Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 371 Creativity

Chapter 371 Creativity

An hour later, the training room.

Qin Ming met the leader of the second team who accompanied Able.

"Hello, Teacher Qin."

"Haha, please come here."

"Don't bother, don't bother, Xiaochun, come, this is Coach Qin."

The leader pulled Able past him, who was standing next to him, and wanted Able to say hello.

Able stood obediently, didn't speak, didn't raise his head, didn't even dare to look at him, just stared at Qin Ming's waist.

The team leader's smile froze, "The young man is a little shy."

"It's okay." Qin Ming turned his head indifferently, watched Xiaohu and others observing here, and waved to Zoom, "Xiao Ran, give up your seat."

Turning around again, Qin Ming seemed to be discussing: "Try out now? Let's see what needs to be improved."

The team leader sounded more excited than the parties involved.

in front of the computer.

Able got used to the keyboard and mouse, knowing that the situation in this meeting meant whether he could start for the first team for a while, he was very hot in his heart, but the problem was that he didn't want to express it.

No one thinks this is abnormal.

Game masters are often autistic, do not like to talk, and are unfamiliar with the new environment. They are social flamboyants like Xiao Ming, and they are just curious about possible new partners.

Being watched by the crowd, Able has been immersed in the configuration of the rune page, including the puppy, who all want to know how this 17-year-old boy's skills are.

Words are not proven, seeing is believing, Qin Ming has enough time to check.

"Play the hero you feel most comfortable with."

When the training match started, Qin Ming and U stood behind Able, and the others were already in place.

Hearing this sentence at first, Able wanted to reply that he could play anything, but because of his longing for a champion coach, he honestly showed his big mouth.

"What do you want your teammates to play?"

"Front row, Ruan Fu. Well, the auxiliary has therapy."

With that said, he had already put on the purification.

In this kind of communication, the team leader is like a commentator, chattering about Able's favorite game style.

According to him, Able has won the praise of many professional players in the Korean server these days, and a few pages of MVP can be harvested with team battle protection.

"Really, many professional players say that he is a script, and the output ratio of the cheating type is almost blocked."

It can be seen that the team leader is really impressed by Able's skills, "The big core has a good foundation, and it can output a lot of damage like a puppy. As long as you pay more attention to his position in team battles."

In fact, the leader is not exaggerating.

During the competition, the frequency of high-end combat power in the Korean server decreased, but it did not mean that he had already reached the 22nd place. Able, whose goal was to hit the first place, was not strong.

Soft assistant with attack speed AD, purification seconds to remove A silky, many professional players know that this person exists, and have encountered it, the iconic move is to like to extract during the laning period, and when it comes to team battles , just twitching and turning his head, if he doesn't target, he can finish the harvest with 2 on 5 every time——

The skills that can be twisted can be twisted, and the control that can't be twisted is hard to eat by purification, and the frequency of attack is constant at all, so it is called script.

Can you imagine a picture of gathering positions, output target selection, and constant general attacks?
When the attack speed reaches a certain level, even the old thief will click on the floor and look at the direction of the skills before booking the next move, while Able chooses the target + points on the floor + A person + looks at the skills. In other words, many professional ADs The high attack speed A is to automatically select the nearest target in the attack range, and the high attack speed must maintain a smooth attack frequency. Able can have one more link of repeated settings than others.

It sounds easy.

Isn't it just the steps of moving the mouse more and clicking more when person A is doing it.

It's hard to do.

Because person A has to be distracted by the opponent's movements, adding an attack rhythm that can't be mastered by half a beat will make the interval between basic attacks obvious, and it looks very dull.

in game.

Xiao Ming met all of Able's requirements, even if you look around, you should hurry back to his side, don't make too deep vision, but during the laning phase, Able can only say that it is average, the suppression force is average, the pressure resistance is average, maybe it is nervous , there are some omissions in the tower filling knife after extraction.

The team leader looked at this scene and helped to say good things, "A little behind in economy, he can fight back in team battles."

RNG's bottom lane has been at a disadvantage for a long time. When Able insisted on Xiao Ming's naked incense burner, he also exploded the mining knife to make up for the economy.

When I got here, the style of painting changed.

It’s not to say that Big Mouth’s sense of space is so good, it wanted to output when the blind monk took the initiative to sell it, and was almost blown back by the barrel, but even so, Big Mouth was forced to flash, a little out of touch, and swarms of swarms from the opposite side Come up, even though Xiangguo was killed in battle, Xiao Ming still chose to believe that Able would look for Dazui instead.

Then, there is Dazui's showtime.

After eating Luludun's big mouth, he first drew out the speed bump with an E, followed by constant turning back and general attacks, making the distance that seemed to be able to catch up turned into a ravine that was difficult to cross.

No one thought that Da Zui would dare to fight when the jungler was killed, the middle was forced to leave, and only the top laner was left to cover, so no one thought that Da Zui's output was so high.

At this moment, Able finally showed his brilliance, his attack frequency was quite silky, and it was difficult to find extra moves.

A weak AD turned into a moving turret, constantly correcting its position while outputting.

When he wanted to chase, he would turn his head and pull, and when the front row couldn't hold on and the back row was about to retreat, he had already pressed forward to seduce, forcing the opponent to turn around and attack.

"His A's are impressive. Anyone who can make three moves in the shortest beat is already considered excellent. Four is the annihilation of the old thief, but he can do five.

His hands are fast, and his grasp of kite and attack frequency is where he is most talented. His talent is blind to the eye—except for the script, no one can maximize the output frequency while finding his position in such a complicated situation.His hands don't shake. "

The wave that made Qin Ming feel exaggerated was when his attack speed reached 3. When the pig girl didn't destroy his output frequency, at the same time, he made some forward pressure on the floor, selected targets, turned back on the floor, and purified , Click on the floor and twist right, and then select the target again.

Qin Ming understood why he likes to wear purifiers.

It's not all about increasing fault tolerance, but rather not wanting to reduce the output threshold. With purification, the capital that can further seduce him will not be interrupted to follow the A rhythm.

In this area alone, he is the smoothest A player among all professional ADs that Qin Ming has seen.

of course.

Qin Ming has never seen a second person who has raised his A to such a height. For most professional ADs, no one will deliberately pursue attack speed. Others 1.3 is enough. The faster the attack speed, the smoother he is. , the more operations you can do, the more threatening and aesthetically pleasing it will be.

Able likes Big Mouth, because Big Mouth's W can break through to 5.0. In other words, it's not that Big Mouth is strong, but that it has the highest attack speed value.

So when Qin Ming asked to remove the attack speed-consuming AD and asked him what he likes, he answered ez.

This is an AD hero with no weaknesses, and the puppy likes it very much.

"anything else?"


Able thought for a while, and only thought that Yasuo could show it off.

Hearing this answer that wasn't an answer, Xiao Ming stared at the puppy and laughed loudly, which made Able feel baffled.

But everyone in RNG knows the Yasuo Terrier. Generally, when Uzi wants to entertain, he will use Yasuo to deceive people. From this perspective, Able has a height that a puppy cannot reach.

An afternoon passed.

Able has won internal respect. Even Xiaogou thinks that Able has great potential in team battles. Xiaogou, who has played AD for many years, knows very well that the big c is not so good, no matter whether his teammates are worthy or not. Cooperate, at least Able has developed a high output frequency, which means he has the ability to protect the source of damage.

There are many factors that determine the outcome of a team battle, but when Able proves that there is room to stand up and output, his burst of energy is amazing.


The gap here is far more terrifying than a simple description, which means that the same economy (even if it is a little behind), the same output space, and the output threshold have been divided into grades.

This is hard work visible to the blind, and it is what distinguishes Able from other professional ADs. It is this hand speed and coordination that makes people feel amazing.

With the approval of Xiao Ming and others and the excited eyes of the team leader, Qin Ming recorded a very brief observation report——

The 17-year-old Able is an excellent teamfight turret in his comfort zone. He has good basic skills and a game understanding that knows how comfortable he is.

Incense burners, extraction, and small cannons all require sheep knives.

When many professional players don't know how to play the game according to their most comfortable way, Able has already gone a long way in soft support + attack speed. He has creatively developed all the rules of laning to turret, and all steps are for Output frequency service.

Of course, Able was not the first to use the incense burner. As early as the spring split, someone in the LCK had played it.

But the value of Able is that he can dig deep into this piece of equipment, and then plan the early stage ideas based on the equipment.

He didn't know that with extraction, would blood exchange hurt?
he knows.

The extracted attributes are not conducive to fighting, and will reduce fault tolerance, and it is not easy to rely on the line.

But Able knew that his core need was to make the incense burner as soon as possible. Maybe he didn't have a deep calculation in his mind and didn't use data to speak, but he instinctively knew that doing so would be beneficial to him and allow him to perform better.

As an ordinary player, I probably know that the jungler will not come to catch, so it is uncomfortable. As for whether the wild area is comfortable after being caught-you come to catch, I am sure c.


This is a 17-year-old boy with an extraordinary perspective and exploratory spirit on games.

do not forget.

League of Legends has reached its 7th year. Whether you admit it or not, this game has passed the wasteland stage, and the professional competition area is relatively mature.

Under such an environment, it is actually very difficult to independently develop game ideas suitable for competition intensity.

Think about it, so many coaching staffs are digging into the collocation of heroes, the handling of details, and the positioning of resource groups, using a lot of experiments to prove the strength, and they have excellent players to help verify.

Able does not have this condition.

In his rough thinking, because he won the championship in S6, during that time he seriously wanted to reach the youth training threshold, but it was always difficult to grasp the outcome.

With such a problem, an autistic teenager quickly rejected functional AD in order to better grasp the game trend, but because heroes like Wheel Mom and Policewoman are too difficult to come back once they are bad in the early stage, his The demand has changed again——can c, even if the teammate is dead, there is no shortage of output; the node of joining the group must be fast and have combat power; it is best to win the group with 2 bots, and the rest are tools for skills.

It took him a long time to discover the combination of the censer and Windtalker, and it took him a while to discover that the effects of the censer could be superimposed.

Able's research can be seen from those dozens of pages of game progress.

He just wants to master the game in the most "simple" way.

He succeeded.

Qin Ming had a headache when he knew that Able had finally fixed his routine and rushed to score two weeks ago.

For a coach who likes to adjust his plans temporarily, the fixed game idea is equivalent to a version that weakens his best handling.

As evidenced by Able's page after page of results, he tried a lot and determined that the current set is the best and most lethal.

If it is adopted, Qin Ming can only change his mind to the incense burner, because there is no incense burner, and if AD wants to show off, it will be very difficult to build the stage. I don't care how the upper middle and the wild play.

This is Able's comfort zone, and maybe he also understands that this set is very aggressive, and many of his habits have been replaced by the output frequency.

and so.

He also exposed a lot of shortcomings. For example, this set is a bit abandoned in laning-AD extracts and mines, and assists the naked incense burner.


Qin Ming wrote Able's analysis report alone at his desk.

"The basic skills are not bad. It is not as lethal in an open area as it is in a narrow terrain. It doesn't need much space to walk around."

"One-on-one is weak, and the idea of ​​​​changing blood needs to be developed."

"Team protection is very important, and tactical focus is needed. Once formed, I like to ask for a group."

"Sometimes too aggressive, the ability to be forced to find an output position is mediocre, the awareness of support is poor, and the awareness of helping teammates to stretch space and the maintenance of positioning formation need to be instilled."

"I don't have much effective communication. Once I enter the game, I need to change my habit of talking nonsense (will you give me the next red, can you give me the red, and if you don't answer, just ask repeatedly)."

"Hero pool..."

"Practice Jinx, Calista, Yasuo, and Qin Nu."

After the preliminary player survey was completed, Qin Ming collected his emotions, examined Able's joining from an overall perspective, and analyzed what RNG needed to change, and what he needed to change.

This is an AD that continues to sprint for the incense burner version. Being too dependent is Able's biggest limitation.

But Qin Ming also admitted that Able has the ability to end the game and is not weak in threatening to help him set the stage.

From the perspective of the team, Able himself has found a magic weapon to make up for the weak laning, that is, the mine knife and the hope that the next tower will be demolished, so that he can free himself to eat the lane in a safe zone.

This approach is a bit selfish.


Qin Ming also felt that Hart hadn't found a plan for Able at all.

Such a young man with creative thinking should learn more about game ideas, maximize his strengths and avoid weaknesses, and then try to increase the capacity of his weaknesses.

When many people grow up, blindly seeing weaknesses will only damage confidence.

Letme went crazy, Xiaohu went crazy, and zoom just entered the secondary league and felt like killing people. After being continuously attacked, they made them doubt themselves, and after a period of "mediocrity", they almost didn't climb out of the pit.

After figuring this out and looking at the plan for Able, you will find that the RNG in the Hart period would make him strengthen his confrontation and take the initiative to fight fiercely, and then let him indulge after a while. go down.

Such a chaotic career plan, as well as not being able to find a position in the team, made Able's fastest flash in the pan.

In fact, Able does not have the ability to fight at the dominant level. He relies on game understanding to cover up what he is not good at.

This is an AD with other possibilities, except that it is not the second dog. But at that time, RNG felt that there was a stage for team battles. As long as the laning was strengthened, it would be perfect. However, the jungler’s intentional tilt made him uncomfortable. , wasting that help.

In Qin Ming's view, Able should reduce his sense of presence during the laning phase. Not all ADs have to learn the puppy's style of play. The successor's troubles for Able make this black-tech boy who will leave Yasuo mediocre.


Qin Ming doesn't have those constraints, he likes to create.

(End of this chapter)

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