Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 460 The moves are not afraid of getting old, but they are not easy to use

Chapter 460 The moves are not afraid of being old, but they are afraid of not being easy to use (ask for a monthly ticket)

Of course, the troll cannot be the top laner.

The lineup was settled, and the trolls switched to the jungler. Miller said: "Coach Beggin's BP still maintains the usual style of painting, that is, until the last moment, it may not be the whole picture."

"However," Ze Yuan said seriously, "With the lineup of SSG, there are people who can stand out in the early, middle and late stages. As far as we are concerned, Xia and the policewoman have a common problem, that is, they have no advantages, no heads, and they don't make up enough. Before the crit strike goes to armor piercing, it lacks some tank fighting attributes."

While explaining on the stage, Qin Ming actively told the team members, "Take the ignition treatment, and look for opportunities to exchange blood on the bottom road. You enter the bottom half of the incense pot, and he (An Bixin) should be able to swipe from top to bottom. buff can be contested.

Also, this one is hard to catch, but Xiaohu, you have to move less, you have to be a big lane to go, don't be like the one against SKT, the middle tower falls too fast, understand?Its grasshoppers are not active, so let the wild area play by itself, wait for the rhythm of the six, play more skills online, and swap is fine. "

Shake hands again, and the screen loads.

Miller pointed out: "Verus brought purification, it seems that Chidi is still under pressure, then we are a little ahead in summoner skills."

After a few seconds.

The camera locks on the spring water.

While buying equipment, Xiangguo shouted to Xiao Ming: "I'll see you in the early stage of this one. I can help you if you play something."

"Don't worry about invading, you won't push the line for them." Uzi stared at the big screen, and said directly: "If it dares to grab the grass at the first level, you can hook it, change the blood bottle first, and go directly to the second level."


Xiao Ming gave an affirmative answer.

Just like the coach said, the pig girl can only brush from top to bottom, unless it does not keep the bottom line, but it can get Verus Lulu, a person who does not shoot a shot and takes the initiative to give up the second, in Uzi's career In my career, I really rarely encounter it.

First level position.

Relying on the stupidity of Tai Tan, Xiangguo drove away Lulu who was standing guard, and gave a trinket eye to F6.

At this time, the wild monsters still have 15 seconds to refresh, even if someone takes a scan, they can't avoid exploration.

"I didn't change the wild area, I retired."

Chidi, who was standing behind the red buff, reported the message and followed the line of soldiers.

From the beginning, RNG knows that the pig girl is blue, and SSG knows that the troll is blue.

"Let's fight in the bottom lane, and Verus will go online first, so it seems that we are going to give way."

That's normal.

But when this one came up, Xiao Ming's smell of gunpowder was very strong.

In the opening 3 knives, Xia handed in Q to make up for it.

Seeing Xia point Q, coreJJ presses up, Xiao Ming is not used to it at all, seeing Lulu move away from the pawn pile, and when she is going back and forth, she suddenly hits the hook.

"In the bottom lane, it seems that I can't beat it. Xia Q's skill is a few seconds behind, and Lulu squeezes forward with a blood bottle."

The moment he took the hook, coreJJ learned E in seconds, and put it on for himself.

With the help of Verus' Arrow Rain and Lulu's general attack output, the RNG duo was pushed back to the back row position all the way, and then they stopped.

"Both bottles of blood have been shot out, which is a bit uncomfortable."

Lulu didn't refill a bottle of blood, but she could hold a bottle and continue to consume it.

"Yes, Lulu still grabbed the grass."

SSG normally rose to 2 in the bottom lane, Lulu turned in a Q, but was twisted by Uzi's small move, and a backhand Q ate 2 residual blood soldiers.

at this time.

An Bixin saw the advantage of the bot line and sent them in normally. Although Xia was only ahead of 2 back row pawns because of Xia's Q, he still made a decision. Go back and eat the stone beetle.

This is a judgment made by the jungler based on the speed at which the pawn line enters.

But from the perspective of God, remember to wait for someone to clearly see the troll 2 groups of wild monsters, and go to the red buff grass in advance to squat back.

The incense pot can't be caught.

Lulu will go to the river to patch up her eyes when she arrives in the second day. If she exposes her actions, maybe An Bixin will not come.

With the jungler in position, Uzi said, "2 pawns."

Xiao Ming stared at Lulu's returning body, saw it trying to enter the grass to open up space, and immediately pretended to be the shield of the holy object to pad the knife. As expected, no support could withstand such a temptation, let alone the safety given by the river eye .

Q slows down, Xiao Ming clicks the floor and raises his hand, Xia stares at it, Lulu retreats, just when coreJJ is proud, Xiao Ming grasps the mentality of walking towards the grass, A soldier makes Q at an angle.

Titan's stunt, the forward swing of A soldier hiding Q, looks like the moment the soldier disappears, the heavy anchor is thrown out.

What's more deadly is that Xia synchronized A to kill another residual blood soldier, and Q went to Lulu to bathe in the upgrade light at the same time.

"Hooked, Titan level 2, hooked to ignite, hit hard."

The sudden scene caused the commentary to rush.

They were still watching whether the troll would grab the bird, and then they fought in the bottom lane.

"Uzi is stacking feathers, another healer, fight to the end!"

At the moment the healer was pressed, the half-blood Titan stepped back, coreJJ resolutely confessed and dodged, and the support lost his position, and Chidi followed and retreated.

Before they figured out why the opponent was so fierce, after all, Lulu still had a blood bottle. If she came back slowly, she could still maintain the laning. In terms of minutes, it is not considered profitable.

see this scene.

Edgar, who was sitting in the lounge, frowned deeply.


The half-blood Titan pulled hatred and disappeared in the river, and looked to the grass to show An Bixin, who was extremely worried about where he was caught, his anxiety became a reality.

I don't know why, but whenever he fights Xiangguo, he becomes inexplicably irritable.

Like this will.

With a red buff of [-] blood, the troll who had been eyed in advance emerged along the left wall. Taking advantage of the fact that the pig girl W and E were handed over, chasing him was just a bite.

"Can you rely on it?"

"Titans can come, I have treatments to try."

"never mind."

Hearing these unconfident words, An Bixin had already seen Tai Tan approaching in his sight, and since he had no chance to fight and punish him, he should continue to suffer from it even more.

So ever.

In the eyes of the whole world, a third-level pig girl slipped away, while the invading troll was only a second-level troll.



"Why don't you dare to fight, Verus is here too."

Chidi doesn't want to go, what to do if he goes to the soldier line, but Tai Tan leaves, he can take up the line again without waiting for Lulu to recover his HP.

With headsets on, they couldn't hear the curses from the Korean audience.

And seeing that SSG is so stable, Galio, who can push the line, also doesn't need to move.

"Still so stable." Xiaohu muttered.

"Once you get red, you can control river crabs. An Bixin, it's you again!"

I remember boasting: "I think it's mainly due to the fact that the bot lane was too good. Xiaoming Taitan's hook, right? It hooked out two bottles of medicine. Just when I thought the hook was urgent, the second hook immediately snapped. Slap me in the face and tell me it's justified."

The game, trade-offs, gains and losses of professional players may not be seen through from the perspective of God.

"The line goes in, Xiao Ming comes from behind, and Uzi still has no problem eating the knife."

was talking.

Pig girl ate F6 and came from behind the tower. Seeing this scene, Zeyuan's voice became louder, "An Bixin is very experienced, push back the line and squat back, we didn't heal and didn't ignite, Lulu's blood volume is not good enough to seduce."

The pawn line came out step by step, and I remember being very anxious, but in a blink of an eye, Miller saw Xiangguo's action, "Damn it, the troll, the two sides are fighting fiercely for the bottom lane, and they just want to tell the difference!"

Seeing Verus and Lulu dare to connect.

Xiangguo has no intention of not daring to catch it and wasting time.

As the saying goes, the bottom road helps me, and I help the bottom road. This is a virtuous circle.

Knowing that the river has eyes, he deliberately waited for the line to go out, stuck in the line of sight and fell behind the duo.

The fourth wave line is immediately cleared, and the melee soldiers immediately cross the river.

The whole world knows that this is a wave of 3v3.

At this time, the pig girl had squatted for 13 seconds.

coreJJ realized that he had to seduce immediately, otherwise the line would come, maybe Titan would go to the river to cover his eyes, and Xia's position is not easy to kill.


He asked Chidi to hand in E to wash the thread, and then manipulated Lulu to make a move into the grass. As expected, Titan hooked, but he didn't expect that the opponent chose to flash the distance before handing in Q in order to ensure safety, which magnified the stability of the skill .

Seeing this wave of operations, An Bixin had a bad feeling.

Soon, the bad premonition became reality.

"3 on 3, Lulu's blood volume drops quickly, pig girl Q comes out, the troll speeds up to E, and helps Xia fold her feathers."

Xiafu set fire, Zhumei just QQ Titan, ready to seal the mark to E, a pillar rose from between them.

Ambison wanted to try the exchange.

But Tai Tan retreated with W, and looked at the murderous troll. He knew that Verus would not lose a quarter of his blood in a second with Permafrost, so he could only turn his head and leave Lulu.

The first blood was born, and the head was given to Xia.

Miller cheered up: "In the first wave of collision in the field, we are the winners!"

"Xiao Ming's three hooks are too high, the hero Lulu is afraid of this kind of combination that doesn't fight with you."

"I have to say that in the second game, both sides took great care of the bottom lane."

 There is still one hundred monthly tickets to make up 100 yuan. If the monthly pass is full of [-] yuan, you can draw a lottery with a guarantee of [-] yuan. To tell you the truth, I want this reward.

  This month is about to update 20, I have the confidence to ask for votes (with confidence)!
(End of this chapter)

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