Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 315 We Are Teammates

Chapter 315 We Are Teammates

The sound of the audience's anxious cursing couldn't reach Zoom's ears, but he could feel it.

Playing a ranking, if you get caught, you will feel sorry for your teammates, let alone such a game.

Without mentioning the sense of honor, no one wants to be the one who is holding back.

After dying once, Xiangguo used quick actions to counter a group of wild monsters and add a river crab.

But he just stopped the loss, and SKT opened up.

As one might expect, the LCK casters don't care much about losing a set of blue buffs.

As a weak hero, it is not easy to find an opportunity before the blind monk. It is too late to boast, so how can you blame him.

On the road, another blood change.

Huni, who was ahead of a red crystal, first used an AQ soldier to pretend to press forward, paused to avoid the explosion of the barrel, then took W to slow down, and then pulled E to play a silky AQ second-stage real injury, and then pulled back chicly.

If it wasn't for seduction, why would he keep eating buckets?

Don't really think I can't be a captain, no, no.

Huni is happy.

This was the most comfortable start for him since the three games. In addition, he found that the opponent was very dissatisfied and dared to use the bucket to fight for the line. Maybe he thought he would still eat the bucket stupidly?
After a series of moves, the captain was hit with a corruption potion. Under such circumstances, he might be beaten home again before level 6. This made the LCK commentator continue to praise him, even though Zac was already behind in clearing the jungle.

"Qinggangying played the captain's laning, and it was all about micromanagement before six. Logically speaking, the captain would not be so passive."

"This is Huni at the playoff level. He has never lacked oppressive power in the lane, and he has done a good job of changing blood. It's just that he needs the jungler to help him a lot. This one, the middle and wild think very clearly, is to help the winger , Wherever opportunities are created up and down, Nakano will go there, which can solve many difficult problems for the mid-term!"

"The loss in the first two rounds was just that we were playing along with coach Beggin's layout. We shouldn't be so focused on the second half of the confrontation. Flexibility is the essence of SKT's victory."

"Hide another two-barrel barrel, good!"

A new wave of soldiers gathered and began to accumulate and slowly push towards the red side. After the previous wave of exchange of blood, the captain once again launched an invitation to fight, but was dodged by Huni with E and forced out an orange. This made LCK The commentator was overjoyed.

Even if they win this round, it will be more difficult to drag into the final round, but at least there has been a turning point.

There is hope.

compare to.

Zoom's mentality is a bit broken, the captain is his special hero, because of this, when the effect that the barrel can cause is not so good, every time the confrontation is at a disadvantage (it is not good to exchange blood and tie), it is against him A test of will.

And he couldn't find the feeling of changing blood for a long time, which would only make him more irritable. Qing Gangying jumped up and down in front of him.

"Xiaohei is here again. Trianglegrass has eyes. He knows it. He chooses to jump from the river to the wall and hit the explosive fruit to the stone beetle. The zoom is dangerous. If 2 packs are 1, can it be operated?"

The captain has already been dealt with 2 bottles of corruption potion, but at least he is in good condition.

The line came up bit by bit, and zoom had already dropped the bucket in front of the tower to clear the line.

Zac lacks damage, and Qinggang Shadow only has one set. Zeyuan is expected to be hit by a wave of fire, and there is still a possibility of survival. If the state is changed, at least the defense tower will not be worn out.

They can only think so, and look forward to it.

It's just that when the camera cuts to the top road, where the stone beetle bushes are waiting for E's Zac, the line of troops regroups in the middle road, and Brother Li has already stood in the tower for a while.

3 minutes 37 seconds.

Just when the top soldiers entered the tower, Xiaogou and Ming were also beaten back. Zyra is indeed Wolf's unique hero. Cooperating with Bang's harassment, it made Xiaogou very annoying, and exchanged blood for ups one after another.

It is also the next road to go back to the city. Xiao Ming has time to switch to other roads to see the situation.

Soon, the beam of teleportation light was shining on the melee soldiers who were about to eat the line with the second barrel, and Zoom was forced to retreat.

"It's not 2 packs of 1, it's 3 packs of 1. If that's the case, let's see if Xiaohu can clear the line and exchange some extra damage."

Zeyuan said helplessly.

SKT's offensive was like a tide, one wave after another, the captain was like a boat that was about to sink into the sea at any time, precarious.Really miserable.

The timing, vision, and coordinated combo are all in place.

Zoom only hit two consecutive barrels, and was cut off by Zach E. As soon as he returned to the bottom of the tower, a yellow card was received, and Qinggang Ying quickly pulled up with E, harvesting the second head, and Xiao Hei, who was in charge of resisting the tower It has left the range of the defense tower.

"My... sorry."

zoom was panting heavily and kept apologizing, giving the impression that he was sacrificing himself to ask for everyone's forgiveness.

The stage of the final magnifies the role of emotions.

If no one helped him, he would have to break the defense before SKT, which lost 2 rounds.

The more you blame yourself, the more uncomfortable you are, the more uncomfortable you are, the more afraid you are.

The whole thing collapsed a little bit, and the aspirations were smashed to pieces.

He knew that when the card reached 6, in such a situation, unless he didn't eat the line, it would be more accurate.

This is the rhythm ability of dual cards and dual belts. As long as there is a gap, they can continue to expand.

In other words, this combination was first created by Qin Ming. Before the spring split started, RNG had contacted them, and it felt good to get started.

In terms of adaptability, the mid laners and cards that Qinggangying needs most must be on the list.

But no combination is perfect.

There is no unbreakable move in the alliance.

On a stage where personal factors account for a large proportion, what about adaptation?
These, Qin Ming has a certain premonition.

RNG voice.

Xiao Ming joked as he walked down, "Ham, those who didn't know thought we were 2:0. Don't worry, don't worry, we'll come back as soon as we play a good round. Keep it steady. This kind of game is sure to win." They are more panicked, why are we panicking?"

When he was about to fall into the abyss, Xiao Ming dropped the straw.

Xiangguo was even more disdainful, "The second wave of wild monsters will be spawned soon. The F6 on the opposite side is mine, and mine is still mine. It's just Zac, I will face him, he can't hide!"

What an "arrogance" this is.

If Peanut was there, both of them would play hide-and-seek, but Xiao Hei was in the wild area, limited by his talent, his biggest weakness was that he didn't take care of himself first according to the situation. What he does best.

The little peanut under the stage was also a little dizzy.

Maybe it was a mess.

When he saw Xiao Hei appearing on the road twice in a row, completely revealing his identity, he would be in control of where he went next.

Under such circumstances, shouldn't he go back to the city to prepare for ward warning? Xiao Hei is afraid that Brother Li will be crouched by the blind monk when he returns to the line, and escorts the card to eat the tower knife.

Go home after helping?
Still have time to watch people?Do you want to fight against the next wave of wild areas?
He didn't understand, but he was astonished, just like when he replayed the Xiangguo game, he was surprised by the gambler's boldness.

Brother Li also persuaded him, but Xiao Hei didn't think it mattered.

Not everyone can walk a tightrope.

Xiangguo's words made the straw condense into a rope.

"The disadvantage is fine, you just need to make up the knife, Qing Gangying we can deal with it." Xiaohu has already led the card by 7 knives, and the starting equipment is still a mining knife, focusing on gold for 100 years. This will also comfort him: "Don't be afraid that he will bring deep , It is our opportunity for him to lead deep, and Liu Shiyu and I are not weak in supporting ability."

The long rope turns into a steel rope.

Puppy is the most straightforward, "Wait for me in a three-piece suit. Let's pull it strong and let the incense pot top it. The cards can't go around the front row. If you play Poke, the plane will be higher; It's too easy for Qing Gangying to enter the arena."

The steel cable turned into a mechanical arm, and zoom was lifted out.

Most of his troubles and boredom were shaken off.

triple core.

triple core.

It is acceptable to temporarily hide one, but without one, no one can play.

Junze and Aran are competitors, but the purpose of the competition is to make the team stronger, so strong that they are not afraid of their opponents and reach the top of the mountain.

These players, including the coaching staff, all have a common goal. It is this goal that brings everyone together and keeps going. Before the goal is not achieved, they will only suppress other thoughts and obey the team.

This is what Qin Ming has always emphasized.

Everyone has small thoughts, but if you want to win, no one is willing to lose, even Letme sitting in the audience, he has had enough failures.

He is going to win.

Even if the team wins.

When the zoom came back to his senses, there was a faint reminder, "When the card reaches 6, should I let go?"

"No, let's go down the road and let it go. You can't suffer any more. Wait for me to act." Xiao Ming replied quickly.

"I might not get through it, they're fast."

"No, how did you develop? We can give you the first fire dragon. Anyway, you can't push it down. This Zyra is disgusting."

After communication.

Zoom has a little bit of confidence, which is the backing given by the team.

Huni continued to control the line and was in good condition. When the captain came over, he threw a bucket in front of him. Without even thinking about it, he kicked an E unconscious and wanted to collide, preparing for the third wave of arrests.

He did this because he felt that the captain would be the first to attack barrel A (knock out the second layer), but unexpectedly, after an orange on the opposite side was untied, he did not fight back immediately, but pulled it away, which made E end up. Huni, who was stuck in the front position and was about to hit the second-stage Q, was a little embarrassed. More importantly, he was an EAQA bucket, and he hit the bucket until it was fully stored, and he did not click it;
The captain turned back with a Q, and the barrel exploded. It was not a loss for Huni to exchange blood, but I just felt that the script should not be opened like this.

Stabilized again?
Huni was angry that the opponent was not active in changing blood.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

Being taken care of for two consecutive waves, and still maintaining this mentality, there must be more fights in the future.

In any case, mentality is the most important, it directly affects performance.

Just when the Qinggang Shadow Card skills were being suppressed, when Zac just came out of the high ground, the red zone of the blue side that no one noticed, the incense pot that had not been prepared in advance by the three wolves sneaked into the red buff grass, and a fake eye gave him Go to the side of F6, go around to the red buff camp from the right, and wait for someone.

Didn't make him wait long.

Zac was exposed when he ate F6 in the first wave, so it is very convenient to calculate the refresh time.

"Familiar squatting for the second wave of F6 refresh, Xiaohu clears the line again, starts the gun to sweep, and no longer controls blue."

4 minutes 47 seconds.

F6 to refresh.

Xiao Hei enters the camp from E at the intersection of the second tower, and hits a W in the middle of F6.

While communicating with the bottom lane, suddenly a sky sound wave hit him.

"It's over!" Zeyuan was overjoyed, "Kick it up, stick to the output, the plane can come over first, we are stronger than Nakano, the big bird's blood volume has not reached the penalty line, the incense pot is bad, just beat your state first .”

He had no choice but to retreat, and was chased all the way to the second tower. Seeing that F6's hatred was about to be wiped out, Xiang Guo turned around and took over, quickly punishing Big Bird.

Suffering from a collision, Xiao Hei communicated information, took advantage of the blind monk to eat F6, went around to the red zone from behind, and wanted to protect the stone beetle.

But who is Xiangguo.

After eating F6, he ran the map immediately. Zac just lost a Q, and the blind monk arrived again. One walked in a straight line and the other went around the wall. It was quite easy to come from behind.

This time, Xiao Hei was punished, so he definitely didn't want to let him go, so he asked to get off the road and come over.

"An E hits the air, Xiao Hei picks up the passive and heals back a bit of blood, Zyra is about to come over, Xiangguo turns around and eats a small one, touches the wall with his eyes, hey, it's so flexible, what do you keep?"

It's all here, let's keep Zac eating wild.

As soon as he thought this way, the blind monk behind the wall threw another Tianyinbo, which hit the big one, forcing Xiao Hei to pay the punishment quickly, and dared not stay any longer.

"If Zac has to do something, don't even think about keeping his development. Without punishment, Xiaolong can delay for a while. Although we don't dare to open the dragon, as long as SKT's control of Xiaolong is also slow, this is a good thing for us. "

Zeyuan's analysis hits the nail on the head.

Even if the incense pot breaks the rhythm again, it is still a clear card.

Being robbed of F6 has already made the LCK commentators frown a little. When Xiao Hei is caught again, Zyra's online consumption will be delayed, and they will not be able to make ends meet.

After all, they can't understand it either!

Compared with Peanut's weak avoidance and exchange in the second round, knowing the information and immediately countering the invasion, the same Zach, no comparison, no harm!
It does get a little irritating.

Zac has no more wilds to swipe, and there is still a wild area behind the blind monk. Although the offensive tactics are very rewarding, the wild area cannot be so backward.

"I'd rather watch Peanut play peek-a-boo with the other party, than see Xiao Hei being bullied like this!"

Korean Open viewers made no secret of their dislike for Xiaohei. Don’t think that Xiaohei’s savior in the spring competition is very positive to the audience. Last year, when SKT lost, he took a big pot on his shoulders. Peanut’s style of play is popular again, and he can often fight (From S6 to S7, Little Peanut's super-skilled rounds are the most among all junglers. In the group match against G2, he also killed the opponent's jungler 5 times in 4 minutes, which is not as good as Those who follow his thinking are basically exploded).

"What did Xiao Hei think in the game of life and death? He refused to let Xiao Peanut fight even once? What is Xiao Hei better than Xiao Peanut?"

"There's only one reason, bucking the horse out of his wits! He's wasting our few chances!"

"If you lose, you will be punished!"

Hanwang is the one that knows how to settle accounts after the fall, and has no classic credits.

The audience complained about Xiao Hei, who avoids battles and doesn't plan ahead.

"If you go back and control the dragon, the blind monk will be 2 levels ahead of you!"

"The development of the fire dragon is more important than mine. It's okay. When you reach 6, we will make another wave. I will be responsible for driving."

Xiao Hei has not yet realized the danger of the matter.

Li Ge is also not a tough person, he can only secretly worry, want to drive the rhythm faster, and hope that Zach's disadvantages can be made up for.

At 5 minutes and 13 seconds, Xiao Hei, who was delayed for a while, still started to fight Xiaolong when he got the lane right in the bottom lane.

Wolf moved closer in advance, Xiao Ming pinged the signal, and directly pressed Verus to stand back, so that the puppy could eat the line.

When Jiela came back, the fire dragon wailed, and the incense pot ate up the wild monsters in the red zone again, and set up a view of the upper river.

RNG quickly made adjustments.

At 5 and a half minutes, Xiaohu, who returned to Yibo’s home, began to speed up the line clearing speed, consuming the mana of the card, forcing Li Ge to return to Yibo’s home before reaching 6, and missed another 3 knives;

In the bottom lane, Xiao Ming deliberately sells blood, but Zyra's power consumption is too strong, so she barely gets stuck on the side of her own wall. Knowing that the opposite side can store up lines and enter the tower, the wheel mother is in danger, so she decisively returns to the city and runs up the road.

Just when Zhongfu was actively creating opportunities, the level 5 Xiangguo came to the red zone, and at the same time he saw Zach's figure in the river view.

(End of this chapter)

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