Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 626 Foundation Building Process

Chapter 626 Foundation Building Process
Three days later, Yu Zongfan and Maodou successively broke through the tenth floor of the Qi refining period, and after stabilizing their cultivation, they left their respective training rooms.

"Junior brother, is your breakthrough going well?"

As a senior brother, Maodou was the first to ask.

"Well! Brother's cultivation has also stabilized."

"After cleaning up my body's ailments in terms of self-esteem, my cultivation is much smoother than before."

"Let's go, let's tell the good news to Master, and go to see Junior Sister by the way."

"it is good!"

The two brothers cleaned themselves up and went to Master's cave.

"Meet Master!"

"Hmm! Are your cultivations stable?"


"Come with me to the Boys' Hall today. I'm going to talk about the key points of foundation building, and you should go and listen together."

"Yes, Your Honor!"

Yu Zongfan was still very happy to see his juniors and sisters.

When Zi Zun came back, the juniors had already sent several message talismans, asking when he would go to the Boys' Hall for class, and knowing that he was already Zun Zun's personal disciple, they said they wanted to help him celebrate.

Simply, I ordered Lu Se yesterday to inform the [-] little ones in the Boys' Hall that they have lessons today.

When Maodou and Zongfan left Tianyue Peak with their master, they happened to see the little junior sister swinging the sword seriously, and they didn't bother, winked at the little junior sister, and followed the master to the boy's hall.

Simply don't need spiritual sense, knowing that the three senior brothers and sisters are winking, they don't stop them, and they drive Dunguang and bring Maodou and Zongfan to the boy's hall in Tianjian Peak.

In the children's hall, all 20 people sat neatly in the lecture hall, and when they saw Jian Jian coming in, they immediately saluted together:

"See you Your Honor!"

"Hey, sit down! These are my two personal disciples, and I will attend the class with you today."

Simply and kindly introduced Maodou and Yu Zongfan to the disciples of Tongzitang, mainly Maodou, who came to Tongzitang for the first time.Simply let his two disciples sit at the back, and then start teaching.

"Today I will talk about the key points of foundation building."

All the disciples in the hall blinked their eyes, looking at the Master, looking at his cultivation in the middle stage of Qi refining, a little puzzled, why the Master started to teach the matter of foundation building now.

Simply shaking the round fan, said with a smile:

"Don't be surprised. Although you are only at the mid-stage of Qi refining, your practice is already on the right track. What you lack is a process of accumulating spiritual energy. I will have a very busy time in the future, so I will explain it to everyone in advance. basic point."

Only then did everyone understand why Zunshang took out his own small notebooks and prepared to record when he talked about the key points of foundation building today, while Zong Fan and Maodou directly took out blank jade slips and were ready to record at any time.

"The so-called foundation building is to build the foundation. It is a cumulative process, and it is also a process of compressing the aura in the dantian to the extreme, and then turning the aura into a spiritual liquid. Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, so that the body can accommodate more aura."

At the same time as the simple explanation, a phantom of a human body emerged in front of everyone, and every vein of the body was clearly displayed in front of everyone.

Simply pop up a red spiritual energy ball, enter the meridian, and start to demonstrate according to the exercises in the qi refining period. After the red spiritual energy runs through the body for a big cycle, it comes to the dantian.

"Attention, before building the foundation, you must open up all the meridians in your body, so as to ensure that the spiritual power can be supplied to any part of the body. Every time you run the exercise, it is an expansion and forging of the meridians. If there is spiritual energy that cannot reach There really won’t be any difference in the early stage, but the more you cultivate to a higher level, it will become your fatal point.”

"What will happen then?"

Zhao Yunhai was the most active and the first to raise his hand to ask questions.

"If it is me, I will scan your spiritual sense and find out where your weaknesses are, and yours will be the place where I will focus on attacking."

The little ones thought about it carefully, and it was true, so they started to brush up the records.

Simply smiled and continued:

"When encountering a strong enemy, if you can confirm the opponent's weakness at the first time, then conduct a concentrated attack and kill the enemy in the shortest time."

Because of the age limit, the little ones have never really faced the enemy, and they have a little understanding of the simple words, but this does not prevent them from writing them down.

In the future, this group of disciples who are simply cultivated may not be the most outstanding in the ring competition, but they are the bravest and swiftest when they go into battle to kill the enemy. Chance.

Since the beginning of teaching these young disciples, Jian Jian has intentionally or unintentionally integrated some combat experience and combat skills into the daily training and teaching, which has benefited the disciples a lot.

Back in the lecture hall, simply continued to teach the process of compressing the aura in the dantian, and demonstrated how the dantian saturated with aura finally compresses the aura into spiritual liquid.

With the condensation of drops of spiritual liquid, the dantian is also slowly expanding, and the meridians around the body are also twice as wide as before the foundation was established.

"The growth of your cultivation is the increase in the spiritual power your body can hold. During the Qi refining period, the spiritual energy in your body may only support you to cast large-scale spells ten times, but after building the foundation, you can cast them a hundred times. That's the difference."

"When your spiritual power is exhausted and you are unable to attack, other people's spiritual energy is very full. It is easy to defeat you."

Jia Yushu raised his hand to signal that he wanted to ask a question, then nodded briefly, motioning for him to speak.

Jia Yushu stood up and asked respectfully:

"My lord, is there no such thing as a low-level monk defeating a high-level monk?"

"Yes, our sword cultivators have the ability to leapfrog challenges."

Simple yes.


Before the smile on Jia Yushu's face fell, he was fixed by the simple word "but", and opened his eyes wide, waiting for the next sentence.

"You must have the physical strength not to lose to a high-level monk, and you must also be good at swordsmanship. According to the standards of our swordsmanship, you must cultivate sword energy, sword light, sword shadow, sword power, and sword domain before you have the opportunity to challenge the next level. success."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for clarifying the confusion."

Jia Yushu sat down obediently, and carefully recorded what Jian Jian said.

"These are still a bit far away for you who are in the Qi refining stage. Don't even think about leapfrogging challenges. Now is the time for you to lay the foundation. Only when the foundation is solid can you have the opportunity to leapfrog challenges in the future, understand?"

"Yes, Your Honor!"

After a brief explanation of the foundation building process, several points that need to be paid attention to in the foundation building are described.

"When building the foundation, it's best to be in a safe place. Don't rush to build the foundation. It's best to choose a place that matches the attributes of your spiritual root. This will help you build the foundation."

"After the foundation building is successful, there will be nine thunder calamities, which will widen the meridians of your body again, increase the capacity of aura in the body, and at the same time strengthen the strength of the body. Therefore, you must use your physical body to take over the thunder calamity of the foundation building. Do not use defensive artifacts."

The little guys all opened their mouths when they heard it. In their impression, thunderstorms are very dangerous and can only be avoided, but His Majesty let them go directly to meet them.

"Your Majesty, did you take over all the tribulations and thunder with your body?"

Jia Yushu asked weakly.

Jian Jian looked at this little academic monk, smiled treacherously, and said with a smile:

"My lord, since I entered the practice, all the Nine Thunder Tribulations have been taken over by my body, so I was able to ride the dust and leave all the monks of the same generation far behind."

(End of this chapter)

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