Chapter 618 Fighting for Xueru
"Xueru is with them."

"I see, let's go see what's going on."

He got up simply, this time he didn't take anyone with him, and went to the Law Enforcement Hall familiarly.

Law Enforcement Hall

Jian Li was sitting on the head seat of the hall, looking at the three people standing in the hall, Wei Zhengrong, Wei Xueru and Wei Chengze from the Wei family.

"My lord Jian Li, please be the master. Wei Zhengrong lied to the elders in the family and sent Wei Xueru into the sect without the permission of the ancestor. I am here to take Wei Xueru back under the order of the ancestor."

"Xueru has already apprenticed as a teacher, and she doesn't want to go back to the family, besides, both parents have agreed for me to practice in the Heavenly Sword Sect"

"You junior, you have no place to speak here. Who do you worship as your teacher? Is that how you were taught?"

"I worshiped Jian Lu as my teacher, my apprentice, it's not your turn to teach me a lesson!"

Jian Jian walked slowly into the main hall, opened his mouth and took Wei Chengze's words.

Wei Chengze is five points similar to Wei Zhengrong, but his face is not very pleasing, and his cultivation level is also comparable to that of Wei Zhengrong. He is the second son of Uncle Wei Zhengrong in the early stage of transformation.

Seeing Jian Li coming in, Jian Li knew that Wei Chengze had less than half of the advantage today, so he waved his hand to let his junior sister sit down.

Qi Wei and Jin Liuli, who were watching the excitement, immediately stepped forward to salute, and neatly brought refreshments to Jian Jian.

Jian Jian waved to Wei Xueru who was standing upright in the hall:

"Xueru, come to my teacher."

Wei Xueru has never left her eyes since Jianjian entered the main hall. When she saw Master waving to her, she immediately bowed to Jian Lizun on the main hall, and walked quickly towards Jianli.

Simply recruiting Xueru to her side, swept her consciousness, and then asked softly:
"Xueru, are you injured?"

"Master, my brother protected me and didn't let Xueru get hurt."

There were tears in the little girl's eyes, but she didn't let the tears fall, and replied the simple question respectfully.

"Hey, brother should protect you."

Simply touched the other party's Baotou and said with a smile.

Wei Chengze, who was standing by His Highness, felt a little uncomfortable. He killed Xueru's master halfway. Although he didn't know the details of the other party, he was very familiar with this dao name, and it seemed that Master Jian Li was very fond of this female cultivator. polite.

After simply comforting Xueru, he took a look at Wei Chengze and said lightly:

"The ancestor of the Wei family asked you to come?"


Forced by the simple momentum, Wei Chengze stammered in his answer.

"Tsk tsk! Why tell such a lie? Your ancestor would care about a family member who is only six years old and has stone veins and cannot cultivate?"

"Xueru can practice now."

Wei Chengze replied evasively.

"Yes! I healed it, and then you came to pick up the ready-made ones?"

Simple eyes flicked lightly, looking at each other with an idiotic look.

Wei Chengze gritted his teeth and replied:
"The clan is naturally grateful for your help, but you can't just assign Wei's outstanding children to you just because of this reason!"

"Why not? When Xueru couldn't cultivate, I didn't see you all showing up for Xueru. Now that you are all my disciples, you reach out again. What do you mean?"

Wei Chengze knew that if this Jian Lu really insisted on this point, the Wei family would be ashamed to say it. After all, when Xueru couldn't practice, no one stood up except Erbo's family. Once they are able to cultivate, they stand up again, and they will indeed fall into the shoes of others.

Wei Chengze rolled his eyes, remembered it, and began to look for breakthroughs from other places:

"My lord, it was the negligence of the family before, so I was sent to pick up Xueru and cultivate it in the Hui clan. We will also make up for the previous mistakes. There is a set of wind skills in the clan, which is suitable for Xueru. The patriarch has decided to use this All the exercises have been given to Xueru."

When Jian Jian was listening to the other party's speech, the round fan of Butterfly Love Marigold appeared in his hand, waved it lightly twice, and asked with a smile:
"My sword-killing apprentice still lacks skills?"

These words really made Wei Chengze choke.In fact, what happened today was all on his spur of the moment.

Before Wei Zhengrong's use of the "keel flying boat", Wei Weiwei blocked it. The second uncle's family was fined ten years of worship and asked to meditate on their past.

Zheng Rong's uncle's family really had fun for a long time, so that Wei Wei'e would not be able to interfere in family affairs, and this punishment can be regarded as achieving their goal of crowding out.

Afterwards, everything was calm, until Wei Zhengrong went back to the family a month ago and met his parents, and then it was reported that Wei Xueru was sent to participate in the acceptance of Tianjianzong's disciples, and they realized that something was wrong.

Wei Chengze volunteered to come to check, and happened to meet the brothers and sisters of the Wei family who came out of the affairs hall.

Based on his cultivation in the early stage of transformation, it is natural to see that Wei Xueru is already able to cultivate, and his cultivation is at the fourth level of Qi Refining, which is no worse than his elder brother's child, and Xueru obviously has a short training time.

When he was in a hurry, he stepped forward to pull, first trying to get Wei Xueru back into the clan, and then discussing with his father how to deal with it. The other party has a single wind spirit root, and at the current speed of cultivation, it will be a matter of time before they surpass them.

As a result, Wei Zhengrong waved his outstretched hand away like a tyrannosaurus being touched against the scales. During the dispute between the two, they were taken directly to the Law Enforcement Hall. After all, he was a visitor, and Wei Zhengrong He is a disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect, so the trouble came to Hall Master Jian Li.

Wei Chengze also calmed down when he arrived at the Law Enforcement Hall. He admitted that he was startled by Xueru's cultivation speed.

So after readjusting the strategy, we used Wei Zhengrong to deceive the ancestors as an excuse to talk about the matter, and also borrowed the name of the ancestors to let the other party return to the clan, but obviously today's plan will fail, this Xueru's master is very difficult to speak .

Wei Zhengrong, who had been standing sideways all this time, stepped forward and respectfully presented the simple purple jade sword:

"Your Majesty, Wei Xueru's identity sword is ready."

"Okay, hard work!"

With a simple wave of his hand, the purple jade sword returned to his waist.

Then the fan flipped over, and a post appeared on the fan, instructing Wei Zhengrong:

"Let this one?"

After a brief glance at Wei Chengze, Wei Zhengrong answered immediately:

"This is Wei Chengze, the second son of the patriarch of the Wei clan."

"Well, let him take it back to the ancestors of the Wei family, and say that it is my Jianlu's greeting card. Wei Xueru has already entered the Tianjianzong and is my closed disciple. It will be a good thing if they recognize it. If you insist on asking Xueru to go back, you can come to Tianyue Peak to find me."

"Yes, Your Honor!"

Wei Zhengrong was determined, took the simple name card with both hands, and handed it to Wei Chengze.

"I'm a lazy person, and I like to do it once and for all. Since Xueru is such a treasure, then come to me and see who is more qualified to be Xueru's master."

While speaking, Jian Jian pressed a trace of Mahayana coercion directly on Wei Chengze.

Wei Chengze accepted the post and felt the tremendous coercion. He frowned, accepted the post, saluted reluctantly, and then exited the Law Enforcement Hall.

"Tsk tsk, with this kind of attitude, you still talk about other people's upbringing."

Jian Jian still fanned the round fan calmly, and said to Senior Brother Jian Li who was at the top.

"Junior sister, don't worry, the ancestor of the Wei family is at the early stage of Mahayana, but he is not good at fighting."

"I know this. Now that Wei Xueru has entered my sect, I can no longer hide it. I just took this opportunity to cross the Ming Road, so that they won't worry about it."

(End of this chapter)

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