Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 331 The Veteran Never Dies

Chapter 331 The Veteran Never Dies
This season's LGD, IMP and PYL's laning period data has dropped very seriously. Even if you don't analyze the team battle performance, you can see the regression of the two.

of course.

Applying pressure and descending returns to descending, relying on the length of the hand to control the consumption of distance is still a basic skill.

Xiaoming's W at the first level, hard damage, use the shield of the holy object to pad the knife, this will pass the third wave, and the blood bottle has been shot, and the blood volume is maintained at about two-thirds, but after upgrading to 2, how much is the PYL You have to pay attention to your partner's position and the rhythm of making up attacks to prevent being counterattacked.

"It's a bit uncomfortable. I've already been stabbed three times, and the policewoman is in very healthy condition. The advantage of long hands allows the two of them to stand in a good position and force the puppy to miss the knife."

"PYL, a wind girl, still has something. She is very good at using E to attract minion damage, helping to pull the straggler line, and then using W's deceleration and her own speed advantage to chase the basic attack."

I remember seeing the proficiency of PYL Fengnv.

Rita said stupidly: "It should be possible to play a set of hooks. The female policeman's outburst in the early stage is not as good as that of Verus. If she is beaten for nothing, the blood pressure will only be greater."

If the puppy heard these words, he would definitely despise him.

If he could fight, would he admit defeat?

Doesn't he know that the condition for being exchanged is actually that their side is more powerful, but PYL sends back, controls Fengnv's lane, and is very good at grasping the rhythm. Usually, it is the time when policewoman A sped up bloodthirsty , when trying to force, he followed the top to the flank, alternating W to apply pressure simultaneously, under this prerequisite, let alone whether the hook is good or not——

Fengnv's initial movement speed is 330, and the policewoman also has a movement speed bonus.

That is to say, the rhythm of the two sides is different. One side presses forward, and the other needs to see the position of the residual blood minion. If you take the hook rashly, you may not be able to keep up with the rhythm of the counter attack—PYL is always ahead of the IMP, so that the policewoman can eat passive effect.

Don't think that the movement speed is not important, this thing affects the feel very much.

of course.

Xiao Ming didn't cover it either.

He would rather be taken advantage of than to let Fengnv pull away the firepower of the soldiers, which made the third wave of artillery vehicles line, the front row of soldiers quickly entered the range of the defense tower.

And at this moment, Eimy once again collapsed his wild zone. The lack of a group of F6 and river crabs is not serious. Zac, who has no human rights, can return to the exposed position after no success in the top lane. Kassadin in the middle lane is suppressed. Wuhong, the cloth armor, went out, but was knocked out of 2 red bottles and shrank in the tower.

This also increases the variables of the bottom line.

Xiaohu's Jie doesn't feel hot. After all, he hasn't trained specially for a long time, and he just indulges occasionally in rank, but this person, the rare thing is the comparison.

Stateless is not willing to use Q to make up damage. He has come to eat the lane many times, and traded blood bottles for development.

"I don't have wild brush anymore."

Faced with Eimy's complaints, Stateless pretended he didn't hear it, and kept going, and then the situation changed.

It became the disappearance of the Xiangguo blue area, and the robbery sent the line into the tower. Kassadin's clearing was too slow and he could move at any time. The line of soldiers coming in converges a little in front of the defense tower, and the front row enters the range).

Professional players have very little understanding of pawn lines.

PYL still wanted to drag down the opponent by relying on the line of soldiers and spend more time fighting, but IMP watched Titan swallow the medicine bottle, while helping the knife while trying to avoid the small soldiers in front of the tower, IMP hurriedly asked to retreat.

Rita also didn't understand why the female policeman didn't steal points, "Don't try to press home? The Titan is in a bad state, right? Even if he gets hooked, he won't be able to beat so many minions?"

As a disadvantaged matchup, Xiao Ming wished that the pawn line would stay in front of the tower and use the defensive tower to eat the line. As a pusher, his favorite thing is to steal damage under the tower and force the opponent to go home first.

The conversion of these two ideas has always been a big problem, and all ganks 70.00% use these two points to make a fuss.

This wave is no exception.

What kind of signal does Xiao Ming's actions send to IMP, that is, someone will come right away, and he can kill him if he stays in this position for a while.

In the background of Nakano's shrinking, if the female policewoman does not want to get out of the experience area, if she is entangled with her back, it will be accurate.

But from God's point of view, the commentator told the audience that Xiaohu just glanced at the river, and Xiangguo didn't come at all, cleaning up the blue area.

Xiao Ming successfully installed a wave, and gave the puppy 2 wave lines to avoid fighting. He watched the stupid IMP wandering around the wall close to his own map for more than 20 seconds, and could only watch Verus push the line out.

It pushes very slowly, and the slow PYL is helpless.

"Xiangguo has come to the lower half of the zone, and is playing river crabs, while Xiaohu is still pushing the line."

Ten seconds ago, the ping signal from the bottom lane gave Eimy the illusion that Nightmare was down. He ate the three wolves, and the toad chose to return to the city. Only then did the incense pot stick to the side of the wall and circle around the triangle grass.

According to IMP's thinking, although he put Verus in front of him to eat the knife, it doesn't mean that he is willing to send Verus in, so that the opponent can go back to the state without any loss.

In their tactical requirements, the female policeman must keep the right to follow the trend, put pressure on the opponent to make the opponent uncomfortable, and slowly bleed in the choice of replenishing the status and losing the soldiers.

Titan has no medicine bottle, less than half of the HP, IMP has paid the Q-pad line HP, PYL generously consumes the selling position, can't send Verus in for the next step, and Titan has residual blood, so he is forced to give up the pawn Line, retreat back home, after opening up the knife and making up for the experience lost before, continue to control the pawn line in the half area of ​​​​your own territory.

IMP's abacus is very good, even if his reaction ability is weakened, his experience over the years has allowed him to handle this kind of thing with ease.He was no longer the rookie that Mata had slapped him in the face to force him to improve his understanding of the game.

When to press, when not to press, and how to do it will make the other party uncomfortable, I know it in my heart.

But it is precisely because of the number that it is possible to dig holes for smart people. If you change to a knife-point pie that doesn't care about 21 [-], go up and do it first, the plan may not be easy.

The purpose of Qin Ming's help with the layout is very simple, the bottom lane can be activated, and the vanguard will expand and advance in 10 minutes.

That's exactly what Xiangguo did. Seeing that Zac Lan was driving and the duo was helping, he immediately thought of forcing the red zone first, keeping the environment on the road, and then controlling the river crab.

Under a series of meticulous chain reactions, Nightmare came to Triangle Grass, and Fengnv was already chasing Titan A.

"You drive, you drive, I watch AD."

Xiao Ming was retreating, and was miserable by A after eating the deceleration. He was about to give up the pawn line and go home. The IMP goal was achieved. Verus suddenly stopped and turned back to ask for PK. The IMP just became vigilant, and the Titan turned back and hooked. hit pyl.

"Losing my mind!"

As soon as PYL finished shouting, Nightmare appeared. At this moment, the policewoman was on the side of the wall, only a little distance away from the middle of the river, and she was slowed down by Verus E.

IMP threw a clip under his feet, turned E and then pulled, the puppy moved ahead of time to dodge, the next moment, Nightmare played Q, stepping on the acceleration sticker, IMP had to dodge.

After the policewoman was forced to flash, PYL was ignited by Xiao Ming's hangup, and the flash storage Q was out of control. Just as the puppy was about to flash and output, Xiangguo roared: "I'll do it, I'll do it."

Say it.

Nightmare flashes and pulls E, PYL presses Q, the hurricane blows not in the direction of Titan and Verus, but in the opposite direction, predicting the position of Nightmare, escapes from the dangerous IMP and plays Q, at 0:05 seconds from the blow The policewoman Q penetrates her body, and the incense pot second W blocks the wind, pulling out the fear smoothly.

Basic attack followed by passive tearing, Nightmare used W's attack speed to quickly make up for the damage, and Verus leaned over to output.

"This wave is beautiful, the puppy gets a blood with a Q."

Xiangguo played quite selflessly.

Most of the time, he is willing to exchange flash for skills. He positions himself as a breakthrough player with explosives, and statistics are not important.

This wave of nightmares can be blocked for E without crossing flashes. At most, it is to pull out fear in front of the tower. The problem of insufficient damage is made up by Verusla distance.

But he just wants to oppress himself.

The first blood was born, the scene was great, Rita praised: "The blow is almost on the face, and the shield is very stable."

"The jungler's dodge replaces the duo's dodge in the lane, and I feel that Nightmare or robbery can still be caught after reaching six."

"An accident happened in the bottom lane, LGD is very hurt, they have to see if Sword Immortal can stand up."

The puppy, who was originally at a disadvantage, succeeded in overtaking and pushed the line of troops back to the city.

When the alignment is restored again, the room for PYL operations without the flash will be narrowed. If you catch the hook again, you will not be able to hit it and you will not be able to escape.

Just when the laning situation in the bottom lane was moving toward a balance of power, Xiangguo successfully reversed F6 in the second group by pushing the lane in the middle.

"Xiangguo is very strong, coupled with Jie's ability to move in the middle, Zac's wild area is very uncomfortable."

Xiaohu's current approach is to use his own push line advantage to radiate to the wild and side lanes, but in his heart, he wants to make a wave of this Kassadin.

At 4 and a half minutes, Stateless had already returned home once, and TP came out, wearing cloth armor, augmentation code, almost money and armguards, if the wave of level [-] can't hit a head, it will be even more difficult to solo kill later .

To be honest, stateless laning is still comfortable. Kassadin only lost 5 knives in robbing, which is already considered a successful matchup. This is also an environment where Zed doesn't often steal damage under the tower, which gave him 2 waves of easy tower knives.

With E, he stepped forward to take pawns without a state, and forced a WE to slow down. Xiaohu didn't play Q immediately, but gave him some reaction time to predict the Q.

"I only hit one dart from the avatar. Kassadin can still live with such a blood exchange."

Xiaohu didn't shift shape and change positions. As long as he did this, Stateless would pull away his EQ and get some HP back, and taking advantage of the vacuum period when Jie had no skills, Stateless was the time to rest his sword with peace of mind.

In the field.

Letme's eyes saw Zac who was active in the top lane, and Eimy had been trying to make a gap from the top lane in the early stage.

Knowing this information, Xiaohu took a few steps down the river to make it easier for Kassadin to eat a rear row soldier.

He has never been home, and knows that there is a momentary level difference that can be grasped.

Thinking about it this way, Xiaohu took advantage of Kassadin's Q to quickly eat the rear row and pull back, and A's pawn slanted towards Q to inflict damage.


Kassadin with two-thirds of the blood is very attractive. Xiaohu looked at the experience bar, and after he knew it, the next wave of troops gathered. He first advanced the blood of the soldiers in the back row, forced them to retreat, and then turned back to control the front row Soldiers, without state, keep a certain distance and pull back.

Q hasn't recovered yet, being stateless isn't too scary, but what Xiaohu needs is the cooperation of the other side.

"Jie slows down first, suddenly rises to 6, it is dangerous to be without state!"

Kassadin walks into the back row of soldiers, Xiaohu WE and the front row of soldiers with A residual blood, instantly make up 2 minions and increase to 6;

W sticks to A, and when Kassadin throws E to slow down, [Instant Prison Hidden Killing Formation] is activated.

A shadow left from Jie's body position, and the Lord of Drainage issued a death mark to the enemy.

Stateless and impatient, when Jie landed on the ground and ignited his basic attack hanger, he pressed down all the medicine bottles and turned around to retreat.

"If you are weak, you have to run. With this blood volume, you can kill with a Q hit."

Xiaohu knew this fact, but Kassadin was shy.

500 blood, 400 blood, the distance is widened, the range of the basic attack is not enough——

Weak for 2.5 seconds, and the big move almost hurts when it explodes.

Kassadin is still retreating.

Stateless is very energetic. He can't afford to change this wave of games. He doesn't want to lose the team and lose the safety of the next 5 minutes. At least the bottom line is to switch flashes simultaneously.

The imprint exploded.

Without the debilitating effect, Xiaohu crossed and flattened A, and was not in a hurry to play Q, and took away 90 HP with a passive one, and Kassadin had a little blood.

Xiaohu predicted the flash, and turned Q 400 yards to the left, looking so confident.

A dart flew towards where it was supposed to go, and the shadow of the original position of the ultimate move was thrown towards Kassadin's current position.

At this point in the game, Xiaohu felt that he could kill anything - if the Q failed, then I would add an A and take the same away.

The heavy pressure did not overwhelm a veteran like Stateless, and the former glory seemed to be revived in his body. The operation he gave was to reverse the position and twist to the right, slow down the cooled E, and then pull back.

"Q missed! Jie eats and slows down!"

The distance of less than 50 yards seemed to draw a gully in front of the two of them, and Xiaohu no longer had the distance to shoot, watching Kassadin flee back to the tower.

I rub.

Looking at such a calm Kassadin, Xiaohu seems to have seen that before he logged into the LPL, he was the king of OMG.


Rita looked shocked.

The game of card 6, the game of not being able to dodge the Q, the game of preferring to make up the damage after the big move explodes.

You told me that Kassadin ran away? !
After doing these operations, the stateless heart beat violently, and he refused to admit defeat: "They all say that I, Kassadin, have something."

No one praised him except that Jianxian responded to the ping signal.

It only took 2 seconds to go from the joy of escaping death to the loss of no feedback.

"Come and get blue."

Xiaohu didn't feel embarrassed for a long time. In order not to let the opponent back away, he chose the hardest skill vacuum card six. He couldn't play a set of WEQ first, then upgrade to 6 and play Q for the second set.

Kassadin was beaten back home and went online again. In 7 minutes, Xiangguo fell out of the road vision early, invaded the blue zone, and forcibly helped Xiaohu get the first blue.

I remember watching Xiaoming move on the next road, and tried to walk a few steps in a stateless manner, without arguing, and said helplessly: "If this continues, when will Kassadin be full of goddess tears?"

Faced with a physical assassin in the line, he was forced to use the armguard first, and the rhythm of the outfit has been delayed.

"Come on, if there is a chance, he will go home this wave."

Xiangguo turned back a group of toads, clicked on the big move, communicated with Letme a few times, returned to the city where it was, made up the recurve bow and straw sandals, and immediately went up.

As Letme said, Ruiwen gathered a wave of troops to enter the tower, but it was difficult to get rid of the prince who was in good condition, so he could only return to the city with time lag.

The upper route was pushed out, Letme had no intention of controlling, AQ was quickly cleared, and when Ruiwen went online, the pawn line met again in the middle, and there were more minions on the blue side, so he pretended to be afraid of being caught, and where he was going river course.

The prince's actions did not arouse any suspicion.

Weakness can't control the line, so it's the right way to keep the field of view safe. Jianxian is just thinking about how to change blood when the opponent pushes hard.

"The incense pot is hidden in the grass. Ruiwen doesn't seem to notice it. The prince came back from the river. This position has a chance to kill him."

Sword Immortal was still waiting for the prince to take his seat, but Letme walked into the pawn pile and saw that Ruiwen's A soldier was an EQ, and Ruiwen, who was picked up, was still in the air, and stepped forward in Nightmare Q.

Eimy was in the red zone, and when she saw this scene, she hurriedly shouted: "I can come."

Remember: "Holy Shield slows down, Nightmare is not in a hurry to hand in E."

Xiangguo's idea is to force the flash and then make a big move to pull the position.

But such a safe move also gave Sword Immortal room to maneuver.

"Revan handed over his big move."

After E, pull R, subtract the back shake, and then AQAW, a set of operations is smooth and smooth.

Letme couldn't bear the gaudy things, and directly covered them with a big move, and the three of them were in a catastrophe.

Ruiwen's blood volume is not slow, the prince's Q has broken armor, Xiangguo and Letme feel that the only way to run on the opposite side is the rear, and they are all stuck on the side of A and side.

Broken sword recast.

Sword Immortal didn't have the slightest idea of ​​running away. The second stage Q hit 2 people, turned around and output nightmare, followed by the third stage Q fell, Xiangguo W resisted, increased attack speed and continued A.

Raven's blood volume is less than a quarter, the prince immediately Q, and the incense pot simply pulls E, as long as the fear is played, Raven will die.What's more, Ruiwen's position is at the front in the prince's ultimate move.

At the critical moment, Raven hit the nightmare again, dodging behind the incense pot to break the fear;

Xiangguo didn't even think about turning off the lights and flying in the face. Just as Letme canceled his ult to chase, a mass of tissue flew out of the air.

"Zac knocked the prince away, and Raven can still operate it!"

Eimy at level 5 came to the scene, blocked the prince's pursuit, took the nightmare big move to tie A, and Raven, who had less than 150 health, pulled towards the grass.

If teammates can't do it, I'll come!
Jianxian has always had such a sense of mission.

Pulling into the bushes, Xiangguo just inserted Q, Ruiwen turned around, turned back to QA and swiped at the last moment.

When the two were exchanging blood, seeing Nightmare's remaining blood, the attack power was not as painful as Raven's, the prince was looking for EQ, and the sword fairy who had endured until now had 90 blood and opened E to pull forward, avoiding the flying, and executed Nightmare in the second stage of QA.

"The incense pot will fall first, the prince will hand in a flash to tie A, and take away Ruiwen, but this wave of RNG is not profitable."

One wave for one, two big moves, the exchange flashed, the process of the matter was grasped, but the result made Xiangguo and Letme helpless.

In retrospect, maybe the cooperation between the two could be more decisive, but the seduction of the sword fairy and the tempting blood volume make people unable to make up their minds to give up all their skills—even if they can be remedied later.

Of course, LGD's rare highlights cannot solve the weakness.

Putting aside the mentality of playing, RNG started to fight back quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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