Chapter 456

"He is, Mala Hot Pot!"

The voices at the scene became louder and louder, and the audience tried their best to lend their morale to our players.

The barrel sends out a blood.

When he returned home, he didn't even have the money to fix his real eye, so An Bixin gritted his teeth, and decided not to play wild swords, and went out with his real eye and scan.

at this time.

In the information given by the crown, it was that the prince killed someone and went to the side of the wall, and he was not sure that it would turn around and eat the three wolves.


Ambison returned to the blue zone. According to his decision, the prince killed him and he was still in good condition. There was only a group of stone beetles in his upper half, according to normal logic.

The three wolves died and went to the wild, and then waited for the toad to refresh before coming back to have a look, but An Bixin felt that Xiangguo would definitely not allow himself to fight against the upper half of the wild, especially in the middle and upper line, the captain was about to be overwhelmed by the pig girl go home.If you go to it, you will simply go to jail, and you can only have fun if you continue to be anti-logic.


The three wolves are still there.

Seeing the reappearance of the wine barrel, Xiangguo was a little surprised.

An Bixin, an old fritter, really has a wealth of experience in being suppressed.

Looking at it this way, the onset of cuzz seems to be understandable. If you always make mistakes in your calculations, you will have to lose your mind and crash on the spot.

"The wine barrel made a real eye on the grass in our red zone. The incense pot is playing blue at this time. Xiaohu wants to lean in here to persuade him to retreat, but the chaffinch is pushing the line, and the gems in the lower lane are pressing forward in exchange for wine. barrel development."

Work together from the middle to the bottom.

Xiaohu tried it, and felt that he would lose more by doing so, so he simply turned back and withdrew.

in this way.

Wine barrels eat red, and it seems that there is still a group of stone beetles that can be stolen.

Zeyuan commented: "Xiangguo wanted to crush An Bixin to death too much. He ate F6 and went up to grab the time difference and block the way to the upper half of the wine barrel, but unexpectedly, this person died three wolves Once, dare to go down."

The incense pot is not angry, except to sigh that this old oily man has enough oil, and signal to press it up.

At this time, the top lane is completely one-sided.

The pig girl fights the captain, the laning period is 2, relying on the pig skin, the captain's indestructible Q can't be consumed, because the pig girl is better than the captain in close quarters, if there is no fire knife passive, after [-], wither and can't touch the pawn , purely relying on Q, how do you play with pig girl.

Going online and stocking up.

Wither knew how to retreat.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would withdraw in advance, and the prince insisted on coming over to give E a disgusting look at him, Xi Ba was really a bad person.

"Haha, the Autism Grass was cut off when it returned to the city, just to make you uncomfortable, to make you uncomfortable."

"Zoom must have practiced before. He is very skilled in QAWA and E. Before the incense pot came, he emptied the captain's supplies."

Xiangguo's original idea was to hit the road and fight against the wine barrel in 2v2. Since An Bixin was out of trouble, he withered to bear it.

The captain returned to the city at level four.

The South Korean commentator sighed empathetically.

But the rock sparrows in the middle lane dare not fight against each other. The pig girl in the top lane fights the captain, and the captain is indestructible without basic attacks. The bottom lane can develop, but why doesn't RNG play the bottom lane and play the upper mid?
This is so true that the South Korean commentator did not expect it.

"Ah, Xiba, this teleportation can't be handed in. The prince hasn't left yet, and the make-up knife will be pulled away by more than 12 knives."

The rhythm came to RNG's hands, watching the rock sparrow move forward, Xiaohu didn't even want the line, just forced the crown back to the line.

Seeing this scene, Wither really had no choice but to watch a wave of soldiers on the road being eaten by the defensive tower.

Before the sixth level, the upper half collided, and SSG was completely defeated.

Followed by a minute and a half past.

The rock sparrow without blue is pretending, and the little tiger who walks past the crown slides and hits the piercing light piercing soldier, pressing the rock sparrow to below half blood.

"Xiaohu also played well in the lane, Xiangguo is leaning this way, don't you dare not go back to the city?"

A new wave of troops came, and Lucian was ready to move, but just after the crown returned to the city, Ambison handed in Q to suppress F6's blood volume. Amid the deafening shouts, the prince once again stepped on his face.

"Hide, I like to hide, let you fucking hide."

Speaking swear words, Xiangguo flew forward indomitably, "Fight, who owns the big bird? An Bixin got the big bird, Xiaohu took a sliding step, and got hit again by the wine barrel that slowed down after eating the holy shield. Go out and turn half blood!"

Miller was so excited.

I can't wait to touch the opposite side, and I have to shout out.

But for the incense pot.

No matter how the first wave is avoided, the second refresh point can always be encountered.

Because it is impossible for An Bixin to go back to the wild without looking at it, the river has their eyes, and it is a waste of time to do so.

"When the first one comes up, our players have a strong desire to fight. At this point, it depends on how the second kill comes out."

SSG tried to avoid it.

The momentum of the scene is getting bigger and bigger.

Edgar felt quite noisy, and even a little bit of an advantage, I took out this lineup and waited for the quality of the incense burner to change.

of course.

The assistants didn't have full confidence in the team members who were on the scene. Seeing the prince bypassing it, the rock sparrow handed over the teleportation. The analyst said: "RNG doesn't even let us cross the river, and the prince is moving on both sides. Guess the location and pounce."

Edgar saw this.

But he can only believe in the team's ability to withstand pressure.

What is the prince's current wild route, that is, where the wine barrel goes, he doesn't care about keeping the level ahead.

This kind of jungler is feared by all map controllers, because before they control the map, they will shit on your face.

An Bixin glanced at the road.

The rock sparrow couldn't survive the tower knife, just touched the toad, the prince swaggered EQ.

This time, the wine barrel was not broken, and Xiao Ming moved along with him, but he still didn't dare to keep people by relying on gems alone.

Toad was punished.

An Bixin did not immediately continue to find the next evasive action as usual, but was stunned at the second tower for a while, and then pressed B to return to the city.

After 8 seconds.

The prince discovered the real eyes of the red zone, and seeing the eyes disappear, An Bixin felt an inexplicable irritability.

He really couldn't figure out what was going on in Xiangguo's mind, which was unacceptable to him.

He has lost many games, from the mid laner to the jungler, but today's matchup brought him back to the group stage. He obviously practiced harder during this time, but he still couldn't avoid it completely.

what can I do?
What can I do for my teammates online?
With these two questions in mind, An Bixin went down from the Dalong Pit, went around the blue zone, made a deep fake eye, and gave the real eye on the side of the wall.

20 seconds later.

The captain is half blood, zoom asked to come and catch him, but he was seen by the vision.

"The two eyes of An Bixin have done a good job. Zoom pretended to go to the river to seduce him. The captain hit a double barrel and ran away."

The round back failed, and 3 soldiers were corrupted by Wither.

The Ueno duo, who were wondering, glanced around, but couldn't find it.

"Grass, I must have been seen when I came over."

Xiangguo remembered what the coach said, and immediately put pressure on Zhong, and controlled the river crab.

"I'm going to be six soon, and I can put pressure on him."

"A wave of blue buffs, zoom you to press the line, forcing the opponent to change to blue."

Xiangguo knows that his blue zone has eyes, but it doesn't mean he has to expend effort to squeeze it out.

The coach said that it is the most stupid way to attack and defend with SSG. SSG can't wait for everyone to intervene. They didn't do anything, and it's the mid-term.

Seeing that RNG took advantage online, but failed to further open up the situation, Miller said: "We have to find opportunities to jump the tower, their defense is very firm, you see, the pig girl entered the grass card position to force the barrel, withering would rather not make up Bing is also unwilling to be beaten out of permafrost by pig girl."

"Yeah, almost 20 knives on the road, but there were no kills, and I didn't seize the opportunity twice in a row."

"Let's look at the middle lane. When Lucian reaches six, a set of damage can melt away full blood, but Xiaohu, Felko's warhammer, is going to absorb the blue knife. Are you going to use the set of broken and black cuts?"

Miller thought about it: "Maybe you think that the late game lacks damage and consumes mana for line clearing?"

Miller was right.

Needless to say the advantages and disadvantages of crit flow and armor-piercing suits.

Xiaohu just looked at Crown, who was a bit wretched, and felt that there was no chance for the machete to slow down to complete a solo kill, so he planned to increase the intensity of pushing the line.

At 6 minutes and 03 seconds, Lucian rose to 6, Xiaohu just pressed forward, Crown immediately hid in the pawn line and then handed over Q to force him to move.

Seeing that Lucian had no desire to force a blood exchange, Crown heaved a sigh of relief.

After 2 wave lines.

Entering the tower with the cannon line, Crown was very cautious, but Xiaohu cleared the front row of soldiers and grabbed the residual blood of his own cannon car. The moment the rock sparrow turned W to eat soldiers, Q suppressed the HP of the rear row, and opened a big beep doodle.

As soon as the big move came out, the back row soldiers in front of the rock sparrow melted, and the bullet leaned on a rock sparrow with less than half blood. Lucian made a slip, and the Q recovered immediately.

"Can it be killed alone? Throwing stone formations, the rock sparrow has residual blood, and the silver bullet hits—they dodge."

Seeing the rock sparrow moving against the wall to hide at a point where the bullet tilted, Lucian made a movement of raising his hand to close the gun. Just after throwing W, Crown couldn't wait for the opponent to dodge him again, so he had to surrender the skill first.

In such a game, Xiaohu's W move is simply playing with psychology.

Immediately afterwards, Lucian walked to the right, and Crown walked to the second tower near the red zone to return to the city and confess the information to Ambison.

At this time, it is 7 minutes and 6 seconds.

The blue buff was refreshed immediately, and An Bixin, who was swaying in the red zone, immediately signaled the opposite blue zone, and at the same time went down to speed up clearing the line.

This is a bot lane matchup.

Chidi thinks that this is the most stable laning period after the group stage. The prince looked for trouble in the jungle and returned to the jungle. He didn't get close to the bottom lane in the first 6 minutes, but after the embarrassment after level 3, he returned home once. , breasts with gemstones, the policewoman's stealing damage is not fatal at all.

But it is precisely because of the strict discipline of SSG that as soon as the news that Lucian entered the blue came out, Xiangguo chose to go around from the stone beetle to the back of the tower to avoid the defensive vision.

"Incense pot, here comes the incense pot!"

The puppy consciously pulled to the right, Gem stepped forward to fight the injury and turned on Q to restore blood, the next shot, Xiao Cannon A lined up behind, and Shen, who was walking back and forth, suddenly flashed E to taunt Gem.

"Catch it, four people!"

Emperor Chi had the idea of ​​fighting back, and saw Shen leaning towards him. Before he could figure out why the other side did this, the prince appeared in sight.

"Gemstone dazzles Xiao Ming, the puppy continues to A, enters the grass to get a headshot, and the little cannon turns W to jump away, but what about the gemstone?"

As soon as Xiaopao left, the coreJJ who was supposed to protect the output of the back row was slowed down by Xiaoming's Q. After the flash, the prince took a big step to follow the distance.

The trio continued to press forward, cautiously resisting the tower, the prince's EQ was close, and after calculating the distance to the W deceleration gem, Chidi felt that there was a chance, and Lucian had arrived.

"Xiaohu rushes over, sliding QA, Chidi dodges, keep chasing, can you kill two? W hits can speed up! Gem turns to heal, Xiaoming comes out of the tower, Xiangguo resists, another giant dragon hits, Xiaohu turns back A, The gem is down!"

Lu Xi'an turned back to close his head, and Emperor Chi retreated in panic.

"Wow, Xiao Ming is too decisive as an E flash. And the most subtle thing is that after he taunted, he forced Xiao Pao to take the position, so that when Gem went to see him, he would Q after dazzle and pull the Holy Sword Hang up the deceleration, otherwise the line of soldiers will not go in, the distance of the prince's EQ is not enough, and the puppy will have to dodge and take damage to kill the gem."

is boasting.

Before the blue-changing successful barrel action, zoom saw wither stacked three consecutive barrels, decisively QA, took a small step up, and then W played permafrost to force out the oranges, and then retreated into the grass——

Crown, who came to the red zone, saw the situation and returned to the center, but failed to press.

15 seconds passed.

As soon as the rock sparrow delivered the thread, Lu Xian caught it, and immediately after that, he heard the water dragon whine.

"The little dragon is here, the puppy can grind the tower, the wine barrel is leaning in, the middle field is 2v2, and the little tiger is not big, so it's not like the two of you who are not flashy can touch porcelain."

Just as he was talking, coreJJ walked in.

In fact, I saw the wine barrel from the view of the upper river, but Xiangguo felt that he could fight, because the rock sparrow was not equipped well, and he couldn't beat anyone in seconds.

Both sides knew where the opposite was, but both pretended not to know.

Xiaohu crossed the line normally, leaned down, watched the rock sparrow throw Q, and listened to Xiangguo's urging, he went up with a sliding step to force the stone formation, and then paused and turned to twist the ledge.

"The ledge is gone, go up and up!"

Xiang Guo was excited.

"It's a bit dangerous. Can you realize that the other side is selling it? Just don't pay EQ."


Xiangguo was very active when he got the prince. Seeing the wine barrel outcropping, Xiaohu took the initiative to eat E, and the middle field position was pulled closer. In the next shot, EQ picks up and slows down 2 people. .

Compared with continuous damage, the two of them have an absolute advantage. Xiangguo didn't even think about killing him, but he suppressed his blood volume. He was comfortable in the middle, so there was no reason not to dare to fight.

5 seconds passed.

The prince has another Q, and the rock sparrow has a quarter of blood.

"This wave of SSG is a bit spiritual. Knowing that we are fighting Xiaolong, Xiangguo will look at the middle lane, so they seduce a wave by taking advantage of the window period when they are killed in the bottom lane and then go online."

The jewel was in place, W was hung on the barrel, and without Lucian's fire support, the prince was very embarrassed, but what was even more embarrassing was that the captain was looking for Xiaohu, and Lucian was forced to come out in a flash.

"Oh." Miller sighed, "The fight was too fierce, there was no movement, and he couldn't run away. The head gave way to the crown in the middle."

Heads 2:1, SSG broke the head shortage.

The commentator is discussing that Xiangguo's EQ handover is too casual. Knowing that Nakano is in the middle and the rock sparrow is out of shape, zoom pushes the line in, takes advantage of the withering Q barrel to blow up the front line, takes the initiative to eat the damage QAW slows down, and then withering leans on the position Twisted two sections of W, but was not shot out of eternal freeze.

Before withering and panting, the director collided in the middle of the replay, and the zoom swung the orange, and the captain was a quarter of blood.

next moment.

The captain lost E, and the pig girl resisted 2 towers and was persuaded to leave.

4 seconds later.

Just as the defense tower was avoided, the captain's bucket turned around, and the general attack took the pawns, and the pig girl was forced to move by crossing W again. She hit in one section, and when the interval of the second section was 0.75 seconds, the withering really pulled in the direction of the bucket.

most of the time.

Against heroes who don't often line up, no matter how powerful they are, they will lack the calculation of damage.

"Let's go, kill alone!"

The director hurriedly cut the screen, and then watched the pig girl flashing on the captain's face, and A dropped the barrel and chased after him to shoot Permafrost.At this moment, Wither was a little flustered, he never thought that the pig girl with her fangs had such details.

After all, what zoom was waiting for was the moment when the captain turned around, and with the help of W Zang raised his hand, he tapped the barrel close to him.

The roar at the scene was loud enough to cause a heart attack, but Wither couldn't hear anything. He only had this pig girl in front of him, and he could only see the opponent's fangs piercing into his body.

"The captain flashes, another QA from the pig girl, Yong Dong gives it, solo kill! Solo kill, another general attack, solo kill!"

With the last blow of A, the chain hammer took away the life, and the pig girl who carried the defense tower three times couldn't get out with 200 blood, and behind the tower, the captain's body was lying there.

Victory and defeat.

The result of being confident that you can rely on Q barrels is that you will die without barrels.

"I heard that you are called Wither, and you are the first top laner in the LCK! But today, you will be killed by me jumping over the tower!"


Affected by Miller's Northwest Xiongfeng's voice, I remember shouting in a louder voice: "A year ago, he was still struggling in LSPL, and he didn't see any top laner foundation at all. He was also the only player in coach Beggin's transfer period." Second, the buyer's operation.

I remember that at that time, many fans didn't understand why he didn't dare to spend money. Apart from buying Xiao Ming, the only one left was him, a professional top laner who had not made it to the LPL by his own strength after playing for 3 years.

However, it was also this year that he was first recognized in the LPL, and then became well-known to the public with his big dragon around the corner at MSI, and today, he single-handedly killed the withered captain with a pig girl—who would dare to say that Coach Beggin's vision not good? "

Can't help explaining the excitement.

Just now, the mid-june collision suffered a loss, and Lucian's stage of performance in the middle and late stages fluctuated up and down, which was very unstable. Everyone was worried about being dragged by SSG.

Another one, it's true that Zhumei is good at beating the captain, but wither didn't give a chance in the first two waves, no one thought, but when the bucket was there, zoom became murderous.

If this wave is slowed down, in turn, Zhumei is playing a strong laning, and is counter-killed by a weaker, and she will definitely be chased and scolded.

Just because of such scruples, Shuier didn't feel scared when he saw that sister Zhu had a lot of blood pressure.

Looking at the darkened screen.

Wither is very upset, how dare he jump the tower in front of me, isn't he afraid that I will kill him back?

"I can't play in the lane. He made slag in advance, and the push line will be very fast. I can't consume him with two consecutive barrels."

Head An got angry when he heard this, "Try to eat as much as possible, I can't help."

7 minutes 40 seconds.

Zhumei slag hit the light, Xiaohu took out the mining knife and started digging, just not letting the rock sparrow move.

wild area.

In front of An Bixin, Xiangguo countered another set of F6.

The female policeman was advancing, and seeing Shen You going to the river to fill his eyes, SSG went down the road and launched a counterattack.

As a veteran team, no matter what kind of trough they are facing, their ability to adjust is still there.


The jewel's glare was pressed to the right, and the moment the policewoman E was forced out, Xiao Pao W took E to look for it. bit unscrewed.

Pull after headshot.

Xiao Pao E's damage was not enough, so Xiao Ming returned to defense.

Looking at this scene, I remember boasting: "Give Uzi a long-handed hero like a policewoman, and his distance control will be in place. He is very confident in this wave, and he hasn't even been forced to dodge it. Can't control the other side."

Not only that.

Xiaopao failed to upgrade to 6 to play a set, and Uzi backhanded the bullets to fly disgusting coreJJ.

Judging from the situation, SSG is a little anxious.

Nakano can't move, he is in prison on the road, and as time goes by, one and a half minutes later, it will be the pioneer node, no matter how much he cheers himself up, in this situation, Ambison admits that the incense pot gave him very badly wild experience.

As the level increases, it is impossible for the prince to kill the barrel, but if everyone does not do anything, it means that the lineup of RNG has unlimited firepower.

 At the end of the month, I haven't asked for a monthly ticket for a long time. I hope all book friends can support it.There are 2 more chapters to come.

(End of this chapter)

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