Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 374 Begging AD

Chapter 374 Begging AD
Sometimes, the game can become very simple, especially for the coaching staff, and sometimes the game can become very complicated, which is a variable in execution for the players.

OMG, this should be an easy game.

The first-level station is opened, and the two-person road helps the prince to open the blue. The old thief feels that he can grab the second while going online at night.

"Hey, why did ez buy an auxiliary equipment when going out? A holy shield and a small medicine bottle?"

Zeyuan BB formed a bunch of Kassadins, OMG team battles broke out, and RNG's offensive pressure was very heavy, but I remembered but found something unusual.

"It seems to be." Zeyuan listened to remember the reminder, and also discovered this scene.

Able was standing in the grass, waiting for the line to come over. The items placed in the grid of the equipment bar complemented Xiao Ming's holy relic shield.

Double relic?
What do you understand?
Zeyuan quickly went through the attributes of the Holy Object Shield, pondering: "ez definitely doesn't need this to occupy the grid, so it must be used for transition. Look, RNG dared to make such a move, it must have been practiced, It feels effective."

Rough words are not rough.

There is no need to over-interpret things that you don't understand.

In fact, not only the commentary was a bit ignorant, but the screen was full of question marks, and the old thief who just showed up to face him cut the panel, and was a little confused when he saw this routine.

"(They) are not in line?"

Xiao Wu replied: "It's better if he counsels. We advance in the third wave, and the jungler goes to control the river crab. We just happen to be in the B wave."

The old thief really didn't expect that the opponent would take the initiative to weaken the resistance ability. Although Xialuo is T0 at the first level and T1 at the third level, ez and female tanks have the opportunity to exchange blood. There is still value - although it is difficult to achieve this condition.

Taking advantage of the embarrassment of facing two holy objects and never daring to fight to the end, Luo boldly pressed forward, and Able was not ordered by Qin Ming to fight for the line and create opportunities for the jungler. Seeing Luo's position tendency, I will leave , As long as you can eat experience, you will be satisfied.

On the contrary, Xiao Ming is a little unaccustomed. If the puppy is there, the disadvantaged combination should be tested or will be tested. This makes him really feel that the wind direction has changed.

As soon as he gave way in the lower lane, the prince swiped to the red zone, and the third wave of cannon cars was sent to the tower. The old thief QE pulled ez's blood volume, and then retreated back to the city.

"OMG knows that Xiangguo will come to the next lane, and the signal is pinging, so there is no chance for this wave. Xialuo sent the line very quickly, and Zhumei just finished playing red and promoted to third, and the two-player lane was B."

"Xiangguo can only control the river crabs, ez and female tanks also need B, but in this way, Xialuo will go online first, and ez will lose troops if he rushes over."

After eating a large wave of lines under the tower, Xia Luo had already left the high ground, and ez and female tanks returned home.

But what the commentators didn't discover was that ez only made up 14 knives, but the economy was better than Xia's. Go home and go online directly with mine knives and real eyes.

Very classic Korean AD development ideas.

The three-wave line went home and produced a mine knife to carry out the development to the end.

According to Qin Ming's routine, the biggest advantage of the double holy object is that it assists the node that does not need to control the artillery vehicle. Xiao Ming can directly drive the W top to hurt the A soldier and give the economy——

2 holy relics store energy, refresh one layer after 40 seconds, and the auxiliary maximization of relics must leave a layer to eat cannons. If you don't need to grab the second, the third wave line should have 2 layers, which is convenient for quick push Line, and then go to help the jungler control the river crab or facilitate the crossing of the tower to store the line.

In the case of double relics, support does not need to be so concerned, because ez can also share the economy, and the cannon car is eaten by ez, and the layer it refreshes can also take care of the support's income.

of course.

The shortcomings are also obvious, and you need to give up the struggle in the bottom lane.

But as long as the danger of being overtaken is avoided, it will be a pure profit economically. This is also the core of LCK's operation. Prioritize the efficiency of monetization, so that it can be economically overwhelmed without fighting and then form an equipment advantage to overwhelm the operation.

Compared with operations, LPL has never been afraid, but many times, it is the fight that wins the economy but not the economy.

Then the counterpoint, the old thief stared blankly.

He is a wired AD who doesn't have a mining knife. This rookie is too "developed". After all, the production of sacred objects will slow down the pace of combat power. Now that he has a mining knife, can ez participate in the battle?
The gameplay is a bit odd.

Soft fans have never seen such a harmonious bot lane matchup. ez has fully played the core of Qdc, just making up the knife, not A, Luo Zuo has a Q on his face, he is not A, and he wholeheartedly leaves the secret shooting to the minions .

"Can you see, the jungler is with me?"

Icon issued an early warning, Xiao Wu, who was unable to break through the defense of the female tank, simply said: "You just push the line, and I will roam. Jiekou, you find more people, as long as you fight in the lower half, I will be there first."

Ever since ez returned home for the first time, Xiangguo started to circle around Zhongshang, disgusting Kassadin and not letting him eat the knife properly.

This version of Kassadin is not a weak chicken that has been cut to the point of no sight. Corruption will go out and resist the clockwork skills to eat the line. , on the contrary, it was the pig girl who was watching around, which annoyed Icon.

Fortunately, Luo's liberation quickly made sure that both the middle and the wild were insured.

They are stronger in the bottom lane, and they definitely hope to speed up to drive the rhythm, because in this round, OMG has a big killer for stabilizing C in the later stage-Kassadin with high mobility. They don't think ez can escape Kassadin's pursuit.

To put it bluntly, OMG seems to have won a strong combination in the bottom lane, but the most profitable thing is not to attack the bottom lane. They hope that Kassadin has a good development environment.

Xiangguo is still harassing Nakano from time to time, even though Xiangguo is very used to this practice, but the more proactive OMG still seized the opportunity.

At 5 minutes and 17 seconds, Xia went home, Xiao Ming reported the news, the incense pot came again, Xiao Xiao consumed Kassadin, walked to the lower half, and went to make the vision of Xiaolong in advance, without thinking, Nosuke squatted in the grass.


The incense pot was overcast, and he was still killed in a flash.

"My, my, I thought Luo followed me home."

Watching Xiao Ming explain, Able said weakly: "I'm going home to Goddess Tears, Xiaolong and Ta can let me go."

"You come back to life and force them to be dragons, we will take the second one."

Xiangguo has not encountered such a thing for a long time, and will still be dissatisfied for a while.

When the puppy was around, most of the time, the lower part was helping him. No matter how bad it was, he would have to stay at the bottom of the tower on the opposite side of the road. How could he let Luo wander around casually, and Xia developed without incident.

"Too much control, Luo W, Prince EQ, Kassadin's E, Xiangguo can't escape at all. The only pity is that this head was not given to Kassadin."

"It's not easy, sister pig almost walked back to the tower."

The prince harvested a blood, and the revived Xiangguo saw that OMG hadn't moved the dragon, so he offered to help, but it looked a bit like a part-time job.

"Oh, I want to steal the dragon, but the river channel is controlled by OMG, the prince is chasing him, and the old thief is also relying on it."

"I have to let it go, the ez has to be retracted, and this equipment - the ez filled with the tears of the goddess, is not at the same level as the damage provided by Xia Neng."

OMG who accepted the first water dragon was even happier.

Xiangguo's violent stealing of the dragon was stopped, and jiekou said: "I am 6 ahead of him, so I can watch the middle lane in the next wave."

Xiao Wu answered, "Change the blood first, and I'll come over then."

At 6 minutes and 08 seconds, Kassadin, who was a few seconds behind and rose to 6, began to look for opportunities to ride his face.

"Kassadin R stepped on it, QE slowed down, but backhanded, clockwork E pulled the ball and turned around, A, A, chased the basic attack, and then a QW triggered Thunder to pull back, not giving Kassadin a big distance. Six Although Kassadin at the top level has the ability to resist, he will still be winded up with a kite."

Zeyuan praised Xiaohu's handling, "Before the CD of the ultimate move came up, Xiaohu's control was almost a textbook-level counterattack, and Kassadin couldn't exhaust it at all."

"If you change it like this again, Xiaohu can pull up and force flashes."

Ze Yuangang predicted with confidence.

More than 20 seconds later, that is, 7 minutes and 42 seconds, the prince made a big circle, entered the red zone from Xiaolongkeng and hid in F6, avoiding the real eyes behind the red buff wall, while Luo was exposed to the river view in a fair manner.

At first, Xiaohu didn't take it seriously, because Luo came here every half a minute on average. Thinking: Is it the courage given to you by this fourth-level Luo?
"Come here."

Xiaohu urged to eat the incense pot of the three wolves, backhanded QW to slow down, pretended to retreat, and forced Kassadin to show his face. When Kassadin handed over Q, he resolutely reversed QA and pulled.

"Luo comes out, pig girl Q pulls position W to slow down, winds up the ball, Iocn pulls after crossing the big, and releases the third big with no blue on her body."

Bang bang bang.

At the same time as the cannon fell from the sky, Xiao Ming swam from the triangle grass.

"Wait for the clockwork and then Q, two speed bumps to slow down, Xiaohu will find a chance to increase it, but in this position, Prince EQ enters the field, Xiaohu is also in danger."

In order to seduce, Clockwork's blood volume was less than half. Seeing the prince's movement, he quickly dodged back to the front of the tower, but the pig girl who did not dodge was not so lucky.

"Luo EW lifts, Kassadin QE repairs the damage, the blue hits empty, the incense pot is about to run, the residual blood Q goes out of the wall, the clockwork E saves it, the prince and Luo flash to repair the damage, the pig girl is still going to die!"

Remember to yell: "Xiao Ming! The clockwork is stretched, Luo E returns to Kassadin, but the female tank flashes the E finger, and controls the prince, the defense tower is still outputting, and the prince is dead!" He sighed: "Wow, After a one-for-one exchange, RNG took a risk to get this head, but judging from the situation, Kassadin got another assist, and the captain’s first wave of Yamato Clockwork’s linkage did not play a particularly good role.”

Zeyuan glanced at ez who was forced to retreat, "In the bottom lane, the vanguard team is very difficult to compete for. Kassadin is still weak, and he can't cooperate with his teammates to enter the field. He can't play any explosives, but Xialuo is too strong. Now, when it comes to fighting, as long as OMG is not pulled into three or four by the clockwork, it is faster than tanking, and ez can't compare."


Zeyuan, I remember laughing.

The voices of the bullet screen questioning the production of equipment have not stopped. They don't want to calculate the economic account. They can only see Kassadin's steady growth.

"Xiao Wu is very active in this game. He came to help eat the cannons and share the money. Luo, who is at the sixth level, Xiaohu has no longer dared to give the position."

"If there is no flash, you still have to pay attention."

"I feel like Kassadin is at level 16. RNG is very difficult to defend. It has meat and output, and its mobility is full." If it weren't for playing RNG, Zeyuan would have wanted to say: How can Kassadin at level 16 lose.

The two commentators can find time to joke around, but the players on the court are racing against time.

9 and a half.

Xia led by 14 knives, sent the line first, and led Luo into the river.

RNG has to shrink the tower in the upper and middle, but because the front "forced" OMG to take the dragon at 5 minutes and 17 seconds, they went to play the vanguard and had a chance to give RNG a little dragon.

The middle and lower players deal with the pawn line first, and then the four speed Rush.

"Pioneer trades for Fire Dragon, OMG takes advantage of the trend, and RNG takes down the tower with three people."

The ez barrage cleared the line, the captain retreated to the autistic grass, and then Kassadin returned to the center line. The OMG pioneer took a tower and hit the second head with cover.

"Zoom recruited clear soldiers, OMG took advantage of the trend to sweep the blue zone, but Xiangguo also cooperated with ez to eat the next tower and exchange wild zones."

Mingzhe nodded in satisfaction. Although the economy is not much ahead, the gap in map control has widened.

In his opinion, if the captain and ez are so procrastinated, Kassadin's weak period is equivalent to no-in any case, he didn't see the meaning of RNG's mid-term 55.

If so, ez shouldn't be so procrastinating. The second time I go home and don't mend the tears of the goddess, I wasted more than 2 minutes. It takes at least 21 minutes to stack up. For the professional arena, 20 minutes is considered a very late node, which is generally normal At 18:19, a slight disadvantage is also [-] minutes.

For Mingzhe, whether an ez is playing well or not, the node of the magic cut is one of the most important considerations, which represents the strength of the ez's participation in the battle.

Gnar turned down, the captain sat on the road to face Kassadin, and let ez go down the road alone to eat the line.

From the point of view of clearing the line, the spring protected by the female tank and the pig girl can make Xialuo unable to break through, but Gnar has the right to line, and ez is only equipped with reinforcements under the tower. In the red zone, eating wild food and looking for people made Xiangguo extremely uncomfortable.

Lost a group of F6, and lost 2 groups of stone beetles, and the toad on the road must be given up to the captain. Want to complain: "Playing like shit."

Everyone knows who this is said to.

Able cleared the line with his Nth big move, and then the red buff was refreshed immediately. Xiao Ming came to cover, and Zhu Mei punished her in front of her face, without any intention of leaving it to ez.

Perhaps, in his eyes, a cowardly person is not worthy of being popular, so it is better to give him experience.

"Don't mess around."

Xiao Ming raised his mouth tactfully, and said no more.

Xiao Ming, who has been with Xiangguo, knows very well that his teammate doesn't like to be taught. Except for the head coach, he refuses to accept anyone. If the puppy talks too much, he will yell, let alone a "little transparent" who just joined the team Can fight for the right to speak.

He is too strong, just like his style, only a soft-eared person like Xiaohu will follow his rhythm. When encountering people with too many self-thoughts, it is not easy to form a combat power of 1 plus 1 greater than 2.

Xiangguo is not comfortable playing, and so is the old thief.

Even if Kassadin developed smoothly in this round, OMG's offensive efficiency is not high. He suggested many times that the prince should jump over the middle tower, even if he can't kill the clockwork, he should force its skills to create opportunities to grind the tower, but jiekou I feel that I can win if I seek stability, and I don't want to be stronger.

Without the front row, Luo couldn't drive.

In the version of S7, where the game duration is generally delayed, the breakthrough intensity will not be high without forcing the horse, which makes it even more precious to do whatever you want.

Because this is a lineup with open rhythm and strong strength Max, whoever defends the tower will die, even if the exchange is strong, it is comfortable.

There are countless opportunities to fire as you please, but as long as the defender fails to defend well once, the high ground will be broken, and then the super soldiers will be squeezed out of breath.


Jiekou didn't have this kind of attitude in his bones. He actively avoided variables, and the result was that OMG went smoothly, and RNG's upper and lower cores also developed smoothly.

In 17 minutes, relying on exploding the mine knife and selling the holy relic, ez bought the Mozong and then bought a Goddess Tears and the Amplification Code.

? ? ? ? ? ?
A barrage of question marks.

"Ah, I bought the wrong one. I already have the Demon Sect and the Ice Fist. Is it possible to beat the prince without breaking the bank? I can understand even if it is Dominique (Da Qingyu of the giant killing synthesis route) or the Demon Drinking Knife." I'm afraid of Kassadice."

The production route of ez has long been fixed, and those who are confident are three-phase. For example, when the dog has the advantage, he likes to use the flare to suppress the transition.

"How long will it take to fully stack the Goddess Tears?" The director helped cut the number of layers, 508, "The difference is 242 layers. Do the math, it takes at least 20 minutes to stack the Magic Cut, and then you have to stack another Goddess Tears , very procrastinating."

The commentators, the audience, including the professional arena's understanding of ez are all working hard in the mid-term, so it seems a bit untenable.

OMG also discovered this, the old thief bluntly said: "Maybe nervous, I bought the wrong one."

After ez took a few more waves of lines, he still couldn't see him selling it, OMG couldn't understand it.

At 20 minutes and 37 seconds, the belated magic cut came out. At this time, it was supposed to be the period when ez switched to offense and defense, but RNG still defended and harassed alone.


OMG is a bit more stable than in the past, but the control of the map has increased accordingly. Jiekou is not as active as Shijiemei, which means that he puts a lot of energy on controlling the map.

The lower half of the field of view is illuminated.

When the Narmor tower was almost worn out, OMG Shimonosuke turned down, and Kassadin went back to the city to see the opportunity. After forcing people over, he pulled out the second tower, and then took advantage of the trend to grind down the first tower in half.

At 22 minutes, OMG's third dragon, Xiangguo, went to see the Dragon Pit and was arrested by Luo.

"RW charms, Xiao Wu's card position, cooperates with Xia's barb to pull, the prince then EQ takes control, pig girl's big move controls Luo and wants to go, but Gnar is on the flank, E comes up and Q slows down, it should not be able to go. "

The head was accepted by Gnar, and the pig girl was 0-4-1, very aggrieved.

The entire lower half is lost, and there is danger wherever you go. The jungler is most afraid of encountering this kind of thing.

This is still not the prince's initiative. If Jiekou makes a fuss again, Xiangguo will be even worse.

"Xiangguo is very annoying to play. Xiaowu's field of vision is really good. In terms of matchup, Zhumei is almost one and a half behind, and the economy is also half a piece behind."

Another red refresh.

This time, the prince didn't use the incense pot to show his temper, and the prince directly covered Gnar to eat it.

"What is Xiangguo going to do? He wants to go around from the blue zone to the opposite red, but Kassadin is nearby."

Zhumei was arrested again, Xialuo pushed the line to double-team in the middle, Kassadin chased all the way, and the incense pot fell on the upper river.

Remember to help Yuan: "There is no way, there is no place to go, Xiangguo can only try to find something to do in the wild area opposite."

"Grass, how do you play this f**k?"

"It's okay, I'm developing well." Zoom wanted to comfort me.

"You fucking shrink the tower every day, can Kassadin take care of it?" Xiangguo responded unhappily.

No one responded, Able said in a daze, "Can I eat the next red?"

Begging AD.

"Eat, eat, eat, I can't even eat, can I go to the red zone?" Xiangguo sarcastically.

"You agree with me?" Able only cared if he could.

"You grab it and we'll talk about it." Xiangguo was stunned by the anger, and this B was still thinking about his red buff, but he was so angry that Xiangguo had nothing to say to Lengbi.

The incense pot was resurrected and went to the blue zone, and the three wolves were gone. Looking at the river crab, the river crab has also become someone else's acceleration zone.

Xiangguo's pupils dilated in a circle, feeling aggrieved again, and gritted his teeth: "I won't leave any of them to labor and management, just wait for me!"

"OMG wants to grind the first tower. Gnar pushed the line to the high ground and then came back to press the formation. RNG should give way."

In 24 minutes, ez teamed up with an archangel and bought a long sword.

"Do you want to be ruined now? It's too late."

Able always proceeds at his own pace, which is what the coach said, and because the female tank is the center of gravity, his level is one level higher than Xayah, and on the same level as Kassadin, both at level 14.

"OMG came here to control Hong, oh, the ez big move scraped Hong to death, and the prince didn't punish him."

The incense pot was silent for a while, "I'll give you all to eat."

Nobody cares much about the red.

(End of this chapter)

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