Chapter 497

I have suffered such a loss.

BLG further strengthened their defense.

The fire dragon on the second line gives way to the next tower, and keeps the center with all its strength.

It was in this process that Kenan, who exploded from the mine knife, made up the burst staff and upgraded the magic-binding orb.

"Here we come, TheShy's legal system is the first big item to enter the arena."

"That's right, since the new equipment came out, I haven't seen him wear a belt again."

In laughter.

AJ felt extremely uncomfortable. No matter how he resisted the pressure, his taste was not right. The feeling of being cheated by the position game was very uncomfortable.

Kenan took it to the second tower, the blind monk went to the red zone, Youxia occupied the middle and squeezed the line, and Ning found a familiar rhythm again.

"IG wants to threaten the second tower, it is to take advantage of Kenan's equipment and keep forcing people to come over."

This is conspiracy.

Zeyuan watched BLG Nosuke move upwards, and said: "AJ was sacrificed, and the teammate wanted to change to the first tower. How long does it take for Ryze's ultimate move? There are still 20 seconds left."

The sudden line change proved BLG's stop loss skills.

When the road was blocked by Tamm, Rookie pressed forward and wanted to follow the clockwork, but Kuro was steady and left after slowing down.

"When the tongue licked, Rookie hit back and exchanged as much blood as he could."

Ryze was surrounded, Ning decisively jumped over the tower, AJ interrupted Q with W, and the blind monk continued to chase. After 3 seconds, Ning Mozhenyan hung up and slowed down, Kenan accelerated up, AJ had to dodge and run away.

Go to the tower and replace the second tower with a head in the middle road.

Zeyuan can't tell who is more profitable, but it is conceivable that Kenan will be more difficult to catch when the side is out of balance.

Don't think it's useless to go deep, Kenan's equipment, Bobby or the poodle, has to be weighed against the first wave of outbreaks. In this way, IG has the dominant position in the second half.

1 and a half minutes later.

TheShy belt fell off the assembly line and turned, squeezing out F6 Cao Zhenyan.

"The eye-rowing action is very arrogant, but Bobby was not there at the first time, and BLG dared not open it. They didn't know if there was anyone behind Kenan."

Actually no one.

TheShy likes to intimidate in this way. Although there are times when they miss, BLG doesn't gamble that much.

19 minutes.

The middle tower was finally pulled out.

In the future, it will definitely be the big dragon forcing the group.

Both teams understood this, and IG continued to grab and squeeze the river position and let Kenan take the lead.


Xia cleared the lane by herself, and from the corner of He Dao's last vision, only the support appeared. Road judged: "Can you fight in the bottom lane? Don't fight to the end. I feel that they are junglers."

follow closely.

Road marks Ryze and Titan.

He was sure that IG's next move was either to cover Ryze to lead the line, or to invade the blue zone and snatch Dalong's position to put pressure on it. BLG is familiar with this model.

However, considering that Ning used the top laner to regain his rhythm many times, Road made a bold decision.

off the road.

Kenan took the line and advanced, and Ning came over from the stone beetle passage alone, which is why he was not on the map.

"One and a half hits one piece, is there no one coming in the bottom lane? It's not easy for Poppy to match up with Kenan who has changed his ultimate move."

Tam and Mother Wheel shrank in the second tower like a wooden man.

Just when Zeyuan felt that he could come over individually to persuade Kenan to retreat, Bobby W accelerated the hammer and lined up behind. In the eyes of IG, this was just to clear the line and not be rational.

In the next shot, Bobby E, who was holding magic resistance shoes and magic resistance shoes, pulled back, but it still didn't leave the range of the big move. TheShy adjusted its position quickly.

"Has no one come yet? This high ground can't be defended at all, and it's not an order of magnitude equipment matchup at all."

QA hit the mark, and Bobby got dizzy for the second time. Fortunately, he sent troops on the high ground, and AJ ran to the spring with residual blood.

While the conflict on the lower road intensified, Jinjiao quickly cleared the tower knife, Tam drove into the river ahead of time, and the wheel mother cleared the line and squeezed forward.

"Something's wrong, Ah Shui seems a little out of touch, he's a little far away from the support position!"

Ah Shui, who had just walked to the river grass, saw the animation of Tahm's big move behind him. At this time, Titan walked to the grass on the river. Missing was about to answer back. Clockwork QW slowed down Ryze, and Rookie returned a set with a backhand.

In a hurry, Missing chose the mid laner.

"The poodle is coming, the big move forced out flying feathers, Tam flashed to force the flash, and then slowed down steadily with a Q, it's hard for Ah Shui to run."

Immediately afterwards, the hunting of the mother of wheels started, and she passed through the F6 aisle. Just as Xia adjusted her body and controlled two barbs, Tam's blood line was melted by one-third in an instant.

It's a pity that the armor-piercing Xia was not smooth enough to walk A, and after being slowed down, she was quickly chased to death.

"The middle assistant is also in danger. The Titan's big move was evaded by the stopwatch. When he got up, Kuro flashed and Rookie flashed to follow up. He wanted to kill the clockwork and go to the blue zone."

Zeyuan saw the intention of IG Zhongsuke.

next beat.

Clockwork's residual health was high, and Ryze was caught in the roll. The Titan, who was standing apart, took the hook steadily. The two killed Clockwork and ran to the blue zone immediately, but the poodle returned to defense too quickly, and took a set of damage with W Man Xing raised his blood and held on until Nosuke arrived.

"BLG played a bit well, Tamm swallowed one, and the head was not easy to change, and the damage of Wheel Mom is not low, both of them will die."

Miller followed suit, "But on the road, Kenan is disconnected, and another wave of soldiers is coming, and IG can break the high ground."

Just wanting to say that this exchange is very profitable for IG, AJ teleports the dragon.

"Oh! Dalong! This decision is a bit spiritual. You Kenan likes to disconnect, right? But you can't pull out your front teeth. Go down to the high ground and change to Dalong. This is a good option for the disadvantaged BLG. "


Sun Dayong's complexion finally looked better.

"TheShy is not easy to follow T, his big move is used to beat Bobby back, who knows that his teammates are caught in the front."

Go down high and change to Baron.

Next, BLG continued to operate with the help of the dragon buff, easily took the first tower down, and grouped together to grind down the middle tower.

Because of the fast return to the city brought by the big dragon buff, they can completely play 2 lanes, and wait for Kenan to go high before returning to support. Taking advantage of this, IG really wants to start a good team, but in the face of Tam's eating, there is no Great opportunity.

It dragged on like this for 5 minutes.

The third wind dragon was also taken away by BLG, and what IG can rely on is still two side leads.

at last.

As soon as the next wind dragon spawned, BLG came to occupy the field of vision ahead of time. Sks, who had the advantage of equipment, saw the blind monk and was followed by the clockwork. He disconnected R, took the ball and rushed forward to melt half of the blind monk's blood, and ate the raptor's tail.

At this time, Kenan was on the bottom, Ryze was on the top, Golden Horn started hunting, Tam was so big that the three wolves channel intercepted the blind monk, and Ning started the stopwatch to delay the time before being pounced on by the poodle.

In such an instant, the execution of the two teams exploded.

"If you want to fight, everyone wants to fight. Ryze passed to the second tower, and Kenan is pulling this way. AJ directly passed to the front wall."

The BLG lineup was set up first, Tamm resisted Xia's Poke, and Ning, who was double-teamed, suffered the damage of Clockwork QW, flashed to the blue zone camp, and BLG went to the wild to find it.

"Xiala E didn't play control, and Tam's half-blooded gray shield was still resisting. Can Ning run? Bobby accelerated a wall, Kenan came from the river, and the IG personnel were scattered."

Not only the commentator discovered this problem, but Road kept reminding Xia to hand over E in the voice.

3 seconds later.

Tam's remaining blood flashed away, and IG continued to chase with double cs. In the next shot, the blind monk was killed, and the clockwork flashed across the wall to defend Kenan alone.


Zeyuan almost thought that he would become the hope of BLG's comeback. QW slowed down and delayed the time for the back side. After 2 seconds, the lion dog entered the blue buff grass and took off to save it.

"TheShy started a stopwatch and was guarded by three people!"

Kenan opened the stopwatch to hit full damage, head on, Ryze flashed the wheel mom, Xia wanted to take damage, Sks decisively flashed across the wall, walked into the pass, Cao Puxia, the next shot, the residual blood Tam turned back and stuck to Ryze, the wheel Mom flashed to kill Ah Shui.

At such a moment, Ah Shui showed his calm side, pressed the Q position, slowed down after eating E, saw the star sign, and pressed his finger on the flashing position.

next moment.

The poodle raised its hand, Ah Shui slanted and flashed to the side of the blue buff wall, the poodle continued to enter the grass, but at the moment it hit his face, the barb pulled and pulled the kite away. Sks wanted to find a second grass, but Xia's damage was not low at all.

"Xia isn't dead yet! Tam licks Ryze unconscious, Golden Horn can't keep up with the poodle, Rookie opens the shield, and one person masturbates two."

What is even more unacceptable to BLG is that Kenan took damage and dodged to the river. After 3 seconds, Jinjiao retreated to the pass. The Q was twisted, and the shield was knocked out by the dart. Then Ryze killed Tam and drove to the point Directly point to the upper and rear sides of the BLG.

"The poodle is down! Ah Shuibao comes here, there is Kenan in the front and Xia in the back, and the wheel mother can't live."

Ryze's stopwatch cheated the triggering skills, the wheel mother died, Kenan's hand was pulled closer, Ryze got up and controlled Poppy, Kuro didn't dare to turn back.

"Is this all manipulated by IG? Ah Shui's reaction, he hid the star E in close proximity, then controlled the poodle with the barb, and then made the last Q, and killed the jungler first!"

Miller saw Kenan returning to the city and walking towards the red zone with double cs. He said excitedly: "IG wants to make a move. I have a chance. It's very comfortable to go offline. BLG only has a naked crystal and a front tooth tower."

I can't control the outbreak of the offline problem.

The consequences of losing a group are serious.

Clockwork still wanted to clear the line, Kenan teleported, and 6 seconds later, TheShy stuck to E, and BLG was wiped out.


In the scene where Tamm was left alone, at 31 minutes and 08 seconds, IG won the first round by team battle operations.

Under such a blow, the second TheShy and Ning took out the combination of crocodile and Qinggangying, and AJ, who was beaten unconscious, took out Shen. He was jumped 5 times in 3 minutes and raised a prehistoric giant crocodile.

"What will BLG do to stop this crocodile!"

In the 17th minute, TheShy fought three times in front of the high ground without losing the wind, and behind him was the upper second tower of BLG.

It was another 2:0, but Qin Ming was not so happy.

(End of this chapter)

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