Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 499 Battle EDG

Chapter 499 Battle EDG
A conversation passed.

Ning quietly went back to the lounge, during which time, no one cast a very strange look, which made him feel relieved, and then he felt that he was not very important.

He was most afraid of someone looking at him with a meaningless smile on his face at this time, which would make him feel embarrassed, but finding that no one cared about whether he would be punished or not, also made him feel awkward.

It was the same when I was in YM.

If you get sprayed, you will be laughed at by your teammates in private.

of course.

He also laughed at others.In the e-sports industry, there are too many people who are not convinced, and everyone is always in an inexplicable sense of competition.

Because there are too many factors that can affect the outcome. Sometimes, some people think that this game will give me a hero, or what will happen if I play according to my thinking.

From a coach's point of view, Qin Ming hopes that the players will implement what is within the framework. Even if they lose, it is because they did not play well in some places, or the opponent played too well and was calculated.It is difficult for him to accept other rhetoric, because it is meaningless, and he did not choose it in the first place, so what will happen after he chooses it.

As for Ning, he looks at the problem from the perspective of a player, not to mention that the outside world's evaluation of IG is that the upper middle is dazzling, and the tactics are inclined to the upper half. No matter what he thinks, he can see this and see the change of public opinion.


Compared with last year, everyone pays a lot more attention to him, but the basis of this attention is in the upper middle.Ning has a taste for this.

In comparison, Ah Shui's mentality is much better.

Fortunately, when the annual leave came, Ah Shui not only gained a little weight, but also lost his hand feeling.

"After 15 days of vacation, you got 30 ranks?"

"Uh... yes."

in the office.

Qin Ming was a little dumbfounded when he received the report from Director G. He still underestimated how lazy the "genius" is. Even though he thinks Ah Shui, who has a better communicative personality, he doesn't think it is necessary to maintain a certain number of ranks during the long vacation.

After all, for people like them, getting started is really too fast. They really feel that they should have fun when they are on vacation. In addition, this season is strictly controlled, and they will be deducted for late arrivals and early departures. It is rare for them to be so relaxed.

So ever.

Once there is a lack of supervision, they immediately let Qin Ming see what genius self-management is.

"Some heroes have been cut, and some have been enhanced - version adjustment does not require proficiency in killing lines?"

Hearing what Qin Ming said, Director G could only smile wryly.

When he checked the game records of his account, he was also surprised by IG's relaxation. Except for Missing who worked a little harder, everyone else relaxed.Oh, and TheShy's Smash Bros. did a lot.

As a member of the coaching staff, G guides himself to maintain a certain amount of rank, which cannot be compared with the solo queue of the past ten hours, but compared with the starting players like IG...

How do you feel that he is more like a person who is actively approaching the game?
At least, he has a sense of awe for his profession, knowing that if he does not advance, he will retreat.

Seeing Qin Ming frown, Director G said again: "By the way, Baolan worked very hard. Except for the rest on New Year's Eve, she played more than 150 rounds during the holiday."


Qin Ming was in a complicated mood.

Those who should work hard are not working hard enough, and those who don't need to work hard are working hard again.

He actually knew where the problem was, that was, Baolan had a sense of crisis and had no place to vent. Qin Ming could even imagine from these data that Baolan was very confused after practicing until midnight.

Besides rank, Baolan didn't know what to do.

"Who shall we fight up here?"


"I see, you supervise them to resume training."


Training room.

Ah Shui was talking to his brothers about the embarrassing things he encountered during the Chinese New Year—"My relatives knew that I was a professional, and they wanted to take me for a group photo while talking, and there were a lot of people laughing beside me. Hey."

"My mother doesn't even care about my career. If it wasn't for the salary, I would have joined the factory a long time ago."


"Have you heard about the setting sun?"

"Too much fucking control."

"He's also a badass."

Ning looked down on Ma Baonan.

The big guys chatted while playing games, but Ning was still bluffing.

Things are simple, just a little off-site.

The biggest disturbance is that the parties and OMG are a bit passive.

OMG is so dizzy, I managed to train a qualified blue-collar top laner, but because of my girlfriend, I was criticized for "frozen placenta", and I followed him to Weibo to shut down the wheat.

"Then does he still have a game to play?"

Rookie asked.

"It should be gone, I heard that OMG is doing trial training."

"Not necessarily. What if someone is found to rotate, and the newcomer doesn't play well?"

While talking, the coach came in.

Qin Ming didn't come to order anything, he just glanced at Baolan,
As observed by Director G, Baolan is improving himself, although the speed is very slow, the effect is mediocre, people can't help but suspect that hard work can make up for weakness is difficult to take effect on him.

But after thinking about it, as a coach, all he needs is to maintain the training atmosphere, even if it is deliberately guided.

In his view, the hardware of the players is very important. Without talent, it is difficult to stand on the big stage, but if it is not matched with "software", people always worry that the team's performance will not last long enough.

Thinking of these, Qin Ming made a decision.


Small version adjustments are mostly based on hero values.

Just like during the annual vacation, the fist once again slashed Zoe's flying star distance damage, lowered the burst, slashed Aoun's skill set, and other popular or unpopular heroes.

To put it bluntly, it is to make those heroes who lack countermeasures "weaker".

of course.

Aoun was hacked one after another, but only from a very low threshold for solo kills to a solo kill with good details. His own strength is still there. After all, the fist just doesn't want to see a front row that can exchange blood like a fighter, and beheaded The line is high.

EDG Club.

It is about to play against IG, which has won five consecutive victories. Coach Nofe is leading the players to find the opponent's weak points.

"They can take a lot of heroes, and the top lane is especially important, but if they only focus on the top lane, the effect will not be so good."

Nofe pointed out JD's game, "TheShy has a strong developmental ability, although he is a bit rough, but it is very difficult to beat him. So I think we have to learn from BLG—not from their mid-to-late game Positions, but keeping at least two lanes during the laning period is a balance of power, and then look at the field.”

Iboy agrees with this statement, "Crow, Syndra and others can play AD, but they haven't met us."

Meiko is a little bit afraid of IG's line play, "You have to control the middle lane. It will be easier to play if the strength of the middle field is high."

Iboy is not happy. He doesn’t like Ah Shui and Able to keep pace with him. Sometimes the three new generation ADs have too much publicity, and he feels that he has left the new generation. Any newcomer like him can help EDG by debuting. Reverse the disadvantage and get to the quarterfinals of the World Championship?

"There are endless bans in the middle lane. Let's grab Xialuo first, or take the small cannon. Let's play the advantage in the bottom lane."

Iboy wanted to ride on Ah Shui to find a sense of presence, and Meiko heard it, "It's not that you can't fight in the bottom lane, but you have to take care of the upper half first. You can't just care about yourself, so what if you win Ah Shui? Missing will I don’t care about the water very much, but once the road is too fat, it will melt in the back row in minutes.”

Since the World Championship, Iboy has increasingly regarded himself as the number one ADC, and always feels that he has a card, which makes Meiko a little nervous.

Compared with the results, the cooperation between labor and capital and the pilot has become a general who wins the bottom lane. Have you ever achieved it?
Facing SKT, I was better than Wolf and won BO5. Have you achieved it?

Labor and capital are not so crazy, why can you find a sense of presence.


Iboy training volume has declined.

This made Meiko think that he was complacent and not enterprising, and even felt that he was pretending to work so hard last year, and now he doesn't hide it.

As far as Iboy is concerned, Meiko is too hateful. He likes to hit his self-confidence, but his reaction is not as fast as his own.

Why did the audience support him and not Meiko?

It's not that there is something wrong with Meiko's command, and the walking efficiency is also bad.

Because I watched RNG's game, Meiko likes to rely on the middle when she has recently gained the line power. However, Meiko has not done well in this regard. I do my own way, and I like to wander more and more.

Xiafu had some disputes, but Nofe pretended not to see it.

He has always believed that it is a good thing for players to talk openly.

no doubt.

IG is a strong team.

The pool of heroes is wide, and the lane play is excellent. These are difficult points to start with.

As a coach, he hates teams that can gain an advantage by "brute force", such as the former Samsung White. No team can hold the line and can't afford it.

"Ray, you have to deal with the pressure."

"By him?"

Iboy muttered in his heart.

EDG is currently 2 wins and 3 losses, and has never even played against SN. Out of the thirteen rounds, [-] rounds were average on the road. Iboy's view of Ray is that he has a wider pool of heroes than Ah Guang, but he does not have the same self-awareness as Ah Guang. .

Ray always likes to play tricks on people...

Nofe continued to speak: "IG is not as rigorous as RNG, and their communication is not very good, and they often have opposite actions. If we want to start from this point, we must play counterattack. When fighting, we can save our skills first and wait for the opponent to disperse. , and then turn back and focus on——

I think this will be good. Their tacit understanding is not as good as ours, but the intensity of laning is high, so we will reduce the laning period and play more collisions and swap heads. "

Nofe gave several sets of data, "IG's finishing efficiency is high, but their advantage is not stable, we can seize more opportunities.

In addition, IG's field of vision is entirely dependent on wild assistants. You can try to target them when you are in the resource group, so that they are not so easy to advance, and they don't protect the wild area very well. Don't think that IG is the first in the line, but they don't like feedback very much online. In the jungle, only support will help.

To sum up, I think we need to focus more on offense and around the back, aiming at the approach of being greedy for advantages in the top lane, hurting one finger first, and making good use of the number difference. "

The EDG players seem to understand, but at least they know that IG's style is like this.

In fact, Nofe is also surprised that coach Beggin went to IG, why there is such a big change, whether it is the Snake era or the RNG era, the jungle system of the two teams is very distinctive, but IG is too fond of online.

of course.

If Qin Ming heard this sentence, he would definitely say that he actually set up a jungle system for IG, but the communication on the road was not good, so it would be better to help less, and Rookie is still adapting to the new role, and his activity level needs to be developed.

Moreover, oppressing the opponent, forcing the blood line to kill, will always have some loopholes in defense, which is impossible.

Because for IG, the laning round is very important, and because the frequency of third-line exchanges is not low, the synergy cannot be high.

2 month 24 number.

The IG players sat in the waiting room and watched RW win SS.

"OK, ready to play."

Everyone was very calm and did not attach as much importance to EDG as the outside world said.

"Come here, can IG win?"

"Why isn't the factory manager on the field? He releases pigeons every day, so he won't miss another spring competition, right?"

"Forget it, Uzi is resting too."

"EDG come on!"

The barrage is lively.

Standing on the court, Qin Ming's only request was to ask Ning to be more careful, "Hrao is very thoughtful, if you suffer a loss, you can wait first, in short, remember my few points, you have to get used to the disadvantage and control the rhythm .”

"I will."

Ning does not need a long story.

During this annual vacation, he did not practice much, but he watched the video and thought he had learned a few things.

Qin Ming continued to analyze: "I'm sure EDG will take the front row for Ray, and the first three hands will block two top laners at most. If they sacrifice the top lane, they will definitely increase the strength of the catch. This point, Rookie, you should pay attention. Remember. I said, cut off contact more often.”

Commentary seat.

"Everyone has been looking forward to the match between these two teams for a long time." Zeyuan said at the beginning.

Remember to follow up, "That's right, IG was double-killed by EDG in the playoffs last year. I still remember West's big mouth flashing forward, but the price of being a hero is a bit high." I remember referring to West's finish, Was scolded on the hot search, and then sent to the second team during the transfer period.

"Judging from the pre-match situation, we all know that Scout and Rookie are known for their laning. In the bottom lane, there are two new-generation ADs fighting against each other. In addition, Hrao's recent state is good. I don't know if EDG can become the first. A team that leads IG for the first 15 minutes."

Ze Yuan made a bold guess.

Soon, the two teams entered the BP, EDG blue side, IG red side, remember to say bluntly: "See what Ray wants to use to face TheShy?"

Ray wants to prove himself, but EDG has to take care of the emotions of the junior and bottom laners.

EDG three bans: Qing Gang Ying, Vampire, Pig Girl

IG three bans: Zoe, ez, Tsar

For Nofe, no accidents are allowed on the road, and for Qin Ming, Scout must be respected, especially since this game does not emphasize playing mid-field.

"Both sides are very targeted, what will EDG grab?"

As soon as the words fell, Aoun locked on. This hero is now an evergreen tree on the road.

"Sure enough, it's still Aoun. If that's the case, what hero will TheShy produce?"

With this question in mind, IG took away Jess and the barrel.

"Is Jace hitting Ornn? Or is there a swing."

Anyone who is familiar with Beggin's style knows the significance of the swing hero.

Nofe didn't care, took the small cannon to Ryze, followed by IG to make up for Tamm in the third hand, "They want to play the second half, pay attention."

EDG's three hands are too obvious.

The second round of bans.

EDG removed the clockwork and Kenan, Zeyuan smiled and said: "It seems that EDG doesn't want to guess which way Jayce is going."

IG removed Thresh and Olaf because there was less control in the lineup.

Then, IG's fourth choice, Lucian.Qin Ming said bluntly: "Go down the road to fight for the line, but reduce collisions, and don't establish a tower-pushing rhythm for Xiaopao."

Seeing this move, Iboy is full of fighting spirit, and he really hopes to play down the road.

"For the last 2 choices, EDG will make up female tanks and mantises?"

Zeyuan has no objection to the female tank, but it is the first time to see Hrao take out the mantis. It can be seen that the demeanor of Sks overshadowing Ning has made the big teams realize something.

"The wild area cannot relax."

Listening to the coach's words, Ning felt the malice towards him from the LPL. He is usually a blind monk and a pig girl. If he beats me, he is a poodle mantis?

It's IG's turn to choose.

"What does Conte want to take? Huh? Sain??"

Contrary to the commentary's expectations, he became a vegetarian on the road...

 I went back to my hometown in the past two days, and I will start more changes tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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