Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 387 It's Useless With Mud

Chapter 387 It's Useless With Mud

The hero Stone Man is really not fun.

After Xiaohu stepped down, he couldn't help but joke with his teammates about his second play.

"I really can't hit it. I tried the big move of turning around, trying the big move of flashing, and the big move of hiding vision..." Xiaohu shook his head helplessly. It's all about connection control, damn it, it actually brushed out the injury."

The teammates laughed.

Very understandable.

In the process from release to landing, it is really easy to react, no matter how deceitful you are, you can avoid it as long as you focus on the "process".

Otherwise, it is the last word not to give the operating environment, just like the lock skill, no matter how coquettish your position is, you must pull your body to save your life when the Titan R arrives, otherwise you will be waiting to be set on fire.

In the face of such criteria, there is not much difference in choice between the world's number one AD and the AD who has just entered the LPL, and the room for development is greatly shortened.

win the game.

The MVP was given to Xia.

It was the first time that Kiki's still photo appeared on the screen, and it provoked endless barrage of ridicule, especially the strength debate before the game or the continuation of the intercontinental game, combined with the situation of the two teams——


"get off work."

"That's it?"

These teasing tones made the 60Es crazy and helpless.

After all, WE shined in Kaohsiung and defeated SKT in the intercontinental competition. Of course, their supporters want to push the players on the horse. No matter from which angle, they are willing to see the players they admire get more positive comments and gain more popularity.

But just when 60E thought it was elated, in the game of Revenge, an anxious comeback and a crisp flat push made WE fall under the guns of RNG again.

The mood is so complicated.

The revenge of being defeated N times still cannot be avenged.

What's more complicated is that this RNG is not perfect yet. At least 60E will not say out of conscience that the brother-in-law's stats are a little better than the puppy, so he thinks that the brother-in-law can completely suppress the puppy, but the average of Able's two games is 10 minutes. Being suppressed by 15 knives, the blood volume of the defensive tower does not necessarily take the initiative, and the field of vision is still squeezed.

"Xiye is a bit too pretentious."

This is the voice of some people.

Among the team fans, the player fans should be more targeted. They felt that the middle lane was out of standard, and they were "enraged" by Xiaohu again, and made some irrational operations, which led to WE who was about to fight hard. Lost another BO3.

But for Redmi, this experiment has gained a lot.

Even though they lost, RNG was a bit restrained when the economy was behind in the second game, which is enough to see that the strength of the double shooter paired with the incense burner is still there. It seems that the last wave of WE has not retreated too fast, looking for a counterattack , and there is indeed a chance to counterattack-as long as Xia is dropped in seconds and continues to output, RNG will lose.

Due to the existence of the incense burner, it is not very dangerous to be divided. What is really important is that Able subconsciously cuts off the connection between the two cs. In terms of the frequency of giving shields and buffs, Luo is far inferior to other soft assistants, but Luo is strong in entering the field. High comfort, able to gather people.

In other words, the few seconds when Luo rushed in to focus the fire, he failed to form a certain advantage, and Luo was not very good.After all, it is not easy to provide Buff, nor is it good to provide AOE-like battery life.

Redmi summed up his findings. After going back, he will vigorously evolve the lineup around the incense burner. He really can't stand only one or two fixed things to play. Any aspiring coach will always ask for more variety.

He didn't blame anything for the loss.

Hongmi understands the discord between the generals and the team. Even if the team has strength, they can't play a few points. Throughout Hongmi's coaching career, he is always good at training some less prominent players to be more disciplined without killing the players themselves. Propensity.

Xiye is very "lively" today.

But he wasn't always like this.

Looking at the people in a bad mood, Hongmi opened her arms, turned her head and said to the translator: "Let the past go, and go back to the base for more training."

the other side.

Yu Shuang invited two people from RNG to come over for an interview.

Originally, the interview team wanted to invite Xiaohu and Able, but later someone suggested that a two-person road might be more effective for the show.

Able was a little ignorant, rubbing his clothes with his hands behind his back.

Greeted the audience as usual.

The two people who don't like to speak in front of the camera are far more silent than the interview team imagined.

This is also a test for Yu Shuang.

She tried her best to find topics, and even asked consciously and humorously, "What's the difference between partnering with Uzi and partnering with Qiqi", and then asked Xiaoming how he felt.

The barrage is booing.

But Xiao Ming was straightforward, "I treat him (Qiqi) as my younger brother."

Ha, don't step on the trap at all.

Yu Shuang smiled stiffly, she had to ask, "Then who is the best partner in your mind? Who do you want to work with the most?"

Ning, Crystal, Puppy, Able, Xiao Ming, who has been four ADs, just keeps his mouth shut. He is not a fool who will offend others.

Under normal circumstances, the effect of the program does not always fit the will of the players.

There was a cold scene for three or four seconds.

Yu Shuang had no choice but to give up this question, otherwise there would be a live broadcast accident, so she had to turn around and ask Qiqi how she felt.

But Able is even more bored than Ming, even though he listens to Qin Ming now, he is already letting go of himself, he will shout a few nice words, praise his teammates, and accept compliments from his teammates, but in this situation, he still chooses to shut up .

Yu Shuang gradually regretted it.

She thinks it's better to invite Xiaohu and Xiangguo to interview more in the future. These two people will talk a lot, and occasionally they can make a joke.

"The opposite side is very powerful."

Able barely squeezed out a comment, but coupled with the awkward little movements and the expression of not daring to meet the host's eyes, he couldn't tell that this was a serious answer.


Both are perfunctory.

The expression and tone were inexplicably unified, even a puppy could still say a few polite words.Yu Shuang secretly shook her head.


after the game.

Able appeared again in the articles of major e-sports editors.

It is beneficial to the output record of Xiaohu Ninety-five Supreme, and Able can finally settle down to examine this newcomer after going through the three stages of "successor" - "spicy chicken" - "seems to be okay". Positioning of RNG.

This is a good thing.

In any case, the audience can finally look at the two players separately and know that there is no substitute for who.

With such treatment and exposure, the number of abusive private messages has finally decreased a lot. In other words, the topic of the three new generation ADs has become hot again.

Except Ah Shui was reported by EDG, and his playing time was greatly delayed. The hottest thing this week was that Iboy showed a god-level reaction when he first appeared on the stage. At the beginning of the summer, he was suspended for several games due to malicious insults in the rankings, and IM simply mentioned someone to give up this player who is famous for his blind quadruple kills).

Taking advantage of this opportunity, although Able was not so eye-catching, he also led a good show of the harvest group. The reputation of the two quickly rose, far surpassing A Shui who is still called hope by IG, but may not appear on the stage .

To put it bluntly, if EDG.Iboy is considered the number one talent in the new generation, then Able's overall level can also be ranked second. If Ah Shui doesn't play, he will be the bottom.

"Able doesn't dare to be aggressive in laning, and I don't know why. I never thought that RNG's first AD laning is often crushed. However, he does have ideas in team battles. I saw him wanting to rush to harvest several times. As a former The well-known AD in the team battle highlights, this is a bonus item, but from the perspective of positioning, this rookie hero pool seems to have some problems. I found that his best players are self-protection types, what ez, Xia, It’s a bit less to take out, hope to see more changes in the future.”

"...Compared to his good KDA and participation rate, Able's kill data is relatively sluggish. This may also be related to his dislike of duels. I rarely see him actively looking for opportunities to be singled out. However, he is still just fighting With 2 BO3s, as a replacement for Uzi, no one expects him to really surpass his predecessors."

"This Bo3 is obviously a lot better than the last Bo3. Maybe it's a problem of running-in. It seems that the team battle coordination is strengthening."

Everyone is paying attention to the evaluation of Able.

The name of the new generation is the best spotlight. Everyone knows that the development of a competition area cannot be separated from the inflow of fresh blood.

The phenomenon of being ruled by Flash Wolves every day like Wanwan is not a good thing. Without enough strength, Flash Wolves don't have a team to practice with if they want to play a good BO5.

of course.

Iboy is the one that gets the most attention. Even Xiaohu and others will make fun of Able when they browse the post bar.

There is no way, an AD who is active in laning, has amazing reactions, and can find a position to play output in team battles. TM is still 17 years old, can he not steal the limelight?

Starches cheered.

Zet is forgotten.

Even if the intercontinental game Z Emperor is still popular, the eyes of the masses are discerning. From laning to team battles to operations, except for experience, they can talk. They are completely overwhelmed by the new AD. ——

But in fact, all the post bars are cheering that Emperor Z will be replaced, and the in situ water will be level 10.

Emperor Z is of course not that bad.

But if the previous comparison target was Deft, plus the care of Nofe's direct lineage, then he was that bad.

Iboy is certainly not that good.

As a rookie, he still can't judge the situation well, and there is a disconnect with the team.

But if the comparison is Emperor Z, then he is so good.

The audience didn't see it now. Starch just couldn't tolerate an AD who was ordinary in laning and didn't dare to operate in team battles to occupy the starting position——

Iboy can grow, he has talent, Emperor Z can't see how to grow, that's the problem.

The next day.

RNG resumes training.

After returning from the intercontinental game, two versions have been adjusted one after another, but there are not many changes. It is nothing more than Zach (the second extension of the Q is changed from 2 yards to 300 yards, and it is more difficult to gather heroes), the policewoman (Growing attack speed is cut in half, and the mid-term weak period is more obvious) and other popular heroes are heavy, the mouse is strengthened, Q enters the invisible time faster (under attack, it only takes 200 seconds to enter), and Kayn lands, and the bright moon The trailer has been reworked, and the shepherd has strengthened the follow-up effect of the ultimate move Virgo, allowing servants to attack faster——

To put it simply, it is a bit of a fool. The initial lock-on of the big move is quite stupid. When it is summoned, it will move around. As soon as the enemy hero leaves the screen range, Virgo will turn its head by itself. Now it is optimized to Virgo and the enemy target. The range does not exceed 1200 yards, Virgo will track like a fool. The reason for the screen adjustment is to turn the head.

This has no effect on the current ecological environment, and Qin Ming feels that BP will be more comfortable when the policewoman is chopped down.

at the same time.

Fist also noticed that the censer is brilliant. It is hard not to notice this, but from the designer's point of view, even if they are willing to slap their heads and adjust, they have to see how it will evolve in the future.

No matter how many people in the rankings make complaints about Ruanfu becoming a big brother, they have to focus on Jiao Didi's "girl", but Riot doesn't listen to these complaints, and they usually have the patience to observe every new change.

And just when Qin Ming set off the era of incense burners and was imitated by the major competition areas and tried their own way, another Friday, OMG fans broke the defense.

Judging from the results, a series of public opinions and disagreements within the team have led to continuous poor state, and it is difficult to reassure fans.

The most unacceptable thing for OMG fans is that their home team lost to the team they least wanted to lose, IM.

The justice must win event in the spring playoffs put the two teams in an extreme confrontation. IM couldn't accept being chased 3, and Mingzhe publicly contradicted it. But as the winning side, OMG has no intention of not caring, and can win in BO5 At the end, I was so excited that I lost my composure and slapped my face. Could there be no grievances in my heart?
"Tonight, bungalow."

Xiao Ming received a message from the old thief.

As a bystander, I watched how OMG went downhill, watched the old thief being squeezed out by his teammates, watched the noisy discussions after losing to IM, plus the coaches on both sides hated each other, the art posters were ambiguous, and the positioning contradictions, tactical contradictions, fighting The legal inconsistency, all of this has added to the burden on the old thief.

He saw promise, but the team chemistry was a mess.

Still, the loss further fractured the relationship.

What is the situation with IM this season?
The old ones are older, the bad ones are worse. AJ is the last in all LPLs. He is the top laner who can gain some advantage from him. In the hexagon of kill vision assist/economic participation rate survival, it becomes an inverted triangle, the only one The outstanding group participation rate is only ranked sixth, and the KDA of 2.2 and the top [-] positions are not ranked. The same also includes the average economy, average output, and damage ratio.

On the contrary, his average injuries and deaths are ranked in the top 7, that is, he was beaten and failed to do anything, and the situation of being suppressed on the road was further amplified.

This is why AJ's data module will develop around survival, but there are not many assists. Compared with 957 and other new-age blue-collars, it is too much like a pendant.

Even the discipline built by Sun Dayong has become less united due to the addition of the new jungler.

I understand the anger of OMG fans.

It is against this background that OMG and IM have fought hard for three rounds, which has already made fans unhappy, and the key point is that they lost TM.

The dramatic thing is that in the first game IM was pushed flat without much struggle, and then Iocn brought a wave of rhythm in the second game. When the high ground in the bottom lane was broken, IM relied on the ancient dragon to make a comeback.

OMG's real fiasco was the third one.

Maybe it's the unequal performance, maybe it's the explosion of IM and the downturn of OMG.

In the third round, IM unexpectedly played at the S6 level, steadily and steadily using two big dragons to torture OMG to the point of death-holding together to get resources, and making vision if there are no resources, then OMG took the initiative to ask for a fight, and IM fought back.

The most exciting thing is that IM constantly highlighted the team logo in response to Icon's first explosive kill.

In the S7 summer split, OMG was far more popular than IM, which means that everyone subconsciously ignored OMG's actions against IM, and only focused on IM's mocking behavior against OMG.

Just like justice must win, IM is the party that is more wrong. In terms of public opinion, the "bad boy" is always more contemptuous.

Even if Icon only lights up the team logo once when it is high, and IM lights up once as long as the team wins in the third game, but this is not simply counting the number of times.


OMG there is not enough convincing reason to explain the recent series of small compositions.

When Xiao Ming went to the bungalow, hacker and wolf line were also there.

The old thief has a good personal relationship with the hacker. This is because they met in the rank duo. Needless to say, the hacker and the wolf line have been selected twice for the first team on Monday. The chemistry of the Ueno collision is inseparable.

of course.

The old thief didn't mean to seek comfort, he just wanted to be lively, he was used to spending some money to make himself happy when he was uncomfortable, so he loved to treat guests, and he was well known in the circle as a treat boy.

He also didn't mention the late night when he lost the game, and jiekou Weibo removed his attention.

Later, the old thief said that it was the opportunity he felt most to enter the World Championships, and it was also the most difficult day for him. It seemed that when people got motivated, they were so entangled in many things that they couldn't see it.

He admits that he has a little opinion about junglers, but only a little opinion.

It never occurred to him that things could get to the point where someone needs to get out.

But a star player is a star player, and more than half of OMG's supporters like the old thief, and the voice of the relegation emperor made the management intervene in the end, which made Mingzhe suffer from splints.

When the last wave of coaching staff was shuffled, he came to OMG with the heart to clean up the mess.

When everyone was not optimistic about OMG's results in the new season, OMG was actually good, but when the team's desire to win was activated, some stumbling blocks suddenly became intense.

What makes Mingzhe even more annoying is that the management treats him with very vague words: get out if you can't figure it out.

The relationship between players is not what it used to be.

Mingzhe couldn't find a common language, his conflicts with the old thief and jiekou, his desire to show off Iocn, his complaints about the setting sun from time to time, and Xiaowu's occasional complaints, what should be used to bridge it?

And because of the pressure from the management, Mingzhe was very uncomfortable that the old thief could override the coaching staff's right to speak.

Be on the viewer's side.

OMG's coaching staff has never been professional. It seems that OMG always has to achieve some results before there will be a big problem. The more competitive it is aroused, the more people will be injured.

The role of the head coach is determined. Your every move and even a single direction will arouse the opinions of the players. It will only be useless if you make peace with it. It will only lead to an explosion in the future.

The role of the head coach is also determined. No matter how suitable your tactics are, you cannot command a team that is out of character to achieve good results.

Mingzhe will of course be criticized.

Most of his things are copied, from BP to execution without his own things, such a coach, it is impossible for players not to know.

But it is undeniable that he did play a role when OMG was at the bottom.

Had this meal.

RNG's next opponent, the broken champion, is here.

 It's a pity for S7OMG, there are too many off-site compositions.

(End of this chapter)

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