care of your health while you are busy!
  Here are ten chapters of explosive updates to welcome the New Year together, I hope you like it.

(End of this chapter)

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