Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 477 1 person, 3 ways

Chapter 477

Is this what it's like to play in the LPL?
It seems not difficult.

So many passers-by with high scores said it was difficult to adapt, isn't it easy to win.

After playing this one, Missing felt that he didn’t have much sense of presence. He used the shield of the sacred object to make up the knife online. When he saw ez being accused, he handed in W. If there was no W, let Ah Shui calm down. There was an accident on the road, Syndra One fight and two dragged on for such a long time, change to a TP to protect the first, cover a few key eye positions according to the coach's requirements during team battles, and the rest is to watch the performance of the teammates...

Play the data panel, 0-1-7, KDA is perfect, the participation rate is about 7%.

Look at your teammates again——

Grass, perverted.

Post game panel.

In 23 minutes, Syndra's output was 27.6, accounting for 8100% of team damage, personal economy was 146, and injury recovery was [-]%;
Zoe's output is 9700, accounting for 21% of the team's damage, and 129% of damage conversion;
The output of ez is 34, accounting for 136% of the team's damage, and [-]% of the damage.

"Hey, my little IG is expected to revive. This combination of extreme personal ability and team battle, could it be that this is the trident?"

"I announced that Jack surpassed Able and launched a charge against the fish boy—although it was only one game, and his performance was not as amazing as the fish boy, but I am very optimistic about his performance."

"Indeed. This ez really dares to steal damage. Stealing money runes at least gave it a small 900. The lower damage is not because Ah Shui doesn't work hard, but because there are perverts in the TM team!"

"I don't think anyone would dare to say that Syndra chose randomly. I counted it. TheShy pushed 23 E's and hit 15. What kind of efficient hit rate is this?
The wolf walks a Kennan, and if he wants to enter the field, he has to turn on the stopwatch in seconds, otherwise he will not be able to control it. This is a great psychological harm to him.Woohoo, my wolf treasure, the economy is not as high as the blind monk, and there is only one piece after fighting. "

The audience had a great time watching it.

On the possibility of Syndra joining the unit, and on IG's new season's full-fledged play style, it has become a hot topic for everyone.

The MVP after the game was given to Syndra.

Zeyuan said bluntly: "I believe this move is still a very risky choice, and it is very difficult to maintain an advantage, but in TheShy's hands, it seems to be advisable. It is very special, and the players are even more special."


Qin Ming welcomed the players back happily, "I still have to say, you have to trust your own judgment. Although I have stipulated many things, they are all based on your execution. If you think you can fight, then four-on-five, four-on-five, I will only affirm the direct choice."

"By the way, Cheng Lu, you played very well with Syndra, and you can save an hour of practice at night-Kenan flashed that wave, and I applauded you from the audience. This is my coach who will always Unforeseen manipulation game."

Rookie secretly translated by ear, and TheShy, who was immersed in the world, came back to his senses and smiled shyly.

He actually likes people to praise him very much. If he doesn't like it, his desire to attack will not be so strong. He is such a person, and it is not easy to get his approval.

"Of course, Ning also played well. You used to brag about how strong your blind monk is. I didn't see it in the training game, but I saw it in the main game—well, the control of the space is good, squeezed out by Ah Shui A lot of output environment, the last 2 kicks are very handsome."

"I already said that the blind man is my signature."

Ning accepted the coach's praise, "It's not worse than the incense pot!"

Qin Ming smiled, and just said: "Now it's time for SN to have a headache. No matter how they choose the next leader, how to deal with the road is still a problem."

He judged: "However, compared to dealing with the top lane, they will most likely give priority to ez. This hero is very popular in the German Cup. Since the version cut the incense burner into a very common auxiliary equipment, this version, There is no easier way to widen the economic gap than stealing money."

Just as Qin Ming thought.

According to the state of IG, Char Siu came up with a solution to the problem. It is better to ensure that it can be played on the road first, and then look at the rhythm of the team battle.

"Wolf!" he yelled.

Wolf Xing's eyes were loose.

"Wolf, hey, don't think about it, it's over."

"Oh, what did you say, coach?"

Wolf Xing was slapped on the back by the hacker and said subconsciously.

Little Bear Booth Version 2.0.

Lang Xing, who was tortured for a round, was full of thoughts about why he was so embarrassing, not to mention eating skills, the only time he flashed the sky prison lead and became dumb thunder.

Am I still a pro gamer?
Is there such a big gap between us?


Endless reflections.

Seeing this scene, Char Siu didn't blame anything.

When he brought the Lightning Wolf in S6 back then, there would only be more scenes where MMD was knocked out, he was used to it...


Why don't I have a TheShy in my hand?

Who doesn't want to play cards well!

"We are still the blue side, I think we have to grab ez. This hero can lead the economy with a stable development, and cooperate with the big ones in advance to take over the group."

The char siew was a bit of an inspection of work, "I thought that ez's status would be very high, but now it seems that its status is even higher than what I had in mind..."

We had a chat.

Char Siew didn't change his tactics hastily. He felt that the logic of letting the team continue to be the first is the best choice.

"The spring season has just started, so let's get proficient in this set of ideas for attacking and receiving teams in the mid-term." Char Siew encouraged: "Don't be discouraged, test more, run in more, I believe we will achieve results this season."


"Friends from the audience, welcome back to the second round of IG vs. SN. We saw Coach Beggin come up with an extreme fast-break Poke system. Fortunately, the rhythm of the snowball rolling in this round is not a problem. Otherwise, wait until SN With one piece of magic resistance equipment in hand, the middle and upper levels will not be so easy to play."

"Yes, I am looking forward to what kind of adjustments and changes the two teams will have."

in the audience's expectations.

The second round of BP begins.

As Qin Ming guessed, this SN is just an upgrade from last year's fixed template, introducing Snake as the commander, and Maple to replace Fenfen of Hero Coins.

The reason for this is entirely because the winning percentage of the training match tells them that Wolf Xing is not a qualified single belt top laner.

Some viewers listened to the editor's words, and perhaps saw the performance of Lang Xing in RNG, and they didn't know what kind of filter they were holding or venting. They portrayed Lang Xing as an all-round offensive top laner, saying that RNG harmed him.

This impression is not right, even rough.

If this impression refers to last year's nominees for the first round, then Wolf Walk has indeed won a lot, even if they are squeezed out for a while, the top five are guaranteed to be correct.

But have you ever thought that when many top laners are playing big trees and big bugs, Lang Xing is playing weapons, vampires, Qinggang shadows, crocodiles, and sword girls. His statistics should be outstanding. Then his style review will become a funny top laner, and become a spoof on the post bar.

But on the other hand, he is favored by the team. Hacker likes to sacrifice development to help online. As a jungler, Hacker is a grass-grazing and milking style second only to Xiangguo. He is behind by two or three levels per game. This is true for vice-c harvesting.

In hackers, when there is no one who is very leading in the matchup, it is in this configuration that SN's means of ending the game are surprisingly rough. There are not only command and running problems, but also hidden top laner eating a lot Resources, the reason for not being able to drag the team forward.

Therefore, when evaluating wolves, the two parts should be separated.

You can’t say how brilliant Wolves are when they play offense, but it’s a pity that he changed his style so much, otherwise he would be so good, and at the same time say that SN will only play for the first 15 minutes. You know, LPL rarely likes to work in groups more than SN In the team, the teleportation of the wolf line is often used to rush to the front. Doesn't it seem that there is a loophole in saying this kind of thing?

From this point of view, it's not that the wolf has changed, he just made adjustments to suit his style. If someone's data is not bad in seven out of ten rounds, and the loser's MVP, after a closer look, teammate c only has one or two rounds, then why? Don't go to the front row.

A major feature of S8's wolf line compared with S7 is that he started to get started with a lot of tanks, and the hero pool is more abundant.

SN three bans, Zoe, Enchantress, Jess.

"Oh, Zoe is gone, I want to see it again."

Miller said regretfully.

Ze Yuan smiled badly, "I'll give you char siew, but I won't give it either. This hero's hands are too long, and it's hard to open."

IG three bans, Pig Girl, Galio, Tamm.

Seeing the restriction, the char siu had no choice but to grab it.

"Oh, I took ez on the left, let's see what hero Ah Shui will take."

The first and second floors are directly lit, and Syndra adds female tanks.

"It's Syndra again, why don't you go up?"

Miller was puzzled, "But it was a surprise attack, and the meaning of swing is so good. If you go up again, this hero is still easy to be arranged. The line is too long, and it is difficult to control the position."


Wolf line PTSD is about to happen, seeing this hero makes me want to vomit.

"It's okay, it's okay—don't think it's going to go, it's all a trick! If you think it's going to go, it's too narrow!"

Barbecued pork means seeing through everything.

As for the first game, it was a small accident. I never thought that would happen. How to prepare for it.

"Don't panic, we can't panic ourselves. Maple, what are you taking?"

"Send me a message."

"Well, then wind up and add an excavator."

Heroes locked.

Ah Shui smiled happily, "I'm sure they won't be able to guess."

Coach Qin's BP is so coquettish, they have seen it during the training game.

"Make up for the prince, this will break the gap."

Hearing this, Ning was a little hesitant. He felt that the prince was not a hero he was very skilled in playing.

Qin Jiao has repeatedly asked the importance of the width of the hero pool. The prince, as the representative role of rhythm first, is not untrained, just take it, what are you afraid of!
Lock the prince on the third floor.

Both sides enter the second round of bans.

"On SN's side, the support did not choose to keep up with the top laner, and IG followed up with AD—of course, it is also possible to follow up with AD in the middle, and then shake Syndra to the top laner, although this is a very small concept."

The barrage is very exciting, and they ask Syndra to step up. For them, there are too many Syndras walking, and it doesn’t matter if you miss one, but Syndra who walks is just a knife. , opened my eyes!This is exclusive information, there is really no other place.

"Please mess with me, let TheShy play, it's not fun to be a leader."

"Anyway, I won one round, and if I lost, there will be a third round."

IG fans are not happy. In the minds of these dog sons, the biggest leg is only in the middle. Hearing this, he was very angry, "Is Syndra's top laner strong as a black technology? Playing with other players is not the same as winning." , Said that they don't care about winning or losing, players don't play games to win, why?"

The barrage broke out.

SN targeted Jian Ji and Xia, and Qin Ming banned Titan and Crocodile.

The ban is over.

Seeing the vampire on the fourth floor of the red square, Lang Xing heaved a sigh of relief.

Zeyuan asked strangely: "Is this because I am afraid that SN will snatch it? Hong Fangkang's special position is a bit wasteful."

"I just said that the top laner Syndra is only suitable for strange moves. I feel that it is only good for playing Kenan, or adding a captain. For other things, as long as you pass the first few levels, it is very easy to arrange with the jungler."

Ze Yuan praised his accuracy.

In such a mood, SN took out Sain Gallo and formed a set of position systems with mid-bottom as the core. For the rest, look at the double c.It can be regarded as a wolf-like mid-term team battle lineup.

The Lightning Wolf is attached to the LPL, and SN is also known as the Little Lightning Wolf!

"Haha, I don't know if they will be confused."

In Ah Shui's laughter, the fifth floor of the red square showed the Tsar.


"Don't do it, Syndra walks down, isn't Ah Shui also very proficient."

A few seconds passed, the hero was locked, and Zeyuan said aggrievedly: "Can I not guess the BP today?"

"Brother Guan, it's okay. A hero is three-way shaking. If you can't guess it, it's not your fault. I didn't guess it either."

Miller's "empathetic" comfort.

"Then I suggest that Nosuke also practice one-handed Syndra, so that one hero can move five positions at that time."

SN voice.

"Just rock hard?"

The three views of career have been hit again.

This will be replaced with a crystal, and the snake can't figure out the vein gate on the opposite side. Without Tam, Luo took it out to act as a group control, improving the release space of the clockwork ult, and using it as a pendant itself.But when Syndra and the female tank came out, it felt a bit fierce.

"Let's not bring teleportation, let's be steady."

Snake discussed and said: "You bring healing, I take weakness to watch the vampires, their lineup can only rely on Tsar A tower, which is much worse than the push tower of the top, as long as you come out with ice fist, Poke we are worth it——Xin De La E seconds, we're much faster."

The char siu then added, "Yes, I didn't expect them to be able to shake like this. Save your life first in the bottom lane, and let the goddess tear in the transition. They develop a lineup. If you cut them out, we can always trouble them, but the premise is that we can't keep up. Same, too much blood loss in the early stage.”

The coach shook hands, and the char siu gave Qin Ming a complicated look.

He returned from the commentary seat to the coach seat, which has a lot to do with Qin Ming's second consecutive championship.

As mentioned earlier, apart from Europe, America and the LCK, the LPL and the provincial teams have fallen behind in terms of professional behind-the-scenes personnel, and the power they give to coaches is also very general. In addition, the salary income is so little, and it will be sprayed if you lose the game. The angle is always inseparable from BP.

So at the end of S6, the char siew that I felt wronged went to others, and I only used BB on the stage, and I didn't have to take responsibility. The money was a little less, but life was comfortable.

Until Qin Ming won the second consecutive championship, LPL paid more attention to coaches. For example, Hongmi left WE and settled in JD, and received an offer of 3 million. This was unimaginable 2 years ago. If someone gave him 2 years ago With an annual salary of 500 million, he will not be tired of working two jobs.

The coaching market has become hotter, and the char siu is tempted. With his qualifications, he looks very bluffing. You can say whether the Flash Wolves are in charge of the Bay Bay, and whether there are any scenes in the group stage. Just admit this, a bunch of coaches and youths The training team is not outstanding in terms of performance.

Char siu is just a pity, Kasa has too many ideas of his own, he would rather fly alone than in a group...

Load the game.

In order to transition to development, Luodian's guardian + dematter, stopwatch, ez steal money + invalid ball, transcendence, female tank is aftershock + hex flash, stopwatch.

In general, the Stopwatch League has the unanimous approval of professional players.

For TheShy, the vampire must be full of flexibility, phase + shoe biscuit, and Rookie's czar is to abandon the traditional deadly rhythm + medicine king, and point out Alley's anxiety + shoe stopwatch.

The idea behind TheShy is simple.

He doesn't think he needs this stopwatch to enhance fault tolerance.

Directly choose an extra 420 yuan economy.

This version of biscuits is sold to the store for 30 yuan each, and 4 pieces are 120. If you are a hero with blue stripes, you will also increase the upper limit of mana (4 pieces 200), and the magical boots can increase the movement of straw sandals by 10. Speed, playing with the phase is the ultimate idea of ​​TheShy.

speak up.

These are all taught by the coach. His most common sentence is: The league is also an economic game.

The camera cuts to the spring water.

SN is in the first quarter, and all members of IG are moving up except Ah Shui, and the ranking is similar.

"Here we come, we all have ideas about the first-level regiment."

How can you not steal money when you get ez?
Crystal followed his teammates down and tried the grass at the Q pass without touching the mark.

"Ah Shui cast an eye on the blue buff, and stood at the second tower."

Zeyuan looked at the small map and found that Thain was standing guard, and he might go up. He paved the way: "No one was found in the invasion. SN is pinging the signal. Wolfwalk should not face the grass. He doesn't need that."

Immortality plus blasting, secondary shoe decontamination device, wolf walk clearly turns on the development mode, to push the line of vampires.

In his script, vampires can’t be consumed in the early stage, as long as the ghost cloak is added, there is no pressure at all. In this version, when fighting vampires, choosing such a hero who can survive and clear the wave is a regular option, and it should be more violent. , That is the pursuit of getting rid of vampires.

But after the first round of the contest, and the experience of being the background board last year, I told Lang Xing that fighting Shy is not so uncomfortable if you can't afford to kill.It's a pity that everyone couldn't help it, TheShy was too aggressive, and if he didn't fight back, it was like ants crawling, his whole body was itchy.

"Aren't people here, are they popular?"

Wolf line is still asking.

"No way, I feel like I'm going to change the wild area, they can grab the lane in the bottom lane, I will put some pressure on Syndra by driving like this."

Although I don't know how proficient Ah Shui is, does he have the demeanor of Syndra.

But from a purely laning point of view, isn't it enough for Syndra to push ez and Luo's lines?

"Wolves are very stable, but they can't come here. IG's attempt to help TheShy forcibly establish an advantage went bankrupt."

At 1 minute and 15 seconds, Zhongfu returned to the city, and Ning returned to the red buff alone.

The launch time of this version has been advanced by 10 seconds, and the spawn of wild monsters has been increased by [-] seconds, resulting in more intense level-[-] team games.

Because from spring water to design ideas, there is less room left, and an invasion or defense posture must be made as soon as possible. This also means that if the two sides have no vision, if they think of a piece, the outbreak of the battle will be more sudden.

The human brain is like this, the less time you have to think, the more instinctive reflexes will get the better of you.

Judging from the wind direction disclosed by Riot just in the preseason version, they must be disgusted with S7 games with an average of less than 15 heads per game. They have reason to believe that if RNG hadn’t gone to the Bird’s Nest, the ratings of this World Championship would have dropped a lot ( This is the case in the original time and space, the overall viewing time is not only inferior to S4, S5, even S6).

So ever.

The eye stone is gone, the number of real eyes is limited, and only one is allowed for each unit on the map, which magnifies the suddenness of the collision.


1 minutes 15 seconds.

On-line normal firefight.

The wolf walked towards the red buff mark signal on the opposite side, and just approached the line, a vampire came out from the front grass.

"Take a little damage, and Thain fights back. He didn't dare to attack and just scratched. In that case, Thain will lose a few dozen drops of blood, it's not a big deal."

Zeyuan dared to say something that was nothing.

Compared with being pushed out of the experience zone, who dares to say that the life of the wolf is not good?

The vampire needs to develop, it doesn't have the panel strength to squeeze Sion out.

Watching the vampire go in and out of the grass to avoid hatred, the wolf walks and even wants to howl, he manipulates Tyrant Thain to put down the hammer, and turns gracefully in a circle.

"It's turning around, Wolf Walk is going to tell the audience today that there's nothing wrong with being a bastard.

You see, the vampire can't stop Thain from gaining experience, hey, it still wants to make up the knife, moves to avoid the red Q time, and even rubs against a melee soldier, he pulls very well, I declare, the wolf walk has won! "

A great victory.

(End of this chapter)

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