Chapter 636
"Yes, the promotion time is very short this time."

Jian Jian shot at the soft and bright Mao Mao of the moon, stroked it twice, and then continued to ask:
"You should be able to advance to the seventh level this time, why only stay at the late sixth level?"

"Yueyue was thinking about going to the Zixiao Sect with His Majesty, so he didn't hit the seventh step, and this time, Yueyue was not very sure, so I thought, it would be better to accumulate for a while."

"That's it, it's good that you have your own achievements. The cultivation of the monster race is different from that of human beings. I can't give you more advice."

"The moon understands."

Xueru on the side looked at the moon eagerly, nodded the moon's head in a simple and funny way, and said to her:

"This is my little disciple Xueru, who is also my closed disciple. You guys already know each other."

"Well! I just promoted to a small rank, and the disciples of my lord have already accepted three."

The moon was still old-fashioned and sighed a lot, which made Jianjian and Xueru both smile and narrow their eyes.

"Okay, you take Xueru to the East Side Peak, she arranged a cave for herself, you go and see what else needs to be added, as a senior, you just look to give some things you need."

"it is good!"

After the moon set, she jumped down from Jian Jian's arms, and when she landed, she turned into a girl in yellow clothes who was about the same age as Xue Ru, with a brown belt and a Zongmen sword hanging on it.

With her little hands behind her back, Moon said to Xueru:

"Let's go! Go to your new cave, I'll buy something for you."

"Thank you, Senior Moon!"

Xueru cupped her hands obediently, then followed the moon briskly to the east side peak.

Simply looking at the backs of the two little girls, the corners of their mouths curved into an arc.

Then she simply closed her eyes, and began to think about the battle against the two middle-stage monks. She was very sure in her heart that if the Mahayana monk hadn't intervened, she would have had a chance to keep the two of them.

Liu Chuan didn't warn him, so what is the reason why these people insisted on taking Bi Shu back without being possessed by the Zerg?Just because she revealed information about the Zerg?

That was before, according to Mosu's meaning, since she entered the Tianmo Palace, she should not be trusted by the same kind, so it would be impossible to unilaterally disclose any information to others, why was she still ambushed when she left the territory of the Tianmo Palace?

The simple mind was spinning thousands of times, thinking carefully, when Lu Se's voice came from the side:

"Your Majesty, Sect Master Jian Chong sent someone here, please go to the main hall of the sect."

Simply opened his star-like eyes, and said to Lu Se:
"I see."

Then he got up and left Tianyue Peak in the light of escape.

Heavenly Sword Peak Zongmen Hall

After simply entering the main hall, it was no surprise to see a group of people from the Tianmo Palace. After gesturing to the head of the Suzerain Jian Chong, they took their seats on the left.

"Excuse me, please come here, I have already notified Hall Master Jian Li of the Law Enforcing Hall, and we will discuss with you about the new type of blood worm."

Jian Chong became more and more like a suzerain, and he was more majestic in the moon-white suzerain robe with gold trim and dark patterns, but he respected simplicity very much, and he took the lead in explaining the reason for inviting her over.

"It's okay, I want to meet this kid too."

With a simple smile, he looked at Mosu and his party.

Mo Su understood, and with a flick of his sleeves, Bi Shu appeared in the hall.

It turned out that when Mo Su was attacked by the two fit monks, he had already made up his plan to become a puppet, and Bi Shu would definitely not let the other party take him away.

If it was in the past, they couldn't beat them, and it would be no problem to escape, but if they continue to let the other party stare at them, the next time it is Mahayana Zhenzun who really makes a move, they may not even have a chance to escape, so they have the audacity to ask Jianhou for help , In fact, it is indirectly asking Tianjianzong to take action.

Sure enough, in the end, the opponent's Mahayana True Venerable made a move, and several people were sweating in their hearts. If the Sword Killing Venerable could not bear it, they would be unlucky, and the Heavenly Sword Sect might blame them, and then they would really The loss outweighs the gain.

The good thing is that Master Jian Slaughter's strength is really not blown out, and he actually took the attack of Mahayana Master, and the three of them have to admit that Jian Xiu is sturdy.

Bi Shu, who saw the light of day again, was still a little dazed. After a while, she finally saw where she was. The hall was simple and solemn, and all the high-ranking monks were looking at her.

Bi Shu's small eyes turned around, and found that the cultivator of the Heavenly Demon Palace who brought her had already taken her seat, and on the other side was a smiling female cultivator, who looked so beautiful and elegant, but the breath on her body made her She has weak legs, stronger than the three of Tianmo Palace.

"Bi Bishu pays homage to all seniors!"

Bi Shu stammered a salute, then bowed her head and dared not make a sound.

Looking at Bi Shu, who was as timid as ever, Jian Jian was amused, but also teased:
"Little friend chose a good name, Bi Shu = must lose, implying that they will lose in this battle with the Zerg. For this reason, I also want to give you a seat."

The people in the hall felt that they really meant this, and the corners of their mouths curled up. The dull atmosphere in the hall instantly relaxed a lot.

Jian Chong knew that Master Jian Slaughter wanted to liven up the atmosphere, and paved the way for the next topic, so he signaled to the guard standing beside him, and the guard really gave Bi Shu a seat.

"Junior sister, you exercised your muscles and bones today, why didn't you notify me?"

Jian Li's thick and deep voice came over as he stepped into the hall.

Jian Jian stood up immediately, bowed to Jian with a smile, and said bluntly:
"I was negligent this time. If the senior brother was here, he should be able to keep those two people behind, and maybe he could find out something."

Jianli was followed by Jianhou, Wei Zhengrong, and the hall master Meng Congjian of Zongtang. After meeting each other, they took their seats one by one and went straight to the topic.

After listening to Mo Su's narration, Jian Li also approved of his guess, and his spiritual sense swept over Bi Shu's body, making Bi Shu tremble again.

There is no way, all the people present in a hall are big bosses, and she is just a small shrimp, so she can only hang on.

Finally, Jian Li said directly:

"This bloodworm Hall Master Meng has already brought it over."

Then he looked at Meng Congjian.

Meng Congjian flicked his sleeve robe, and a spatial cage composed of chaotic spiritual power appeared in the palace.

It was also the first time for the Sect Master Jian Chong to see each other, let alone the cultivators of the Heavenly Demon Palace. Everyone's spiritual sense swept over them, and they wished they could see every single hair of each other clearly.

The blood worms that appeared in the main hall were still pretending to be dead in the space cage, even though they were swept away by the divine sense, they did not move.

Suddenly, the blood worm slowly turned its direction in the cage, facing Bi Shu's position.

Bi Shu felt numb, for some reason this strange worm was coming towards her, she moved uncomfortably on the seat, seeing that the blood worm on the opposite side was still facing her, she simply stood up, and moved a few steps to the side.

As a result, the blood worms in the cage also moved in the direction she was moving.

Bi Shu's face was a little green, she finally gritted her teeth, moved the little lady steps, and rubbed against Jian Jian.

This time the blood worm seemed to be hesitant, but finally turned his head to where Bi Shu was.

After a brief glance, Bi Shu, who was standing three steps away from her, said with a smile:

"Isn't that your companion? They are greeting you! How about your etiquette?"

Bi Shu raised her head and looked at Jian Jian with resentful small eyes, a little reluctantly, but after Jian Jian's eyes swept over for the second time, she could only lean closer to the space cage where the blood worm was in front of her.

The blood worm seemed to sense Bi Shu's approach, and the blood-red veined tentacles on its body slowly stretched out, as if it wanted to touch Bi Shu.

The other party's two red antennae were also frequently touching, as if they were conveying information from the eyes.

Bi Shu's eyes turned from awkward at the beginning to dull, and then the eyeballs gradually turned red.

"not good!"

(End of this chapter)

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