Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 482: Only if there are problems can progress be made

Chapter 482: Only if there are problems can progress be made

During the review, Qin Ming emphasized several points of "disunity".

"Cheng Lu, you want to increase the consumption and suppress the matchup when you enter the cannon lane, I can understand. After all, the cannon can resist, but why do you still have 8 or 9 seconds to reset the pawn line when the remaining minions push in? Why don't you go?" Take a look at the river——

You have eyes, don’t you need to keep them for Chinese New Year?

Also, next time, if possible, can you go to the 500 yard position in the upper half of the wild area and look around, so that at least the wild monsters will refresh, and you can give your teammates a hint to prove the location, instead of going to the river like completing the task? If you lose your eyes, no matter how bad it is, you stand forward and look under the dragon wall, which is more comfortable than your eye position. "

After finishing the old-fashioned question of not letting go, Qin Ming turned to the others.

"Changing the line and changing the line is called turning around the line. When defending, you must either stop the loss in the opposite direction, or find an opportunity in advance to interrupt the rhythm and delay the opponent's offensive.

Today's BO3, I have seen very little content in this regard. I don't know what kind of consensus you have when you transition the lineup.

Also, Ning, can you be more detailed in the map control? Sometimes, I can't tell what you want to do and what your purpose is. "

"Ah Shui, you need to be more vigilant on the dangerous line, your identities should be switched between the second and third positions,"

Qin Ming pointed out three fingers, "We are not suitable for such precise team battles, I want to do it, but I don't think we can do it well.

Therefore, it is best to spread out the positions at position C. In this way, if someone rushes in, other people who are not restricted will help squeeze out the space. Remember, our harvest position is not static, and you have to attract attention, In the options of absorption skills and damage harvesting, the positioning is randomly adjusted.

Still the same sentence, play more flexibly and let go of your thinking. We have a stronger ability to create output than others. "

"Missing, your problem now is that the timing of roaming is relatively vague. In these two games, when the lane is stable in the bottom lane, I don't see you making too many movements to contact your teammates. Do you understand me? Don't stick to it. In the second half, move up, move more to find more opportunities."

"The same is true in the middle lane, Rookie, you are still a bit too greedy for lanes, and you have not met the positioning standards of the first set of tactical frameworks.

There is too little pressure on radiation. You don’t always feel pain when you lose one or two soldiers. You have to overcome this compulsion. You have to think that if you move, the opponent has to guess your position, even if it’s just a small move. Delay and worry are more important than one or two soldiers.

Therefore, if you have the advantage, try to radiate your teammates. Believe me, we are far from being a whole now. If you have a low EQ, you will fight your own way. If you have a high EQ, you will have a lot of room for improvement.

Don't you think that when I said that team battles should be dispersed to prevent too many people from being targeted, you think that the same should be done during the laning phase. If there is a chance to contact during the laning phase, try to contact as much as possible. What's the advantage of fighting independently?
The fight was messy, and there was nowhere to make up for the loss. "

"Finally, Cheng Lu, don't forget to promise me additional training. Your Sion is really abstract. I always thought that this is a hero with low barriers to learning. It's just that the ultimate move is more judgmental. Until I met you, I felt its difficulty. Got taller."

After the message boy finished expressing his meaning, TheShy returned a small smile to show that he hadn't forgotten.

Judging from the driving force generated, of course TheShy doesn't like the front row, but after playing 2 cool games today, he thought that only by agreeing to the coach could he continue to be so cool, so he was coerced by pleasure.

That night.

He started the training camp, practiced the Thain Q for a few days, engraved the fastest knock-up time into his instinct, every time he hit the fly, he was looking forward to the next game.

That night.

Ning, who was kept silent, complained to Qin Ming after the meeting.

"It's not all my fault, I didn't play that badly."

Qin Ming gave him a strange look, "Did I tell you that you are bad, I mean there is room for improvement. We can play better and more smoothly. You just need to be clear that these problems exist. It can be considered invisible."

"Isn't this all the same thing? The wild area is not my business alone."

"Would you be angry if I said you didn't even do one's job well?"

"I'm not angry."

"Then you are worse than I said, you can't even clear the wild, and the details are very poor."



"Look at your own video, and then compare Xiao Peanut, An Bixin, even Xiao Hei, can't you tell the difference?"

"That's because no one communicates. The top lane is silent, the middle lane is very strong and [-]% in the lane, and the bottom lane is talking nonsense. Does anyone give me feedback? I have been worrying about lane."

Qin Ming shook his head and looked at Ning, "Are you being ashamed of what you said? I admit that there is little communication, because I am learning even simple vocabulary on the road, but you told me that because you pay attention to online, the details are poor and you haven't read many things. Come on, why don't I believe it?
Well, it's good to see the problem and solve the problem and continue to make progress, and I don't blame you.Can't you accept even this level of criticism?I said Ah Shui's words are the most important, and I don't think he is dissatisfied. "

Qin Ming almost said that Ah Shui couldn't see the line clearly, and that he was poor at capturing the positioning space in team battles.What has happened, you can't cover your eyes and pretend that you can't see it.

A team, a team that has implemented a new tactical system for less than a month, Qin Ming did not expect to be perfect, even if it was achieved, it would not be perfect, so what are you dissatisfied with?
Also that night.

The popularity of IG has skyrocketed, and many viewers praised the selection style and game methods.

late at night.

Ning was lying on the bed and flipping through private messages. When he encountered content that praised him, he was proud and happy. Occasionally, he saw a few content that made him not so satisfied, and his face collapsed again.

There are still five days until the second match against LGD.

these five days.

In addition to fulfilling the daily tasks of the coach and enriching the hero pool, the IG players are improving the linkage based on line play.

For the audience, the style of the first show of the new season in their eyes can be summed up in a few words——

RNG is heading towards the defending champion. Even if the experience mechanism in the jungle is hacked to kill the idea of ​​​​maintaining levels with less jungle, its strength is still not to be underestimated;

EDG started with Xiaola, the new top laner Ray, who was named Ray Zhi in the post bar, but the new jungler second prince Haro has his own ideas.

As for the other teams, they played rough at the beginning.

On the contrary, RW in the west showed a thriving demeanor. Qin Ming also watched the game against BLG on the 18th. Aoun, who practiced in Letme's first World Championship, once again refreshed the audience's impression.

On the line, there is a small pressure on Gnar, and Dalongkeng E hits four. The distance and angle are just right.

Coupled with Kasa's changing style of controlling the map and Doinb's magical use of runes, the first round of long-handed selection of phase Ryze, combined with passive, team battle parkour;

In the second round, I played Taliyah and replaced Comet. The first-level point W was consumed. Card 2 instantly cooperated with Kasa’s wine barrel, flashed and controlled Kuro to complete the breakthrough. , Natural failure.

After finishing the game, some RNG fans believe that this version of Double Grace is Letme's version, which cooperates with blasting to make up for the shortcomings that are not a big threat to the defense tower, and the combat power is stronger;
Another part thinks this is meaningless, they have a better zoom, and some extreme fans even said, "The captain is a hero that Letme has never been able to shine in his entire life, why keep him?"

The two sides quarreled over this matter, so that both parties planted a little bit of dissatisfaction.

Letme actually knows that his talent is not as good as zoom, but some truths are too hurtful. Besides, talent does not determine everything. If it could determine everything, Looper should have followed Uzi and Mata to win the championship.That is also Hero Kai.

Arguing and comparing each other.

The preseason edition got some wrapping up.

The China and South Korea divisions began to increase the priority of Shuangen, ez, and Zoe, and the popular Kangte position on the LCK side stole money from Kenan, which was specially used to develop with Shuangen and then sanction Shuangen's teammates.

In short, this is a version that is on par with stealing money, and the status of being able to steal money is not bad. Everyone hopes that they can lead by several hundred for nothing, but they don't need to make risky games to grow the economy stably.

The time came to the 20th.

After noon, Qin Ming came into the training room, and the players were looking for their hands.

"Playing LGD today, our task is to be familiar with the tactical execution of the middle lane with the jungler, and the offline coordination after mastering the bottom lane pawn line."

Qin Ming emphasized, "When calling, pay more attention to Ning's signal."

Rookie knows that today is the time to test the results, to see if he can give back to his teammates after taking the initiative.

In fact, the main tone has not changed, but the key distribution of the execution process has changed.

Hearing such an arrangement, Ning felt a little excited.

He still can't accept the coach's criticism that his jungle area is not detailed enough, he wants to see if his teammates cooperate with him, can't he c?
"Ah Shui, work harder today."

Qin Ming comforted him in advance, because it was impossible for AD to feel comfortable if he chose this style of play.


Qin Ming went to prepare the materials. Outside the corridor, Director G chased after him: "Is this really useful?"

He was referring to the things that let Ning play.

As the person who supervised the training with Duke, he knew better than Qin Ming what Ning's petty temper was like.

What he said that day, if he was asked to find someone who could listen to the least level, the first would be Ning, and the second would be TheShy, and the latter, who is always facing each other, would forget to make eyes——

Perhaps in TheShy's heart, this itself is also a trivial matter. If someone comes to catch him, then come. He doesn't need too much warning, because he can catch the answer from the position tendency and wait for the opportunity.

"If this kind of dissatisfaction can be controlled, it will in turn increase the bloodiness of the team." Qin Ming looked at it very openly, "Do you think I need them to be good babies? Who cares about such things!
I am the coach, they are the players, I just need them to complete the game according to the established strategy. "

Director G sounded a little helpless. As a person who just wanted to fight for a stable job to survive, he never thought that working hard would be so difficult.

"Their training targets were not fulfilled, and you are responsible for this."

"They're so good."

Director G explained his reasons, "Every time I want to remind, they will tell me with facts, what a real genius should be, and the indicators you set, they can usually play well after a few hands , and then started to play tricks and be lazy."

"I know."

Qin Ming also didn't mean to blame, "Human nature is like this, who doesn't want to be comfortable? Who wants to fight?"

As Director G said, these people are too smooth, and the regrets they encounter are not hard enough to remember.

Even if Rookie has experienced the era of the dean, he himself has never questioned his own performance. What he cried was that "working hard" for so long failed to get a good result, but even if he thought he was working hard, under the leadership of G From the point of view of such a rank maniac, it is not considered hard work.

Guide G can maintain a 14-hour rank for the start of a secondary league, board and lodging at the base, and holidays. Most of the holidays of IG are for fun.

Some people say that the laziness of this team has a lot to do with the lack of strict management, but it wasn't until Qin Ming took over that he realized that if everything was blamed on the lack of strict management, what were they doing?
After these days of getting along.

Qin Ming can be regarded as having the troubles of happiness. The happiness is that as a coach, he can't reject these players with strong plasticity. The trouble is that because they realize their outstanding talents, they seldom have the awe of sweat.

Think of this.

Qin Ming can only stretch the goal and take it slowly.


At 7 pm, IG faced LGD.

This season, LGD's starting configuration has not undergone too many adjustments. Except for a new mid laner Yuuki in the second team, the other four are still old faces from last year.

Speaking of it, this is already the third year of LGD's reconstruction plan, but it seems that LGD still has a long way to go before getting out of the relegation zone, ah, no, it will not be relegated after the alliance, the Queen Mother is ecstatic.

On the way to the venue.

Everyone in LGD naturally discussed the new changes in IG.

They just lost to JD 2 days ago, and the rookie mid laner was randomly killed by Zoe, who was controlled by toothpaste who had just entered the LPL.

At this moment, Yuuki felt uneasy when he thought of meeting another big devil who had been famous for a long time.

"If I can win IG, it must be very cool."

PYL is still so optimistic, "Hey, what do you think of them going down the road?"

IMP pouted, "The distance control is not very good."

Faced with so many drafts of the AD of the new generation, IMP doesn't like it very much. Three rubbish stacks can't get results, but they can be praised by so many people, so why don't they come to blow me?
"I'll keep you safe today. I'll take Tam, and you will use ez to steal him to death."

PYL sighed, "Did you watch the LCK game yesterday, the AD captain of the aircraft team, 26 and a half points and three pieces, one ez chasing four Q - as long as he has the equipment, this hero is now the god of war with the wind, he is too supermodel .”

"Teach him that lesson."

Pyl was happy on his own, and Jianxian looked out of the window, feeling a little out of place.

He has dreamed of the league stage for a long time, and his vision is completely different from his vision.

He didn't understand that he was defeated by JD only 3 days ago, and he got zero seals in the first round. Why can everyone still evaluate the opponent so calmly after the game?
Could it be that our first win of the season has already been won?

(End of this chapter)

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