Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 479 Don't mess with the God of War under the tower

Chapter 479 Don't mess with the God of War under the tower
The start is 2:2.

SN is less than 500 behind.

This is what they got hit with in the first round, which shows that the psychological quality of the SN players is very impressive.

"The vampire has no T in this wave, and the last knife will be extended to 21 dollars, and the mine knife that TheShy went home to touch in the fifth wave, he really likes to grow."

Ze Yuan teased.

compare to.

Wolf Walk is very team, save the situation in the bottom lane, immediately return to the city, give up the line to ez, and run the map to lose something.

"Immediately take the lead, ez Ice Fist is close to the synthesis fee, do you think SN will pick it up, their Zhongsu doesn't have a stopwatch, and IG is ahead on the stopwatch."

There is no need to repeat how critical the Stopwatch Alliance is.

One of the most exciting highlights of the German Cup that ended some time ago was a wave of team battles in which nine players put on a stopwatch. In terms of skills and timing, the players were forced to consider such an important factor.

But in fact, no one can think so carefully when fighting, and consider whether it should be pressed or not, so there are often scenes of being shown by the stopwatch.Dodge a Combo, and you can fight back when you get up.

9 minutes.

TheShy went home to make up the small revolver, and the upgrade is clear. Because of the magical boots, the 10 speed increase on the basis of the CD shoes is enough to play.

"Under the tower, Luo was pushed, and his blood volume dropped by a quarter. Syndra at this node is still very strong."

Both the middle and the bottom have the right to line, and it’s okay to replenish troops on the road. It’s just that the line can’t get in, and it will be quickly cleared by Thain who has accumulated Q in front of the tower.

"The Pioneer Group can watch it, we let ez consume it, and maintain the position with the vampire. It can't reach multiple IGs and lacks AOE."

Snake is very thorough in judging the lineup nodes.

He doesn't care about that much, he only knows that at this stage, IG is counting on Syndra's single-body explosion, as long as you pay attention to your position, the terrain of the Dragon Pit is a bit inferior to the side that comes down.

9 and a half.

Luo Gang backed up his knife, stepped forward and ate a Q, and returned to the city decisively. The remaining pawn crystals were enough to deal with, and the opposite side couldn't beat ez with a stopwatch.

"Snake went home and added 2 real eyes. He seems to want to pick up this pioneer."

IG moved first and settled in advance.

Due to the decline in the weight of tower demolition, they need this pioneer more than the last one, otherwise the consumption in front of the tower is very cool, but the tower grinding is too slow, and the speed of tower demolition is lower than the average time of the line.

Take out the normal line-up combo, and the rhythm is okay. In the first 10 minutes or so, the first tower will lose half of the blood. If you replace it with a policewoman and a small gun, the next tower in 10 minutes is not in danger, it means that the alignment is not right. .

As for IG, Ah Shui catches the dolls very well. Luo replenishes frequently, but only grinds a quarter of the towers. This is because Luo was beaten home, and he has a chance to touch the towers.

There are gains and losses.

When Syndra stepped down, what she brought was good suppression and long-hand consumption, but what she lost was that the line was excellent and the tower was not easy to grind.

9 minutes 50 seconds.

Ah Shui and Rookie occupy the center, squeeze out the next wave of troops, and Nosuke settles in Longkeng, losing sight of the pass and the blue zone.

"Wolf Xing cleared the line and was leaning back. In the front, IG was grabbing the middle line, and SN had to wait for the line to come. Down the road, Crystal was rushing, and SN was going to take this wave."

58 seconds.

Ah Shui and Rookie came down from the aisle, got stuck in the bushes on the flanks, forced the clockwork, ez cleared the center line and leaned towards the pass.

"Let's fight, let's fight, the vanguard hits, and SN is a bit uncomfortable in platooning."

Syndra pushed E, the ball flew out of the wall and hit the clockwork, and the czar’s sand soldiers were placed in front of the grass in the pass. SN could only touch in after the sand soldiers disappeared, which gave Syndra another ball saving card bit chance.

"Pioneer has reached half blood, SN really wants to enter."

Under pressure, Rookie leaned towards Longkeng, and Ah Shui stood against the wall, continuing to guard the pass.

The excavator stood with Thain, and Missing followed Ueno to guard against the hackers, and then the czar stood up, in order to prevent Thain from driving, and covered the excavator to enter the field to fight for punishment.

Due to the size of the lineup, IG did not dare to stand too tight, and TheShy stuck to the top of Thain to collect Q.

Take a breath.

At the pass, ez crossed Q to force Syndra's position, Ah Shui moved to twist the secret shot, and dropped the second ball in the grass.

"Pioneer's blood volume drops very quickly, and it will be too late if you don't enter."

Ze Yuan just finished speaking.

Thain drove into the battle, and the vampire took a sip of the red Q. Seeing the excavator closely behind, the double c of the pass wanted to cover his teammates, so he had to pull forward.

At this moment, Ah Shui saw that the blood volume of the clockwork was not enough, and felt that he could kill. The moment W made a move to push E, Missing reminded: "Don't, Luo is not here (didn't show up)."

But it's too late.

The entrance of Thain attracted most of the attention, the dump truck rushed towards the czar on the right, and Rookie handed over the stopwatch.

Ah Shui's position is out of touch.

The female tank is looking at the excavator, but the hacker knows how to drill E to find an angle Q to reach the prince, and R uses a big move to avoid the female tank's control.

next beat.

Screaming echoed through the canyon.

Almost at the same time, Syndra W grabbed the ball and pushed E, the clockwork was knocked back to the wall, followed by Ah Shui's big move, five balls flew out, and Luo, who had been hiding on the wall, moved.


Luo REW picked up Syndra in an instant, ez pressed to heal, and the clockwork did not die, and the backhand QR cooperated with ez's damage to melt Ah Shui.

On the front, the female tank E forced out the big move of the excavator, and Luo accelerated to rush here.

Just when Miller felt that IG was going to explode due to the attack from both sides, the female tank flashed to Thain's face and gave Q, R controlled Ueno, Rookie got up and used a very elegant QER, and put the sand in the dragon pit The soldier poked to the middle of the two, and adjusted his position with a big move to push Ueno to the side wall of the dragon pit.

"Whose Pioneer belongs to? The Pioneer was punished by hackers, and the excavator flashed through the wall of the forbidden army, oh! TheShy!!"

The moment of push back.

The vampire has a tacit understanding of R to 2 people to pick up E, Q excavator.

The hacker took a lot of damage when he landed, and he flashed and pulled away, too late to wait for the eyes of the pioneer to gather;

Luo enters the field and charms 3 people to return to the E jungle, but the vampire blood pool evades the control, and rushes forward with the help of the phase, followed by ez with a big blow to 3, Thain's Q charge is destroyed by the prince's EQ, and the crystal E reaches the dragon On the side of the pit, Q disabled female tank.

next moment.

At the end of the vampire's blood pool, the red Q burst out, the excavator fell to the ground, and then pulled the second E, forcing Luo and Clockwork back.

"On the flanks, the female tank's remaining blood refers to ez, TheShy forced the middle assistant to turn back, there is no teammate around Crystal, Thain is being poked by sand soldiers."

3 seconds later.

The female tank fell to the ground, ez didn't care about the vampire, and Q asked the czar to change, but Rookie didn't forget to move while outputting top orders, and his sense of smell was too good.

The endgame ended like this.

The prince made a big move to frame Thain, the wolf opened his shield and flashed, picked up the dropped pioneer eye before dying, followed the vampire to find ez, and the crystal flashed back to the back of the river.

"ez turned back and Q to vampires, will TheShy still chase after them?"

"Don't chase, don't chase."

Even Rookie is shouting.


Vampire red Q speeds up, showing E storage, OB's clockwork speeds up a shield, refreshes the cooldown of E in ez limit Q, quickly hand over the jump, and return to the middle.

"The middle and lower assistants have three residual blood, very tempting, TheShy is pinching and flashing - no, I can't catch up, SN is retreating too fast."

The Vanguard is over.

The two sides played 2 for 2, and Miller said: "Luo's wave control is too good. Ah Shui wanted to change one, defending the middle and bottom alone, and helping the front to delay the time, but he didn't expect Luo to hide on the wall instead of following him. Ueno stood together and entered the field. It is a pity that this is not counted."

"Wolf walk was watched too much, R went in and was hidden by the stopwatch, tried to press up and was stunned by the female tank, Q didn't come out, and then TheShy, a vampire, was too silky, sucking and digging in front of three people Not to mention the opportunity, the pressure from the endgame was too great, Thain was sold directly, and ez escaped in a flash."

SN voice.

Crystal helped his teammates to gain confidence, "It will be fine if you hold on. I will go home to Ice Fist, and then depending on the situation, I will release the Pioneer to eat the water dragon. When I make a magic cut, they will not be as convenient as us."

Wolf lined up: "I added magic resistance shoes to my ghost cloak, and I will pile up magic resistance to kill them!"

Syndra walks down, Syndra shakes three people, three c three AP?

The more I think about it, the more Wolf Walk feels that IG is very indulgent. Why are we all playing games honestly and should sacrifice sacrifices, but you can have such a good time?
as predicted.

Seeing that ez made an ice fist more than a minute earlier, Zeyuan analyzed: "Now Syndra is not easy to suppress, and ez's economy is better than it."


SN's layout is to focus on ez.

This time Ning followed up with the support in advance to ensure the vision of the lower river. He guessed that SN was either put in the middle or let it go. The reason is that it is meaningless to put it up.

This kind of judgment is well known on both sides.

But the ez equipment was supplemented in advance, and the advantage brought was that he was more daring to consume it, and he was not afraid of exchanging blood with Syndra.

"Q to slow down, Ah Shui cleared the line and moved, and ate another Q, ez stole things and went numb."

When the money stealing rune first came out, the explosion rate was relatively good, and basically 2 to 3 Q would trigger a steal.

"Come on, I can catch it, but the woman can't point it out."

Cleared 2 waves of offline.

Syndra's blood volume dropped to two-thirds, 6 out of 3 Qs, and she had to turn in the skill deterrence if she was slowed down.

Missing wanted to call the jungler to squat back, but Ning felt that if he couldn't catch ez, it would only be a waste of time.

"The excavator is coming, there are no big ones on both sides, only the ez big move has been turned around."

next beat.

Snake pretended to go to the river to make an eye, and a new wave of pawns gathered. When Ah Shui ate the last pawn in the back row, Crystal found a gap for the Q pawn to slow down, followed by W rubbing, and ez pressing forward.

Something is not right.

"Come on, come on, the excavator crossed the wall, Luo followed, Syndra only had one push, who should be restricted?"

Luo borrowed his position to get closer, and immediately moved to keep a certain distance. Due to the different angles, Ah Shui threw W to slow down the excavator and retreated, Crystal decisively handed E, and Syndra in Q.

Helpless, Missing turned around to stay positive and helped AD fight for a living space, but in the end both of them died in love.

"Missing is not for sale, give it to me, I will let the AD push Luo, and then sell it, anyway, the excavator hits E for six seconds, you can only control one, and the remaining one can escape the tower."

Xiafu was killed.

Head 6:4, SN took advantage of the situation and pushed down the tower, Ning went to catch it and was seen by real eyes.

"The prince doesn't have much sound, Luo, ez, and clockwork can all restrict it."

The prince walked towards the blue zone in a row, and happened to meet the excavator that came in ahead of time. The two junglers met each other, and the trio who ate the tower immediately turned.

"The middle tower is not easy to defend."

"I'm not well equipped," Rookie said.

TheShy didn't know what his teammates were discussing in Chinese, he just secretly reminded Rookie, "Brother Yijin, my mine knife is going to explode."

"Oh, oh, you're developing." Rookie said three ohs before reacting and switching to Korean.

Encrypted communication in the above.

Missing couldn't understand, and didn't dare to ask. He was standing in the middle, and SN was in a group. At this time, Xiaolong refreshed in 20 seconds.

"Crystal's big move that hides the vision, scratched Missing, Rookie reacted quickly, twisted it with E, but this middle tower, Thain is also squeezing this way."

Throw barrage at the corner of the card to do some damage.

Immediately afterwards, Thain came to release the vanguard, and made a good forward pressing posture. In addition, the side wall vision given by Snake saw the prince return to defense, so the wolf took Syndra's push, as if nothing happened. 0.45 seconds to release the control.

"Haha, this stun is the same as not being stunned. Thain stands forward and cooperates with the vanguard to hit his head. There is an explosion, and the crystal is stealing damage. The clockwork puts the ball behind the tower and gets stuck in IG's position."

Thain A blasts out.

The shot cuts to the road.

The vampire accumulates E clear soldiers and leads the line into the tower.

"Instead of the tower in the first tower, IG is a bit at a loss, and SN will immediately switch to Xiaolong, and the resource control is much more orderly than last year."

Thain and ez continued to occupy the center line, and Nakano Fu made a good vision ahead of time. After 9 seconds, Xiaolong hit halfway, Thain then retreated to defend the second tower, ez handed E down the wall and entered the river, not giving IG a chance to get closer.

"The third is Earth Dragon, which is a bit unfavorable for IG. For the three-core lineup, they still have a period of weakness."

It's SN's turn to drive the offensive rhythm.

The lower auxiliary made up for the situation, and while Syndra was leading the line and did not dare to cross the lower river, Snake asked his teammates to cooperate with Thain to unplug the upper tower.

Squeeze the midline up.

SN acted aboveboard, and the IG vision captured this scene, but the vampires did not retreat.

"Missing is rushing up, and the prince is also beating stone beetles. IG is going to guard this tower?"

Miller didn't think it was necessary.

If the development lineup is at a disadvantage, you should let go of the outer tower, shrink the defense line and start equipment. Isn't it more important to control the dragon than this resource?
The commentary felt very adventurous.

IG fans are numb, "Let's go!"

Painful memories are beating.


don't go.

TheShy stands in front of the tower, taking a defensive stance.

Seeing this scene, Char Siu smiled.

Just this sense of smell?
SN's offensive round was combed by Snake Snake, and there was enough beautiful squeeze linkage.

5 seconds later.

The excavator heard movement in the stone beetle bushes, and passed through the wall with a wind-up shield to Q out of Nosuke.

"Do you dare to drive? Don't dare, Luo is behind, Thain leads the line, ez occupies the center line, and Rookie is not easy to grind the center tower."

Agile and demonstrate maneuverability.

The hacker clearly knew that his task was to entangle Nosuke so that his teammates could double-team the vampire.

"The vampire is still in Q soldiers, and the defense tower has a blast sign."

next beat.

Hacker E, the hesitant prince, winds the clock to Luotao E, and Snake takes advantage of the momentum to accelerate forward.

"Missing a big, Lo surrenders a W to circumvent."

It's normal to change skills.


The next scene the hacker saw was that the vampire was charging forward with E, and the deceleration of Thain was turned off by an emergency stop. The imaginary forced bleeding pool did not appear, but a pool of black water. auxiliary.

"The Lis are in Gan Shenmo?"

The hacker felt something was wrong.

The fact is as he thought, even if he stopped Nosuke, the next shot, the Tsar teleported the defense tower, and the vampire still survived after receiving the clockwork ult and being knocked back by Thain.

The vampire was weak under the quilt, and fell to the ground and opened the blood pool to pull towards the tower.

In their imagination, this wave should be to force out the big move and the blood pool first, and press up to melt the vampire before the big move takes effect.

The script is messed up.

Zeyuan roared: "Is TheShy's position real? Is it really so extreme???"

EW took advantage of the opportunity to pad the knife to slow down Thain, got up and sucked a Q, Thain's shield exploded, and his blood volume was less than 200.

In the next moment, the damage from the big move was weakened, but the real recovery was unavoidable. The blood volume of the vampire was raised back to a quarter, and the push rod was pulled out of the encirclement.

"Sloppy, awesome."

"Look at the clockwork and watch the clockwork."

The teammates looked dumbfounded.

The Tsar landed, Luo went back to E, the next shot, the female tank E came to the clockwork, Rookie took the push back, and IG's formation was like entering an urn, asking the middle assistant to enter.

"SN! They would never have imagined that on a normal push, double-teaming a vampire out of touch would send out so many chips."

Crystal: People are sitting in the middle of the road, and the bad news comes on the road.

Wolf Xing knew it couldn't be saved, so he ran away alone, TheShy turned his head to die, Rookie stabbed Luo to death, and the three of them converged to find the excavator. In the end, the prince flew with EQ, the female tank kept up with the control, and the head was given to the vampire.

"Something went wrong."

Zeyuan drew his voice, "Called IG back. Vampire 3-0-2, went home to make up for the Void Wand, somehow more than half of the equipment than Thain."

Miller then added: "Now the situation is hard to say. ez is very strong these days, but if IG can develop, it will definitely not be bad."

 It seems!
(End of this chapter)

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