Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 449 Eat the ban!Zhang Zuo harvests everything, Mr. Da Fei

Chapter 449 Self-Eating Ban!Teacher Da Fei who needs everything in rhythm harvesting
The frightening offensive state, the tide-like offensive, starting from the vanguard group, the RNG resource group must watch and take over, not giving up a single step, with a lineup that needs to develop, they don't see the meaning of ceasefire and resistance.

Such a state once caused SKT to follow the chaotic fight, and once let them see the dawn of winning the match point, but with Xiaohu's flashing big move, the grip of the underworld combined with the cover-in-cover combo, please close your eyes when it is dark, and planted I fell into a terrible nightmare.

The screen freezes.

SKT left without a word.

After savoring it carefully, Shenchao commented: "I watched Bang's equipment column carefully during the replay just now. It's because the mercury is not good, it's not that he didn't press it out."

"Is that so? Then I want to listen to the microphone to see who directed this wave.

Really, fantastic opportunity to capture.I thought that if the two roads were broken, we would be the passive ones. "

Zeyuan sighed in admiration: "But RNG has been looking for opportunities. For Bang, he did nothing wrong. He just squeezed the line in. The middle field deployed the red zone vision, and Gnar led the way. He just cleared a wave of lines. , such a fleeting flaw, was grasped and won by RNG.

More importantly, with this combo, even if you are Xia, you can't survive it.

In this round, RNG relied purely on team battles to kill SKT. At least for us, we didn't see too many lane transfer operations. If there are dragons, we will fight together, not letting SKT breathe, forcing it to keep fighting. "

After discussing this aspect for a long time, Miller said with anticipation: "Now I want to see how SKT's fourth BP will be."

Miller calculated the BP logic of these three games, and analyzed: "In the first game, we played strong in the middle and field, and radiated the wings, and the second game shouldn't be delayed for so long.

But I found that Coach Beggin adjusted very quickly. Isn’t your Bang in good condition? Then I will play after AD, like the third. , Uzi can take out the policewoman crossing the line with a backhand and headshot. "

Shenchao agreed: "Yes, looking at it now, this idea is very effective against SKT. Our three games are all cutting the connection between the middle lane and the side lane. Whether it is facing Galio or taking it by ourselves, Xiaohu is on the lane. The task is to stabilize, at least keep one side of the field of vision, and then clear the line and drag Faker——

I don't know now whether we will take blue or red in the fourth round, but I feel that we can take the initiative to take red——

I personally understand it this way.

Both the group stage and the quarter-finals match have a high winning rate for the blue side, but for this reason, the significance of the blue side's first grab is not as high as before, because for RNG, we are not afraid of putting together a lineup that can play a strong team. On the red side, we can keep the top lane matchup. The biggest advantage of this is that we can see where SKT's center of gravity is, and then make up the corresponding front row according to needs. "

Zeyuan added: "It means that in the second round, the top laner is AD, and in the first round, Nakanosuke, or Nakanosuke, as long as the strength can keep up, it depends on which side is more powerful first, and whose entry coordination is more tacit. ——If so, I have great confidence in RNG."

The match point contest is over.

No one expected such an outcome.

No one could have expected that the first blood appeared in nearly 8 minutes. They thought they had played two, but the two sides became cautious, and then contributed the most resources of the three to compete for the team battle.

after the game.

The economic curve is wavy. The first 15 minutes were tied. In the 19th minute, RNG arranged Gnar in Ueno, and the double TPs returned to defense. They took a small lead. Following the output space squeezed out by the stone beetle and grass Thain, RNG expanded its lead To 2.4K, and then, the big dragon group was manipulated, was played one for four, the mouse at the triangle grass was defended by Gnar alone, and fell behind to [-]...

What is a roller coaster.

This is the roller coaster.

The European and American commentators said "no one can guess the trend" after seeing the mouse being single-defended, which is the best comment on the content of this game.

You thought you were ahead, hey, you were behind, you thought you couldn’t turn around if you were behind, ah, the group is back...

That's probably the case, and it's the most annoying.

Seeing the mouse who awarded the MVP to Uzi on the big screen, Zeyuan regretted Xiangguo: "You can go to the field, I think this round, Xiangguo is far more eye-catching than Xiaohei in terms of rhythm.

However, the mouse played 37.2% of the team's output ratio, and the damage was as high as 5. It is also very reasonable to give Uzi the MVP. "

Where the camera can't show.

Kouma looked at the score and pondered, while the assistants at the side peeked at him secretly, noticing that his frown was getting deeper and deeper.The deputies showed bitterness.

The lounge door opens.

They could hear the loud cheering of a team's name and the roar of excitement from the audience, and they heard it clearly.

The team can't fight, the dominant lineup is manipulated by the development lineup, Gnar's record is 1-4-2, every time the rhythm is interrupted...

Many thoughts rise, roll, and perish, and finally turn into helplessness.

If someone stood in front of the deduction horse, he would find that the line of sight projected on the screen was not in focus at all, so he would stand with his arms crossed until the contestant walked in with his head down and the air flow resumed.

They lost.

The team came to the edge of the cliff.

Someone is going to the bathroom.

Some people lie on their backs and close their eyes to meditate.

After several minutes, Kouma smiled at the team members, "Okay, let's talk about BP."

What can he say?

Teamfighting is something that all coaches are powerless to do. What lineup match and gank rhythm? However, planning more tactics is useless.

"If the next player is the red side, Kalista, Xiaopao, Prince, Pig Girl, Wind Girl, Mouse... how do you choose?"

The analyst helped to add: "Let's see which ones can be released and which ones are uncomfortable. We have played three times, and we have tried what should be tried. At such a moment, you need to make your own decisions."

"Small cannon, I can play."

Bang was the first to say, "They played very mature in the mid-term boost, we have to grab it."

"Where is the prince? Let it go, let the opponent get this hero, the rhythm connection is very strong-compared to the prince and pig girl, I am not so afraid of their nightmare system." The analyst said: "Continue to take wine Bucket?"

"I...I don't know."

Between the ups and downs, Xiao Hei's mentality has collapsed.

The passion for grabbing the big dragon is like a dream. He doesn't know how the outside world will criticize him, but he can imagine that he failed to complete the redemption despite the 100% participation rate of the nightmare. So, what will be the public opinion waiting for him ?The little black brain was buzzing, unable to force himself to calm down.

Hear this.

The analyst gently shook his head at the bucking horse. Knowing what he meant, the bucking horse turned his head to look at Little Peanut who had been silent for two rounds.

Should you trust him?

no choice...

I didn't believe it in order to keep the points in the summer split. Do I have to treat him like this all the time?
"Peanut, you go up, Xiao Hei, you rest."

Defeating the horse requires the jungler to take responsibility, at least in the laning phase, keep up with the rhythm of the incense pot, and play a good series, "The prince is released, can you do it? You have to do things."

"I can fight."

Little Peanut didn't say try it, it's a life-and-death situation, and he has to give himself confidence.

solved this problem.

Kou Ma looked at Faker, "What are you taking?"


"I'm not sure if they let it go."

The answer is no surprise, this version of the middle lane is better to win than not to move, and more importantly, Ryze can c, while Galio can not move in the later stage, it can only depend on teamwork and lack of independence.

Faker wants to control the ball in his own hands, he doesn't want to "mix" with Xiaohu anymore.He wants c.

in this way.

Ryze and Xiaopao constitute the fulcrum of the formation system, with a clear formation, which can not only oppress the position, but also use Ryze to hit the backhand, and at the same time expand the side by liberating the middle.

These three.

Huni didn't play out the strength of the sideband!There is simply not enough pressure!

"Pay more attention to avoiding the back eye, invading and harassing the opposite side, avoiding him and ganging up on the lane, it's okay to sacrifice a little in the wild."

"come on."

The analyst clapped and cheered, "Try to hear the battle song. The fourth one will win, and the fifth one will give us an advantage!"

SKT will never give up easily, that thing is very tough! ! !

compare to.

After the RNG players stepped down, they walked out of the tension, and their morale was high after winning the key game.

"It was a good fight. Proud, you got Gnar squatting on the side of your wave and it scared me." Qin Ming leaned in front of the tactical board and joked casually: "However, our counterattack must have surprised SKT even more. Anyway, If we win the fourth round, we will be able to enter the final and step into the Bird's Nest! Play the final there!"

In the waiting room, the players all looked at him with eager eyes.

That's the Bird's Nest, and the meaning doesn't need to be explained. It's an encouragement to the e-sports industry and to their group of players if it can be opened up.

No one can stop them from going, no one...

"Let me take the red side. In terms of play, we still play the same way. If we can break it, we can break it. If we can't break it, we will go to the wild area to find an opportunity to double-team the side." Qin Ming pointed to Xiao Ming and Xiangguo, "You two Move more, you move, the situation will come alive, we want to force SKT to fight with us, understand what I mean, the tempo is fast, as long as they can't keep up, as long as they fall behind, the victory will be ours!"

Qin Ming waved his hand fiercely, as if he wanted to cut SKT into two pieces.

The players are convinced of this.

Their head coach has used BP to tell them what to do.

"In the fourth game, our opponents will definitely be anxious.

I'm sure, Huni shouldn't dare to take heroes like Captain and Gnar, so the state of the mid lane is still the core of SKT's movement. This time, I need you to put more pressure on Faker. He didn't make a sound, and stormed towards the middle field, giving him strength and making him feel insecure. "

Qin Ming draws a few lines, the direction of the arrows is the left side of the blue zone where the top lane turns, the lower side of the middle lane in the wild zone, and the front of the tower where the support came. "This SKT, as long as Faker does not perform well, their Linkage sucks."

The team members nodded, approving this analysis.

These three, as long as they are very passive in the middle lane, they seem to have great influence, but they can't stop RNG from moving closer to the next wave of team battles. Similarly, Uzi is confident that he can develop himself and be able to give feedback to his teammates in team battles.

Qin Ming continued to tell his team members: "It is very difficult for them to draft. If we lose in the third game, I have to consider banning Galio, but we won, so the problem is thrown to them."

Feeling this problem, the gods have no solution.

"Come on, come on!"


Putting their hands together to inspire the strongest fighting spirit, Qin Ming led the team to the stage.

see this scene.

Zeyuan warmed up and said: "Let's see if RNG wins this game and gets the tickets to the finals, or SKT wins, and the suspense will continue to the fifth game."

On the other side of the commentary in Europe and the United States, seeing SKT replace Peanut, someone bluntly said: "Before in the LCK league, Xiao Hei has always been the one who helped Peanut deal with the mistakes, but today, at such a critical moment, buckle the horse. I believed in Little Peanut and regarded him as Mr. Key, not Xiao Hei."

Another guest joked: "Maybe it's Xiao Hei's wine barrel in the game, and he can't play well. Not to mention that the offensive rhythm is overwhelmed, the third dragon's E wall is out of touch, and he ran to entangle with the nightmare. This is also the mouse firepower." Fully open the uninterrupted episode, if we pay more attention to the barrel, instead of the Gnar used by Huni, perhaps, his problem is bigger than the top road.

In addition to grabbing a big dragon. "

"You mean to say that he personally broke the trust with the coach?"

"If I were to buckle the horse, even if I was in a hurry to go to the doctor, I would still vote for Little Peanut. The biggest responsibility for the first loss is definitely not the jungler, although his male gun is too sharp."

"Hmm. What's more interesting is that RNG took the initiative to take the red side, and abandoned the blue side, which has a higher winning rate due to big data. I don't know if SKT was disrupted by this move."

European and American commentators are not afraid of big things, the local teams have all been eliminated, and now they want to have fun.

of course.

The deduction horse has been messed up.

He communicated with the players in a short time, "What about Galio? Our blue side."

Faker was firm, "We have an extra ban slot, let's ban it."

Galio is very good, but losing is doubtful.


Everyone don't use it.Don't even count Galio's ult.

"Then Lucian will also be banned. Ryze can't beat Lucian." Wolf said anxiously.

Once the side selection is changed, the order is completely different.

"Galio, Lucian, Pig Girl—Let the wind girl out."

SKT was discussing urgently, and Huni interjected: "Then the blue team can get me the captain. Without the pig girl, it's not so easy to catch me - give them nightmares, I can support them at six, even if they catch me, my hero is useful , unlike Gnar, they will retreat when I get angry, and they can't afford to start a regiment at all."

Huni was deeply depressed by not being able to play Tathagata God's Palm, and after becoming smaller, Gnar's position in team battles was too vague, and he didn't know who to turn to.

"You take the front row—sacrifice once for the team."

Hearing what Kouma said, Huni gritted his teeth, and Little Peanut really wanted to say: Give up your warrior soul, honestly, is it so difficult to wait for us to start the rhythm?

We can all sacrifice, but you can't, just play with your temper?

at the same time.

Shenchao was very excited when he saw that he had guessed the right side: "Keep the top lane, no matter what Huni takes, at least we have a plan. We should see that after switching to Letme, RNG will be able to perform in a group. , a lot closer."

As a professional top laner, Shenchao appreciates Letme's ability to resist pressure, start a team, and squeeze out output space for AD. If you are in a row, you can go out at the critical moment, and you can sell your position."

"All beings are equal." Zeyuan said: "Some viewers think this title is derogatory, but the league is a team game. If you can play the front row well and play in a group, you can make a good start. In this regard, I feel that Letme has improved Pretty big.

Since coming back from MSI, I feel that he has played with confidence, and he can withstand the pressure in international competitions, which is affirmation in itself. "

Listening to the two partners discussing the top laner, Miller had different concerns. He talked about the loss of S6RNG, and then commented: "The thing I admire the most about Coach Beggin is that he established a Nakano assistant around Doinb in the Snakes. system, but he did not completely cover this very successful experience on RNG.

Every player has his own operating habits. In this regard, he can adjust his tactics according to the player's style. This is what surprises me the most. "

Speaking of the previous RNG, it was basically a three-piece suit of disadvantages.

Now, the bottom lane can properly reduce the suppression, let the middle lane make a sound, and achieve the goal by liberating Xiaohu, and can also strengthen the bottom lane confrontation to help the jungler exert its strength.This is the result of the changeable system. One point is temporarily turned off, and it can be turned on through other positions.

"Okay, entering BP, how do we ban SKT in the first round?"

Amidst many curious gazes, SKT pressed the pig girl and banned Galio second-hand.

"Oh? The blue team's self-ban version hero?"

European and American commentators were happy, "Maybe Faker doesn't want to run around to fight fires anymore. He wants to light the fire himself."

Zeyuan has a different view on this move, "If you do this, the players will be under a lot of pressure. The red team will not occupy Galio's ban position, but the blue team will take it? I feel that SKT is not confident in playing. Galio is a hero in my favor. In my understanding, it can always be grabbed, and it has such a priority."

Zeyuan felt that it didn't make sense.

"For us, Calista Garcia, the ban people continue the thinking of the previous one, but change the support in the Xia Luo combination to AD."

"SKT blocked Lucian in the third hand? This is to help Faker grab the hero. In the first three games, he will either play Galio first, or wait for Xiaohu to take the hero and then choose."

Zeyuan gave the first opportunity in one word.

This is actually not difficult to guess.

SKT did not hide their thoughts at all.

"Let's see what we want to ban in the end? It's still aimed at Little Peanut's leopard girl."

"This is a good move." Shenchao analyzed: "The pressure from the first little peanut is not small. It's just that the hero of the male gun is in the current version, it is difficult to transfer his own advantages to the team, but Leopard Girl is different. It can replenish the incense burner, clear wilds quickly, and control resources conveniently. Respect is no problem."

The first round of bans is over.

SKT: Pig Girl, Galio, Lucian
RNG: Calista, Xia, Leopard

Just as commentators from various countries were discussing the option of Galio, the blue team grabbed the small gun.

"The prince has been released, can you take the incense pot? This is the only one out of the four."

Qin Ming ignored the expectations of the commentator, he chose to continue the feeling of the previous game, and took away Nightmare and Luo.

West eight.

Wolf was very angry, and always felt that he was underestimated and ridiculed.

Because Lulu was neither banned nor selected, she was left alone outside.

This hero is his signature. In his hero pool, he has the most appearances.

What made him even more unbearable was that RNG didn't take Fengnv, and Luo didn't match Xia, so it was definitely not as strong as Lulu in the second place.

Seeing this pick, Miller put his heart back, "It's okay if you don't take the prince, anyway, this move is to tell SKT that even if it's Peanut, I still want to enter your jungle!"

"The momentum has come out, the superior turned off the lights for them."

Bang frowned, and Wolf proposed to take Lulu.

"Lulu Garritz."

"Have you decided?"

Abandoning Titan and Wind Girl, Wolf insisted: "It's decided."

If the Prince RNG is not taken, then he thinks it is a good idea to use Lulu to cover AD to execute Nightmare.

No regrets.Take the sign.

Qin Ming saw this, and sent a policewoman to the third floor.

Huni was not reconciled, "How about choosing between Jess and the captain. My captain can keep it."

"This one has no shortage of output."

As he said that, Kouma asked to ban Grasshopper and block Shen to pave the way for Ryze's performance, "Using our lineup advantages, we just need to be steady on the road, turn off the lights and enter the team, as long as we don't lose our position, our double C and Lulu, it's easy to deal with the nightmare, and then look for opportunities to keep people."

Miller's voice became louder, SKT pretended to be cowardly, and he looked happy: "BP continues to target Peanut, ban the wine barrel, target Huni, and ban the captain."

Even RNG knows what they are afraid of!
Huni is very angry, is that why he doesn't trust me? When it comes to the transition period, the captain can do two things at once, growing up while increasing the offensive intensity.

Kouma pretended not to see Huni's complaints. For him, the first three fights against Huni had already wiped out his trust points.This is like a world-one AD who was killed by the line at an average interval, went to the wild card and went to the LPL. He couldn't guess how he died suddenly, and then hit a life-and-death game. Who would dare to step on the thunder and invest.

What will RNG choose in the fourth hand?
There are not many heroes who are good at playing Ryze.

Just guessing, RNG showed a crab unusually.

"Crab, it's very comfortable to reduce the number of people in the big move, but Huni hasn't become a hero yet."

As soon as the crabs on the fourth floor came out.

Exceeded the narrator's expectations.

But in the eyes of the deduction horse, the policewoman needs to develop in the mid-term, and they have room to fight in groups, but if crabs are added to connect the mid-term strength, it is difficult to control the blood line of the big move execution.The deduction horse was afraid that it would be the same as the previous one, and was beaten to death by a mid-term team fight.

Think of the particularity of the crab's E skill.

Kouma found that they were short of a character who could control the terrain for positioning.

"They don't want a prince, we want it." Duoma said to Little Peanut: "He uses Nightmare to like a little trick at the first level. If you can't avoid it, let it go wild. As long as it can help the lane transition, drag it to the side of Ryze to start the rhythm, It's not that easy for them to think together."

"Huni, you make a big bug—you don't need to kill the crowd with this one, give me the top position and let the double cs play."

Huni took a deep breath, suppressing his dissatisfaction.

"Big bug, locked. SKT's lineup is very solid. I didn't expect Huni to leave Jayce and Gnar outside and take a big tank that is more resistant to beating than a crab."

"What does Xiaohu use to fight Ryze? I feel that the plane is good. The length of the hand has output, and it is very comfortable to defend Ryze with a single belt to clear the line."

"I think both airplanes and rock sparrows are fine. In the case of the latter, Nakano and the field will cooperate to let the policewoman dismantle the tower earlier, shortening the period for the policewoman to join the group."

Shenchao just finished speaking, the next moment, a figure playing cards appeared on the right selection interface.

"Cards? Then our lineup is a bit lacking in output. It depends on the performance of the policewoman and the crab, but the advantage is that the rhythmic ability has a wider range than the rock sparrow, and the pull is not weak."

"Take it."

Qin Ming encouraged, "Keep Ryze dead, and try to end the game in 30 minutes - we have an advantage on the wing, strengthen vision and control, and double fly to catch the single. You just need to play the rhythm and suppress Ryze, and the opponent has no chance of a big late game. Help Crabs build an edge."

The crab's passive has a 4.5% damage reinforcement (that's the jet), not to mention the execution effect of the big move, and the magical skill of reducing staff.

As for Qin Ming, their tactic was originally designed to deal with Jayce's single belt. Now that SKT's hands are short in the third hand, they must be short of the front row.

The lineup of both sides is settled.

SKT has a solid lineup, but lacks flexibility. Qin Ming made a small bet on Xiaohu's rhythmic state.

"See how you play in the middle."

Xiaohu received the trust of the head coach.

In the tension of Korean commentary.

For SKT, the battle of life and death is about to start...

(End of this chapter)

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