Chapter 607 Showing the harvest
Simply release the spatial cage composed of his own chaotic spiritual power. Inside the cage are bloodworms that have shrunk to [-] centimeters, quietly floating in the center of the cage, as if they were dead.

Jian Li, Qi Hua, Wei Zhengrong, and Jian Wu, who rushed back afterward, all swept away their spiritual sense and looked at this new type of Zerg carefully.

Jianwu stepped forward directly, ready to take a closer look, but the blood worm, who was just pretending to be dead, suddenly shot the vein tentacles on his body in the direction of Jianwu.

Jianwu raised his eyebrows, ready to go, but in the next breath, those vein tentacles retracted faster than when they popped out, because when these tentacles touched the wall of the space cage, they immediately melted part of them, and the blood worm had to Withdraw the tentacles, and then continue to play dead.

"It's really alive!"

Qi Hua's eyes widened, and she circled around the space cage, but this time the blood worm learned her lesson and never stretched out her tentacles again.

After simply eating another snack, he continued:
"I just forced the blood worm into Senior Sister Jian Jing's space cage, but I didn't expect this thing to break a hole in Senior Sister's space cage."

After hearing the simple words, Jian Li at the top turned his gaze to the other party, frowned and said:
"Senior Sister Jianjing's cultivation is higher than yours and mine, how could such a bug break open!"

"Who said no!"

Simple and emotional, continued to explain:
"Senior brother knows the nature of my spiritual root. I re-condensed this cage to trap this blood worm. I also tested it. The golden light of merit can harm the opponent."

"My lord, you are willing to use the golden light of merit to try."

Qi Hua on the side was speechless.

"You must know the weakness of this thing, otherwise, if you bring this living thing back to the sect, wouldn't it lead wolves into the house! Didn't you see that the blood worm started to act like a demon when Jianwu approached just now?"

Jianwu had finished observing at close range, returned to his master, and asked Wei Zhengrong in a low voice what was going on, and the other party directly gave him a jade slip for him to read.

"Junior Sister, after you asked Jian Po to send a message back, the Zongmen also received a message from the Nine Evil Palace of the Demon Sect, but I didn't expect that Junior Sister acted so quickly and had already captured the blood worm."

Although Jianwu already knew the general situation of the matter through the jade slip sent by Jianpo, but after confirming it with his own eyes, he still had to sigh that Jianlu's luck was really good.

"Thank you brother for your praise. I can only say that it was a coincidence. Who would have expected that a visit to Yao's house would bring out a blood worm. However, how many blood worms are left and where are they? We don’t know anything about it.”

"Furthermore, what the distracted cultivator captured through the Nine Shattered Temple, the targets of this parasitism are all selective. For example, the young son of the Yao family has outstanding spiritual roots and strength, while the old man of the Yao family Zu has spared no effort to save his descendants."

"Indeed, this is a bit difficult!"

"This matter, let the senior brother take care of it!"

Simply put down the teacup and said with a smile.

"Jin Ai is currently at my peak. I suggest that she be admitted to the 'Comprehensive' hall to study how to poison and kill this blood worm. Do you think it is feasible, brother?"

"Well! I have no objection to this matter. Let her go to the general hall to report tomorrow. As for her identity, she is already a cultivator at the peak of transforming gods. She joined the Heavenly Sword Sect halfway and is counted as an inner disciple. The procedures are the same as these newly recruited Disciples do it together."

"Senior brother is more careful, I agree, let Liuli come with her tomorrow."

Then simply pointed to the space cage and said:
"This thing can't be released easily, and there is no better magic weapon to trap blood worms at the moment, so I will hand over my space cage to Zongtang for safekeeping, what do you think, brother?"


Jian Li motioned to Qi Hua who was beside him:

"Let Hall Master Meng come here."

"Yes, Your Honor."

Qi Hua turned to invite Meng Congjian from the "Comprehensive" Hall.

Jian Li continued to say:

"Junior Sister, after you left the sect, Zhengrong didn't stay idle. I checked the monk who spread your rumors. He is a disciple of the Kong family. Everyone has been recorded. I will wait for you to come back and see how to deal with it."

Jian Li was about to talk about the matter of the Kong family, when Jian Li started talking, but he could tell from the side that Senior Brother Jian Li still valued himself very much, and he didn't want to be misunderstood by others, so he ordered Wei Zhengrong to investigate.

"Thank you for your love, brother. I didn't take this matter to heart at first, but this time I went to Tianquan City and met Kong Xingkun from the Kong family. This idiot just passed me the handle, so I went back to the sect with my senior sister and Jianpo. On the way, I went to the Kong family."

Jian Li listened, and raised his eyebrows like blades, Jian Wu's mouth curled up slightly, and Wei Zhengrong sighed in his heart, the master was quick to move, and he was about to report to Master Jian Li, those things were recorded The monks of the Confucian family are being recalled by the family one after another.

"Is this hands-on?"

Jian Li finally asked a question.

"Brother, I just went to reason with them, why did it get involved."

Jian Jian looked at Jian Li and said with a smile, and then roughly explained what happened.

Wei Zhengrong recorded while listening, and after hearing that Kong Xingkun actually hit Jian Lu, Jian Jing, and Jian Po with his ideas, he admired this man's courage, and dared to provoke such a sturdy existence in the Law Enforcement Hall.

In the end, listening to the brief statement that the three of them just took the spirit stone and settled down, they all felt a little uncomfortable. Jian Li was about to ask, when Qi Hua led Hall Master Meng into the hall.

Meng Congjian was still full of energy. Seeing that Jian Jian and Jian Li were both there, he immediately stepped forward to salute respectfully,

"Meng Congjian paid homage to the two lords, but he didn't know how to call me here. What orders do you have?"

Jian Li didn't talk nonsense, he directly pointed to the space cage floating in the hall, and ordered:
"Hall Master Meng, this space cage is temporarily kept by the General Hall, and inside it is a new type of blood worm captured by Junior Sister Jian Slaughter this time."

Meng Congjian listened, and immediately released his consciousness to observe. The news of the Law Enforcement Hall is updated every day, especially as the head of the hall, their news is the most comprehensive. He only saw the news of the new Zerg a few days ago. .

"The subordinates understand that this space cage will be placed alone, and no one will touch it."

Although it was caught back, but little is known about this thing, it is better to be more cautious.

"You arrange this yourself. In addition, Liuli will bring Jin Ai to report to you tomorrow. She is a poison cultivator, and her cultivation at the peak of the gods will be included in your general hall. Her main task is to study this blood worm to see if it is There is a poisonous method for the new type of blood worm."

Jian Li continued to speak.

"Yes, this subordinate understands. I will try my best to open up a separate place for Jin Ai to do the test, and people from the Dan Department will assist."


Jian Li nodded after listening, Meng Congjian is still very reliable in his work.

Simply seeing that Jian Li had finished giving orders, he wiped the storage bracelet, took out a new storage ring, and threw it directly to Meng Congjian.

After Meng Congjian took it, he scanned his consciousness and found that it contained 1 million high-grade spirit stones. His eyes lit up, and then he looked at Jian Jian, his smiling eyes narrowed, and his voice softened a bit:

"I don't know what is the order of Jian Slaughter?"

Simply looking at the other person's expression, pursing his lips and smiling, he said:
"These spirit stones are my compensation from the Kong family. Check to see if there is any problem with the spirit stones. If there is no problem, they will be included in the battle hall."

(End of this chapter)

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