Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 317 The one foot in the stalemate

Chapter 317 The kick in the stalemate

SKT successfully got the second small dragon, and the third one showed the mark of the earth dragon, which made them accept it a little bit.

"This imprint is not good, Xiaolong can't give it happily."

Taking advantage of SKT eating Xiaolong, all RNG members developed comfortably for a while, and Xiaohu's plane has begun to absorb a large amount of economy, and the upper river crabs are all given to him.

That is to say, the card can roll the dice to send money, otherwise the equipment cannot keep up with the plane.

"In another 100 seconds, the card's third big move, it depends on where to fly. If we can prevent it, our current situation is actually acceptable."

The doll made a point.

For SKT, they also understand this truth.

RNG's style of play is to exchange as much as possible. Among the three cores, the development of aircraft is the best, which is heading towards a more dangerous situation.

Brother Li is in a hurry.

He kept saying hello to his teammates.

Although the support in the middle lane can become a foothold to grasp the opportunity, the troubles caused by the first three waves of offensive are not too big. Apart from abolishing a captain, other aspects are lacklustre. It is really difficult to grasp the rhythm of freezing RNG.

The captain pulls his hips again, and uses his big move to cooperate with the action to get assists, and he can get along.

The canyon resumed a temporary period of calm.

Xiang Guo is still playing games with Xiao Hei.

The old trick was repeated by using the vision to lock the intersection, the card refresh time, eating the stone beetle in front of Xiao Hei, and then sneaked away before Xia Fu came over.

Zach is having a hard time.

In fact, it is very difficult to re-arm without guarding against the second wave of wild monster refresh nodes and without frequent care from teammates.

Xiangguo played unreasonably. He didn't spawn his own wild monsters, but gave priority to other people's monsters. This made Xiao Hei curse at Xiangguo - don't you have a wild area!
If Xiangguo could hear it, he would reply with a smirk, "My jungle is Xiaohudi, and your jungle is mine."

Fortunately, under normal circumstances, it is more difficult for Zac to want to die, but the lagging behind in clearing the wild makes Xiao Hei more impatient.

Xiao Hei came to Shanghe Road again.

With vision protection, zoom gave way again and retreated to the autistic grass.

With 2 heads, Yaoguang, and the Qinggang Shadow brought out by the small wooden hammer, he can't afford to provoke him. Adding a Zac who can cooperate with him, it is already difficult to operate under the tower.

Xiao Hei also figured it out, the incense pot tortured him, making it difficult for him to develop, so he tortured the captain and asked Qing Gangying to take down a tower first.

It's just that his position was exposed, Xiangguo hurried to the bottom lane, Xiaohu continued to play the push game with Brother Li, and he could give priority to providing support.

"The defense tower needs to be exchanged, but the first tower cannot be obtained."

Bang understood the situation, but fortunately, he let Wolf block the pawn line before being entangled.

Seeds rise.

Three big flowers sprayed one after another, and while the blind monk was keeping an eye out, the two had already retreated.

But just such a little delay is enough for Qinggang Shadow Mill Tower.

In 10 and a half minutes, the first tower was accepted by Huni;

At 10 minutes and 41 seconds, the puppy took down the next tower and made up for the little economy.

During the line transfer, Xiaohu's mining knife exploded, and he went home to upgrade the three phases and bought the boots of the mage.

In this round, he has eaten 116 knives, which includes a group of half F6 and a group of river crabs.

"When the three phases come out, they basically have good combat power."

"The card draws out the stick of time, adds a short sword, and the second piece should be a cannon."

"Looking at the output alone, if there is an airplane Poke, the third dragon group can pick it up."

Both sides think so.

Since Xiangguo is constantly looking for Xiaohei's position, it is difficult for Xiaohei to find a gank opportunity in these few minutes except for his eyesight and vision, and it is very uncomfortable to be restricted by Xiangguo;

For RNG, Earth Dragon is definitely an important resource. SKT is a sideline lineup. No one can ignore the damage of Earth Dragon to buildings. Coupled with the mid-term switch, their understanding of their lineup is to delay Tower push rhythm.

It doesn't matter if you die in battle, the tower must be slow, if you can take advantage of Xiaolong's point and constantly draw energy, it is really the best way.

Both sides are communicating.

In the early 14 minutes, Brother Li chose to return to the city to replenish.

Earth Dragon still has one and a half minutes to refresh.

Xiao Hei came to the lower half, draining the view of the grass under the river, and the MISS signal given by Xiao Hu made zoom have to give up the tower.

Because during the laning phase of the bottom lane, Bang had already worn out one-third of the tower, and the advanced Qing Gangying was strong in singles, and he could consume blood in front of him when he was stuck in the cannon lane.

The strategy under the tower is really familiar to Huni.

In this way, SKT took another tower, seized the view of Longkeng, and turned around to brush the line.

Xiaolong still has 35 seconds to refresh, Huni pushes in a wave of lines again, returns to the city to make up for Ziyulin, and prepares to join forces. Just as Huni is slowly approaching to prepare for Xiaolong's game, in the middle, Wolf presses forward, allowing Bang and Li to clear the line , quickly descend from the intersection to the river, and arm the blue zone;
Xiaogou and Ming took over the middle lane, and when Xiaohu, who was carrying the explosive pack, came over, he unhurriedly pushed the lane out again, just to make SKT jealous by using the middle tower.

Surrounding Xiaolong, the technical and tactical qualities of both sides are very mature.

After seizing the field of view, Wolf planted seeds in Longkeng. While the captain was still clearing the second tower, he returned to defend the middle lane in the middle and bottom. After achieving the goal of involving, he had been throwing Q on the wall in the blue area to explore the field of vision. The incense pot has teammates to support , insert the real eye, and touch it.

SKT understands that the mouth of the dragon pit is not so easy to occupy, and the plane Poke is strong, so as soon as the dragon is refreshed, Wolf wakes up with his energy skills, and then retreats to the triangle grass with Xiao Hei, and the river channel is given to RNG;

The opponent is retreating to a strategic point, and Xiangguo is of course willing to take over.

From the formation point of view, the RNG who regained the field of vision is Xiaolong, who is assisted by Xiaye, and Xiaohu is stuck at the intersection of the red zone alone. Whether it was the yellow card or Verus' loss, Xiaohu was confident that he had the reaction speed to pull back the distance.

To put it bluntly, Xiaohu, the commander of the pilot, just wants to cheat and control.

"A red missile, hit Bang steadily, haha, Xiaohu is standing here alone, it is impossible to open, the distance of the card W is not as far as the range of the plane's big move."

Seeing that this position is quite good, Zeyuan saw that Xiaolong's blood volume dropped rapidly, the captain was already pushing the line out, and he already decided in his heart that SKT would give way.

Xiaolong has 1200 blood left.

Xiao Ming was keeping an eye on the person coming from the right side by himself, and when he saw Wolf coming alone, he was already vigilant.

Just greeted, on the left side of the battlefield, the situation suddenly changed.

"Bang flashed an R, the angle was very tricky, Qinggang Ying broke out from the red zone, and Xiaohu quickly purified W."

Another missile forced the middle and lower to retreat. Xiaohu just pressed half a step forward, and his body came to the red zone. Verus, who was walking back, adjusted his body by flashing, and hit the chain of corruption with his big move;
Xiaohu didn't take it seriously at the beginning, the card position was not good, and he couldn't keep up with the control. He thought that the opponent was in a hurry and made a mistake in skill coordination. A steel rope animation appeared next to him, forcing him to purify and de-magnify, strengthen his W and back away .

In Xiaohu's heart, he felt that the other side was doing this to let the dragon change his life. If he was caught by the green steel shadow hex pass, he would almost die. After all, there was no one around him, and the big troops were at the mouth of the dragon pit.

And Xiaohu chose to retreat in this way, also because he was worried about bringing Qinggangying to the side of the main force, so his W pulled straight back, drew a line of fire, and ran to the vicinity of the pass in the blue zone;
The plane was forced back, and everyone in SKT felt relieved.

Huni's fake killing of the plane really started a group. The moment E was hooked on the wall and went down to the dragon pit, a lump of green stuff flew over the little dragon, and the target pointed directly at the right side of the puppy;
Xiangguo is afraid of being robbed by the dragon, and is all about getting to the killing line as soon as possible.

A huge pupil lit up in the sky, [Fate Opened], which aggravated the chaos in the arena. Originally, Xiao Ming was staring at Zyra, but now he had to take care of the opponent's entry into the arena;
Xiao Hei's landing was twisted away by the puppy, and during such a pull and force, Lulu and Wheel Mom suddenly drew closer, and the cannon fell from the sky, covering the mouth of the dragon pit;
After reacting, Xiaohu W, who was deceived by his superb acting skills, pulled forward and focused on Zach.

It was in such a chaotic formation that Xiaolong was taken down by blind monk Q.

"The earth dragon is in hand, and the card flew to the puppy's face!"

Taking advantage of Xiangguo's attention on Xiaolong, Xiaohei didn't even have a chance to fight, so he immediately made a big move of bouncing the ball, forcing out the wheel mother's E, the landing mark of the card appeared on his face, and the puppy flashed towards the plane That's it, SKT's goal changed again, killing Xiao Ming by surprise.

The card turns around with a yellow card, Zyra pulls an E closer from the right, Huni ults to block Lulu, AQ follows the W, Xiao Ming barely uses the ult, but is taken away by the damage of the universal card and the flower;

"Xiang Guo kicked Zac away with his big move, and he was also knocked into the air. SKT didn't do enough damage, so he managed to hit the wall with his eyes, but was blocked by Bang."

Lulu fell to the ground, the incense pot was pulled towards the corner, SKT put pressure on the front, and Zac forced the dragon to swing its tail at the last point of his big move. Fortunately, he lacked control, and the blind monk was still able to reach the red zone with his eyes. Bang;

Bang is also very spiritual. Verus, who is almost full of blood, is fighting against the blind monk with two-thirds of his blood in the imperial city;

On the other side, the puppy avoiding the concentrated fire made a big move. By accelerating, the two first played Zac's passive, then pulled again, using missiles and wheel mother's roundabout Q, as well as the captain's final speed bump. Destroy the cards quickly;

The frontal battlefield is 2 vs 3, Xiao Hei is retreating at the cover of the card, and is set on fire by the plane and the wheel mother.

"The card has residual blood, and Qing Gangying is not in good condition, so we still have to fight!"

The plane fired its machine gun, and the trio went all the way backwards. Zac's body was naturally left alone. Under such circumstances, the puppy killed a bloody tissue A, and Xiaohu also followed with a Q.

Seeing that the situation has improved a bit, Brother Li quickly drew out the yellow card when he seized the stiffness, flashing to stun the wheel mother who was more daring in his position and wanted to operate more.
The vines bloomed, and before being knocked into the air, Xiaohu threw an R, took the card away, and was also knocked into the air;


The commentator made a gasp.

When Zeyuan thought the situation was over, SKT would sell Zak——

It was true that they couldn't save them, but they took advantage of the gap, grabbed the wheel, Mom E still had a 3-second cooldown, and drove another wave in a daze.

Qinggangying gave another E, kicked the wheel mother, and took away the puppy in cooperation with Zyra's damage;

Xiaohu's half-blood, relying on a little body distance to pull again, output Qinggang Ying.

"Little tiger!"

Go A, go A, ult mixed with flat A, Zeyuan's heart rose again, and as a result, the plane appeared weak.

It's Wolf.

Xiaohu didn't dare to stay, SKT was afraid of being surrounded by the captain, and the two sides were afraid of each other, so they could only retreat.

"Oh, it's too fast, the tour is over before the zoom comes over."

A wave of 2 for 3, both sides played very thrilling.

Zeyuan didn't expect to be forced into such an embarrassing situation with so many skills in his hands. It can only be said that SKT drove too smartly. During the process of grading targets, as long as one of them failed to respond in time, they would immediately solve it.

The first target plane was forced out of the battlefield by Qinggangying and Verus, but it didn't join the main force. Huni immediately cooperated with Xiaohei to enter the field, and the big move sat on the blind monk, and did not give Xiangguo a chance to redeem the back row;
The second target, the wheel mother, the puppy twisted Zac's E, and pulled the distance to the left. Unfortunately, he got closer to Lulu who came to support him. This became an opportunity to find cards, and the wheel mother flashed and pulled Xiao Ming, who was half a beat slower and thought that the target was not him, was detained.

"Xiaohu and Xiaogou have already reacted quickly to this wave. They have a good position, and their damage is also full. They almost won the team in 2v3, but they just got greedy for Zach, and they were found by Kaka and Zyra."

"Wolf played very smartly in this wave, and he used several skills well."

As expected of Zyra King, Flash R is very good at handling this wave. After this wave, an auxiliary output damage is the first.

"How did the blind monk die?" Wawa wondered beside him.

After watching the replay, Wawa said again: "There is no way, Verus is more capable of kiting, and he can't escape with an empty Q."

In other words, the incense pot was blocked by the wall, and he had no skills. After being slowed down by Verus E, he couldn't move anymore. He finally waited until the Q was ready and tried to struggle, but unexpectedly, he was turned away by Bang, and he was sucked in ruins. , Kite directly to death.

After this wave of group fights, SKT led by 2.5K. Although Tulong didn't get it, he changed a lot of skills.


Kouma punched his palm.

This little dragon game made him feel dangerous. The plane and the wheel are quite flexible, and the position is still stuck. Who would have thought that his team members would use such a wonderful approach to resolve the biggest threat that the plane Poke is a bit unsolvable, and instead open the team battle. Get up and lose Lulu in seconds.


It's not easy.

"The winger is revitalized, continue to hit the poor number, grab the edge!"

The assistant also roared happily.

As they thought, SKT's split lane is the card, Zyra is in the middle, Verus is on the top, and the bottom lane is pressured by Qinggang Ying with the line.

The card teleportation has improved. After level 11, the big move takes more than 120 seconds (counting the cooling reduction). For him, there are all opportunities to get out and support.

Once there is an advantage on the side, what can Xiaohu say besides lamenting that he encountered such a difficult thing?

He is the best-developed part of the team. Not to mention flirting with Verus, who is not flashing, it is quite easy to put pressure on the line, but he has cards, and he has no towers on the road. He doesn't even have triangle grass. Dare to pass, but turned into Verus pushing his line.

Never ridiculous.

Not to mention the bottom lane, the 2-1-2 Qinggang Ying is one level higher than the captain, 33 knives, the captain of a set of skills directly lowers half blood, and the second-stage Q is not hard to eat.

SKT's split line, no matter how RNG responds, the middle lane is relatively stable. Even if the plane is sent over, it is just a mutual push line, and the line clearing on both sides is too fast.

Xiangguo had no choice but to harass Zac as much as he could, but Xiaohei also became ruthless. He decided to use less jungle and put more pressure on him, constantly haunting the upper and lower rivers, controlling his vision, and giving him an environment to advance on the sidewalks.

Another 2 minutes passed.

Kaka went home and took out the cannon, a few seconds short of his big move, and his body moved towards the upper half.

At this moment, Bang just sent the line of troops to the second tower, hiding in the stone beetle bushes, Zac swaggered into the red zone to reduce the sense of crisis on the opposite side, Huni deliberately hoarded the line, and looked like he was about to overtake the captain. Let Xiangguo have to squat down to defend.

After clearing the line of troops under the tower, Xiaohu cautiously probed, just walked out of the defense tower and threw missiles into the grass, the sky lit up [Destiny], just handed in the W pull position, the card that landed was a yellow card with the distance of the artillery stunned, early Bang, who was prepared, followed R, AAEQ, killed the plane in an instant, and withdrew before the wheel mom and Lulu came over in the middle.

"The field of vision is a little hard to do. Xiangguo has worked very hard to make eyes, but Xiao Hei's single-minded line of eyes, and if the upper and lower half of the tigers don't come, it's not easy to greet this Qinggang Ying. It's hard to concentrate."

"The side lanes are facing SKT raids at any time. It's a bit difficult to figure out the specific attack direction. With the cards, their conversion is simpler and faster than ours."

"Procrastinate, as long as the tower doesn't fall."

SKT resumed its organizational initiative, and Puppy was busy developing. Apart from clearing the lane and eating wild monsters, he couldn't help the side lanes. Once he withdrew, the middle tower was worn down, which was more serious than losing the side lanes.

Make up for it.

Brother Li continued to be under the care of Jiela, red card and Q to clear the line, and then disappeared.

After disappearing to the third wave, Qinggangying started hoarding lines again. In the previous duel, taking advantage of the absence of the blind monk, all the zoom corruption potions were forced out. As a last resort, the incense pot came to the second half. Once, Xiao Ming felt like running up.

Verus brought the line over, and there was another big wave of lines.

Xiaohu used missiles to clean up the soldiers, knowing that Xiao Ming would not be afraid of being overrun, and the purification gave him the confidence to operate.

Can stand in God's perspective.

Zeyuan knew very well that the disappearance of the card did come to the red zone this time, but the target was not the plane, but the bushes hidden in the thick wall opposite the red buff;
Zac is there too, in the red buff grass.


Just as he was talking, Verus sent the line in and came from the intersection. Xiao Ming just became vigilant, and a yellow card flew out all the way, fixing him in the middle of the intersection some distance away from the grass. The next moment, Zach flew out. After controlling the big move again, Lulu didn't come out with anything, and was dropped by Verus in seconds after keeping up with the output.

"Grass." Xiao Ming cursed.

Let's go fishing.

The higher the posture, the soft assistant was actually grabbed to support.

The more unexpected you are, the more you will be caught off guard.

Li Ge was not very proud, after killing the man, Bang took the line again, he hid in the bushes and did not leave, and let Zac return to the middle of the defense.

Brother Li's intention is obvious, forcing the aircraft skills.

He also knows that Xiaohu has been purified, so he can try to make something out of this opportunity.

And in the bottom lane, Huni sent in a large wave of lines, and then looked for opportunities to exchange blood. Just as the Q pawn pressed forward, the blind monk came out from behind, and Xiao Hei left immediately.

"Qinggangying is playing toad, on the road, the card is another super-far yellow card, Xiaohu's purification is unlocked, pull after W, the captain turns on to help clear the line, that's it."

The cannon covers the upper two towers, cooperates with the missiles, and clears the minions in 2 shots.

Xiao Hei forced the blind monk out, handed E into the blue zone to eat the toad, Xiangguo protected the captain and ate the tower knife, a Q hit the toad, punished and snatched it, Xiaohei was not annoyed, and pulled back, looking at Xiangguo's eyes Under the watchful eye, click the explosive fruit to leave, and return to the city in the grass.

"The cards are still on the way."

Xiaohu muttered.

Xiangguo cut the camera and saw that the card followed Verus to clear the line. The goal was still to go to the second tower, and then looked at the middle. After Zac helped clear the tower knife, he disappeared again.

Xiao Ming: "I'm resurrected, I can come to the second tower."

"Hold on, push the line in the middle and slow down, wait for my position."

"Nakano is going to force the second tower, Lulu is coming."

Xiaohu was busy throwing R, and he was positioned on the side of the wall, a little behind the defense tower. He was forced into the position by a yellow card. When he saw that the plane hadn't retreated, he saw Lulu rushing towards him.

Xiao Hei had already planned to jump the tower, and he would cancel it directly by accumulating power E. If the two of them don't stand together, Lulu's protection ability is too strong, but if you want to drive Lulu, no one cares about the plane clearing the line, Qiang Yue still has risk.

Just as Xiao Hei was about to leave, he suddenly heard Wolf's angry voice.

"I'm gone, and the tower will be guarded soon."

The stagnant situation has changed again.

Ze Yuan praised: "Xiangguo's wave is too spiritual! Another opportunity has been found for him. The middle tower can be dismantled, and if no one comes, just dismantle it for him."

The blind monk touched the red area from the dragon pit, and went around to the F6 grass from the left. The puppy just sent the thread into it. Soon, a blind monk was found behind him. A big move is to flash a kick.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, RQQ cooperates with the damage of the wheel mother, and Jiela goes down.

"Incense pot! Handsome!"

Miller chanted, louder and louder, "We managed to grab the SKT transfer slot! No one thought we would relieve the pressure in this way."

An accident happened in the middle, and Xiao Hei and Li Ge were also a little dizzy. The key point was that when Zyra fell down, Mother Wheel used a big move to push the tower.

"Teleportation from zoom, a tower must be forcibly demolished!"

Realizing that Qinggang Ying was returning to the city, Zoom pushed the line out without even thinking about teleporting the front to prevent the card from teleporting back to the defense. This step completely blocked SKT's possible rescue measures.

There is no other way, the card dare not hand in T, Zach, who was already in the red zone, rushed to the middle lane quickly, but he didn't dare to go up, while waiting for Qinggangying, the middle tower has been pulled out, the puppy Waiting for someone to step on the last bit of acceleration time of [Hunting], and pull away to a safe distance.

"Beautiful! Once the middle tower is broken, let me see if your cards can turn around like this!"

"It's revitalized, some are beaten, and there are still others to be beaten."

(End of this chapter)

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