Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 447 Cut the battlefield, sell the incense pot

Chapter 447 Cut the battlefield, sell the incense pot

Xiao Hei likes to put his real eyes on the grass in the blue zone before making troubles in the second half.

This can be regarded as the coaching staff, and his own habit of warding after the S7 transition to defensive fault tolerance.


The real eye was pulled out within half a minute after it was inserted, and he was very upset about this.

Obviously, after RNG suffered a loss in the first game, Xiangguo consciously crowded the grass on the way to clear the wild.

"Pioneer team, let's see what the players do. In fact, they can't get out on the route now. Of course, Letme's pressure resistance is good enough. At 9 minutes and 17 seconds, it was only 4 knives, which is completely negligible. It's just that the hero went up. The gap cannot be made up."

The junglers on both sides almost returned to the city to replenish, and then leaned up.

For SKT, they can't get past Thresh and Rat's defensive towers, so they don't deal with the bottom lane, just keep pushing the lane if there is a river, but for RNG, it's a dream for Rat to kill Xia in the laning phase .

"Can you get bigger on the road?" Xiangguo pinged.

Letme replied with a wry smile, "No. The wine barrel must be in the upper half, but the location is uncertain. I don't know how long it will arrive!"

"The next step is to move first."

Uzi saw Xiajiao E clearing the line, and the female tank took a step closer to the river and gave a message.

"I think I should take it."

Xiangguo gave his own judgment: "Galio's wave is bright and bright, he must be in the middle, let his teammates fight! If we don't try, he will come to us with the vanguard in the next wave-I think at least force Use their big moves, otherwise they won't be able to defend against it, and it's not easy to delay the rhythm."

"But I'm very weak in this kind of terrain." Xiaohu said, "How about forcing them to split up?"

Xiangguo emphasized in an undeniable tone: "You have been grinding for 10 minutes. Is there anyone who will fight against the vanguard? Hit. You flash to control Galio, and you don't need to worry about the rest. If it doesn't work, just sell me. I will fight and punish you. One level higher than him, why be afraid."

"Then try it." The puppy also hoped that he would have more room for development during the transition period, so he decided: "Our position is like this, Xiao Mingyi goes first, I will clear the offline and become invisible, and then you squeeze in and then move on." Press to the left, Xiangguo, you go to the wall and prepare to fight, put pressure from behind, Letme, you have to move first, if you get caught, send it to me, don’t sell too much——If you can fight, just adapt to the situation if you can’t .”

Arrange for release.

There is still a wave of fierceness on the road.

The reason is that Xiangguo sees that Huni, the B, intends to control anger and only fills in the tail. In terms of time, it will become a major resistance to the pioneer group.

The big and flashy Gnar is completely different from the small Gnar.

The reason why this hero can be released in every version, but it is difficult to become a non-ban must-choice in every version, is that he can control anger and cooperate with the team's actions, and he can't control anger, and the team can't cooperate. On this hero Can form a clear watershed.

Its lower limit seems to be high. It is strong against Kakashi, but its lower limit for team battles is also low. If it is not big, it is just a toy. The combat power transformed by taking the head is not stable, and Gnar is not one. A hero with good self-starting ability needs the help of the team to occupy the formation every time he uses Tathagata Palm, because the anger lasts for so long, and the essence of Gnar's entry is to be able to start the team and a good team .

In other words, proficiency and team proficiency are indispensible, otherwise it can only be occasionally brilliant, and it is difficult to pass often, which are also two different things.

The upper line is pressed against the side of the wall.

Letme, who received the task, knew that the river line was blind, but still saw Huni's position, kicked E to slow down steadily, and then drove W to press up.

"Do you want to fight on the road? Gnar is very angry, and the incense pot can fly."

Q is charged for one-third of the power, Gnar pulls towards the river, Letme decisively let go and takes some damage, once Q is killed, Huni turns around and makes a fuss, generally speaking, the click is over at this time, and Thain has to go back to the tower and wait for the line up.

For Thain, it is quite easy to use W to get a QA third ring.


Not only did Sion not retreat, but he dared to put pressure on him. Gnar communicated urgently with the jungler while kiting, "Look at me."

2 seconds.

4 seconds passed.

The canyon didn't go dark, but after the wine barrel was in place, Red Angry Gnar pressed forward.

"I can't fight on the road, the wine barrel has an E—huh, it flashed."

Zeyuan didn't understand a little bit, and with the good habit of asking when he didn't understand, he looked at Shenchao, "Mr. Shenchao, as a professional top laner, what do you think of this wave?"

"It should be a try. If the Pioneer Team could reduce the number of players before, we would be comfortable in the position. The problem now is not whether we can beat the game, or the pressure on the vision is a bit heavy, and it is not easy to position."

Of course Teacher Shenchao couldn't see the whole picture.

In fact, even SKT wasn't sure what RNG was going to do.

9 minutes 50 seconds.

Gnar became bigger and was grinding up the tower. The three of SKT in the middle sent the line in. The female tank inserted 2 false eyes into the red zone along the open space, and Galio retreated.

As Uzi predicted, Faker's understanding of Galio is not low. As the active party, it doesn't need to get close to the river first.

"Xiao Ming is here. The pioneer refreshes in 4 seconds. Is Uzi going to rush this way? I feel that it will be better to push another wave to go offline and grind down the defense tower. This wave is really difficult to deal with."

Listening to the commentary, the audience became nervous.

SKT's skills are very complete, RNG's Thresh did not flash, Sean did not flash, the mouse equipment is very poor, only a yellow fork, straw sandals, Xia has already made a big sword, 2 long swords and straw sandals, and is ready to absorb the blue sword.

10 minutes.

The minions on the tower were almost eaten by the defensive tower. Huni felt that Sion might turn down early, and was approaching the vanguard. Faker's voice came out, "They are crowded."

in this way.

SKT is more at ease, stop the loss, but is the bargaining chip really flat?
With this comfort, the pioneer hit halfway, a real eye was inserted into the partition wall, followed by Grasshopper and Thresh to pull towards the river, Faker retreated behind the tower and commanded: "They want to fight hard, turn off the lights and I can't fly , control the killing line and wait for me."

"Look at Thresh, don't let Nightmare run away."

"It really doesn't work, let's start the team first, and we will win. They, Sean and the mouse, are not here."

One order after another was issued and combined, Xiao Hei only felt that the burden on his shoulders was not small.

"Xiangguo, come on, Xiangguo, trade your life for the vanguard, and their tower pushing will slow down. In this way, Uzi can have a good development environment."

Miller is begging.

Cursed in my heart that Xiao Hei couldn't punish him.

"Pioneer 4000 blood, 3000 blood, pulling out, SKT knows our thoughts."

At this moment, Uzi was in place, and Thain, who had been in the spring for 7 or 8 seconds, made up the slag teleportation tower.

"To pick up—"

When Thain is exposed to Galio's sight, Letme find a good position, Autobot, start!
The dump truck drill bit glows orange.


After Faker reminded, Thain, who had a distance to increase his speed to the maximum, cut into the battlefield along the side of the wall. As a result, the wine barrel was forced into the inside, the female tank stepped forward to block the front, and Xayah retreated.

Pioneer has 1300 blood, Thresh is ready to respond, Grasshopper pulls forward close to the blue zone, Galio can't wait for Nightmare to fly, and locks the female tank first.

"Stand up."

Kou Ma watched anxiously from the audience.

RNG unreasonably seeks collisions and directly distracts SKT players. Without knowing the position of the mouse, Galio is the first to make a big move. But for Faker, if he is not big, he can’t do it immediately after turning off the lights. Guarantee.

Pioneer a thousand blood.

It was dark in the canyon.

Xiangguo didn't fly out immediately, but let Xiaohu and Letme quickly cooperate with each other by taking advantage of the darkness of the sky.Thain was fired by the three again, half blood was about to accumulate Q, Grasshopper ER sucked Galio in the front, followed closely, Uzi stood beside Thresh knowingly and opened up, the ballistic trajectory hit the colossus, Xia and the female tank behind the splash.


The sudden firepower was overwhelming.

next moment.

Xiangguo went to find Bang on the left side of Longkengkou, disturbing the back row.

"Who is so so?"

The state of losing vision was uncomfortable. When Bang said "fly me", Gnar and Xia shifted their targets and pulled, and Wolf stared at RNG's back row.

"Sion's Q knocked out 2! Uzi's output position is very good, the pot is a bit dangerous, can you force a big? No, he may be the first to fall, he was pulled by the barb-but, oh !Xiao Ming!"

Hades' Grip is about to end.

The female tank E with a movable body holds the grasshopper, and uses Xiaohu's position to adjust her body. Before he throws the big to interrupt the sputtering, Xiao Ming, who has already expected, changes to the Q to hook, ER slows down and assists, taking advantage of the prison, It's just that the role is not to open a group to keep people, but to protect the output of mice.

"The female tank slows down after eating, Uzi's hand speed is very fast, and the purification removes the solar flare. Thresh is standing here, no one can come in! Xiaohu hangs up for Galio in silence again, can you kill him! Kill Faker!"

This kind of team battle division makes people excited.

Galio landed and was watched to death. As the second tank in the front field, Thain threw another E, the mouse's five layers of venom exploded, Galio's remaining blood flashed, and the vanguard position was exposed.

"Oh, incense pot!"

Keeping an eye on the jungler with the vanguard's blood volume, he made the following actions at the same time.

The wine barrel was swung wide, and the W held by Nightmare was released. In the next moment, Xiao Hei, who hadn't blown away the jungler, panicked, watching Nightmare sticking up, and fell 70 HP.

"Got it! Thresh throws the lantern, can the incense pot go?"

The shy and annoyed Xiao Hei of course refused.

With a false eye, Thain retreated.

Seeing that the remaining blood could not touch the lantern, Miller lamented: "These 2 wards are given too quickly, the lantern can't be ignited, and the vanguard's eyes dare not pick it up. We can only withdraw if we kill the female tank."

Xia, who hadn't handed in any skills and had one-third of the blood, squeezed up with Gnar, who was in good condition, and RNG withdrew.

"One for one, SKT didn't get the vanguard, it's better than we thought!"

Shenchao said excitedly: "At the first moment, Thain entered the field to sell his position to attract firepower, forcing Galio to use his ultimate move, and then, Xiaohu and Xiangguo cooperated too well, with a red face, it was difficult to output Cyn Well, involve the back row and relieve Letme's pressure.

One sucks Galio, causing Uzi to deal a ton of output, forcing the female tank to come and see, and the last fight is the same, if the 100 blood is less than [-], Xiao Hei must be panicked. "

Zeyuan recalled: "Punishing this thing is a matter of fifty-five ten, a little bit of luck, but this time, luck is on our side."

"The commentator won't fight well, RNG will teach us how to fight!"

After yelling, Miller felt much more comfortable. He was so nervous before, but now he is happy. "SKT never thought we would dare five-five. Look at its position. Even if our mice have no equipment, they are all standing at the mouth of the dragon pit. Squeezed, a big AOE hit full."

Zeyuan smiled and said: "For them, this is a mouse without equipment, three Uenosukes without flash, plus a grasshopper with no continuous output. To be honest, from the perspective of God, I feel It’s very stressful, and our lineup is actually going backwards.”

This kind of team battle is hard to see for LCK.

They can guess that RNG has an idea, and they can speculate that they may delay by turning off the lights and fighting for their lives, but they never thought that RNG would dare to take the initiative to fight in a large group at this node.

What's even more incredible is that RNG made money.

As the LPL commentator who knows the LCK best, Zeyuan commented: "This kind of irrational team battle, unless it is desperate, it cannot happen to SKT. Let me just say this. After this kind of team fight, switch to LCK and resume When you are playing, you will definitely scold the commanding decision and give reprimands. For one reason, you can play if you procrastinate, just add more pressure, and you will not make a risky decision that ruins a game.


This is what our LPL has fought, the strongest team this season, RNG has too many disadvantages to win the team.

As their coach, it's not hard to imagine that Coach Beggin appreciates the players' impromptu performance and making offensive choices. If he didn't support it, RNG wouldn't be able to make it to the World Championship, and there would be such a scene. "

It is not wrong to say that Qin Ming appreciates this style of painting.

Take care of fault tolerance, pay attention to insurance, fight with bladder and strict discipline, but on the other hand, you can fight and dare to fight, as long as your hands are hot, you can fight all kinds of high-spirited team battles against the trend. But the audience still thinks it is very reasonable.

This wave is over.

SKT, who originally planned to change the line, did not want to change.

In terms of the next tower, they have an advantage. When the mouse goes down to develop, they have to contain it instead of letting Gnar play with it.

In the field.

Xiao Hei, who didn't know how to do things, was a little confused. The incense pot brushed off the red zone, and the toad was reversed. The wine barrel was still waiting for an opportunity to do something.


The wine barrel wiped off the F6 and came to the middle lane. Galio hit a strong wind, and Xiaohu, whose shield was wiped off, immediately pulled back to see the situation.

"This rhythm is comfortable. The next step is to see if we defend the next wave of Galio's big attack. If we can't move in the middle, Thresh's protection ability is enough."

"Yes, it's okay for us to hold on to the line for a few more waves with the next tower's blood volume, and if the first tower is pulled out, SKT will grind against us slowly like this. After 28 minutes, we will not be so cramped in damage. Sometimes even if SKT is in a loose formation, the Rats have a chance to steal the back row."

Did not squat in the middle.

Barrel returns to town.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming said: "It wants to catch it too much, so it squats in the middle if it has no chance."

When Qin Ming lamented Xiao Hei's inefficiency, he was also helpless when he buckled the horse.

Xiao Hei has never been a jungler who is very good at actively creating opportunities. Since S6 sent him in the middle, he seems to be a lot more cautious in this regard, but in fact, he can't play if he can't make opportunities online.

Buckle the horse very sad.

SKT has two junglers, but none of them can pair up with Faker!


There will be no more junglers like Stupid Chicken. The urgent need sounds simple, but it is difficult to do.

The cask leans down.

Occupy the field of vision in advance to prepare for the demolition of the tower.

That's all Xiao Hei can do.

"The Uzi is flashing, Xiao Ming understands it very well, pull it back first, and throw a lantern to save it if it goes over the tower."

"Galio's ult has 20 seconds left to improve, Xiaohu is not slow to clear the line now, just lock it like this, the grass on the upper side has our vision."

was talking.

Nightmare, who brushed comfortably, leaned up and squatted into the triangle grass.

"The incense pot is not big, and the flash will be ready soon, but is there a chance to catch a Gnar with flash?"

Zeyuan finished speaking.

Gnar is red and angry, the line is blocked in front of the Letme tower to prevent the minions from entering, and he opens the shield to store Q.

With Sion's current panel, the damage of Q plus W is enough to wash away non-cannon lanes. In the next shot, Q stuns the minions, and Gnar becomes bigger and hits the stone. Watching Sion pull the line to the outside, he just prevents the minions from entering Tower, Huni couldn't bear it, pretended to move, saw Thain go up to A melee soldier, and decisively ER hit the wall to consume a set.

"Huni? Huni handed over the E!"

Xiangguo was also very excited, he came to gank after hearing Letme say that Huni had an angry meeting, but he didn't expect Huni to be more impatient than he thought.

W knocked out, and then played QA, Huni, who pressed Thain to half health, pulled back contentedly, but he wanted to leave, Letme, who was beaten, stored Q, perfectly controlled the time of charging, and knocked away with his body.

Huni didn't take it seriously at first. After finishing his skills, he felt conscious of being hit back.

But what the hell do you mean by opening up?


Can you kill me with this injury?

Seems like it is!

I didn't accelerate much to hit the knockout, Nightmare sticks to the wall, and Huni is numb.

Really been there?

"The big move hits, Xiangguotie comes over, Huni still wants to resist, Xiangguo is not in a hurry to pull E."

Paining Gnar for a while, the incense pot counted the time to become smaller, hung E and flashed alternately, and then a second flashing sound effect sounded in his ears.

"Handsome, predicting the flash, Huni tried to increase the distance by shrinking and accelerating, but it didn't work."

Huni panties are all seen through.

Fear was played, and Faker simply cut the screen and went down the road.

"The jungler didn't flash."

Huni's voice sounded so irritating.

13 minutes 48 seconds.

Head 2:3, Huni saw that he was short of more than 100 yuan to upgrade the ice hammer, so he sold Dolan shield angrily.

"Get off the tower and immediately fall, I'll go up, you eat the waves first."

Galio cleared the line and walked towards the blue zone, Gnar came in, the barrel was around his back, and Uzi picked up the lantern and slipped away.

"When you pull out the tower, you won't be able to see the water dragon that immediately refreshes."

"I think it's okay. Now that I can't play the second half, I can find a chance to change heads. It's not bad."

The grinding tower on the road was disturbed.

The incense pot took advantage of the opportunity to enter the blue, ate the toad and the three wolves, planted real eyes in the grass by the wall, and then went home.

(End of this chapter)

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