Chapter 624 Repair Yourself
"Among these two jade bottles, one contains top-quality spiritual spring water, which can repair your hidden wounds, and the other bottle is the 'undead liquid' I harvested when I killed the female insects of the Zerg race, which can forge your muscles and bones again. And it is not restricted by cultivation, if it cannot be absorbed, it will be deposited in the bones until it is completely absorbed."

He briefly explained the purpose of the two jade bottles he gave.

The two captains, Tianquan and Tianyu, both cast grateful glances at Jian Jian. This top-quality spiritual spring water is indeed what they need.

The hall master discovered the problems with the two of them through the battle just now, and he had to say that the hall master was not a fake.

"Master, is this the reward you took out and gave to the inspection team?"

The captain of Tianyue's team held the white jade bottle in his hand, and after scanning it with his spiritual sense, he asked.

"Yes, at that time you were all assigned a task to check whether there was a 'blood bag' in the territory under the jurisdiction of Tianjianzong. The Tianjian team had to stay in the battle hall to deal with emergencies. I had no choice but to let the Law Enforcement Hall release Tasks, the rewards will be richer."

There is nothing to hide about this matter, and this mission will not be terminated for nearly two hundred years, and now that a new type of "blood worm" has emerged, it is natural to continue, so I directly informed several people.

The nine people nodded, and put away the good things. They all planned in their hearts to go back and close a small test, and use the things given by the hall master. Now is the time to work hard to improve their strength.

At this time, the members of each team also rushed over one after another. Except for a few who had missions and retreats, everyone arrived very neatly. Everyone was very excited to see their hall master.

The members of several teams communicated in private, knowing that the hall master's test environment is very powerful, and all those who persevere will gain a lot.

"Greetings to Hall Master Jian Slaughter!"

He simply raised his hand and said with a smile:

"Originally, I should have come to the battle hall to meet everyone, but I have no ability to separate myself, so I delayed until today to officially meet you."

"I came from the mortal world, and I joined the Heavenly Sword Sect by chance. I have practiced so far, from Jianyue Peak in the outer sect to Tianyue Peak in the inner sect. Now I am appointed as the war hall master by Zhenzun. I hope that in the future we can cooperate seamlessly and work together Protect the Heavenly Sword Sect."

"Yes! Protect the sect, the inheritance will continue!"

Everyone's loud answers echoed in the lobby, and Jian Jian had already dragged the ninety people into a dream the moment he raised his eyes.

Smiling simply and satisfied, he told the nine captains:
"They have entered the trial in the dream, and you protect them. When they are eliminated, they will naturally wake up. After you repair your own damage, we will start the second round of trials."

"Yes, Hall Master."

The nine people bowed neatly and saluted.

Only then did Jian Jian leave the battle hall, ready to go back to his peak to see how his three apprentices were doing.

As a result, Wei Zhengrong stopped him before leaving Law Enforcement Peak:
"Your Majesty, Hall Master Jian Li has an invitation."

"It seems that 'Xun'tang's control is good now, and everyone knows where to block me."

"Your Majesty was joking. The main reason is that you went to the arena today. Almost everyone at the Law Enforcement Peak knows that I am on duty in the Law Enforcement Hall, so I was not able to watch the competition."

Wei Zhengrong quickly explained.

"Then why is Senior Brother Jianli looking for me?"

"This subordinate doesn't know."

Jian Jian could only turn to the main hall of the Law Enforcement Hall, and when he waved Wei Zhengrong along, he also assigned him a personal task:

"Zhengrong, you have to go to Hua's house when you have time. They have a 'Wind Spirit' with spiritual consciousness, which is very suitable for Xueru."

Wei Zhengrong immediately pricked up his ears when he briefly mentioned that his little sister is also a treasure like "Feng Ling" who is beneficial to Xueru:

"Yes, let Your Majesty worry about it!"

"When you go, take the wooden sign of Bing Dilian that I passed to Jian Sheng. It is a token of the Hua family. For the sake of this sign, they probably won't cheat you."

"Yes, this subordinate understands!"

After explaining their private matters, the two of them also came to the main hall of the Law Enforcement Hall. Jian Li was sitting in the main hall as usual, and the jade slips on the table were already piled up.

"Brother, why are you looking for me?"

Simply bowed his hands to Jianli, and sat down consciously, waiting for his brother to order.

"You went to the battle hall today."

"Well! By now, it's a formal meeting with everyone."

"I heard that half of the people who are not on duty at the law enforcement peak have gone to see you to train your subordinates."

"These people are afraid that the world will not be chaotic. I just competed with the nine captains to get a grasp of their combat power, so that I can train them in a targeted manner in the later stage."

"That's good. A strong general has no weak soldiers. I still know your skills."

"Brother, my heart trembles after hearing your praise."

Then, he covered his heart, and said:

"Brother, just tell me what to do."

A smile appeared on Jian Li's serious face.

"No big deal, just asking you for an idea."

Seeing that Jian Li was about to talk about serious matters, Jian Jian put on an attitude of listening attentively.

"Ever since you forced Xie Dao into the sea outside the Sea of ​​Clouds, my Heavenly Sword Sect's 'Sword Tomb' has also become famous, and some people want to come here to try their luck."

Jian Li's words were euphemistic, but it was easy to understand that the ancient weapons could have such a deterrent effect without making a move, which naturally made the monks flock to them.

"Senior brother, the ancient weapons are not star grass, why are there so many, besides, even if there are, they are not all in our Heavenly Sword Sect!"

Simple is to admire the brain circuit of these monks, how can they target Tianjianzong.

Jian Li also learned to spread his hands simply, and said in a bachelor way:

"Everyone understands the truth, but they are all thinking about what if, what if Tian Jianzong really has one?"

After listening briefly, his eyes rolled, and his divine sense directly touched Mo Xijian. He has the most say in this matter.

"Does 'Sword Tomb' have another ancient weapon?"

"Cut! Do you think that with Lao Tzu around, which ancient weapon would dare to settle in my territory!"

Mo Xi Sword Spirit replied that he was arrogant, and then turned around, no longer responding easily.

"My sword spirit said, 'Sword Tomb' will not have a second ancient weapon."

Simple is the affirmative answer this time.

"I know, but people may not believe us when we tell you."

This is also true, Jian Li looked at Jian Li's serious face, and asked directly:

"What do you mean, brother?"

"Some people, if we reject them, we reject them. For some monks, it is inconvenient for us to reject them immediately, so you can see if you have any good ideas."

It's easy to understand in seconds, it's human feelings!
"Since this is the case, the sect can allow those monks who want to enter the 'Sword Tomb', but we can't refuse, to enter the 'Sword Tomb' to get the sword once, but they can't take it for nothing. They must keep a weapon above the Lingbao level In the 'Sword Tomb'."

Jian Li's eyes lit up when he heard that, yes!Since you want to come to Tianjianzong to pick up the sword, you will naturally have to pay something. There is no free lunch in the world, so this method is feasible.

"Of course, if you don't have a spirit sword, you can use spirit stones, natural materials and earth treasures in exchange for the opportunity to enter. Anyway, our Heavenly Sword Sect is not at a loss."

Jian Li smiled when he heard this, and asked:
"If none of the monks who went in had obtained the so-called ancient spirit sword, how should they reply?"

"Hee hee! Then reply them with the words of my silent sword spirit 'I am already here, which ancient weapon dares to settle in my territory?'"

The simple retelling was rather tactful, but Jian Li could understand that there really would not be a second ancient weapon in the "Sword Tomb".

(End of this chapter)

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