Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 458: Teaching Around the Vision

Chapter 458 Teaching Around Vision
This wave is over.

Xiangguo said to Xiaohu: "The blue sword has come out, let's have some effect."

"Don't call."

Talking to each other, Xiaohu felt that his fingers had regained their agility. The killing of Xiaolong in front of him really made him feel chills in his heart. Fortunately, he was not the only one in the team.

And the other way around.

SSG's calm mood was defeated.


RNG tore down the lower tower, and the four of them huddled together to press down, without giving them any time to breathe.

An Bixin saw Zhumei squeezing the lane in the bottom lane, and then the prince posted over, reminded him of the 0-3 withering, and continued to regain his vision.

The midline comes in.

The female policeman puts the trap, and the crown relies on W to carry back the pawns that the small cannon can't deal with. It is more difficult to defend.

"Cannon car line, continue to press the middle and squeeze down. When we get off the second tower of the route, we can switch from the middle to the bottom and pull the defensive force of SSG."

Ambison knows this.

When Lucian came in with the second wave, he suddenly took advantage of dealing with the gunners, and the three in the tower moved to each other, allowing the gems to take most of the damage.

"Using damage to push back, the incense pot squeezes into the grass of F6, dare to open it? An Bixin?"

dare not.

It doesn't make sense to open the prince.

But the other side was unyielding, like a mad dog, when he saw him, he jumped on him.

EQA played thunder.

Unknowingly, the wine barrel retreated to the back side, cautiously entered the top of the tower and dropped the rock sparrow Q, in a situation that SSG hadn't considered, let the bullet fly to lock the gem, Lucian turned E, the incense pot flashed and covered the big, EQ picked the flying hand Shiny gems.

"Go over the second tower to eat people's heads! The dragon group is over, and the rhythm of RNG is back!"

There was silence in the voice.

Sometimes, RNG always makes SSG inexperienced.

Switching to LCK, if the wave reaches the top of the sky and then operate the 2nd wave line, it will still be able to eat a tower, so why take risks.

An Bixin was also dizzy by this way of fighting. He had just moved a little distance from the front when the prince rode on the face of his teammate in front of him.

Watching Shen covering the prince's retreat, waiting for another wave of soldiers, the middle tower fell.

SSG, which has fallen into a decline, has become the team playing vision offense and defense again.

But RNG was not in a hurry, Xiaohu let him go on the road alone, and Nosuke went to help.

19 minutes.

When SSG tentatively grabbed the edge and was persuaded to retreat by Shen Dazhao, followed by Zhumei's big move to the captain, forcing out the cannon, withering and almost being single-killed again, the Korean audience wailed on the barrage.


In their minds, they couldn't make up the picture of SSG frequently looking for opportunities in a disadvantaged situation.


Just stick to it.

In 20 and a half minutes, relying on the small cannon electric knife to clear the line back and forth, covering the weak road of the rock sparrow, it took RNG 6 minutes to push down the second tower.

To be honest, it was a bit of a grind.

After SSG turns on the non-communication mode, even if Xiangguo can ride the face, he really can't kill the wine barrel.

of course.

Once the upper tower is dismantled, the second tower will be operated quickly.

Taking advantage of SSG's handling and going online, the assembled RNG took advantage of Zhumei's frankness, and hit her with a small cannon censer, but only 128 HP.

"Zoom is so good. When Ri Yan Bing Fist strikes, Double C doesn't even want to look at it."

The SSG, which is partial to operations, looked at the five people below and asked the rock sparrow to switch to the tower.

Immediately afterwards, Fenglong gave way.

23 minutes.

RNG, who didn't show any obvious flaws, let Lucian take it down, and continued to play the game of grabbing and squeezing the lower side.

"Boundless eyes."

I remember sighing.

In the game, after learning the lessons from the previous wave, An Bixin didn't dare to leave the defense tower again. Without the wine barrel in front of him, Xiangguo even dared to cross the high ground.

They tortured each other again.

Barely tried 2 waves, and after the electric knife cleared the line really quickly, RNG could only force Dalong.

"2 pieces for all staff, Xiaohu made endless, yellow cross, and the third piece should be the supplementary artillery."

Lucian continued to take it down.

26 minutes 11 seconds.

The field of view of Dalongkeng was completely dark, and when Xiaopao threw a search photo, RNG was really moving Dalong.

to be frank.

SSG has played so many disadvantaged games, and basically they will encounter forced dragons. Although the mentality is a bit at a loss after the dragon team is over, they still rely on the tactics of per capita 2 real eyes to make the incense pot vomit, and slowly recover their defense Rhythm.

"You guard the high ground, and wither you will be persuaded to retreat at any time."

Crown heard the arrangement and went to guard Lucian in advance.

4 seconds.

6 seconds.

An Bixin led his teammates to touch the river, went forward to show the real eye, and saw the dragon with 8 blood, which showed that RNG had no intention of rushing fast at all.

as predicted.

In the next shot, Lucian swept the ult from the high ground and knocked out half of the rock sparrow's blood. Just when SSG thought it was forcing a frontal defense, Xiao Ming pretended to adjust his position, and suddenly E flashed for the wine barrel.

"Can it be opened?"

In fright.

An Bixin activated the blood, twisted it in small steps, and then used E to evade the prince's EQ, and distanced himself from the opponent.


The scene took a breath.

Ambison's scalp was also numb.

RNG can always make unexpected moves. It is obvious that there is a fight on the high ground in the lower lane, but it is taking advantage of this head-on, and the attempt is very decisive.

You must know that because of the existence of the pig girl, they did not dare to approach the zoom, but Xiao Ming's position was originally on the lower side, and they retreated in the same direction as Shen.

Small fits a lot.

But the attempt failed, and the wine barrel threw Q back to press back, which forced the opponent to give up on Dalong.

The pressure is high.

coreJJ said: "If you want to drag a three-piece suit, you have to kill Polusian. Now that he is taking it, we have to watch it with 2 people, and the captain can't play against him."

"Shen didn't dodge, let's lay out the vision first, Lucian will lead deep, and there are two Shenbao, let's kill quickly, the middle line stands, they can't beat the dragon."


He also wanted to try the incense pot that Dalong failed to force the group, but SSG didn't communicate with him.


The commentators from God’s point of view saw Abixin go around in a big circle, and ran to the side of Xiaolongkeng to make an eye, followed by SSG pushing it down in a group, and the crown moved to the toad’s position to make an eye, plus the river grass real eye And the true and false eyes in the F6 area, the bottom road was locked by 5 visions.

27 and a half.

Xiaohu pushed the offline again.

From the perspective of the situation, RNG lacks the blow to end the game. Although the economy is 5K ahead, it is slow to break through the high, and the impact of the pioneer's loss has always existed.

Xiangguo thought about how to break the game, ate F6, and looked into the grass, and he had fucking eyes.

In the middle of the row, Xiafu appeared in the second tower, and the rock sparrow was at the bottom.

Another few seconds passed.

Lucian pushed across the river, and Zhu Mei took it to the second tower, and saw the captain who hid the barrel in advance.

All four of them showed their heads, but what about the wine barrel?

Where is the red zone?
Thinking of this, Xiangguo leaned down, thinking of how the coach repeatedly mentioned that the side led the way and lost, how SSG would deploy defenses, tried to go down the tower, and then entered the grass from the lane.

"Little Tiger, give me a real eye for the Triangle Grass."

When Xiaohu heard this, he closed his eyes and didn't see his defensive vision.

"What is the incense pot doing?"

The incense pot finally disappeared in the stone beetle area, and SSG was also on guard, that is, to make liners.

God's perspective.

Prince EQ went up to the wall, and saw that the toad didn't fight, and got stuck on the side of the wall and squatted in the air.

And 8 seconds later, Lucian immediately took to the high ground, but the prince still didn't move.

at this time.

Uzi washed off the center line and leaned towards the Dalongkeng, with a careful line of sight.

Unbeknownst to them, the SSG voice came alive.

"Go, go, go, go faster."

The thread eye and the toad inserted in front of the ruins of the second tower only saw Lucian coming alone, and seeing that Xiaohu showed signs of sending the thread back and pulling it, he couldn't wait to wither and directly opened up to keep people.


The rock sparrow was big, and when the stone wall spread over, Xiaohu could only slide away from the speed bump and compete with it in the imperial city.

"The wine barrels are leaning against each other, and they are facing each other head-on, but can you beat it?"

At this moment, Xiaohu showed his composure and understanding. When he knocked out half of the rock sparrow's blood, Xiaohu didn't bother to raise his hand, only staring at the bumps under his feet.

next moment.

After the familiar Stone Scattering Array was handed over, he raised his hand and turned to E, the displacement imagined by the crown did not come out, but was hit by 2 critical blows on his body.

"Use the golden body to delay time, the wine barrel is here, but it's not easy to kill you."

Little Tiger is not afraid.

One person fights two, until the barrel E flashes, be careful to pay the big insurance, SSG is still pulling, and zoom pays TP.

During this process, Xiangguo didn't do anything at all. He knew that the rock sparrow was flashing, so he emphasized to his teammates: "In a fight, gems and small cannons will rely on it. Save some skills to follow. I have a high output."

"Three hits two in front, the captain's TP is slow, can you stay, Shen Landing mocked, the wine barrel is very meaty, can you kill the rock sparrow."

Xiao Ming looked at the back row. After 3 seconds, the pig girl landed, and QR was dodged by the crown.

Simply grab it, and it becomes a big group of 5 on 3, at least in the eyes of SSG, it is a big group of 5 on 3.

It can be said.

The bargaining chip for seduction is beyond imagination.The positive kind.

But the South Korean commentator kept Smecta.

"This position is dangerous. Lucian is too good at kiting from the front. It's very uncomfortable to be pulled by Xiaohu."

Zhumei was alone on Zhongshang's face, and the wine barrel was numb from the beating.

next moment.

Xiao Pao and Gem came over from the side wall. Before they could enter the battlefield, the wine barrel divided the back row and double-teamed the pig girl.

"Emperor Ruler!!!"

The battlefield distance is shortened rapidly.

500 yards, 300 yards, 200...


Xiao Pao saw the prince.

Chidi admitted that he was confused at this moment and couldn't stop his progress. He could only watch himself being picked up by EQ and accepted the big move.


As if RNG knew that there would be an AD here, Xiaohu, who was pulled to the flank, flashed across the wall and slid into the holy light. Chidi flashed, and his position was completely blocked by the jungler.

This is the charm of the fighter's wild knife and black cut.


Zoom seized the opportunity, turned around and cooperated with Shen to play Permafrost. Lucian hit the barrel from the wall. In a panic, Ambison flashed and hit the wall, failing to limit Lucian's output, and was the first to fall.

"Jungle is dead, lacking frontal output, Xiangguo is still looking for Xiaopao, waiting for skills, but Chidi can't wait."

The small cannon gave the big one, and Xiangguo turned around and cooperated with his teammates to find coreJJ.


RNG played 0 for 2, and rushed towards Dalongkeng in a group.

"Xiangguo's squatting is too critical."

is very critical.

Until the dragon whined, An Bixin also wanted to find out why the prince could appear there at this time.

The view of the river is still there, and the line eye has not disappeared. How did it get in?

Ambison 10,000 question marks.

But there is not much time left for him.

With this bewilderment, RNG took advantage of the dragon buff to break the 3 lanes in 2 minutes. In the roar that he remembered, Zeyuan had stopped talking——

Zhumei suddenly hit the wine barrel with a big move, the prince opened up, Lucian in a three-piece suit followed, and the policewoman took a headshot.

"Ambison fell down (crying)."

Missing front row.

The captain couldn't deal with the super soldiers. When Uzi got a headshot and stole some small cannons, the damage of more than 400 almost stunned him.

"Just push the base."

"The incense pot, the incense pot is very skinny, EQ went in and was beaten to death by the spring water - let's congratulate RNG for winning the final BO5!"

Miller said excitedly: "It's a very exciting game. Our tactic of protecting Lucian and leading the winger is quite good. When we have an advantage, SSG can only put towers."


Seeing that Crown was knocked out, Zeyuan smiled wryly and said: "Crag Sparrow can still play with Lucian during the laning period, but during the laning period, he can't keep anyone, really can't.

At the end of the second tower, you can see how much effort SSG Nakano spent to stay, but one was disabled and the other was used as a sandbag. Of course, the most important thing is that the position of the small cannon is too bad. The prince stuck close, there was no big core in the front, and the team battle was impossible to play. "

At 34 minutes and 53 seconds, the head count was 10:4, and RNG won.

(End of this chapter)

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