Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 359 Don't Be a Turtle

Chapter 359 Don't Be a Turtle
"Finally waited."

"LPL come on!"

"Fuck the Korean team to death!"

The sentiment is exciting.

The reason is that the Korean media interview was completely reproduced.

It's very disrespectful.

Another reason is that Han Xiaozi has never been defeated, even if SS wins the championship, even if RNG wins the MSI championship, even if the Intercontinental wins, even...

Some people are unconvinced.

They will only remember how strong SKT is, and how strong Samsung is. They never open their eyes to look at the present. No one can refute that in that wild era, a large group of Korean aid helped LPL establish a more mature competition system, allowing players to accept a more efficient game. Mode of Operation.

No one will refute.

It’s just that there is often a process of catching up with the latecomers. In terms of technology transfer, the rise of many countries depends on the transfer of industries from Europe and the United States, and they all accumulate from low-end and labor-intensive industries.

This kind of thing is actually not very good-looking, because it is considered unprofitable, and some are even high-pollution, high-harm, mixed with blood and tears.

The past cannot be forgotten.

Just like in S3 and S4, the LPL seemed to have good results, but the finals never forced the full strength of the South Korean team, and it was more difficult to fight civil wars than the finals.

Han Xiaozi likes to give this example the most.

But why is it scolded for giving examples of facts.

S3 and S4 are like this. It’s not like I haven’t seen the aggrieved expressions of the players. S5 was even worse. They simply made history.

Nothing can't be said.

It’s just that some people don’t realize that when the South Korean operation was absorbed by LPL, it’s no longer like S3 and S4, where there are many people, but the economy is always behind, and the gap is inexplicably widened, and the equipment overwhelms the strength.

Maybe some Han Xiaozi realized it, but they deliberately ignored it, so this kind of thing is not stupid, it may be bad.

If one person says this, it may affect a hundred people. If a hundred people say this every day, it is a force that cannot be ignored on the Internet. When it took more time to play than LCK, he was still talking about "a fluke", "the state is wrong", "not as dominant as S5".

Sometimes I really doubt that I haven't watched the game.

A division’s understanding of the game is to move forward. If you ask Kouma to look back at the past, he will only say that he can do better, not that he can’t surpass it.

The so-called "three people become tigers" means this. In the past, I was afraid that South Korea would have soil, and the gap was indeed large. Now the gap has narrowed, and I am still promoting this set, which is a blow to self-confidence. If you analyze it carefully, it will be fine. When encountering LPL, they depreciate three-pointers. Where did this habit come from?

It's okay to admit defeat, but when the public is encouraging, can you stop jumping out and pouring cold water on it?

Do you have to show your fear of Korea and then publicize it?

Can promoting fear of Korea win?
Who knows what's going on on the field!

Get off the bus and go into the lounge.

Qin Ming did not repeatedly emphasize to the players how important the first victory was.

Among the four representative teams of SSG, the defense is strong and the offense is weak (relatively). Qin Ming only needs to tell the players how to play, and they all know that they must win the first game, which will make a good start for the follow-up competition.

Their pressure is not as important as WE grabbing SKT, EDG grabbing KT, and OMG fighting for MVP again.

Edgar thought that they were not afraid of any opponent, but in the eyes of the LPL delegation, it was the second best player, only better than the so-called auxiliary core of MVP, no matter how fancy it was, the laning ability of the MVP bottom lane brothers was only at the pass line Left and right, I don't know what kind of ghost can be nuclear.

Anyway, Max's fancy 16 hero use records are not as effective as Ben's Lulu, Fengnv, Tam, and Bron in Redmi's opinion.

The icing on the cake must first have the icing on the cake, and MVP obviously didn't want to understand this truth.

The atmosphere was a little tense.

Qin Ming joked lightly, "It's all here, so it's not possible to fight."

Last year, RNG lost to SSG. At that time, Looper played the top laner. He withstood the early stage, but he still lost, and the loss was miserable.

Qin Ming looked at Junze, he was very serious at this time, Qin Ming smiled and said: "According to the plan, we will definitely win. Wither is an excellent top laner, he has given SSG various changes, once the situation cannot be opened , he's all that involved, but the league is a team game.

So Junze, although the focus of this game is on the bottom, you don't need to be anxious. Once the early stage is opened, we will exert enough pressure so that the opponent can't keep targeting you. "

After speaking, everyone waited to appear.

Commentary seat.

Miller, Zeyuan, and PDD prepared a lot of homework.

"Friends from the audience, welcome to the fourth day of the Asian Tournament, which is the final stage of the LPL vs. LCK. I am the commentator Zeyuan."

After the opening remarks, the three of them guessed about the appearance arrangements.

In fact, the barrage at this time is also guessing this, the most important team names are WE and EDG.

Just like what PDD said, in yesterday's semi-finals, EDG has ushered in self-salvation, and I believe it can continue to win, while those who support WE believe that the brother-in-law is better than Zet in the next lane, and they can try to touch Emperor Chi to fight for this. one cent.

Everyone didn't say anything about Wang Zha, and it was assumed that RNG would catch SKT and fight for room for victory.

"Come on, I hope to see slapping SSG."

Viewers with the screen name "Don't Be Elegant, Be Dirty" sent barrage.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the time to leave the game was getting closer, the barrage became denser, and the hanging heart became more and more disturbed.

"Oh." Zeyuan looked surprised, "I just received the news that the LCK sent SSG, and we sent RNG."

Did you hear me wrong?


This caused a commotion. From the live audience to the barrage, the LPL delegation showed off a little bit.

The two teams came up from the corridor, and then lined up on both sides.

I haven't seen you for a day, "Don't be elegant, be dirty" always feels that Coach Beggin no longer has a faint smile like before, and this will droop his eyebrows, looking a little worried.

Did you guess the wrong opponent?

of course not.

Qin Ming was angry.

He can't see the barrage, he can only see the scene cheering for SSG. Every time the host introduces a Korean, he can get cheers and applause. If everyone is treated the same, that's all. Leave it to RNG, I don’t know, I thought it was Korea’s home game, and it was held in Korea.

"Never mind."

This situation made Qin Ming even more uncomfortable than yesterday's semi-final match. When he was about to take his seat, he said in a deep voice, "It would be nice to turn this place into a library."

Xiang Guo bit his nails, thinking about how to beat the scene so that the scene could not make a sound.

of course.

SSG doesn't feel that way.


An Bixin laughed so hard that his mouth was crooked, "The opponent will take a tool as a mid laner, and you will make up for the opponent as a pawn."

An Bixin teased wantonly, but Emperor Chi didn't dare to talk at all.

In the group stage of the 2016 World Championships, RNG was beaten by SSG and fell behind by 14 in 7 minutes. Ambison’s joke was also a wave of team battles near the ruins of the second tower. RNG was extremely behind, and four hits and three seized opportunities. In the group, the little tiger and the grasshopper flashed their big moves, but they were taken away by Crown Victor R and E, and they disappeared in two seconds. It is not as good as the cannon car.

Win for win.

Thinking carefully about that person's laning, Chidi couldn't laugh no matter what.

But Edgar gave instructions, "You must have an advantage on the road, as usual, watch the dragon and go back!"

Chidi knew that after the coach understood that the opponent started Letme, he would definitely make a fuss from the top lane.

But really, he was still a little depressed.

Enter BP.

The camera lenses were aimed at the contestants participating in the battle and switched to each other.

"SSG blue team, we need to target version heroes and remove some OPs. Sure enough, Zac was banned. Now several herbivorous heroes in the jungle, Ambison are playing well."

Zeyuan looked very excited, and kept staring at the crown on the screen.

This is a player with an arrogant appearance, but his personality is not annoying. He wears earrings and a metal chain, but he always says in interviews that he will work harder to do better.

Zeyuan likes such people very much. There are many people who can’t restrain their attacking heart, but they are willing to serve the team, and their own strength is not bad. There are very few players who can hold back their murderous intentions. After watching too many geniuses, the perseverance quality in Crown Move him.

"Calista was also banned. SSG saw that we started to block AD, and then sent the female policeman to the ban position."

This is a coach to coach conversation.

SSG blocked Enchantress, Qin Ming banned Zack;

SSG blocked Galio and Qin Ming banned Calista;

In the third hand, SSG blocked the policewoman, Qin Ming thought for a while, and pressed the mouse.

Just as expected, SSG seldom achieves tactical goals by forcing the jungler. They rely on defense instead of offense. They are not very comfortable with insurance heroes like Galio. In addition, SSG needs the crown to sit in the middle, and he is also used to this. In order not to affect the bottom lane, their ban positions focus on the two fulcrums that Xiaohu has played well recently.

Edgar thought very clearly that Lucian didn't need to block Syndra's existence, and if Xiaohu dared to take out the vampires, they dared to concentrate on destroying them.

In other words, Edgar felt that Xiaohu would not perform as well as Crown again, so his focus was to reduce unnecessary factors and balance the stage. As for why the policewoman was banned?This hero is naturally able to fight for the line. When Luo was released, he wanted to strangle the bot lane ahead of time to fight against the excessive intensity, but what Edgar didn't expect was that the opponent would ban the mouse. Could it be that his own training match was exposed? ?

You must know that since Luo landed, the average professional support has been ranked to practice Luo, and in the thinking of those games played by CoerJJ, when Xialuo is demolished and there is no good strong AD, the mouse is the best match, it seems that the line is biased Weak, but as long as a transition, you can use the mouse to stealth and start a group unexpectedly.

They have practiced this method for a while, and they also think that they have lost something in the road, and they can make up for it later. They didn't expect it...

"As soon as Luo is robbed, should we take Xia away? Besides, the one who restrains Luo from entering the arena is the wine barrel. The wine barrel is also outside."

Zeyuan guessed wrong again, the prince Jiaxia locked it, and it was obvious that he was desperate. This move also told SSG a message, don't release ez, if you dare to take ez, we will go to the later stage.

Of course SSG refused, snatching away the crocodile and pig girl, showing that Ueno is strong.

"This combination is very strong, with sufficient control and a high killing line, and in this way we can't shake the prince, so we can only play with it."

Miller was a little worried about Letme, "Is there any hero that is better to play? For the crocodile, Kenan and Gnar are good. No, the third hand is Syndra, and the hero is for Xiaohu first."

"Help in the middle, it's better to take the clockwork and enter the field with the prince." Zeyuan was puzzled.

This is definitely the case in terms of combination tonality alone, but isn't SSG guarding against Lucian?

I'll take Syndra first and wait for your clockwork.

This is also the calculation of Hongmi and Qin Ming. When there is no useful AD and the middle lane must be taken second, SSG must Uenosuke in the first three rounds. No matter what their order is, the second round of ban can create conditions for double c.

Everything is calculated.

Xiaohu really needs an opportunity to dispel the shadow of last year.

In the RNG of the Looper era, Xiaohu was not comfortable playing, and continued to slump. This time, Qin Ming wanted Xiaohu to match up with Crown.

"I'll let the clockwork wind up and ban the grasshopper. You should be active in changing blood in front of you. There are pots in the wild. You don't need support but don't let the crown support it."


He didn't need too many words, the coach did it for him, and Xiaohu only had to complete the task.

Qin Ming always speaks directly, with clear goals.

"In the second round of bans, we press the mid laner Grasshopper in the tool man, and then send Lucian to the ban position. SSG is targeting Shangfu, knocking down the wine barrel and Xiaoming's bull head. Both sides are not so good. Heroes to deal with."

Fourth hand, Titans.

"Add another team start point, which is to fight against the opponent!" PDD was very excited.

Titan, Syndra, fixed-point and instant kill, and SSG is aimed at the situation that the Titan is bulky and the prince is not enough to tolerate faults, four or five hands make up ice and clockwork.

"I'm going, Bipolar."

"SSG wanted to play backhand and pull, Master Ai came out."

"With Clockwork and Luo, SSG has no shortage of explosions. In our lineup, Xia is forced to make a big move. It depends on how Xiaohu pushes."

The barrage followed with discussions.

Across the stage.

Qin Ming seemed to understand the other person's thoughts——

Even if you know you were countered, so what?

It's very SSG.

Amid the wild boos at the scene, Thain chose, and Qin Ming quickly walked to the middle of the stage, just as he touched his hand, he immediately let go.

Edgar's expression changed immediately.

It didn't change when it was BP, it would be ugly.

But for Qin Ming, since he looks down on him, why should he be generous, he doesn't like a hot face with a cold butt.

"Luo Dai's ignition, Xiao Ming's is also ignition, both sides want to find a way on the line."

"The long snake formation opened up, and Xiangguo saw An Bixin's sister Zhu in the eyes of Shanghe Road ahead of time."

"Chidi and coerJJ came to the river from the lower road grass, and the puppy is at the intersection of the blue zone, but it should not go any further."

For An Bixin, the bottom lane needs to go online in advance, and he has watched a lot of RNG videos, and he knows that the opponent is staring at F6.

Alligator has gone to the line.

When the incense pot is solo red, the signal is pinged to the opposite red.

"The double buff of the incense pot is going to invade?!"

Red, blue, came to the river, and they were not punished.

"Can An Bixin find out that he gave an eye at the intersection, ah, this is his experience."

It was the first time that Miller saw someone so careful, and he really detected the movement for him.

Zhumei Lan and Sanlang lost their eyes directly to the intersection, and they were sharp, and retreated to the grass behind the red buff ahead of time, quietly dormant.

"The incense pot came around and didn't turn red directly. I was looking for it. I went to the F6 grass to take a look. It wasn't there. I turned around and went to the stone beetle, and it wasn't there. I'm still guessing the location."

Xiangguo has been muttering at this moment, he doesn't believe that Zhumei's blue zone is full.

An Bixin just watched quietly as the prince wandered around the red zone camp, the camera was firmly locked on the two of them, and at a place where the audience didn't pay attention, Xiao Ming used W to deal damage to the body, and the shield of the holy object helped to clear the line , was shot out of a bottle of blood medicine, and at the same time Xiaohu lined up with Q in the middle, pressed forward, and was rubbed by Crown with Q.

From 2 and a half minutes to 2 minutes and 46 seconds, the prince "wasted" 16 seconds.

His intuition told him that the pig girl must be nearby, and because she had inserted her eyes at the beginning, he could only physically explore.

He is never afraid of 1v1 in the wild.

Head An, who was squatting in the grass, waited and waited for no one to come. He wanted to expose his body, so he simply WA and pulled towards the stone beetle. The Triangle Grass left, and Luo Sheng 2 converged faster, but the prince didn't hand in EQ, and used his skills alone to consume the explosive fruit, and the pig girl who didn't have Q couldn't keep it either. Luo could only watch the Titan slow down in the stone beetle camp. One step to join the field.

After 3 seconds, the puppy sent the line into the tower and came to support.

An Bixin had just gone to the stone beetle, and Xiao Ming was caught by the wall, so he could only pull wild.

"Handsome, incense pot."

"Classic has no wild area."

"Bold but cautious."

Not only the audience is bragging, but PDD is too high, "If this wave of hot pot starts before the teammates come, the blood volume will be very dangerous, but he will not be popular until he hits the pig girl."

Three buffs start the game, the eye position knows the location of the pig girl, Xiangguo pretends to fight F6, just eats a small one, the stone beetle splits open, he immediately pulls back, ready to squat.

of course.

The vision at the intersection clearly reflected his movements.

But knowing that the trend is equally disgusting to An Bixin, he ate the stone beetle, and the prince was shaded by the triangle grass, would he dare to grab the bottom lane in the front?

dare not.

Three hits and three uncertain things, the head of An didn't do it, just turned his head and went around F6 from behind the wall. Entering the F5 bushes, Miss Zhu throws W angrily, Xiangguo twists and turns, hides in the red buff camp, and waits for Ambison's next move by the partition wall.

"Fucking you all the time."

PDD is actually wondering why An Bixin didn’t dare to go up and fight with Q. To be honest, he is a pig girl and he can’t bear it. For a full 1 minute and 40 seconds, the middle lane is level [-]. The two are still going around. Don’t say anything. What is the efficiency of wild farming.

The humiliating thing is that even though the confrontation lasted for so long, Ambison still didn't dare to touch F6. He had no health bottles on him, and whoever was consumed first would be at greater risk, and Syndra's body was stuck on the right side to replenish troops. The appearance of coming over at any time made it difficult for the crown to drive away from behind the tower.

Crown's lineup is pretty good, 39 to 41, and it's still Corrupt Syndra, but the gap in the hero pad is not overwhelmed by strength for the time being.

This bird is for you.

After communicating for a while, Zhumei chose to sacrifice herself and ran to the blue zone. Xiangguo took over F6. At this time, Xiaohu pulled the position again and ran to the upper river to give an eye. Syndra just returned to the line, and 3 seconds later , Pig girl was found eating river crab.

"I see through."

Xiangguo was a little annoyed.

How to take care of the vision in the early stage, the coach has already made it clear, but he was greedy for crabs, he didn't expect Abby Xin to be brave, knowing that Syndra was offline, he had no hesitation to eat crabs first and then eat toads, which made him a little bit unjudgmental .

He hit Xiahe Crab 2 times, and Xiangguo didn't dare to be careless, so he quickly went around to the red zone to make up for it, otherwise the pig girl would brush his F6, and he had done so much before, and he would only earn a set of red.

This is a game that only belongs to both parties.

There is rarely a game where the junglers on both sides can be so intriguing and don't care about development.

Thanks to the experience compensation of S7, I unlocked the most rogue mode of Xiangguo, and refreshed the impression of An Zhangmen.

He thought that Xiangguo's harassing video was disgusting enough, and he would never have imagined that one day, he would be wasted 3 minutes in a stalemate by a shameless person (including running pictures).

This is the 3 minutes in the early stage, not the vacuum period after the wild area is completely cleared!
Ambison's rhythm was totally messed up.

And what he thinks he bears the burden of humiliation is completely shrinking from the eyes of the Korean Internet audience. Anyone who sees Xiangguo's posture thinks that the role reversal will become a pig girl riding a prince's face.

Ambison is so "stable" that he doesn't even want to try to change blood.

(End of this chapter)

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