Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 368 Hello, Brother Gao

Chapter 368 Hello, Brother Gao
When the players from both sides appeared on the stage, not only the host introduced RNG with great enthusiasm, but even the audience "rebelled", and no one paid any attention to the previous IG that appeared on the stage.

Ning, standing between the top and the middle, was very dissatisfied.

Even though he knew that most of the audience's enthusiasm was a continuation of the intercontinental competition, he was still unhappy.

Support, voices, and the home and away system have not yet been implemented, and RNG has played at home. The momentum of the supporters of the two teams can be seen.

Everyone in IG has different ideas.

Rookie simply felt that it was difficult to fight, and his expression was very uncomfortable. The days when he was the dean made him suffer a lot;
TheShy lowered his head meaninglessly shy, just wanted to enjoy the game;

Before taking the stage, Baolan was still chatting with the zoom mobile phone, knowing Junze in the first round, of course, he was more concerned about his own problems, anxious about how to stop the dog Jiaming’s blood exchange with West.

Speaking of which, the lineup of this IG is still in a chaotic period.

It’s okay to keep looking for ghosts in the bottom lane, and now there are only two of the four supports left, and Kid returned to the bottom lane, but found that the effect of playing was not good, so I went to see the drinking fountain. In addition, the rotation of the top lane is also delayed Stereotyped, the whole team is in a state of "don't know how to play", the reason is that the coaching staff has never given a focus——

IG has tried a complete middle field and learned from SKT. At that time, Kid was called a little stupid chicken, and he would only turn around the middle lane. However, because of the lack of a second end point, this set is always more than the top and the bottom is more than the bottom. At the level of the second round of the playoffs, it is a bit far away to enter the World Championship;

The S7 Spring Split was even more chaotic. After each team knew the fixed process of IG, Kid's jungle effect became worse and worse. Playing on the stage, the difficulty of thigh c becomes higher, and naturally the performance is not as good as each day.

Many e-sports editors have reported on IG's struggles. Compared with S6, there is no progress but regress. For the management, it is better to tear down and rebuild.

In other words, Ning's re-use is a recent thing. After his first start, IG has not stabilized, but for fans, it can't be worse than Kid's appearance. How many years of "mediocrity" has made too many viewers Disappointed with Kid, from down to wild and down, he has never been stable and bright, even an IG fan would rather be replaced by a newcomer.

Coincidentally, IG also struggled with the two top laners.

For the coaching staff:

One is SKT, who spent a lot of money on the factory, and wants to make IG more SKT-like, but the difference from the final expectation is that SKT used Duke more in the beginning. Duke played alone, double c It is the team battle guarantee;

IG can't do this at all.

Not to mention the second TheShy, IG is reluctant to give up Duke, which was introduced at a high price, and would rather Duke gradually become a blue-collar, but also squeeze out the value of Duke, pretending that this deal is not a loss, after all, it was snatched from several teams. , If you can't finish the spring game in one season, you will lose it. That would be a waste of contracts.

IG struggled repeatedly and couldn't find a way out, so they adopted some new looks. Compared with the spring split, TheShy had more chances to play, because IG found that RNG's rotation was very good, and SKT's use of the two junglers was also praised. , And came up with the idea of ​​copying.

Of course, there are also practical reasons that prompted them to do so——

After Duke received blue-collar training, the line kill rate became lower and lower;
Although TheShy is sloppy, its operation is really good. Debei's silk blood counter-killing clid mantis surprised everyone. In terms of operation alone, everyone can see that Duke is not as good as this junior.

But what makes fans sad is that TheShy is indeed unstable, and he doesn't like teleportation support, and the plight of the bot lane is even more obvious.

In the current record.

IG lost DAN, EDG, JDG, won LGD, SNG, 2 wins and 3 losses.

Did you see something?

I haven't won a tough battle yet, but I lose very quickly.

Affected by his grades, Chris' wind commentary was ridiculed to the lowest level by IG fans, which made the coaching staff angry.

When Ning first arrived, he had an argument with Chris about how to play.

Although he switched from AD to jungler, which is very similar to Kid's career path, Ning has more ideas than Kid. He always feels that he has helped the laner, and the laner has to give back to him.

But for Chris, who has coached the factory manager, he always feels that the duty of the jungler is to stabilize the situation, break through when he is sure, and earn line excellence.

Ning played a bit selfishly with TheShy.

This is where he feels that he needs to change and improve.

But as a coach, there is no dignity without results.

When Chris speaks now, Ning is already in the left ear and out the right ear. Since the tactics arranged by the coach can't win against strong teams, they can only play against weak teams to gain confidence, so what's the point of listening?
What he needs is not to beat the middle and lower reaches of the team!
It's different from Sapphire Blue.

Xiao Ming has a greater influence on Ning.

Ning desperately wants to stand out, not just being held back by fans.

Especially when he saw that his teammates who fought side by side in the past had reached the top, he was still standing at the foot of the mountain bitterly. He was not even a solid starter, so he relied on himself even more.

The personnel of both sides sat on the battle seats.

Putting on the earphones to isolate the voices from the scene, Ning was thinking about how to start the game.

On the other side of the battle seat.

Letme is very afraid of the big boy who loves to laugh. Xiangguo said nonchalantly that he would go straight to the bottom lane. The puppy didn't say a word, and his teammates knew it was a sign of confidence.

Xiaohu deliberately said: "I won't win if I win."

Xiao Ming laughed and scolded: "Win is not included, what are you implying?"

"Okay, okay." Qin Ming interrupted: "Junze, you take it as a test of your special training results."

"It doesn't work if you don't test it, and I can't change the way."

Letme is just nervous, and his mentality is not bad. Anyway, he has played against so many top laners and has a lot of experience.

In a colony of penguins.

Several netizens who watched the game were also discussing at the same time, giving pointers.

"When the market opens, who can win?"

Admin "that year's bright moon" is the first to type.

"Good guy, I'm still betting on who wins. I bet IG won't last 30 minutes." Wandering Paixiu typed in response.

"I admit it!" Digu Zhiwan didn't think it was a big deal.

"It's so sure that IG will lose, right? There won't be a miracle?" That year Mingyue wanted to defend it.

"There may be a miracle, but it's definitely not IG." A trace of perfunctory complaints remained: "IG doesn't want to go down the road, just show up and fight in the road, West will definitely not be able to support it, he doesn't have that strength."

Netizens, please don’t come here. I’m more certain: “If you don’t break a tower 10 minutes ago, RNG will lose. I’ve written the script, and the pot will be played in three minutes. West will be imprisoned under the tower. When he breaks a tower, he will directly transfer to Pioneer. I asked who IG relies on to delay the situation? Rookie? Xiaohu has to be ill."

"TheShy on this one, do you have an explanation?" Eel interrupted.

He likes personal heroism very much. He remembers Qinggang Ying in the German Cup, and Rambo, who counter-killed two people 0-2. Although IG's record is still ups and downs compared to last year, this new top laner is bold and delicate. The operation made a deep impression on him.

The wandering Pixiu disdained: "You can win by showing off? This is not a game for one person. Wither also overwhelmed Letme. Didn't SSG still lose."

Eel: "Sigh (sigh), the truth is this, IG's problem cannot be solved by changing the top laner."

The emperor's stock: "Duke bought it and said it all, and IG is still dead."

That year Mingyue: "WE can rebuild. When will IG rise? Watching Rookie play a game is really unpleasant. It's a team that targets him. It's fine to play with heavy weight. The key is that the second one can stand up steadily."

A trace of perfunctory sarcasm remains: "Let's change the coaching staff first. I've seen too much of the BP thinking in the intercontinental finals, and then I read Chris's, my mother. It is clearly aimed at you in the middle lane. You desperately ban the bottom lane, and then grab Gary. Oh? Can IG take Galio? I don’t understand.”

In the BP interface, the first three hands of RNG directly killed the demon girl and rock sparrow, and then added a sword girl who was afraid of Junze, while the blue team's Chris banned Calista, the policewoman, and Luo, knowing that Syndra , Clockwork is outside, choose to take Galio.

"If Chris doesn't take it, RNG will backhand Prince Galio, and IG will be lifted high in the bottom lane." Ann saw the difficulty of IG's selection at a glance. A more risky choice.

Don't come over here and follow the analysis: "The bottom lane is easy to target, and if Rookie is restricted, RNG's selection is very stable."


RNG backhanded out the prince and clockwork, and followed the third floor to make up ez. The reason was that IG took Thresh and Verus's bot lane, which was not as safe as Qin Ming thought, so he immediately followed suit.

The second round of bans.

Chris banned Karma for support, and Zhumei for jungler. Qin Ming blocked Qinggangying and Kenan, and took away the blind monk on the fourth floor.

Hao Kai, who was in charge of the commentary, analyzed: "We have to make up for the damage on the road. IG's players tend to destroy RNG's formation, but coach Beggin seems to have guessed this, and he took ez first."

Chris is messed up.

RNG's confirmed lineup is double c-handed, with a solid starting point.

At this point, he doesn't make any arrangements anymore, let's use his personal ability.

Ning took the wine barrel for himself, and TheShy took his beloved Jess without any entanglement after hearing what Rookie conveyed.

Eel in the distraction group watching the live broadcast: "Look at the camera, TheShy smiles so magically."

Ann: "Very optimistic. Anyway, I don't know how IG will play with this lineup. Rookie is not c, relying on top and bottom? I doubt it."

Digu Zhiwan: "Tools in the middle lane can play, and they don't need to be all tools. What's the difference between this and cutting off your own arm?"

Eel: "Chris, you know everything, even if you copy the answer, you don't understand it yourself."

Beluga: "IG, send!"

The order of selection of the lineups of the two sides——

IG (blue) Rookie Galio, West Verus, Sapphire Thresh (weak), Ning Barrel, TheShy Jess
RNG (Red) Letme Prince, Xiaohu Clockwork, Puppy ez, Incense Pot Blind Monk, Xiaoming Bron (ignition)

From the way Ming summoner's skills are carried, he knows how murderous he is.

But Ning's requirement is also to brush from top to bottom, which makes the energy of both parties involved in the bottom lane.

After marking each other, they all know the starting position. The reason is that the bottom lane duo goes online in advance, and IG dare not fall behind and fight for 2.

"Xiangguo makes red by himself, wine barrel F6 is opened, with Galio's help."

Entering the game, Ning put away those thoughts.

Rookie knew that it was not easy to compete with the clockwork at the first level, and he didn't need to. Fortunately, Ning's idea was satisfied, allowing him to brush faster.

With the help of Gangfeng, the wine barrel quickly eats the small bird to increase 2, and clicks W to eat the big bird. During this process, Ning cut the camera and knew that the next lane hit as required.

"The assistants on both sides are helping to pad the knife, ez steals an AQ, and Baolan continues to exchange blood with the blood bottle."

The bottom lane played fiercely, West advanced to 2 first, the puppy retreated slightly, the Q pawn kept up with the level, and put pressure again.

The third wave cannon line.

Ning knew that the blind monk would be slow, so he came to control the crab.

"Wine Barrel F6, Red, if you hit a river crab, you can go up to 3, and you should be closer to the bottom lane than Xiangguo. Is this an opportunity for IG?"

Remember to prepare the topic.

Hao Kai stared at the small map, "Xiangguo is also pinging, both sides are playing."

"Let's see who goes first."

The wine barrel punished the river crab to go into the grass, and the pawn line remained in the red side in the middle, and no one pushed too much. At the same time, the blind monk ate the blue. Just behind him, the puppy spotted Thresh moving E and threw Q in the face.

Because IG is too focused on grabbing levels, Thresh is not in a good state.

In the eyes of IG, everyone knows that the opponent's idea is to repel Thresh. Naturally, Verus is not easy to occupy the position of the pawn line, but you are too pretending to be an ez.

next moment.

Baolan was urged to take out the hook, and the position was aimed at the right side, and the puppy abruptly stopped the movement of twisting left.

"ez was hooked, Bron opened the anti-theft door to block the output of Verus, and the wine barrel came out from the side, can you kill ez?"

Ning was driving W, with a red buff on his body, and saw Braum pulling towards his position, trying to block attacks from two directions;

Ning counted the time for the anti-theft door, watched as ez ate the pendulum and slowed down, twisted into the grass and stood up.

Baolan was in a hurry and directly said she was weak.

He ran the risk of being replaced.

"The incense pot is behind, RNG wants to fight back."

Ning originally wanted to get closer, but when he saw Thresh pulling out, he had no choice but to hand in an E.

Can't save skills!



The shock from the two commentators.

What happened to the picture?
Xiao Ming flashed the prediction of the barrel E flashed, blocking the collision for ez!

ez only eats Q to slow down, the healer takes a sip, the wine barrel is passively hung by Braum, the blind monk W touches Braum's QA, ez shifts the target to catch up with a basic attack, the wine barrel is frozen in place, and an ignition effect appears on the body .

It's easy to guess, Ning.

Xiao Ming had a perfect insight into Ning's movements, and the unrelenting position in his hand made it difficult for the wine barrel to move, and resisted the output of Verus.

Ning was numb, and so was West. He managed to avoid Bron's shield, and was forced to retreat just after A puppy hit him twice.

Slap the floor, slow down to level A, ez catches up with QA, the blind monk kills with Q in the second stage, Verus covers the residual blood and Thresh retreats.

As a rookie who just came up from the LCK commentary, Hao Kai knows that RNG has traffic, so he will go crazy and say: "This style of play, RNG's only tier, is to use the botlane to sharply earn status, and then sell your body to seduce. I'm not afraid that you won't be fooled, and if you don't come to catch it, well, I will cover you with the blind monk, and you will lose Thresh's HP, and you still can't grab the line. Playing RNG, you can't find a way to stabilize the bottom lane."

It's a bit exaggerated, but it also shows the focus of this game.

Regardless of whether the wine barrel will come or not, the right to get off the route must be determined. The reason is that the details of the blood exchange between West and Baolan are poor. The puppy uses the action of shooting 2 to 2 after a little bit to force out Thresh's blood bottle, and then rides face and hits Q. , Deliberately move the hook.

Ning has tried his best to set up the routine, brushing faster than the blind monk, and he has to be positioned first, but the result of the gank is not good.

(End of this chapter)

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