Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 492 Stand at attention when beaten

Chapter 492 Stand at attention when beaten

"Anyone who said Kenan was useless came out and apologized."

"I'll go, what kind of physical damage is this, the enchantress was melted directly."

"There is no sign, and it suddenly rises again. Mom, I saw this wave last week."

"I saw it last week too."

Post game panel.

A 1-5 Kenan hits 2 output, AP Galio hits 2, Crow hits [-], and with JD, their three-c damage can definitely keep up, whether it is the enchantress stealing The output, or the non-stop scraping of ez, is very impressive, but it is a bit worse in terms of final output.

This is also the most common problem with Poke lineups, that is, the damage and the damage turn look better than the other, but the result is a losing game.

After the fight, none of the JD members got out of the top defeat.

They just couldn't figure out why a "wasted" Kenan could achieve such an effect, and Lumao even recalled repeatedly, who did he owe his weakness to?

Oh, it turned out that I didn't care about the back row at all when I charged. I always felt that it would be better to win the team battle if I cooperated with Sword Demon and Prince to charge.

"It's an exaggeration."

Miller kept repeating similar tones.

In his career as a professional caster for so many years, he rarely sees the disadvantage of threading so obvious on a top single. The reason is that Kenan filled the damage too much.

Its ult can always be fully presented. This is what Miller thinks is exaggerated, because even if Kenan on the dominant side enters the field, a lot of effort is spent on chasing and adjusting the position. After all, the opponent's position Bits are not set in stone.

Redmi can see clearly.

In this match, Kenan University's release was very good at stance, formation judgment, and timing angle. Moreover, the instantaneous movement speed was controlled so well that it felt that its E ended faster than others.

After lighting up a few times, suddenly there is thunder, and when it appears on the screen, it becomes a big move that is faster and more decisive, and the battery is fully charged.

It's no wonder that his players are "unresponsive."

Because most people's defense against Kenan depends on the formation, but TheShy likes to charge alone, which is more sudden.He rarely stands with his teammates.

The one that best reflects this habit is the high ground wave. A Kenan who has turned his head rushed up to the high ground without warning and captured the movement of the enchantress. It is difficult for ordinary people to imagine that it would dare to make such a bet. The devil predicted in advance, that is, the high ground will send off, the dragon will be dropped, and the vision will be lost. JD will take the initiative again.

of course.

This is an afterthought point of view. The fact is that the fledgling toothpaste did not feel that it was risky to hand over W to eat the thread.

Seeing that the team members looked a little hit, Hongmi didn't take it to heart.

Before the game, they were still trying to overthrow IG. No one paid attention to them. Now they finally know that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the people. Although it affects morale a bit, but after today, they can pass this hurdle and read the game. Definitely going up.

"Okay, as I said, the goal of the spring split is to focus on running-in. So, this played us well."

Hongmi looked at Xiaofu and Lumao, "I'm just curious about why you guys are so impulsive today. I have said that you want to catch it, but it seems that your control of the rhythm is out of balance. You played 5 rounds during the laning phase. It's a bit higher than what I'd say."

He almost explained why he had a big fight with IG.

In the first 10 minutes, his players were either running the map or on the way to run the map. It seemed that the effect was good, but in fact it was not the choice to maximize the benefits, because in the process of transforming the economy into an advantage, the dominant force was too scattered , Indirectly caused the middle and lower players to not align well, and failed to transform the alignment advantage into a stable line-eating suppression.

To put it bluntly, it seems that he is very active, but JD is still at a loss, and the level of replenishment is lower than the average time period is evidence.Although IG is also losing money.

Lu Mao didn't know how to answer. The rhythm of the game was always inconsistent with the content of the imagined script. He even felt that Kenan was too jumpy, so he didn't catch it. Unexpectedly, what surprised him the most was that Kenan 0-4, IG is still willing to help, rather than let it fend for itself...

Generally speaking, there is a lot of information, and it is not so easy to deal with.

It wasn't until the meeting calmed down, and the green hair combed it carefully, that he regretted not being able to grasp the advantage better, but why couldn't he calm down when fighting?

Redmi didn't bother with this, he suggested: "Let's switch to the blue side to try, the BP is actually not very good at targeting IG, we try our best to play our own content."

Now it seems.

The problem of casual hero pool is still too restrictive. Red has a special position, but if you can’t play the value of the special position, it’s not very meaningful. Instead of thinking about what IG will play, it’s better to think about how to increase Zoe’s priority. Even if IG is willing to target and pay for the ban position, it can still look at Aoun.

In fact, the only thing that can be played in the casual training game is the double Enga sword demon. At most, there is a more inconspicuous vampire, like Crab, Qinggangying, Jess, and Captain. These four popular top laners are basically Just missed JD.

At this point in the new season, there are a lot of heroes playing, but limited by the hero pool, the lineup system that JD can play will always be those 2 sets, including toothpaste, and his hero pool is also shallow.

compare to.

Qin Ming can play too many cards. Seeing that Rookie found the feeling today and played more clearly, he encouraged: "Continue to try the cards in the second game."

Rookie nodded with a smile.

After playing this game, he felt like a rhythm mage planning a script, and the experience of calculating and achieving it was quite good. Although it was not as violent as the output end, controlling which direction the team went was also a different sense of accomplishment.


The second game begins.

JD took the initiative to ask for the blue side, and IG ranked the red side.

Wa Wa commented on this: "It seems that after the first fight, JD is also looking for a change, but if this is the case, what should I do on the road?"

Miller also expressed concern about this point. You must know that TheShy has been rated as the best top laner of the week for two consecutive weeks since it was firmly established in the hands of Qin Ming. Ueno also took over Ueno for a few weeks last year, but the problem is that TheShy's key data such as counterpoint suppression of the economy and injuries are much higher than the second zoom.

Everyone knows that the first hurdle against IG is to at least be stable on the road, and the economic loss is second.

After all, TheShy single-handedly raised the average stats of the matchup lead in the first 15 minutes to 1.5K.

TheShy's style of play directly makes all LPL top laners study how to reduce blood loss when being beaten, and to find a balance between experience and last knife, and the awareness of positioning is rising.

no way.

I really don't give soldiers.

Someone has calculated that if the line right is really controlled by him, it is normal to be pulled 15 dollars in 60 minutes.


Is this human talk?
It's normal to be 60 dollars behind. Everyone is still a professional top laner. Once this data comes out, where will everyone put their faces?

But the stats of four innings in 2 won't lie.

Sword Immortal has already told everyone with his painful facts that if you don't fight, you will lose money, if you fight, you may lose even more, but the power to fight or not is not in your hands.

in other words.

If you don't use your sword, you have to use your sword. Even if you simply resist pressure, you must learn how to exchange blood with the smallest loss. If you don't exchange, it will be torture for the jungler, and it is also uncomfortable to be in the tower.

A round of ban.

JD bans vampires, Syndra, and Qian Jue. Qin Ming's idea is very simple, don't give it to the czar, don't give it to Tamm, other things don't matter, so seeing the ban on the opposite side, the third hand blocked the wine barrel and released Zoe. ez, see how JD picks.

Facing these two tactics, LokeN wants ez a little bit, but he also understands that toothpaste is just around the corner, and the outside world is bragging about his signature Zoe. Now that the signature is out, can you not be tempted?After all, I put them on the red side, and I don't want to put this supermodel hero on IG.

"Give it to the middle, take ez on the opposite side, our policewoman, Thresh. This one is mainly for the upper half, and there is a lot of pressure on the road."

The decision is made.

LokeN can only obey.

As a developing AD, JD is more willing to let him transition to the laning period. Of course, ez is very good, but if you can't grab at the same time, you still have to have a priority.

"Zoe is released, what does JD say?" Wawa sighed: "Hey, I still have to grab it. If you dare to let it go, there is no reason not to take it. Even if you slash E, this hero is still very strong. It is easy to take advantage of blood volume during the laning phase." , and the team battle stage is huge.”

The morale that was knocked down was instantly restored on the toothpaste. This is the role of the signboard, and I feel very confident when I take it out.

In IG's first and second elections, Qin Ming went to the field, ez and Zhumei needless to say, he knew that JD couldn't take out Jess, and Zoe couldn't form a Poke formation. Basically, there were not many things to choose from, and he could take it easy Exchange chips.

For this, Redmi is also helpless.

People grab the field and let go of the heroes of the lineup, but if you can't make a move, you can only let it go.

"Aoun is here, what do you want to add? A prince? A prince who still believes in Xiaofu. The EQ flash caught in the first wave is still very handsome. There is no problem in operation. It is also an old opponent for beating pig girls. "

The blue team made up for the upper field and took out 2 strong front row players to start the team. Qin Ming saw that JD still wanted the resource team to win, so he directly made up for Jess.

Second round of ban.

JD got rid of Galio, who played well in the top handle, and got rid of Yao Ji. Since IG chose the top laner on the third floor, it can only reduce the pressure as much as possible, and try to make the opposite Poke lineup unable to perform well.

In this regard, Redmi feels that the exchange is considered equal. A Zoe plays well, and is no worse than the opponent's shooting system.

"IG banned Bud here, respected the green hair, the last ban, give it to the wheel mother, let's see how to get out on the fourth floor, IG is basically a Poke lineup now, what do you want to get for the support?"

A familiar figure appeared on the right, "It's no problem to make up the Titan, let's make a move first, sometimes the pig girl is not as easy to drive as the Titan."

Under the hard support selection, JD got the female policeman and Thresh as planned. One is to strengthen the laning in the bottom lane and reduce the pressure on the top lane in a disguised form. intensity.

"In that case, what will Rookie use to hit Zoe?"

In the anticipation of the commentary, the cards were locked, and the baby said: "It seems that today, Rookie has no idea of ​​​​c competition for the time being, but is very inclined to the team."


On the runes, Rookie chose to unseal, while TheShy gave up the more harmful Alley and pointed out the phase.

In his opinion, the JD lineup is easy to catch in the middle and top, and it doesn't make much sense to go to the bottom, and although he won the last one, he didn't feel very happy. Thinking of the prince who kept coming up, he somewhat saved Counter thoughts.

However, the strange thing about the commentary is that Ning did not choose the traditional aftershock, but ordered the fatal rhythm.

"What is this?"

The doll has been refreshed again.

He discovered a new rune system, and everyone was groping for it, but IG launched one set and it had the same effect.

"Fatal Rhythm increases attack speed, right? Generally speaking, it's AD with this rune."

Like at this moment, the female policeman is leading a deadly rhythm, not a fast pace, because there is no pressure to hit ez, and after touching it, the attack speed can be increased faster. Similarly, stealing points under the tower to increase the attack speed can advance the grind tower process.

But seeing the opponent playing such a hand, Xiao Fu was a little confused.

If he can see the specific panel, he will find that the pig girl's belt method is double toughness (legendary toughness + green firmness) and adjustment (add 10 armor and 9 magic resistance after 9 minutes, and the own double resistance attribute will be increased by a percentage of 5).

Speaking of which, whether the pig girl has aftershocks or a deadly rhythm, Ning learned from the coach that the method is to play a relatively flexible combination that can bring a deadly rhythm. Others are better aftershocks, which can lower the output of the first set of fire after a counterattack. .

In other words, it was JD who chose a combination with displacement, and there were few chances for Zhumei to encounter it. Since there were few, it was even more necessary to pursue the control chain. In addition, the support took the front row, and the damage was not complete. When it is needed, the deadly rhythm is the best solution at this time.

First level position.

as before.

When the top lane gets an advantageous matchup, IG will choose to occupy the top lane and ambush.

1 minutes 10 seconds.

Teammates withdraw, TheShy doesn't have to take care of being an eye.

"Prince Red is driving, pig girl is driving F6, on the road, Aoun wants to gain experience, but he must come here, this is something that every front row needs to experience."

Miller was very funny.

In fact, Aoun followed the pawn line and swayed behind. Then the pawn was almost disabled and was about to come to eat, but was hit by TheShy three A-clicks with a passive.

The only thing that upsets casual is that he wanted to take the damage and eat minions, but Q only ate 2 of them, and he didn't fully judge the HP position of the 3 melee soldiers, and then he was touched by Jess, losing more than 240 HP .

"Triggering the phase and entering the grass are all 2 last hits, but there is no eye in the grass, and Aoun has to be beaten."

Miller believes that with TheShy's style of play, the entire LPL will soon have to learn how to avoid this set of grass consumption. Without him, it is really pleasing to the eye.

Ornn Q is no good.

Don't eat don't eat triggers.

While waiting like this, watching Jess control the long-range pawn's tail knife, casual couldn't hold back and threw away the Q that just happened. What he thought was to flatten A, just steal a pawn. Who knew that Jess was just about to raise his hand Straight out of the grass to point people, click 2 times, open the hammer form, use the W damage pad knife to upgrade, and then hit the second wave of the hammer to approach the retreating Aoun, chase to the front of the tower and cut out the cannon form, Rub a Q.

"It's too fierce, TheShy is totally an invitation to fight."

This is the roughest and most detailed suppression play that Miller has ever seen, and it makes people's blood spurt.

Don't eat the bullet screen.

Casual is very hurt.

It's a pity that he didn't meet Letme, otherwise Letme would have told him earnestly, against TheShy, when you get an anti-stress hero, you have to try your best to think that you can steal chickens as little as possible, don't take chances, and don't steal chickens at all No way, the speed in this can only be understood after being beaten a lot.

Still the same sentence, no resistance at all will not work, but how to resist is a science.

"Here, it's time to suppress the experience zone. But the pawn line is destroyed by Jess's hammer, and the pawn line will not advance very slowly."


Redmi had expected what TheShy would do, so seeing the prince eating Lan and directly pinging the signal, he nodded in satisfaction.

Secret technique: 2 sets of wild catch!

Different from Kenan's line pushing speed, Xiaofu chooses the third wave line to be caught at the time point before the tower.

After all, Jace didn't make any moves to go to the river.

"Again, my husband took great care of TheShy today."

Amid the excited voice of the doll, Aoun, who reached level 2, carefully adjusted his position to lure Jess to A. He knew that the other party couldn't help it, as long as his actions were good enough.

Aoun pretended to stay away from Jess' position, and leaned against the inner wall to eat the remaining blood soldiers on the flanks. As expected, there were many small soldiers on the red side, so TheShy had no reason not to dare to exchange blood.

right here!

"The prince is here, Aoun throws a Q, and the stone pillar gets stuck behind him."

next beat.

Ornn turned E, charged fiercely, and went towards Jess with a brave posture, but at this time, Jess uncharacteristically did not pull grass, but quickly walked A to make a phase, pulled it, and then bypassed Ornn Q Prince.

"E didn't hit! The prince was knocked away by one centimeter, and the red buff stuck, but the damage wasn't enough!"

After Xiao Fu secretly scolded Casual that this could hit the ground, and then after Jess broke Q, he turned on W to stand up with him. When Casual saw this situation, he thought that Ning was coming, so he quickly signaled to back off.

"The red buff is on, hey, why did Aoun turn around? Isn't it hurtful, at least you have to dodge it, otherwise how will you catch it in the next wave?"

Jess looks fierce, as if there are thousands of troops behind him. After all, Q was interrupted and he dared to stand up to the prince. Could this be an ordinary person?
Casual was afraid of chasing too deep, a pig girl jumped out of the river, and she was announced to be in jail in advance during the laning period.


JD's anticlimactic Ueno linkage almost made the barrage laugh.

"What is Aoun doing, slow down and follow?"

Ornn backed away.

TheShy found that the opponent didn't dare to fight to the end, and his movements became more and more rough. He hammered again in melee, and then pulled grass to adjust the angle, cutting the shape to the limit and the Q pawn spread to the prince, and suppressed the jungler who came to help to two-thirds of his blood.

A wave of blood exchange.

Jess only paid a bottle of blood medicine, and half of the blood was sustained by Dolan's sword, while Aoun still stayed in front of the tower to resist the pressure, and nothing seemed to have changed.

oh no.

At least Ning knew that what the prince could do next was either eating toads or controlling river crabs.

"Sister Pig is leaning in, if this wave of crabs, can Zoe move? But if she moves, can she beat her?"

Toothpaste really wanted to help, but he only got 2 Qs during the laning phase, and he didn't have the chance to play an absolute HP advantage in the face of corrupt cards.

In addition, if Aoun relies on it, he can only come from the back. Xiao Fu judged the situation and could only reluctantly give up. Originally, he wanted to catch at least a dodge, and then help Aoun untie the line, and cooperate with Zuo Yi's strength is in control, but unfortunately, the script can't keep up with the changes.

The little husband looked around the river, turned around to fight the toad, and saw the pig girl disappearing below, reminding Zooey to pay attention to her position.


Rookie took advantage of Zoe's approach to the river, pinched the red card to pad the line, and got a short push forward.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ning didn't try to control the river crab, but instead turned his head to hit the stone beetle, which seemed a bit of a waste of effort.

But it's such a waste of time. Waiting for TheShy's classic WAQ card to line up behind the defensive tower and disable Ornn, Casual barely cleared the line, and he couldn't go home.

"You can see it on the road, I am a soldier."

The little husband ate the three wolves and turned around to go up. He knew that Jess still hadn't crossed the river.

have to say.

He also admires TheShy sometimes. Will the coach really not be angry if he plays like this?

It is not difficult for Kang Tewei to have an advantage, but the difficulty is to maintain the pressure.

"Ning is here, JD is dangerous this time, no, Zoe picks up punishment and accelerates to clear the line, this is a wave of three catches!"


Hongmi frowned worriedly, he was not as optimistic as the commentator, he always felt that three would be fine.

You know, the blood volume of this wave of princes is not enough, only two-thirds, and Jess' blood volume is also this number.

"Aoun TP soldier, TheShy did not retreat."

As soon as he landed, after eating an EQ shot, Jess opened the hammer and hit directly. At this moment, Ueno was a little excited, but casual never forgot that Jace had a knockback, and pinched the bellows Yanxi to avoid it, but TheShy was too late. If you don't hand in E for a long time, you can pull back after playing the phase, and the prince just turns his back and shows his head.

"Wait for an initiative, Ornn flashed, forcing Jess to flash, and the prince picked it up!"

be cheated.

TheShy wants to know what kind of situation it will be if Ornn dares to T-pawn, and the pawn line is still at a disadvantage.

Many people say that he dares to catch and die. From the perspective of danger, there is nothing wrong with this point, because he is too radical, but if the premise becomes easy withdrawal of money, and he will die at the touch, it is a bit biased.

Flashed into the front grass, the prince's EQ caught the landing point, before Ornn could catch up with the damage, the pig girl Q hit and tied the A, Jess landed AE knocked the prince into the second grass, scared the little man to dodge and pull back Wait for Zoe to arrive.

But he forgot.

This is a pig with a deadly rhythm. The average pig girl starts with QA. It needs to make up WA and then hit all the two hits to quickly play Permafrost. Even if the connection is stable, it takes 2.3 seconds for a single player to trigger, and there is a reaction time.

But the deadly rhythm is triggered in 1.5 seconds, which increases the attack speed a lot. Zhumei originally QA is stuck after the swing, and the first shot is very fast.

When the prince was repelled, Ning was a little more A than the average aftershock pig girl in the air knocked over. Cooperating with Jess's basic attack, he immediately played Permafrost, and then drove W to find Aoun. There was no need to use the mark of W to come trigger.

This set was practiced in the training match, and Ning knew how to play the value of a pig girl in a small group.

"The prince is still eating permafrost in a dodge, my husband is very dangerous, Zoe, Zoe pulls the flying star, but the hypnotic bubble is hidden!"

Permafrost was dropped by A, and the prince was left with blood. In the next moment, Jess took A, A hit the second time, Zoe hit Q, and E habitually predicted the right rear. It felt that Jess would rush to replace the prince.

But TheShy didn't. Instead, he opened the acceleration door and twisted his waist to avoid the distance with the prince, and then pressed forward to tie A, harvested the head and blue buff, and turned back to Aoun in the hammer form.

at this time.

Aoun used the bellows to extinguish the permafrost, but the chain hammer in Zhumei's hand wielded vigorously. As long as the basic attack continued to deal damage, the deadly rhythm would be extended to six seconds. That is to say, in this short game In the game, a pig girl with an attack speed of 1.13 hit more than 450 damage, and with Jess' previous set, Ornn only had 300 blood left.

Ornn E was 3 seconds behind. After 1.5 seconds, Jess hammered up and slowed down. Toothpaste couldn't do anything about it. The prince died too fast, and they couldn't accept it.

"Can you go? Casual!"

E retreated at an oblique angle, followed by twisting his waist, but all his moves were calculated, Jess resisted the tower, AQ won the head, walked out with more than 100 blood, pig girl helped block Zoe's skill angle, Ueno Complete 2 vs 3 double kills.

"He dared to do it too much!"

Wawa began to blow: "This wave of movement has deceived the skills to the same extent, and then Ning came to play control and divide the upper field. These two permafrost played a little fast."

"Is this the pig girl with a deadly rhythm? Ning said that I came to eat meat."

Seeing this scene at the incense pot in the RNG club, he inexplicably felt a chill on his back: What's going on, the central air conditioner is turned on too low?
 Today there are only [-] words.

(End of this chapter)

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