Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 393 The Eve Of The Playoffs

Chapter 393 The Eve Of The Playoffs

This scene made JD club very depressed.

They were looking forward to playing against RNG to test the strength of the team, but it seemed that there was really nothing they could do against the opponent.

Losing a game is not unacceptable.

It is not acceptable to lose in this way.

If the first one was tricked, what about the second one? It couldn't break RNG's rhythm, and the audience ran around.

I thought this was JD's nightmare.

In the next week, JD played against SN.

The heated e-commerce battle in the audience seemed to be one-sided from the very beginning.

To put it in a more utilitarian way, the two teams are only fighting to overwhelm each other. From this point of view, this BO3 is more worthy of bragging than entering the playoffs.


"What are you playing?"

"Various mistakes."

"Did you wake up from the death announcement? It's 0-4. Send it off."

It's a pity that the reputation is good, but the quality has not kept up.

Under the anticlimax, it is against the backdrop of Crystal's great demeanor, with one hand cold and the other Draven, chopping melons and vegetables, and won the MVP with excellent performance in SN's main strategy of focusing on the upper half.

The management of SN is comfortable, and just such a game can be called a team building achievement.

Unlike other teams, SN's goal this season is to reach the playoffs, and they are very satisfied.

RNG after 2 days.

When Qin Ming led his team to take IM lightly, in terms of tactical distribution, Able and Jinjiao faced each other to develop and focus on the road. It was easy to target AJ, who was at the end of his career, with no game experience.

But when the RNG players returned to the club, a live recording was uploaded on the Internet. In the screen, the death announcement had a quarrel with Clid, and then a full martial arts was staged in front of the audience in the live broadcast room.

The entire e-sports circle was shocked.

The news broke overseas and caused heated discussions.

With the patchwork of people from all walks of life, JD immediately issued an announcement explaining the matter.

Although the words used are more tactful, everyone in the circle knows that JD's management has really gone mad, and it seems that there is no punishment for the players after apologizing, but this move seems to people in the circle that JD is going to give up. Two thorns.

The reason for the fight is simple.

Among the three parties involved in the incident, one is that JD Summer Split also acquired a team in the secondary league and renamed it JDM. On the second day after losing the e-commerce battle, Clid, who was full of anger, was live broadcasting when playing Korean server rankings. , The super-god blind monk couldn't move his teammates and knelt for several rounds.

Maybe this reminded him of something, maybe when the newcomers of the second team came to the training room and passed by his position, it was regarded as a provocation by accidentally turning around and waving over the Coke on the table. , The shocking newcomer froze on the spot.

All this happened in front of the live broadcast.

And then.

The death announcement on the side is not happy. According to his Weibo, he is not used to it, and wants to stand up for the newcomers. He expresses openly and secretly that Clid has long bullied the second team by relying on his status as the starter of the first team. The nose is not the nose. Eyes are not eyes.

The words say so.

But from the perspective of the live viewers, Clid got up and complained, and the death announcement rushed over. First, he pushed Clid to the dry ground, and then Clid yelled desperately after being stimulated. Fortunately, the teammates next to him followed The team leader reacted and pulled both sides back in time.

Otherwise, according to the ridicule of some netizens, the physique would be declared dead, and I am afraid that it would not be a backhand hug and send Clid to the ICU.

Things are bad and the impact is bad.

The three sides of the background were stripped clean.

Relying on South Korea's constant provocations, netizens voted with their feet to hack Clid all over.

After all, in the eyes of the majority of netizens, a dragon slayer who grew up in a bullying environment turned into a dragon, and brought this set to the Chinese e-sports circle. Which onion are you?

of course.

Death announcements are not in good spirits, either.

The former complained on Weibo that he was fighting for injustice, but the second hand exported his emotions to his girlfriend because of the cold storage of the contract, and he was injured all over his body.

It can be seen that there are only zero and countless times of domestic violence.

When Coach Cui talked about this matter, he told Qin Ming very clearly: "Dog eats dog."

All villains belong to yes.

Qin Ming smiled, "JD has a headache. According to this rhythm, team management is worrying."

Coach Cui followed suit, "It's hard to say what happened after such an incident."

In fact.

Less than 4 days after the live broadcast of the fighting incident, JD quickly bought a jungler with an ID named Hanxuan. The reason for his fancy was that JDM had played against MSC before, and it seemed a bit eye-catching.

With the official announcement of this substitute jungler.

The era of Nakano power leveling is over.

JD can't lock a Korean aid contract, but can prevent Clid from starting.

XNUM X Year X NUM X Month.

The rest of the LPL Summer Split has nothing to do with Clid, and this blow is far deeper than a fine.

of course.

This has nothing to do with RNG.

The winning streak led by Qin Ming seems to show no signs of stopping.

When many teams were working on the team-style censer mode little by little, RNG, who had returned to the infighting in Group A, took various mature lineup branches and won all the way to September.

With 15 wins in the league and a net difference of 19, they are well-deserved No. [-] in summer points.

On the night of defeating SN again, Xiangguo and Able enjoyed the spotlight.

Yu Shuang interviewed Xiangguo, "What do you think of the head coach?"

Xiang Guo bluntly said: "Give me the tactics, and I will execute them."

"Oh, is this the secret to RNG's winning streak?"

Xiangguo smiled: "I only care about the game, it's very good."

Xiangguo speaks from the heart.

After Qin Ming's arrival, the biggest change for RNG was that besides being more confident, there were not so many other things to worry about.

Korean coaches can also do this, but they are not good at communicating with players and controlling their direction. Qin Ming can not only grasp the structure, but also allow the players to display their talents and encourage them to act boldly when opportunities arise.


The point of not throwing the pot away is enough for some coaches to learn. They can't just put pressure on the players and ask one person to do what five people do (that's you, Warhorse).

Yu Shuang continued: "From the data, we know that there have been some big changes between you in the Spring Split and the games you played before the Summer Split and now. For example, your average end time per game has come to 36 minutes. What do you think? What caused your mid-term slowdown."

"Censer." Xiangguo actually doesn't like this kind of wind direction. He replied, "Let's follow the version. We combine all factors and choose the most suitable method. Now this rhythm is useless if you are in a hurry. It doesn’t make much sense to add some elemental small dragons. I don’t want to control those wind dragons and water dragons. The resource group can’t fight, and the big dragon is seen as deadly, so the game time is delayed. "


Yu Shuang didn't intend to ask too deeply. After asking Xiangguo the first few questions, the target turned to Able who was at the side.

"RNG has clearly entered the playoffs as the number one in the group. How do you feel about this?"


His eyes were bright, but he didn't really look happy.

"For you guys, there is only one BO3 game with EDG next week and the regular season will end. What do you think of them?"

Since Iboy joined, EDG has only lost 3 small rounds, and it is also going from one victory to another. It is completely different from the style of playing against a strong team in the Spring Split, especially the factory manager. In this version of the tank, there is good value. , the excavator in the left hand, the pig girl and the wine barrel in the right hand, the performance is quite eye-catching, starch ecstasy.

"Very strong."

Yu Shuang was not reconciled, and asked: "Have you heard what Iboy said? He said that he and Meiko are the best bot lanes. Judging from his record after starting, many people said that he is very Carry. What do you think? What do you want to say to him?"

You should speak harshly!
Where does the traffic and popularity come from if you don't say harsh words.

But Yu Shuang didn't know, when she mentioned this, a trace of dissatisfaction appeared on Able's expressionless face.

Emotions come quickly and wonderfully.

Able couldn't understand why he would feel jealous of a "stranger" who didn't have much to talk to.

In the post bar, in the forum, in various comparisons, the audience said that his hero pool is more unique, but behind these evaluations, they will use fuller praise to tout Iboy.

The savior, the rookie king of Super Carry, he restored the rule of EDG!
It may be that EDG's traditional double-c system needs such an AD that can play output. It may be that the scolding left by the previous Z emperor has not faded. Aobao can win in the bottom lane, and with Ioby in the bottom lane, the elementary school players finally don't have to be exhausted, and there is no tolerance for mistakes.

These real changes and achievements, coupled with the age of 17, starch definitely voted for Ioby.

This name kept appearing in Able's world, as if it was tied up. When I mentioned it, I had to bring him a sentence, and then secretly compared it, saying that his data was not beautiful enough—but it was actually very beautiful. Under Qin Ming's training, Able, who takes the two ways of development and teamwork and alternative collocation, averages very few deaths per game. Among the six-pointed stars, his survival and assists are more prominent than many ADs, but the others are relatively on the pass line.


The head is the most intuitive data.

Coupled with the fact that Iboy comes to Bo Tianxiu to react from time to time, and hides his blind vision, Able, who is at a disadvantage in terms of damage ratio and average output, can only be stepped on.

The host's words echoed in his mind.

Iboy, Iboy, Iboy...

Could it be that this person is in the LPL, so he can't play games?

Iboy is your father?
Able didn't have any interest in answering, he felt that Yu Shuang only knew about Iboy.

Many players have such troubles, even jealousy.

They can't escape being divided into high and low.

The interview was cold.

It's still an old opponent after Xiangguo said a word.

on the bus.

Qin Ming watched the sullen Able return with the large army.

As a coach, this kind of thing cannot be avoided.

As big as tactical planning, some people have to resist pressure for the team, as small as emotional adjustment, don’t be too stubborn, like Letme was devolved for a period of time, like Xiaohu was scolded for slowing down, and he was even more afraid to stand up and operate. Players’ status is always affected by external influences.

Until I have experienced too much and become old oily, the adjustment psychology will be stronger.

"What's up with him?"

"It's not a comparison, it's out of balance." Coach Cui has seen this kind of thing too much. Last year, Xiaogou just joined RNG and partnered with Mata. The team's tactics changed drastically, and there was also a lot of friction. "Only He has to think about it himself, this game is about someone changing the c, someone can win without the c, they all play different tactics."

"Iboy?" Qin Ming asked.

"Yeah, the audience awarded the best rookie. This is what everyone expects."

Looking out the window, Qin Ming was speechless.

Back to the club.

Qin Ming grabbed Able.

"Normal, you still don't understand what the media and audience say? If you are pleasing to the eye, they can praise you to the sky. You can only listen to these exaggerated praises, and you can only listen to three points. Even if you don't If you think about it this way, you should also look at your teammates. Everyone can tell the truth. There are times when they are targeted for a bad record. As long as you win, you also need to let the media know their value. Remember, make me strong and play well. Well, it changed to us being strong and we played well."

Able lowered his head, "I don't care about reviews."

"You think I'll believe it?"

After leading the young man in front of him for a month and a half, 9 BO3, Qin Ming sneered at the polite words, "What do you care about? What's the matter if you say it out loud, I'm telling you not to feel sorry for yourself, don't think those words when you fucking win It's all right, you have to keep it in your heart, and if you lose, you will pull it out and turn over the account. If you look through it every day, will it have any effect?"

That night.

Able is having trouble sleeping.

In fact, he envied Xiangguo for laughing and cursing, never getting tired of talking to the head coach and never being afraid.

But he can't.

In my mind, over and over again are EDG's record and those private messages supporting him.

From being scolded at the beginning, to more and more fans thinking that he was good at playing, and then more and more people began to take the initiative to leave messages with him, saying that he is the number one AD of the new generation, and some of them spent a lot of time with him The long-time fan editor belittled the words of the arch-nemesis.

He knows that he can only feel happy when he sees this kind of evaluation.

He cares more and more about fame.

From anxiety to getting used to Vanity Fair, he accepted it very quickly.

And the situation in the playoffs is getting more and more intense. For example, OMG is riding a roller coaster, JDG is living on its laurels, and LGD has long been determined not to make it. In addition to the worries and joys among fans, the puppy is back.

Back to the club day.

RNG's official Weibo posted the pictures of the pig and dog battle with the most enthusiastic posters.

It seems that overnight, the eyes have moved away from Able, and the new generation is not as popular as the old traffic representatives.

It's just that when Able's fan club was worried that Kiki would have to be a substitute, Qin Ming rushed to the manager's office with the healthy puppy.

"Didn't I say that I need to give some time to enter the state? What does that poster mean? When did I mention the starting list?"

Qin Ming was a little dissatisfied.

Originally, Puppy was supposed to return at the beginning of September, but because the points were already enough to enter the playoffs, the defending form was very good, Puppy consciously let go of the regular season, and it would be better to prepare for the playoffs and the World Championship with all his strength, but when he just came back, his mobile phone After opening it, he was warmed up four days later——

The pictures of pigs and dogs are all hung on it.

Manager Sheng was not guilty, "This is the process that we have communicated with EDG, and the two of us will promote it together."

He smiled, "I didn't say that the picture must represent something, and the poster doesn't have an ID."


false promotion.

Thinking of the firepower of the fans, Qin Ming was very upset, "Hehe, who will be scolded then?"

Manager Sheng shrugged, "You're too serious, this game doesn't care about ranking changes, as long as you play well." He looked at the puppy, "It's okay to lose."

Puppy’s face is a bit dark. He is going to Kangjian, but it’s not that he doesn’t pay attention to the game. Ioby at EDG is almost blowing up to be comparable to Deft. If his hands are cold and he doesn’t play well, will anyone help him find the reason? Isn’t it another one? Priest legend.

Xiaogou is not stupid, he has the baggage of a star, and he decisively listened to the head coach, "I need to practice together, I will not play."

Manager Sheng smacked his lips, "One game is fine, just a fight."

Manager Sheng also wanted to fool you into saying that winning or losing with more traffic than one game would not damage the B grid so much. The reason was nothing more than a blunder. Qin Ming simply interrupted, "Leave it. I can understand it logically, but from a professional attitude Said, I can't accept it, and neither can my players."

"Really..." Qin Ming didn't say anything, and repeated, "Take it off. There can be some preheating, and that's the end of the falsehood."

"OK OK."

Manager Sheng was also annoyed.

If you don't eat much good traffic, there is something wrong.

out of the office.

Qin Ming patted the puppy on the shoulder, "Don't pay too much attention, his job is different from yours."

(End of this chapter)

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