Chapter 189 Reunion

"Men Shishi?" Jiang Xiaofeng looked at the person in front of him in astonishment, "Are you back again?"

Men Yashi shook his head, "Your universe is very special now, even I cannot enter it."

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaofeng couldn't help asking in doubt, "Then how did you come in before, and what kind of state are you here now?"

"Before discussing these issues, let me talk about your current situation." After speaking, Men Yashi waved his hand lightly, and the whole space instantly returned to blank, "First of all, you are dead. And you have been dead for six years. "

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaofeng couldn't help but slightly sighed, "Have I been dead for so long?"

"However, I am still conscious now, am I not dead yet?"

Jiang Xiaofeng looked at his body, and vaguely felt that his body was not real.

"Originally, you should be dead." Mon Yashi put his hands in his pockets and said leisurely, "But because of your companion, you are still hanging your breath."

Said, Mon Yashi waved his hand lightly, and the blank space changed again.

I saw Gu Yuena holding a genius energy bottle in one hand, and a faint green light spot in the other.The green light spots slowly flew into the genius energy bottle, and then disappeared.

"The green light spot is your remaining data." Men Yashi explained, "In the next six years, the genius energy bottle gradually restored most of your data."

"But these restored data are not active. These data alone are not enough to reconstruct your consciousness. Not long ago, the genius energy bottle absorbed enough life energy for you to make your data rejuvenate. Your consciousness is also reconfigured."

Jiang Xiaofeng stared at his hands, and said in disbelief, "That is to say, I'm resurrected?"

"Don't be too happy too early." Men Yashi poured a basin of cold water, "Now you can only be regarded as a half-dead state, not a resurrection."

But this did not destroy Jiang Xiaofeng's good mood at this time, "I am satisfied if I can live. Besides, the most difficult step has been completed, do I need to worry about the follow-up issues?"

"By the way, the future scene that Gu Yuena saw, was it you who did it before?" Jiang Xiaofeng suddenly thought of something, and asked hastily.

Mon Yashi smiled slightly, "That's right, I did let her see it."

"I just said, no wonder she can use the magic dragon suddenly, and she also knows my plan." Jiang Xiaofeng suddenly realized, "By the way, you were the one who broke Tang San's Asura Sword, too?"

"Yes!" Men Yashi nodded, "Only in this way can you have the possibility of surviving. In the future I see, giving you a data body and breaking the Shura sword are the only things you can survive. possibility."

Jiang Xiaofeng scratched his head in embarrassment, "Thank you so much."

Hearing this, Men Yashi's face couldn't help stiffening, " seems to have led to the birth of something even more terrifying."

"Huh?" Jiang Xiaofeng couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Mon Yashi sighed helplessly, "Let's talk about what happened in the six years after your death first."

"First of all, your girlfriend, Gu Yuena, unified the entire Douluo Star. And the whole unification process was relatively peaceful. But correspondingly, it also took a lot of time to stabilize this new country. But she It’s done well, and it’s foreseeable that people’s lives will get better and better.”

"It's amazing!" Jiang Xiaofeng couldn't help admiring.

Men Yashi shook his head, "If it's just like this, I don't need to make a special trip to meet you in this way."

"I can no longer enter your universe. Through this kind of consciousness communication, it is already the limit. Because your universe has been surrounded by void vibrations."

"Do you still remember the black hole that absorbs the seven god realms? According to my calculations, no matter whether the black hole swallows the Douluo God Realm or not, the other six god realms should be able to escape."

"So, I disabled the Douluo God Realm. The reason why I didn't completely destroy it directly is because Tang San and Douluo Dalu still have a close symbiotic relationship. Once Tang San dies, Douluo Dalu will also suffer heavy losses."

"But if Tang San is finally swallowed by the black hole, because of the distortion of the time axis, compared to the outside world, Tang San is still alive. In this case, Douluo Dalu will not be affected in any way."

"But what I didn't expect was that after the black hole devoured the Douluo God Realm, life would be born, and it swallowed the other six God Realms autonomously."

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaofeng couldn't help but fell into deep thought, "The life born from a black hole should not be complete, because its mass is too large. In order to make life complete, it will devour it continuously. And the non-stop devouring will lead to It keeps increasing in quality."

"In this way, it will keep devouring until life becomes more and more incomplete."

Men Yashi smiled wryly, "If this is the case, it would be much simpler. But now, I cannot enter the Douluo Universe. It is because of the vibration of the void."

"And the appearance of void vibrations means that it has completely completed its transformation in the future. The reason why the void vibrations produced after transformation appear now is because even time has completely returned to the void."

Said, Men Yashi waved again.

I saw that the black hole whose mass and energy have reached the extreme is flying to a place.That place is the center of the galaxy.

"The center of a super-large stellar system? It should be a super-strong gravitational source." Jiang Xiaofeng looked at the scene and said thoughtfully, "But with the current mass of this black hole, it seems that it is not enough to fight against it. Forcibly Swallowing will only cause itself to reach its limit and collapse."

Kato Yashi nodded, "That's right, and although the black hole swallowed a lot of ether, it also swallowed a lot of mass. The growth rate of its mass is much faster than the growth rate of vitality."

"That is to say, the life of the black hole is not even as complete as before." Jiang Xiaofeng muttered to himself.

"But its vitality accumulation has also reached the highest in the universe. The only thing that restricts it from becoming a complete life is its quality." Men Yashi immediately added.

The two watched all this quietly.

Two supermassive gravitational sources collide head-on.

Just as Jiang Xiaofeng predicted, the black hole forcibly devoured the mass it couldn't bear, causing itself to collapse.It stands to reason that the collapsed black hole will re-form the existence of stars and the like.

"Wait. After the collapse, shouldn't a lot of mass and energy be released?" Contrary to Jiang Xiaofeng's prediction, the collapsed black hole not only did not release any mass, but all the mass disappeared instantly without a trace.

Men Yashi shook his head, "This is another possibility of extreme compression of matter. It's like a water cup, what will happen if you keep pouring water into it?"

"The water will gradually fill the water glass until it overflows." Jiang Xiaofeng replied naturally.

"This is the normal collapse of a black hole." Katoyashi continued to ask, "Then what happens if the top of the water cup is firmly covered and the water is continuously filled without water seepage?"

"The water glass will explode." Just as Jiang Xiaofeng said this, he suddenly stopped.At this moment, he vaguely grasped something, but it seemed that there was still a little problem that he couldn't figure out.

Men Yashi sighed, "The universe is equivalent to this water cup. Infinite water injection is equivalent to increasing the density of a certain substance infinitely. The density can be infinite in theory, but the universe's ability to withstand density is limited .”

"The terrifying vitality of the black hole is equivalent to the cover I just mentioned, which prevents the water from overflowing. At this time, the density of the black hole continues to increase, and finally."

Men Yashi snapped his fingers, and the next moment, all the substances in the picture began to "flow" away from an empty place.

"...the universe, there is a hole."

Jiang Xiaofeng stared blankly at this scene, "The black hole has lost all its mass, and its life is completely complete at this moment. And its life has completely assimilated with this hole."

At this time, we can once again compare the universe to a closed water cup.The water in the glass is equivalent to the mass and energy of the universe.If at this time, there is a hole in the bottom of the water glass.Then, all the water will flow out of the hole.

And the universe will gradually return to nothingness.

"Theoretically, this event should have happened in the future. But because of the distortion of time, things in the future have affected the present." Men Yashi said helplessly, "This also prevents me from entering this universe."

Jiang Xiaofeng slowly closed his eyes, constantly thinking about the solution.

After a long time, Jiang Xiaofeng slowly opened his eyes, "Perhaps, we still have a way."

Men Yashi nodded approvingly, "That's exactly what I came here for. Tell me about your method first."

"Its characteristics are very similar to Griza in the Tokusou drama, and they are equivalent to the 'cave of the universe'. I will call it Griza for the time being. After all, it is no longer necessary to call it a black hole. It fits."

Jiang Xiaofeng said while thinking.

"It doesn't matter what you call it." Monyashi nodded, "But you have to pay attention, even though you call it Griza, their characteristics are very similar. But this thing is not the Griza in the Tokusei drama after all, it's just They have the same abilities."

"And the most significant difference between the two is that there is no needle in its body that can sew the hole of the universe: the needle of the universe."

Jiang Xiaofeng smiled slightly, "Of course I know. If this Griza is a black hole that has evolved beyond the law, then if we want to fight against it, we need the same level of power."

Having said this, Jiang Xiaofeng shook his head again, "No, to be precise, it's the opposite force."

"The opposite of black holes is white holes. If black holes are constantly devouring, then white holes are constantly releasing. Moreover, the matter released by white holes is likely to come from other universes. From this perspective, white holes Even slightly higher than a black hole."

The white hole is currently a celestial body that only exists in the imagination, but human beings have not been able to confirm its existence.But once the existence of white holes is confirmed, many unexplainable phenomena in the universe will be explained.

"But Griza is the evolution of the black hole, the evolution beyond the law." Men Yashi added, "Not to mention whether you can master the power of the white hole, even if you master it, you are still a level behind Griza .”

Jiang Xiaofeng pondered, "Therefore, we need the white hole to also realize the evolution beyond the law. We don't know what the result of the evolution is, but we have to realize it no matter what."

Men Yashi smiled slightly, "Sure enough, I'm here to tell you about it."

Said, Mon Yashi waved his hand again, and a phantom of a white metal plate appeared instantly.

"In the future I originally observed, there was nothing left in this universe. But when I observed through this white Pandora metal plate, I miraculously saw a glimmer of hope. Although this glimmer of hope is very slim, But it's your only chance."

Speaking of this, Men Yashi said as if suddenly awakened, "By the way, I brought another person. He knows more about the research on the white metal plate than I do."

Said, Mon Yashi smiled slightly, "And I think, you should be looking forward to seeing him."

A crisp finger snap sounded, and Men Yashi's figure faded away, and then another figure slowly appeared.

"Hey, wait a minute" Before Jiang Xiaofeng could finish speaking, Men Shishi's figure disappeared completely.

Immediately afterwards, another figure became solidified.

Jiang Xiaofeng looked at the figure with some doubts, but when he completely saw the person in front of him, Jiang Xiaofeng's voice became completely agitated, "Zhan Zhan Zhan Tu?"

Seeing Jiang Xiaofeng's surprised look, Zhan Tu couldn't help laughing, "I didn't expect that I'm so popular."

Jiang Xiaofeng looked at the person in front of him, surprised and didn't know what to say.

Zhantu's face suddenly turned serious, "Speaking of which, you used my technology and knowledge without my permission. Should I ask you to charge some patent fees?"

Seeing Jiang Xiaofeng's guilty expression, Zhan Tu scratched his head and laughed happily, "I'm lying to you! As long as my knowledge can be used in love and peace, that's enough."

As he said that, Zhantu said with some distress, "Oh! I was pulled over by him for no reason, saying that there is another universe that needs help. I also want to share my research on the white Pandora metal plate. Terrible!"

"Oh, by the way, you don't have to care about the title, just call me Zhantu like everyone else." As he spoke, Zhantu thought about it, "I probably heard about you. I feel like you look like a muscular idiot , At the beginning, they were trying to catch up with me, hoping to become a hero like me."

"When one day, you feel a little tired and want to stop to rest, you realize that you are already a well-deserved hero."

Saying that, Zhan Tu smiled and patted Jiang Xiaofeng on the shoulder, "So, you don't have to worry about whether you are worthy of the name Build. You have been a Kamen Rider Build a long time ago."

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(End of this chapter)

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