Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 307 Clearer Lesson 1

Chapter 307 A Clearer Lesson

The animation of the bright team logo is particularly eye-catching.

Great morale boost.

As for which side this morale belongs to?

Anyway, the LPL audience will enjoy watching it, passers-by will find it interesting, and wish to be more angry than fighting, but for the loser, the party who serves as the background board, the LCK will not feel so good, and even think it is a kind of provocation .

God is pitiful.

It really is.


Let's just admit that the bright label has some flamboyant flavor.

"Huni join the party."

"The weapon didn't go home in the end, and it refused to even try to struggle."

"Small students should also join the party. The audience ate 212 knives, so they can be compared to Brother Li."

"The incense pot is too strong, this prince, go forward!"

"Galiobao dared to fight like this. The biggest hero must be Xiaohu. The first wave of teleportation caught him and directly established the laning pattern of the bottom lane."

"Haha, the output of Puppy is almost twice as high as that of Bang (2 vs. 4)."

"Seeing the picture of Bang beating a big bug, I want to laugh every time."


Standing on such a stage and being watched by so many audiences, it is difficult to think that there is no pressure and no emotion.

The LCK audience is pissed off.

Buckle was not so angry.

He just felt that it was a pity, and he tried his best to think about the formation of troops in the second round, and he had no intention of worrying about other things.

The players from both sides stepped down, the happy ones and the silent ones were clearly distinguished.

The data panel given after the game.

Until about 22 minutes, the economies on both sides were biting tightly, presenting an intertwined red and blue square curve.

The LCK commentator discussed with regret: "The next Tana wave will not be disconnected, don't disrupt the rhythm, and you won't be forced to join the group so early."

Huni's matchup in the first 2 levels was a bit turbulent, but he quickly adjusted and actively developed. When he switched lanes, he was already able to suppress it. Compared with the curve alone, it must be that the weapon becomes stronger in the later stage. Typical It's fleshy and has output, no matter how hard the big bug is, it's nothing more than a sandbag.

This round should have applauded the weapon, and the stage was already being set up, but it was because of the touting in front, seeing Huni wasting another chance, they would sincerely confide some blame.

"I'm really in a hurry. You shouldn't be in a hurry with weapons. The hero lane environment will keep rising. What is Huni in a hurry for?"

No hurries?
Anxious to expand the advantage myself.

Professional players are more greedy, and if they have the opportunity to be greedy, they all want to earn more income to pave the way for the follow-up.

"Galio came too fast. We pushed the line first in the middle lane and just arrived near Xiaolongkeng. Galio circled from the back of the tower, and he was able to jump into the field a few beats sooner."

"Hey, I can't blame Huni entirely. Little Peanut's work frequency is also very low. Economically, he has exploded the pot. In terms of starting a team first and working efficiency, the prince has more presence. This one, the male gun Obviously a bit out of the team."

"Ueno is a little bit, he pays too much attention to his own development. In the end, the big dragon went up to the top, and the weapons didn't come back."

"Back when Stupid was here, we had the world's number one mid-jungle combination. Although Faker was attacking, he didn't have to worry about his back at all. I didn't expect that our mid-jungle closeness rate is not as high as RNG's now!"

This is a bit too much.

Why don't you say that Peanut always likes to play the upper half.

But for Korean audiences who are used to most of the collisions happening in the middle lane and a big circle near the middle lane, this SKT is a bit unfamiliar. It seems to be just a question of priority, but it actually involves primary and secondary issues.

It has to be said that buckling the horse is enough to fit the playing style of these players, but if you don’t want to change it at all, how can it be possible, people are not machines, some things just aren’t used to them, and it’s uncomfortable to play.

What's more, this SKT team is equally strong, and only when they meet the same top team that seizes the opportunity, will this sense of dislocation be amplified. Ordinary teams have collapsed online.

Of course, it can be seen from the commentary of the LCK that the key to this game is that Galio sits in the midfield and connects the offense from the upper and lower sides——

Not only do they dominate the field and protect the prince's formation, but they can also interrupt the offense planned by SKT.

Xiaohu's organizational skills are not top-notch. He is not used to giving orders, but Qin Ming also knows that Xiaohu is a player with strong adaptability. Although the refined Galio is not as amazing as Doinb's first-timer, he can preview half a beat in advance. Judgment can still be done.

Just relying on Galio's own characteristics alone, he can achieve good tactical effects.

This is a solid victory. Xiaohu was seduced by SKT twice in the middle, and he was indeed a bit out of place. For example, in the wave of the upper lane and the wave of Dalong refreshing the middle lane, SKT has a chance to win the big group.

Throughout Xiaohu's entire career, Galio is only proficient, not a soul hero. Galio is easy to say, the skill mechanism is relatively simple, and the W flash has not been cut. If the first wave enters the field with flash, call it brainless;

It is really difficult to say, how to control the formation, body position, how to control the pawn line, how to force the position to play a better restrictive effect, this kind of improvement beyond proficiency is not enough to play more, you must have your own understanding of deconstruction .

of course.

Xiaohu's Galio is enough for some specific systems. Anyway, there is still a pot for starting a group. As long as it runs smoothly enough, the protection is already strong.

That's how it felt in the first game.

Even if it is the most dangerous wave of Xiangguo, it will be melted after only one big is released, and Galio's follow-up entry can also cut off SKT's connection.

The main advantage of this style of play is that it has stable control and plenty of room for error. It is not like taking out an assassin. When the player is in a good state, the operation is amazing. When the state is not good, the marginal OB is easy to be inexplicable AOE spread.

Zeyuan also said: "After Galio reached 6, our offensive order is slightly different from the previous style of play. The purpose is more clear, which is to hit collisions and focus on backhands. Before the puppy has enough advantages, Xiangguo and Xiaohu's task is more to defend and counterattack.

If you look at the confrontation in the wild area, you will know that Galio is big, but he never has to fight for some wild monsters. Most of the time, Xiangguo avoids Peanut, so that Galio’s righteous debut can be placed in more value round.

The male gun is very good, and the damage is not less, but it is worthless after the disadvantage. "

After the panel.

This time the MVP went to Xiaohu's Galio, with 2 injuries, 9% participation rate, and a strong sense of presence helped RNG defeat SKT in 86.7 minutes.

In this game, RNG won more than just an MVP. More importantly, how will the deck that RNG show off be broken?
Isn't SKT doing well?

Li Ge's Ice Girl frequently finds opportunities to enter the field, Huni's weapon is also good on the side lanes, and Little Peanut's male gun is already walking sideways in the wild area, eating wild everywhere, but when combined, it just hasn't been hit.

Although RNG's lineup is a bit "cumbersome", it is enough to make people ignore these shortcomings in front of the performance.

Qin Ming had a difficult problem for buckling the horse.

The buckle horse really felt it too.

Even if he doesn't like "bulkyness" any more, and thinks that a hero like the prince who never returns is a symbol of risk, but the extremely high fault tolerance shown by RNG in this round, or the way it is difficult to reduce personnel even if he breaks in, makes him It opens up a lot.

There is nothing to hide in front of his assistants, analysts, and his direct descendants. After losing the game, his face darkened. Part of the reason for his bad mood was his first defeat, and the bigger reason was the set of things he trusted. In front of such an array of iron barrels, he was already beaten to death.

Others can criticize Peanut for not being as good as an inferior prince, or Huni for being impatient, but those who are familiar with the players know that RNG puts a lot of pressure on them.

Since the bottom wave was double-killed, the rhythm has been disrupted. The weapon can't wait for four or five sets before exerting force, and the pressure has already exceeded the threshold. If you don't try to slow down, there is no big dragon buff. RNG's lineup can also Chongta, don't forget that Ice and Ice Maiden's line-clearing ability is only average, and they cannot be resolved before the line of soldiers is sent in.

And once the rhythm is wrong, the positioning of the weapon is very awkward.

Why is it so difficult for top laners to catch fire in the arena? The problem lies in the fact that the early stage is weak, too economical, and it is very difficult to grasp the timing when entering the field.

The same economy, the general top order can join the group early to play a big value, the weapons and equipment are expensive, there is no meat supplement for the 2-piece set, and the position is not easy to put.

Kouma thought a lot, and Qin Ming's thinking about selecting candidates was also changing him, but before the team members came in, his emotions quickly subsided and became calm.

No matter in the arena or off the stage, motivating morale and cohesive team is a guarantee to win the game.

The coaches who have coached and achieved results have their own personalities and play styles, but only on this point, they all have similar styles.

A coach who only complains about his players' poor performance is the worst kind.

In such a BO5 game, what the players who just lost need to listen to is not the most profound replay. That is what needs to be done after the game. There is only such a little rest time. The deduction generally only does two things, comfort/encourage and quickly Give a second idea.

Let the players know how to adjust.

Buckle the horse harshly and gently.

The whole team has been scolded by him, whether it is meritorious figures or new players, there is no such thing as the so-called cornerstone of the team.

Good is good, not suitable is not suitable, the efforts and sweat of so many people are not centered around a certain player.

Today, Qin Ming has already taught Kou Ma a lesson.

"Tell me how you feel."

Huni is still immersed in dissatisfaction, "The situation is not at stake, I have a great advantage, but I lack equipment, and the role of my joining the team is not enough to influence the battle situation. It would be great if I can continue to delay."

This is what he said in his heart. He should have forgotten about being beaten home at level 2. His mind was full of bullying the big bugs, but RNG had to take over the rhythm of forcing towers.

"Galio is very annoying, no matter how we drive, there is always a Galio stopping us."

Wolf takes a holistic standpoint.

"My output environment is very bad." Bang looked at the problem from his own perspective.

"Mine, I can't restrict it." Brother Li took the initiative to take the blame.

this one.

Xiaohu's control of the pawn line is also very mature, and he can often control good roaming opportunities.

"I don't know, I feel like I can fight."

If Huni is just unwilling and thinks he can c, then Peanut is depressed, because his statistics are really luxurious.

In the confrontation with Xiangguo, no matter how I think about it, I feel uncomfortable losing. A prince, it's a no-brainer to start a group. With just such a set of straight punches, they lost!

that feeling...

It's like trying to calculate, but it can't stop people from being reckless, and my heart suddenly feels empty.

He worked so hard to plan the wild area, and the suppression mission was not perfect, but it was not right.

Anyway, if the audience watched the performance of the two junglers, they would definitely not value the lead in clearing the jungle. They would only think about how to consume resources, which are not as useful as the prince.

Feeling a little down.

At this time, the buckle clapped his hands and shouted: "The game is not over yet, how should we play in the second round? Will the ban position be changed in the first round? How?"

"The blind monk can give it."

"We want to ban Galio?"

"Can't we grab it? Let's choose sides."

A new topic opened up, and the players finally didn't have to immerse themselves in the game of the previous game. They buckled up and looked at Faker, "I think it's time to grab it, and there's no need to go out on the road. They gave me an idea, we can use the Galio is used as a fulcrum to expand the radiation range and try to keep the development of the c-position, which is much more important than the line-clearing ability."

The only advantage of the top laner Galio is that the top laner is against heroes such as Shen and Sion, including Kenan and Weapon. Not worth it.

RNG has once again proved with facts that Galio in the middle lane can maximize the advantage over the top laner.

The history of alliance tactics is a history of actively fighting for the front wave under the fist version.

Whoever does not innovate and adapt will find it difficult to move forward.

Now that Galio has made a decision, SKT quickly summed up some other preparations.

Some were used by RNG and SS, but they didn't think it was very difficult to solve until after the first round of collision.

For example, Galio has no lack of control and damage, so he must make up the big c. Bang immediately expressed his confidence to take the mouse to keep up with the development in the puppy's matchup. The only problem with the big core is that the defensive ability is biased and it is easy to be arranged.

Of course, there must be more than one hand in preparation. From the field to the road, there are reserves. What the buckle does is to knead their own ideas.

This thing has been done many times.

In his opinion, Huni, Peanut, and Faker are all players with personalities, and it's normal to have different opinions. Otherwise, why would you want him as a coach.

As for the RNG lounge where they won the game, the atmosphere is much more relaxed.

Qin Ming even let it go——

He took the position like that and deduced: "SKT wants the blue side, and they will definitely not give priority to grabbing the wild area (the first one has been confirmed, it is very difficult to completely cut off the rhythm of the hotpot), how do you think they will take it? I think This is the reason why the connection is not smooth, if you don't ban it, you will grab Galio."

SKT lost and they had to make changes.

This is what Qin Ming said.

"We don't ban?"

"No ban." Qin Ming said affirmatively.

The players immediately knew the coach's strategy.

As Qin Ming said earlier, they will never face Galio less often in the future.

With the victory of the first game, the game will continue.

 I can't do the second update today, I have something to do in the afternoon, and I will continue tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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