Chapter 826
"Then Chengzu also said that the attitudes of the immortals in the inner circle seem to have changed, at least they are no longer so domineering. He also asked where the monks who went to exchange resources came from, and whether they found traces of Zerg on the continent where they were. I also want to give some convenience."

Jian Mao sat next to Jian Jun and made some supplements.

"Heh! They are like this, probably not many monks in the mainland can bear it."

Jian Jing interjected, pursing her lips and chuckling.

"Whoever says no, they are probably afraid that these immortals will have other ideas, and they will definitely not tell the truth."

"Cheng Zu said this to remind us, let me pay attention to myself."

Jian Jun concluded.

"Senior brother Jianjun, does the Song family know about the Zerg invasion in our mainland?"

Simply turned around and asked.

"I haven't mentioned this matter. When we entered the space crack, it wasn't that serious. We just found the larvae of the black beetle. I'll listen to what you said about the follow-up. I don't know if others say it or not."

There is nothing to hide about this matter, Jianjun said it directly.

"Junior Sister, what do you think?"

"To fight against the Zerg, we don't count on immortals. Their cultivation bases are earth immortals and heavenly immortals. Seek their help rashly. Don't ask the gods to send them away. However, we can disclose the news of our mainland to them."

After a brief consideration, he spoke.

When everyone heard this, they murmured in their hearts, the earth immortals and heavenly immortals were both unattainable in their eyes, but they were nothing in Jian Lu's eyes, and they spoke loudly.

Everyone in the Heavenly Sword Sect knew in their hearts that Junior Sister really wasn't talking too much. She had already opened her purple mansion, so she would definitely be able to ascend, and she would be able to fight here, so she might not be worse after ascending.

"Junior Sister is right, but how do you deliver the news?"

It is definitely unrealistic to arrange people to go there now, everyone is eager to return, and it is estimated that no one wants to go inside again.

Simple, of course, understands everyone's thoughts, and then said three things to Monkey:

"Monkey three, we are now on the outside, there must be a team nearby, you go out and look for a team with a good reputation, I will burn a jade slip, let them take it when they enter the inner circle."

Monkey Three nodded after listening, this is not difficult, and it is not difficult to give some benefits at that time.

"For people to run errands, it is natural to give some benefits, just say that we have not stayed here for a long time, and after we leave, the place here will be given to them."

Jian Jun directly pointed out that they couldn't take this place away anyway.

"Hou San understands, I will go to inquire about it in these two days."

Even if this matter has come to an end, I will briefly tell you a piece of good news:

"Xiaoyue followed us to exchange resources with Brother Chengjia that day. He has already sensed that our way back is in that green lake."

As soon as the words came out, everyone was a little excited. This was great news. The place was confirmed, and all that was left was to wait.

Looking at Xiaoyue who was lying beside Jian Jian, her eyes became brighter. Xiaoyue, who was asleep, felt everyone's doting eyes, immediately raised her head vigilantly, looked around, and found that it was Jian Lu's companion, so she was lazy again. Laying back triumphantly.

Hou San and the Bai sisters were also a little excited. They could finally leave here, which they had been looking forward to for a long time. Although they were a little apprehensive, they had the promise of killing the fairy, which made them feel at ease.

In the days that followed, most of the people didn't go out very much, they were preparing secretly. The few remaining monks of Zixiao Sect, Yin Yang Sect, and Qi Sect were all gathering their own resources, how much they kept for themselves, and how much they gave to the sect. , all prepared in advance.

Hou San went out several times in the past few days, and after five days, he brought a person back, who turned out to be an acquaintance, that Ming Yuan, from whom the purple belt of the Purple Heaven Sect was first discovered.

"Meet Fairy Killer."

"Sit down, Monkey Three must have told you, you are willing."

"We have been entrenched in the outer circle for some days, and we are going to exchange some resources in the inner circle, just in time to bring a message to your team along the way."

Ming Yuan said politely.

"it is good."

It was simple and no nonsense, and handed over the jade slip that had been engraved a long time ago.

After Ming Yuan took it respectfully, his pupils shrank because there was a seal on this jade slip.

But Jian Jian made a small test this time, and the contents of the jade slips were not hidden. It roughly talked about the situation and current situation of Lingyun Continent, as well as their countermeasures.

The sealing method used the unique handprint of the Jian family, and the family emblem of "Wheel of Fortune" was branded on it.

Didn't the Tan Song siblings keep saying that they wanted to brand their clan emblems, and she also responded in kind. She couldn't destroy them, and made them feel uncomfortable.

"Captain Mingyuan, please hand over the jade slip to Tan Songjia and tell her that Qingfeng, Lord of Lingyun Continent, entrusted her."

Hearing this, Ming Yuan felt a little bad. He felt that he had been tricked by Hou San. No foreign monk had ever heard of the name of Lingyun Continent. It was too late if he didn't want to accept it.

"Don't worry, you are only responsible for bringing the jade slips there, and they won't make things difficult for you. When you come back, you can take over here."

With a simple smile, he said something that could not be refused.

What can Ming Yuan do, he can only put the jade slip into the Nawu ring, and leave with his hands.

Of course, looking back, he must have complained to Housan for a few words, but Housan didn't take it seriously, he said a few perfunctory words, and sent him away respectfully, his task was completed anyway.

Ten days later, at midnight when the sky was not so gloomy, Xiaoyue uttered an "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo", which alarmed everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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