Chapter 833 Farewell to Xiaoyue
Simply knowing that Nine Tails should have something to ask himself, and besides, the vest that he is Moyue can't drop, so he cooperates to stay, just in time to send out the things prepared for Xiaoyue.

Several members of the Heavenly Sword Sect bowed their hands to say goodbye to Nine Tails, then turned around and left the cave, but did not immediately follow Bai Jue to leave the Yaozu. Jianmao said very politely:

"Fellow Daoist Bai Jue, I think the demon master won't stay long to kill Junior Sister with his sword. Since we went out together, we naturally have to go back to the sect together. Please allow us to wait here for Junior Sister."

"Of course, it is estimated that the demon master is reminiscing with fellow Daoist Sword Slaughter, and it won't be long, please wait a moment."

Bai Jue bowed his hand, and did not object to the request made by the monks of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

The people from the other sects were already returning home, but they all kept a copy of the Jade Talisman of Communication. After all, they could come back safely after the sword-killing fellow Taoist of the Heavenly Sword Sect was cut off, and they were injured because of this. Inheritance.

Jian Jing smiled and accepted the messenger jade slips handed over by several people, and after thanking them on behalf of her junior sister, everyone formally said goodbye.

Crazy Sword was the last one to leave, and left a message talisman before leaving, and asked Jian Jing to tell him that he might have to retreat for a while after returning to the Loose Cultivation Alliance, and that his master Qian Wanguan might visit Master Jian Slaughter.

Jian Jing immediately understood that the Sanxiu Alliance would come back alive alone, and he didn't know how the resources he brought back would be divided up. At that time, his master would be embarrassed, and he might come to Tianjianzong to hide.

Of course, this matter depends on the attitude of the younger sister, after all, she is her friend, she took the jade slip and said that she would pass it on, Crazy Dao was obviously relieved, without delay, catch up with the people in front, and leave the Yaozu clan smoothly, Then he rushed back to San Xiumeng as fast as he could.

"It's lucky that Qian Wanguan of the San Xiumeng accepted such a disciple who planned for him."

Jianchun said with a smile on the side.

"Hmm! I heard from my junior sister that Kuang Dao came to Taoism with a sword from the mortal world, and was accidentally picked up by Qian Wanguan and accepted as a disciple. Although he is a Taoist cultivator, he can't give Kuang Dao guidance, but he is biased in terms of resources. Some, Crazy Saber has to strive to achieve today's achievements, I think this time when he comes back, his cultivation base can be raised again."

Jian Jing put away the communication jade slip, and explained with a smile that they all admire the ascetic monks, and they have experienced so many things together this time, Crazy Saber performed well, and did not hold back because of low cultivation.

At this moment in the cave, Nine Tails had sent the little squirrel beside him to call Xiaoyue, and he was lazily leaning on the seat, talking to Jian Jian, but she was actually asking and Jian Jian was answering.

"You guys are lucky this time, you actually found so many important news, which is very important to the entire Lingyun Continent."

"It's all thanks to everyone. We are also very surprised to have this harvest."

"Hey! The sword hanging above his head is about to fall, but Xiaoyue's bloodline has improved, and it has added a little help to my monster clan."

"Xiaoyue is clever. I guess he predicted his own chance. He wants to follow me to death. Fortunately, he brought Xiaoyue with him. Otherwise, we might not be able to come back."

This is the truth, it's simple and I'm glad that I believe in Xiaoyue, so I have come back now.

"The little guy has seen blood this time, and his momentum is good. It looks like he is about to break through to the sixth level."

"Yes, Xiaoyue's return to the ancestors this time has unlocked the inheritance, and her future cultivation will be smoother. I believe that under the leadership of the Nine-Tailed Demon Lord, she will be able to take charge of herself in the near future."

Simply smile and offer rainbow farts.

It was very helpful for Jiuwei to hear it, and it happened that Lang Xiao brought Xiaoyue to pay a visit. At this time, Lang Xiao's face was still a little heavy, and the corners of his eyes, eyebrows, and even the scar on his face were all smiling.

"Meet the Demon Lord!"

"Well! You are at ease now, you don't have to cry to me anymore!"

Kyuubi couldn't hold back, and rolled his eyes.

For a hundred years, Lang Xiao would come to her from time to time and cry about his cub, where is it?Why is there no audio?Will something happen?Annoyed, she hid directly, leaving Bai Jue to deal with it.

Bai Jue has always been expressionless, let Lang Xiao cry aside, he just listened, and he was able to calmly handle the affairs of the monster clan. After Lang Xiao finished speaking, he concluded:
"Don't worry, Xiaoyue should be back soon."

One sentence has supported the patriarch of Lang Xiao for hundreds of years. During this period, Lang Xiao went to the Tianmo Palace several times to find Moyue. Every time he went to someone's house, he said:

"Moyue Zun received the order of the real Zun, and went out to perform the task but did not return."

He had no choice but to come back and continue looking for Nine Tails and Bai Jue, but he couldn't get any useful news, and his temper was not good. He basically beat up all the other wolf clans in the Yaozu territory, and completed their unification.

Jiuwei and Bai Jue saw that although the howling of wolves came out every now and then, it did not delay their cultivation or military training, and unified the wolf tribe, so they just turned a blind eye and dealt with it patiently.

Who made this wolf howl belong to the thick and the fine, grasping the proportions very well, whenever they showed a little impatience, the other party got up and said goodbye, never giving them a chance to drive people away, so today the nine-tailed monster Such a question.

"Hehe! I have always believed in the demon lord and Lord Bai Jue. Xiaoyue is back now, and I am so upbeat. I am too happy."

Wolf Howl immediately said with a smile.

Xiaoyue at the side has long been impatient, and went straight to Jianjian.Yesterday, when he returned to the clan, he was greeted by the entire Howling Moon Wolf, and was watched by the elders. When he received the summons, he was talking about his experience with the clan.

"Jian Lu, are you going back to the Heavenly Sword Sect?"

(End of this chapter)

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