Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 319 After the Champion

Chapter 319 After the Champion (thanks to Ragnarous, the first leader of this book)

"Congratulations RNG!"

Miller's emotions turned from excitement to high-pitched, "This is the first non-league championship they have won since the establishment of the team. It is just the beginning, far from the end!"

"The right people did the right thing. Before the finals, no one could have imagined that SKT would be eliminated 0:3." Zeyuan sighed: "I thought my prediction of 3:2 would be close to the answer."

"Little Tiger! Incense Pot! Zoom! Letme! Xiaoming! Puppy!" the baby's voice was a little hoarse, "After EDG defeated SKT on the stage of MSI in 2015, today in 2017, we did it again thing!"


On the stage.

When Qin Ming ran up, the team members rushed to meet their bishop.

"Coach, champion!"

"Grass, win, hastily."

Xiangguo kept yelling crazily, yelling excitedly, every cell in his body was jumping for joy, but his voice was quickly overshadowed by other team members.

"We did it, we did it!"

"Okay, okay, great."

Qin Ming patted this, patted that, Letme stood next to Xiao Ming, another carnival.

This BO5 can play so brilliantly, the credit belongs to all the staff.

The ribbons danced freely, and the dreamlike stage was accompanied by the voices of the audience.

Seeing the joy of the team members, the domestic live broadcast room burst into laughter.

White horse with silver saddle.

The nature of the teenagers is released at this moment.

As the victor, RNG received ribbons, applause, and pride, while SKT became the loser, and they were isolated from the beautiful picture.

He worked hard for it for a whole spring season, and the results were not satisfactory. Brother Li looked enviously at the central stage, and he didn't even pay attention to the coach who was leaning over.

The noise had nothing to do with him, it was empty, and as far as he could see, there was only one trophy.

Excited and depressed, this cruel contrast wraps Brother Li tightly, with terrible chest tightness.

The middle of the year is over.

Brazil, a land of passion, failed to bring the glory it craves—and, perhaps, the glory belongs to someone else.

He lost to Xiaohu.

Cutting off the edges and corners, the radiation team, and catching up with the version, these feelings are not good.

The day of May 5-Brother Li will remember this day very clearly, it will become a part of his career, and the part that will feel sour when touched.

Kou Ma looked at Brother Li, and Brother Li looked at the trophy.

The desire to win never cools down.

Such an idea suddenly popped up on the horse.

Looking at the man on the other side who made him extremely afraid, his mind was in a mess again, and he was so proud of himself that he adjusted and squatted in a corner in front of this man.

S6's World Championship, S7's MSI.

In the two wars, there were always a few times when BP took advantage, and the changes and understanding of the version did not seem to be that high.

He admitted that after the first game, he didn't know how to play this RNG.

Targeted training that fails to produce results can make a coach most suspicious, as if the homework has not been done properly.

Kouma thought so, shook his head slightly, and smiled helplessly.

Those unexpected BP adjustments haunted him like a nightmare, and every time the team changed beyond the established assumptions, it was a torment for him.

If the players are fighting in the canyon with real knives and guns, then the stage played by the coach is more carried out under a large and general framework.


He occupies a large part of the responsibility for the failure.

"Come again in summer."

Hearing the sound, Brother Li turned his head, his throat rolled a few times, and finally he uttered a word, "En."

He said so, but his body didn't move.Brother Li just affirmed this matter in a daze and mechanically.

Seeing the appearance of the general under his command, he pressed down his complicated thoughts about Qin Ming, patted Brother Li on the shoulder, looked at the four people beside him who were all rather disappointed, and encouraged him loudly: "It's just a failure. Do we seldom lose? Have we never experienced it? More painful days have come."

After saying this, Kouma turned around and said to Brother Li: "We still have many opponents, have you lost your fighting spirit?"


Brother Li straightened his back subconsciously.

Kouma nodded and lowered his voice a little, "I, we didn't perform well, so go back and continue practicing hard!"

Hearing this, Bang felt even more exhausted for no reason.

"Win the spring split from beginning to end, but lose the most critical event of the year, what's the use of that?"

too tired.he thinks.

Bang took one last look at the scene of holding up the trophy together, but what came to his heart was the countless honors he had won.

"These people are just repeating the path I walked."

When the camera closes up the victor again, Bang's mood gets worse.

Kouma talked about his plan, such as Galio, such as running-in, his expectations are the biggest source of pressure.

Thinking of this, Bang's brows knit together tightly.

It is even said that after returning to China, in order to appease the anger of the audience, everyone will enlarge the mirror to reflect their every move, including the leisurely entertaining rank, who dare not really entertain.

this life.

I have lived enough, when is the end.


Young Bang has troubles that he shouldn't have.

Back to the lounge.

Brother Li's emotions recovered a lot, and he began to review his feelings in the third game.

He was discussing non-stop with Kouma and the analyst, and occasionally Xiao Peanut would answer a few words, while Xiao Hei was the object of criticism. In the last wave, his seduction became the factor that made the plane dare to fight more.

Of course, it is limited to criticism of decision-making.

Bang just listened like this, gradually...he couldn't hear clearly, a few arguments flashed by his ears, he wanted to listen carefully, but he couldn't pay attention...

Subsequent media interviews.

SKT, which lost the game, is also the focus of many attentions.

Kouma apologized a few words without much explanation.

Lose is lost, no excuses.

"Coach deduction... After losing MSI, have you ever thought about the possibility that we will not be able to gain any foreign honors until the end of this season?"

"Why do you say that?"

"Coach Beggin leads the team in a better state." The man shrugged, not shying away from provoking the core of the topic.

Kouma was silent for a while, before dropping a sentence, "This can't happen, the alliance is never an argument."


After getting the answer he wanted, the man smiled.


A report titled "It Will Never Happen" sparked discussion in Korean forums.

The article borrowed the words of bucking the horse and portrayed SKT as the winner who will definitely have the last laugh.

The media has always taken things out of context and competed for attention.

There is no doubt that the Koreans are also good at this.

They succeeded.

When Korean Internet viewers were the most angry after watching the live broadcast, such articles undoubtedly added fuel to the fire.


"Go like!"

"What has become of the rubbish BP of the buckle horse? They can come up with new things in the finals, and we still play the routines played by RNG. The most ridiculous thing is that the second copy of the answer still loses."

"Isn't bucking the horse always a BP leader? We met on the first day? Last year, we put Jhin three times, and KT let the second chase after the third. I laughed to death. After the game, I said that I lack knowledge of the hero Jhin."

"Lu Xian likes to play so much? Knowing that RNG takes Lucian, they will play sidebands in the middle to suppress the rhythm. All fools know this line, but SKT's coaching staff doesn't know."

"It's easy to lose."

The scolding continued.

Through the Internet, anyone can express their opinions.

Back to RNG who won the championship, after holding the trophy, the puppy reluctantly handed it to Xiangguo.

Xiao Ming is not like the first time he won the championship, hugging the trophy and kissing him. Compared with his teammates, he is already somewhat reserved.

"Coach, we are champions."

"That's right, we are the champions. We played well, Xiang Guo, and you are the third one."

Qin Ming gave a thumbs up and praised the lively Xiangguo, who grinned his teeth, "Don't you hold a group photo?"

Back in the lounge, the team members strongly asked the photographer to help take pictures.

At this moment, it was Zoom's turn. He held up the trophy high and smiled silly.

"I'm the captain, I'm the last." Xiangguo patted his chest and began to act aggressively. He never said that he was the captain when he was fined.

Letme, who was the first to take the photo, was also in a good mood. Hearing the shameless words, he hurriedly said: "You want to be the last one to take the photo, so it will take longer."


"Dare you say no?"

"Don't dare."


The two were bickering, and no matter which one finished taking the photo holding the trophy alone, he would return to Qin Ming to talk.

The reason why Xiaohu and others are willing to surround them like this is that there is nothing but admiration in their hearts.

Qin Ming did everything he said.

They all remembered the day of the report, the goal Qin Ming mentioned.

Among them, the plan he made, the optimized team structure, the analyzed version, and the researched data made them realize the pain of pride for the first time since losing to WE. Since then, until now, they have not lost through key games.


That's an incredible achievement.

Even if they were the World Championship team last year, there is still a gap in the strength of the teams that can enter the World Championship.

What makes the players more confident is that they don't need to worry about any chores other than serious training and a proficient lineup. How to confront other strong teams is a matter for the coach. In fact, they didn't BP has been at a disadvantage.

The puppy felt this very well.

After losing to SS last year, he was still irritated in the waiting room. He always had the annoyance of seeing that the lineup was selected and the chances of winning were not high, but now, their changes are the most among all teams.

If someone counts the lineups used by each team, they will find that RNG has the most heroes and can play the most eye-catching effects.

From doing whatever you want, to double shield core protection, to Lucian's single belt, playing as an assassin, to the strong line of small cannons and female tanks, the strong fault tolerance of the big tree support at the vision end, and the three-core layered output, the formation is pulled.

Too much, too much.

Seeing that the players were in high spirits, Qin Ming simply said happily: "Is it like I said, we will win against SKT? How does it feel to win the game?"


The puppy and the others looked at each other and laughed.

With this, Qin Ming did not forget to take the vaccination, "It's good to be happy. Win, keep winning, and let your opponents feel depressed. Let's enjoy the victory. If you want to do this, you can't stop training, let alone relax and be proud. Complacent, you know?"


The players shouted again in unison.

"That's good. It's just an MSI champion. It's okay to be proud, but it's not good to be complacent." Qin Ming watched the staff waving to remind him, and clapped his hands: "Okay, take our trophy and go out to accept media interviews. Let's go."

Qin Ming took the lead and brought the laughing team members to the interview area.

When the audience watching the live broadcast was already celebrating enthusiastically, the media couldn't hold back.

Hearing the congratulations from these people reminded Qin Ming of the situation after the World Championship last year.

At that time, the media were also so polite and the atmosphere was comfortable.

Just like what Mr. Huang Bo said: When you succeed (victory), all the faces you see are smiling faces.

The trophy was placed neatly in the center of the table.

A certain media asked the first question, how do you evaluate your opponent SKT?

Everyone wants to know such an answer. The results of the game have been released, and the more interesting point is the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two head coaches.

And Qin Ming once again disappointed the media who wanted to see the conflict between the two.

The more winners, the more low profile you have to make.

The most beautiful things are already in hand, do you have to live your mouth?
This is not what Qin Ming likes.

Winners have to look like winners, instead of taunting them in vain, Qin Ming Gu Zuo said to him, talking directly about the game itself: "We played better than the other side, so we won, it's that simple, my players today The state of the team is also good, playing what I want, as for SKT, they are very strong."

Seeing that Qin Ming still praised his opponent, a certain media continued to ask: "Then what do you think of SKT picking a similar lineup in the second game?"

"First of all, there is no original lineup in the league, anyone can play it. Secondly, I think Faker's Galio played well. In the third game, I want to ban this hero, because his performance exceeded my expectations."

Qin Ming openly revealed some inside stories about BP.

"SKT has fallen into your hands twice in a row. What do you personally think is the reason?"

"This is a mistake. It didn't fall into my hands twice. It was the two teams I led and my players who fought for themselves."

Qin Ming adjusted the microphone, and continued: "I'm just a coach. I can't predict the overall situation. What I can do is to provide a good environment as much as possible. Secondly, a BO5 victory or defeat can't explain too much. SKT They lost, but they are still a great team, and their honor is far higher than any other team in China.

I know you want me to belittle it, but I really don't have the qualifications to belittle it.No matter what I say, SKT is still a strong contender for the championship, and I even think Worlds will still see them, if we don't lose the chain ourselves. "

He looked at a group of stunned media below, and said with a smile on his face: "This is a game of confrontation between the strong and the strong. There will be no underdogs at the end. If you feel that the opponent is not good, does it mean that you are not good either? Well, everyone, don't you?" Ask our players, what do they think?"

No one raised their hands to ask questions right away, and some people were obviously shocked by such a character, or in other words, the grand performance.

But for Qin Ming, he really thought so.

After a while, everyone began to ask the players according to the process.

"How did you feel the moment you lifted the championship trophy?"

Puppy: This trophy is a bit heavy, maybe it will be lighter the second time I hold it (laughs).

"This championship allowed you to prove yourself in the world arena, especially in the second round. Your Lucian played a wave of reversal of the situation. What do you think these mean to you?"

Xiaohu: Just like what the coach said, we once had a headache with Galio in the mid-term. I also play this hero myself. I know that suppressing Galio online does not have much benefit. I am very happy, the meaning of this championship is to confirm myself again, I can play well!
"What are your personal goals next?"

Letme: Fight for the starting lineup (laughs).

Zoom is also happy: the coach said, fair competition, I will not let it.

"Xiangguo, what do you think of yourself surpassing Zach in the third round? Xiao Hei and Xiao Peanut have both played against you. What do you think?"

Xiangguo: Maybe Xiao Hei is a bit like me, they love to help online.

After finishing speaking, Xiangguo couldn't help laughing.

He always thought it was good to beat Xiao Hei.

"How does it feel to get the second representative honor in your career?"

Xiao Ming: I hope you don’t regress.


Let's have fun together.

The interview is over.

Everyone rested in the hotel for 2 days and returned home soon.

When the victory came, Shirahoshi couldn't wait any longer.

Subsequently, Penguin built a home page in the domestic client.

They put up a photo of RNG holding the trophy - there are ribbons floating in the sky, a group of people facing the camera holding up the trophy, and then there is a caption on it:
Congratulations to RNG for winning the 2017 MSI championship.

Very accurate notes.

The audience was very happy. Before RNG came back, it had been spread everywhere, and it even got a few hot searches on Weibo.

If you think about it comprehensively, introducing a certain ID named "Nia is watching you" can clearly summarize everyone's feelings about watching the game——

The giant statue will be on the top of the sky, the double guns will change the emperor's life, and the plane will rush to the enemy's formation, immediately showing its prestige!
Those audiences who are still nostalgic for the SS era, those new audiences who have not experienced it but have heard countless times of EDG director, WE smile, and royal puppy, are all cheering for another victory of LPL.

This is a battle of proof belonging to RNG, the audience doesn't care who you prefer, the most mainstream voice of LPL will always win the foreign battle.

There is also a group of people who spread and cheer along the forum. They have experienced the royal family, and they are just relieved to see Xiaohu, Xiangguo, Letme and others come to the present.

As for those who were busy jumping up and down, belittling this one and disliking that one, they all hid in front of such voices.

outside the airport.

Bai Xing took the initiative to step forward and held Qin Ming's hand.

"Let's not talk about it, the Bund side has already been booked."

As the owner, the club's performance has attracted more attention, and the excitement in my heart is needless to say.

To celebrate the victory, all he could do was pay the whole team to eat at the most famous restaurant in Shanghai.

At the banquet, seafood, steak, and drinks were opened.

Even so, Bai Xing didn't stay long, with him present, everyone was somewhat restrained, and after clinking glasses tactfully, he encouraged him with the promised bonus, then excused himself to leave and went back to the club to discuss marketing matters.

Of course he also has his own celebrations, but the people who participate are at a completely different level from the current players——

It was a place that belonged to the upper circles of the league, and the conversation revolved around rule-making.

After Bai Xing left with Manager Sheng, Qin Ming happily competed with Cui Jiao for wine.


All kinds of congratulatory text messages bombarded him, not only him, but the team members who had been isolated from their phones for a while also responded to messages while eating.

SS, LD, familiar, not so familiar.

After a big meal.

The bus drives to the base.

After preparing for the battle for so long, seeing the base getting closer, Qin Minglang said: "I don't want to talk nonsense. There are still 13 days until the summer competition. You have worked hard. After all, you are practicing every day. How about it, Manager Sheng asked Set aside 2 days to attend some business activities, you need to attend, after that, I will give you 5 days off and gather on June 6, okay?"

"it is good!"

"Well, I wish you a happy holiday in advance."

Back to base.

The players jokingly put the suitcase back in the room.

"Qin Jiao, see you next week." U also came to greet him.

It's a rare holiday, and everyone needs to take a rest. For coaches like them, they don't need to participate in business activities.Qin Ming was too lazy to participate.

For the capital market, marketing players have the greatest value, and he will not join in the fun.

"Huh, it's like a dream."

Qin Ming knew what U was feeling, he smiled, "Do you still remember the first time I saw you?"

U nods.

"At that time, I didn't think about what to do at all. I didn't play any games. The feeling of laning plummeted, and I didn't have the chance to play."

"Do you still want to continue helping me?"

"Of course." U pointed at himself and joked, "The job of coaching is not easy, especially after watching you."

"Harmful." U sighed again, "I used to think that the job of a coach was very simple, nothing more than talking about the popular lineup of the LCK and ordering some takeaways, but if it's your standard... well, the standard of the European and American divisions, I can't bear it. A year has passed, and I feel more and more that I still have a lot to learn.”

"Ha, you come to help me, how much trouble will I save, from the Snake Team to here, you were the only one who worked with me at that time. Time passed quickly."

U doesn't need to say anything more, "See you on the third."

"I will go to work earlier than you."

"Are you a bishop, work harder."

U turned and left, the sound of the incense pot came from the floor, and he didn't know what he was screaming.

Get the last chores done.

Qin Ming walked downstairs alone, all he could think about was whether Hanhan would like the toy he bought.

On such a holiday without any interruptions, being able to spend good time with my daughter...and Ruman.

Out of the gate of the base.

It was nine o'clock in the evening.

The street lamp overflowed with soft yellow light, illuminating the row of camphor trees in front of the door.

Just when Qin Ming looked up and was about to walk with his head down, a familiar yet unfamiliar figure walked out of the reception room at the gate.

"Qin Ming."

The voice seemed to float from the position of home, which made people feel unreal.

The figure took a few steps closer, completely falling under the halo of the street lamp.

"Qin Ming, here."

A voice engraved in the depths of the soul, a blend of spirit and flesh.


Qin Ming saw Weng Ruman who was wearing a T-shirt and jeans, winking at him.

" wait for me at the base, where is Hanhan?"

"She's at home, don't worry, I know the time of your return from Manager Sheng, and I guessed that you will leave work now."

The two chatted about the time when he was not in the country and some small things.

The street lamp shone on the two people, casting two matching shadows.

"I watched the game on my phone, you guys played great."

"That's right, don't look at who brought it."

In front of his wife, Qin Ming showed a majestic demeanor.

Of course, by doing so, he managed to get his wife to look at him and say that he was poor.

Heaven and earth conscience.

Really not poor.

Walking back to the community, Weng Ruman took out the key and opened the door. As soon as the door was opened, a villain poked his head out.


"Hey. I heard from my mother that Hanhan misses her father, right?"


Hanhan covered her mouth, rolled her eyes, and noticed the suitcase in Qin Ming's hand.

"Go... Mom, where are you going?"


"Oh. Dad went to Brazil... did he bring me anything?"

"Of course, Dad remembers."

Qin Ming seemed to be acting in a drama, which made Hanhan giggle.

He opened the suitcase and took out a plush doll that took up a lot of space.

"My Neighbor Totoro!"

Seeing Hanhan holding on tightly, Qin Ming smiled.

"Like it?"


Hanhan trotted back to the room, took out a small schoolbag from the inside, hung the Totoro doll on it, and then ran over, "Look."

Do not know why.

Seeing my daughter so happy.

There is an indescribable joy filling the whole body.

Late at night.

Hanhan, who had been having fun for a while, had already fallen asleep.


After handing in his homework, Qin Ming put his arms around Weng Ruman, sniffing the warm fragrance from his hair, feeling peaceful in his heart...

 Last night, I was very happy for the New Year's Eve, because when I wrote RNG, what I gained the most was scolding, which was due to a serious decline in grades. Maybe there were too many controversies, and my own ability was shaped better.

  But it's not bad, it's meaningless to talk about it.

  Let’s talk about the arrangements for the past few days, this chapter is 6500, because I’m a bit busy during the Chinese New Year, I have to leave relatives, chat in poker games, etc., I will try my best to find the time code, and I will live up to the leader and everyone’s support.

  In addition, to answer some book friends' questions about procrastination, the first half of RNG is a process that needs a little change, and the summer split will not cost so much ink.

  Finally, thank you for your company, happy new year.

(End of this chapter)

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