Chapter 466 Showdown

It is really an uncomfortable experience to be sentenced while sitting in the group interview seat and have to praise the opponent for playing well.

Those who should vent did not vent.

Ambison, who lost the final, didn't know where he should go.

After three years of struggle, he was buried, and he didn't know if he still had the perseverance to make a comeback.

Maybe not.

The exhaustion in his heart will not lie, and the emotion of wanting to kill him will not lie. He doesn't want to go back to that endless abuse, dark and deserted "environment". Surely there will be returns?
The cold wind from the venue's central air conditioner blows over the bangs on the forehead, taking away the heat of the day.

At this moment, he is sitting here, speaking against his will, listening to the laughter from outside——

Is this the voice of the audience?


He bowed his head.

As for Chidi, he just cried, and the red eyes didn't fade away, but An Bixin looked down on such a person, he didn't take responsibility in the game, so what's the matter with being sad after the game?

What friendship?

What consolation?
He doesn't believe in these.

As a veteran who was replaced by a rookie jungler in the Spring Split, he has been beaten many times by life. E-sports does not need tears, and whoever doesn't adapt to it is the rule of this industry.

If warmth is useful, why do we need strength?
on the other side.

Their head coach, Edgar, is talking about looking ahead to the new season.

But Ambison understands that the enhanced tank outfit for the summer game is the version he wants.

New season?
Who knows what the hell the new season will be.


Coaches are different after all.

SSG's sense of honor does not allow him to accept such a defeat.

So when the media asked him what he thought of losing in the final, he always talked about him.

What is failure?

At least Edgar doesn't think losing a final is a failure.

SSG's rebuilding has had far more hardships than this result, right? They have also had a good time, bringing out two world-level teams, blue and white.

Now, it's just regaining glory once again.

As an old man in the e-sports circle who is used to big storms, failures and victories both occupy the same proportion in his coaching life.

Facing so many journalists and media.

Edgar raised his right hand and clenched his fist, "I am very dissatisfied with this runner-up. I will lead SSG to win the second Summoner's Cup."

Listen to these rhetoric.

An Bixin let out a silent sarcasm.

He doesn't care now, it doesn't matter if the jar is broken, or the sense of dream that has been shattered after working hard for too long to see the dawn.

My time is in the past, so why should I respect authority?
For the sake of the championship group, he suppressed his usual dissatisfaction, not to mention that the SSG team did not give him much respect.


Destroy it.

hurry up.


Qin Ming enjoyed a wonderful vacation.

S7 is over.

A team reaps satisfaction, and a team reaps regret.very fair.

As for external public opinion.

All beings are equal, with c in the middle, wild king incense pot, general tiger, eternal Uzi and the second crown support.

of course.

Qin Ming also ended the season with the results of Spring Championship + MSI Championship + Summer Championship + S Championship + Best Head Coach of the Year.

From the point of view of honor, the final FMVP was given to Uzi, the best rookie was given to zoom, and the best manager was also won by RNG.

That night.

Seeing Qin Ming who was speaking on the stage, Bai Xing murmured: "Do you think we can keep him?"

Manager Sheng didn't speak at the side, he wished that the champion coach would leave.

There is already a champion team, who wants to have a "subordinate" who doesn't obey?

After returning to his hometown for a two-week vacation, Qin Ming returned to Shanghai again, and Bai Xing personally called to invite him.

From the point of view of the contract, he only has a few days left with RNG, and the money and bonuses that should be paid have already been turned into bank deposits, which will become his daughter's tuition and family expenses in the future.

But in order to show his final respect, Qin Ming still went to the club to meet Bai Xing.

in the office.

There are no outsiders.

It's hard to imagine that Manager Sheng and Ms. Bi who are by Bai Xing's side every day are not there.

"How was your vacation? Are your uncles and aunts in good health?"

Shirahoshi seemed to be in a good mood.

He has a good reason, because the Bird's Nest won the championship, RNG got too much bonus, even the real estate venue plan has been pushed forward, at least no longer stay in the verbal wrangling, the local government recognized that RNG's popularity can bring enough people flow.

"Of course, this championship proves that I have done something this year."

"Haha, you."

Shirahoshi deliberately pretended not to hear some thorns inside.

As a boss, he must be aware that his subordinates are at odds. Similarly, as a boss, if his subordinates are closely united and can't pour water into the club's management, then he should be thinking wildly and fidgeting every day.

In his opinion, Ms. Bi is also right, publicity, marketing, who doesn't need marketing these days?

Only when there is a disagreement, can he have a chance to sideline the frame.

"Night of the Bird's Nest, my blood boils just watching it." Bai Xing boasted, and took out a stack of documents from the drawer, "Let's take a look, Coach Qin."

Qin Ming did not refuse.

It's also good to have a look at the quotes.

Judging from the content, it is not much different from the first one, except that the number of years has been changed to 2 years, and it has become 3600 million 2 years, with an indicator for winning the championship.

"The contract is not over yet."

Qin Ming knew why and asked.

Bai Xing said with a smile: "I thought we had a good time working together. I leave it to you to play the game. You are a professional. Don't you want to bring out a triple crown team and establish a dynasty? This is something that SKT can't do .”



"I said, is it cash payment, monthly payment, or winning the championship?"

"I personally think that your savings should be enough for daily expenses. If it is not enough, I can help introduce an excellent securities manager. With your wealth, with a little care, the interest is enough for a mortgage."

Qin Ming put down the contract extension.He gets it.

have to say.

This is very smart.

Increase the annual salary by half last year, and once you win the second championship, the annual income of 2 million is easy.This almost represents the industry's top salary, a level that can't even be obtained by buckling a horse.


Qin Ming can proudly say that he alone has raised the salary ceiling for coaches, benefiting the entire coaching circle.

Because generally speaking, the changes in salary in the industry are generally like this. When a person can get 2 million, many people have reason to demand the same.

Just like the capitalization of the league, the players are the first to benefit. From the past, Li Zhuang's white meat had to be talked about, and now the standard buying operation is constantly refreshing. After that, the salaries of the entire industry, including commentators and directors, will definitely be high. rise.

and so.

The temptation to win the 2 million championship.

The temptation to build a dynasty and become the godfather.

This is where Bai Xing thinks hard that he can impress Qin Ming.

There is no shortage of what should be given, the strength of the players is in place, and the emotional factor is added, why should they leave?

He thinks he sees through.

A champion team is inseparable from a mature BP. Even if Ms. Bi asks for decentralization in front of him every day, the coach should not rudely use "retreat" to interfere with players not accepting activities, wasting a great opportunity to build their image.

But he is not a fool.

Did Fly have poor grades?

He has made a difference in North America, but it is such a coach who holds the cards of Looper, Xiangguo, Xiaohu, Uzi, and Mata as real bank battleships, but he doesn't see much chemical reaction.

When Qin Ming took over, Looper was disheartened and ran to make money. Mata questioned whether Korean players were not suitable to play in the LPL, and returned to the right track to further study Shakespeare.

It was against such a background that Qin Ming was able to turn a stagnant pool of water into a vibrant one, and replace it with other industries, that is, an airborne professional manager, who took control of the overall situation in the shortest time and achieved new highs in performance.

How could such a person not be a talent, how could any coach be able to do it?
Triple Crown Dynasty.

Even if you don't win the championship, you will have an annual salary of 8 million, which is already the largest contract in the league, currently.

Bai Xing has sincerity.

Even though his funds are currently occupied by big real estate projects, he has calculated an account. The invisible gains from winning this time are enough for him to use business income to fill his coaching expenses. As for the player contracts, there are some talks anyway. Playing professionally in a bright light, right?

"How about it, I have recently contacted Uzi's agent and the Humao platform, and I am confident to keep him. When the time comes, the original team will fight for another year, and there is no need to adjust.

By the way, I heard that Riot is working hard to submit this project to the Asian Games (the grandfather of a certain Riot executive is a high-level Olympic Committee), and then they will be able to win gold medals, raise the national flag, and play the national anthem! "

Looking at Qin Ming who was not very excited, Bai Xing was very puzzled. He said this so that he was fantasizing himself. Could it be that the cake is not big enough?

Qin Jiao, what exactly do you want?
The afternoon sun came in.

Qin Ming showed a kind smile, "I am very satisfied with the salary."

"If there is no problem, just sign it."

Bai Xing chose this time to discuss contract renewal because he wanted to use this information to ensure that everything was under control.

"But." Qin Ming shook his head, "Boss Bai, I am a person who likes to challenge myself."

"The Triple Crown Dynasty isn't challenging enough?" Bai Xing felt that Qin Ming's words were duplicity, and he just wanted to jump out to see if there was any big water in the free market.

to be frank.

The other clubs, especially those rich second generations who are not worse than him, are willing to offer a championship, a piece of talk, what kind of conditions he can't predict.

Does money matter?

Of course it matters.

However, there are not many people in the circle who have done a lot of money-spreading. Compared with each other, sometimes it is irrational to speak of.


After winning the championship, the small circle usually gathers together, and he never leaves RNG. There are many people who can't understand this complacency, and he is afraid that these people will jump out and "disrupt the market and bid maliciously"!
This is not speculation.

It was something that was actually happening. In the past few days, because of the contract issue of the six champions, he was also in a state of desperation. He desperately hoped to solve the biggest problem, and then use Qin Ming's contract renewal as a bargaining chip to "talk to each other" with the players.

"not enough."

"What's not enough?"

Qin Ming said honestly: "The challenge is not enough."

Bai Xing was stunned, should he keep emphasizing this excuse?Are there really people in this world who don't want to lie down and make money?

"It can be seen at a glance for the next two years. I believe that as long as I work hard step by step according to the direction I have drawn, entering the World Championship next year is really just a small goal. It is not fresh enough."

Qin Ming said very seriously: "The day of winning the championship was very lively and exciting, but after being excited, I always calm down. Therefore, I want a new environment to make me passionate. I am very afraid that I will be tired."

This is Qin Ming's sincere words.

From the heart-to-heart relationship between Crystal and him, to the obvious change in mentality after winning the championship, Qin Ming couldn't ignore it.

To put it bluntly, even if this RNG lacks a bit of strength, it doesn't have the ruthless appearance of the past, and we can't see Xiaohu training heroes silently by himself, and we can't see Letme repeating so many heads-up games in order to gain experience against pressure... …

Even if you can't see these things, if you just clock in and go to work, and get a qualified coach to bring them over, your record won't be that bad.

Not to mention.

The potential of this team has almost been tapped. Not only did he support the mess left by Fly, but he also supported it very well. Qin Ming thinks that he is no longer needed for the matter of Qin Guicao Sui.

As for the Triple Crown...

Qin Ming thought to himself: Why should it be assumed that it is the club's triple crown, not the coach's triple crown?
"I don't want to lead a team that doesn't have much freshness. Instead, the running-in you mentioned is my favorite place. It allows me to see a different scenery."

Bai Xing was silent for a long time.

It has been so long that Qin Ming wants to take the initiative to say goodbye.

"Is it convenient to reveal the next family? I want to know who moved you?"

"I don't talk about work this trip back to my hometown."

Qin Ming added: "But I know that I have the confidence (qualifications) to dictate my future."

"Yes, who would not be interested in the champion coach, even if he can't get it, the offer should be made."

Bai Xing shook hands with him, "Do you have any suggestions for your next appointment?"

"My suggestion is not to use Coach Wanwan."

Because he was about to leave, Qin Ming actually didn't have much resentment, "I know those people will definitely say that they have brought out a world-class Lightning Wolf, and they will use this achievement to—

It sounds reasonable. They have experience in big competitions, mature management, and understand the game. But I want to say, give more confidence to domestic coaches. At least, they don't have so many small thoughts. "

"It's not that we don't give opportunities. The LPL was formalized late, and no one is available."

"Based on RNG, is this a bold thing? I thought my departure was to look at RNG again as a challenger."

This is why Qin Ming didn't stay in a team for a long time.

He likes being a challenger.

Of course.

Bai Xing also felt comfortable listening.

He didn't feel that leaving Qin Ming would make the club impossible. It's just that sometimes, some people can give you more confidence. As a boss, it's not terrible to be talked back by professionals. most terrible.

2 minute later.

Qin Ming left.

Talking about the new contract did not impress him.

He didn't even think about it, which made Bai Xing feel very complicated.

"It's done?"

I ran into Qin Ming in the corridor, and was sniffed by Manager Sheng who was nodding friendly, and was about to praise Mr. Bai for how wise and powerful he was, but when Bai Xing heard it, he became annoyed, "Go away, do you have too few things to do? Has the zoom contract been negotiated yet? Also, let me know that RNG needs a new bishop."

Manager Sheng pretended to leave in fear, feeling extremely happy.

Qin Ming's staying, of course, is not a bad result. After all, everyone benefits from winning the championship. Otherwise, how did he get the best general manager? It's not because the team is outstanding.

Of course, Qin Ming's departure would be the best result. They didn't need such a professional who likes to "point fingers".

To put it bluntly.

Do you understand fan economy?

Ms. Bi: No one knows fans better than me!


For the fans of RNG, they only had a happy month before they received a bad news, the head coach Beggin disconnected.

This news first broke out from the so-called insiders. Many fans couldn't believe it, and they rushed the big V away. It wasn't until the RNG official blog personally provided the picture that it was confirmed.

Lost, puzzled, angry...

Fans have reason to question why they can't keep the champion team. They don't want RNG to be scattered like Snakes and never get together again.


Ruined the good memories in their minds.

This night, Qin Ming was sleeping on the bed.

The public opinion in the outside world is turbulent, and the transfer period is undercurrent.

FW Club.

MMD, the number one top laner in the universe, pulled Casa's suitcase, "Do you really want to go? We agreed to go to the World Championship together, have you forgotten the promise you made? You said that you want the world to know Wanwan Competition area!"


Kasa had made up his mind, he looked up at the sky...the ceiling?He said what was in his heart, "We have entered the World Championships twice, and the results have been similar all the time. I think the way to change is to change people. Your homeland is hard to leave, so let me go for it. I will go!"

Kasa tugged at the suitcase, but without moving, he kindly pulled MMD's hand away, "I'm going to a new place, you guys have a new blood, maybe we can play better each of us."

After all, Casa left without looking back with her beloved Erpi Ape Yinglili.

MMD stood for a long time, cursing inwardly.

Is he hard to leave his homeland?No one wants him, and now the team is running away, but they are talking nonsense about how they play better. The cruel reality has made MMD uncomfortable for a long time.


He squatted at the door and heard the sound of another suitcase being pulled.

"Maple? What are you? Why pack your clothes back when you're on vacation."

MMD lied to himself.

Just like what he said, the S7 group stage was abused by WE and SKT consecutively. On the day when the journey ended, the team was looking for reasons and trying to find a way out.

A very real problem is before them. If it is said that they did not make it out of the group stage last year because they only worked together for a year, then TM has played for 2 years without any results, and the lottery will still be drawn after the group stage, and there will be no second luck , who can convince himself from the bottom of his heart that this team can be saved?
"Sorry, I……"

"Stop talking." MMD waved his hand and refused, "If you are a hero, stay here."


A sigh.

Maple's figure disappeared around the corner, never to be seen again.

10 minute later.


"Are you leaving too?"

Snake nodded silently.

MMD wants to scold her, let's make an appointment with you to wander around together, just without buddies.

He is sad.

But this is not surprising.

The touch brought by the second consecutive LPL championship is huge, and people's hearts are not only floating here.

SKT club.

When the third persuasion failed, Kouma looked at Peanut and said, "I promise to give you the starter, but you still want to leave?"

But after this World Championship, Little Peanut was tossing and turning restlessly late at night, and he thought about a fact.

Little Peanut said humbly: "I don't know why you always replace me. You replace every game you can. The saddest thing is that you only replace me every time."

These words were sad, Kouma knew that he could not keep this wild king.

"Then, I wish you good luck."

You can't force it, you can only let it go.

SKT couldn't give what Little Peanut wanted.

The same is true from Peanut's point of view, changing players and playing methods in key rounds? OK, no problem, in order to win, you can sacrifice in order to win.

But why try to win, only he was replaced?
What about the order?What about Shimosuke?Or the god of the middle lane who can’t be mentioned, so many people can be replaced, it’s been a whole year, only he has been replaced, and he’s only absent in key rounds...

 Sort out the perspectives and thoughts of the transfer period. It is still a bit difficult to write, delete, and delete today...

(End of this chapter)

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