Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 505 The smell of salted fish

Chapter 505 The smell of salted fish
"Our director didn't notice that Ning came to the wall and played a wave of cooperation with Rookie."

Zeyuan praised: "IG's first blood rate is as high as ever. Their lane play style can help the jungler find opportunities, and in turn, Ning's gank can feed back to the lane, forming a stronger breakthrough suppression."

Haro just came out from home, he really never thought that IG would make such a move, otherwise he wouldn't go home, and he wouldn't need the mid laner to respond.

of course.

EDG has predicted that IG will be very strong, but they still did not expect to be so "unrestrained".

Zhumei walked to the middle road and was about to enter the blue zone when she heard voices coming from the top road.

For TheShy, Galio was killed and handed over to T, and it took time to clear the tower soldiers, even if he didn't know where the jungler was, it was enough for him.

As the six soldiers lined up and entered the tower, the familiar sound of blasting and breaking the seal sounded.

Ray's desire to save the last knife is greater than to persuade the sword girl to retreat. The previous trial made Ray understand one thing, that is, TheShy feels good. At least in today's matchup, some of his countermeasures failed to produce good results, right? To be seen through is to be overwhelmed by the knife of the heart.


He stood relatively at the back, unlike the one in front of A Jianji who can't be wiped out.

But Ray doesn't make trouble, it doesn't mean TheShy can't afford to kill.

The blasting is getting better, and it only takes a light A to eat more than 200 HP of the defensive tower. But at this time, Ray, who has reached level [-], is not so vigilant, and runs to accumulate Q to clear the right back row.

next moment.

Raising his hand to stop, QW cuts in silkily, which happened to be the one that Thain swung, triggering the mind-eye knife.

"You have to jump on the road, TheShy is so fierce."

Play dizziness, take a step forward to the right to use a big move, A on the right side and use E to hit the front, and then Q to the back, at this time Thain's control disappears, Ray immediately turns to E to slow down, and uses a big move.

Ray predicted that Jian Ji would be greedy for openings, and with one-third of his blood, it is not impossible to fight back.

But when she turned her head, Jian Ji returned to the right side, and the angle of her ultimate move was wrongly predicted. At the same time, Ray knew that his collision would knock him out of the tower.Thain adjusted the angle, made a small turn, and rushed towards the open space.He can only change like this.

The auditorium is very lively.

Watching TheShy's game, there is no such thing as peace.

But don't mention it, the two Rays gave very few openings, and almost all of them were exchanged by Swordsmen.

TheShy was a little disappointed.

He also thought that the opponent would not retreat with the help of the defensive tower, so as long as he hid an R, and by returning to the blood formation, he would be able to retreat at most until the third hit, which was not a very extreme limit.

Ray didn't take the call.

TheShy disconnected to expand its advantage, and Thain's move, plus the transfer of the third level, this wave has lost a wave and a half.

Sean is on the line again.

Ray wants to control pawns, and TheShy hands T.

Going up the road to report this information, Haro knew he couldn't wait any longer.

He thinks this is a way to win, that is, to force the team, and actively force the team, otherwise, if the sword girl is singled out, the side pressure will always exist.

This is not to blame BP, but TheShy's personal strength forced EDG to have a headache.

in fact.

Meiko and other old people are very familiar with this feeling. When Ah Guang was there, the side road was not peaceful, and it was a painful memory...

7 minutes right away.

Still no one moved the wind dragon on both sides.

I remember the current situation where Yao Ji finished her equipment, and the primary school students stood further back. Pig girl Q went down to the Dragon Pit, and was stuck waiting to go offline.

"EDG wants to make trouble, Ning seems a little dangerous."

Meiko disappeared, showing her face in the grass on the river, squeezed her eyes, followed closely, and the pig girl who had never been exposed followed Lulu into the blue zone.

"The blind monk has flash in his hand, let's see how to hand it in."

Ning Zheng intends to help fill in the vacant vision in the bottom lane, and then meets Ai at the corner.

With Meiko's cover and support, the pig girl Q went up to slow down, the blind monk turned to W to touch his eyes, and then Lulu helped Q, and the two quickly drew closer.

"Rookie is chasing, four layers of imprints, Permafrost handed over, Ning flashed through the wall and was frozen, so that's it, Nosuke didn't chase after Flash, they wanted to form a duo for the bottom lane. EDG played this idea."

This time.

The blind monk was behind the clearing, and the Triangle Grass flanked the people, so he had to retreat quickly, because Verus was also coming.

Between clearing the line and retreating, Rookie signaled that he was rushing. Baolan saw that the two were standing close together, and wanted to lift them up to delay the time, but the problem was that his movement was clearly grasped by Meiko.It's easy to guess.

Lulu twisted her waist and gave a backhand to change the sheep. Zhumei controlled the landing and turned Q into the tower. She just hit Luo who was next to E Huixia, and took advantage of the W to slow down 2 people.

"Look at AD to see AD."

Unable to retreat, Ah Shui asked to fight back. He handed over the treatment, and the two of them stuck to the tower and moved to the inside, focusing on Verus. In order to prevent the feathers from forming an angle, Iboy resisted the injury and went out. The blind monk is ready to move.

It was under such circumstances that the elementary school boy let go of the tower soldiers and came over from the passage.

The commentator stared at EDG's tower jump.

Xia was hit with four layers of marks. Ah Shui spotted the wave and flashed to the back, followed by the pig girl who had resisted to the third time. She switched defenses with residual blood. Lulu A Luo attracted hatred, and then Q slowed down Xia. Verus set fire.

"The barb can't be controlled, it can only do some damage. Once Xia dies, the blind monk Q gets to the pig girl, can you change it?"

In the remembered roar, Rookie walked into the blue zone, and Galio turned on the big lock to lock the pig girl.

At such a moment, Baolan judged that Nakano would replace the pig girl at most, and the blind monk would die in battle, but seeing Rookie's ability to wear shoes, add a small ring, and increase the code of increase, Lulu retreated, with less than one-third of her HP, and the shield was given Own.

"IG is a bit at a loss. This wave of EDG Nosuke is looking for a great opportunity. First beat back the blind monk, and then double-team the next lane, so that IG can't stay in the formation."

next beat.

Luo suddenly turned his head and flashed W. The position was exactly where Lulu retreated and Zhumei pulled after avoiding the blind monk. The two overlapped briefly.

"Oh! Rookie!"

With no communication at all, Rookie understood in seconds. The original plan to assassinate the jungler turned into a two-step approach, QE Lulu, let Luo Q lose the head of the pig girl, and then stuck in the body to cover Baolan into the tower.

Meiko was standing in the attack range behind the defense tower.

Enchantress enters the field from this angle, and Galio cooperates with Verus to kill the blind monk, and there is no way to stay.

Zeyuan commented: "Both sides of this wave are quite handsome." He emphasized: "EDG double-teamed the middle and lower field very well, and IG, although forced to fight and lost a head, but it made the enchantress stand up, I feel completely acceptable—

If the enchantress stage is too big, it is not good news for the lineup of EDG. "

Where is the strength of EDG's lineup?
It is strong to stay first, and has a lot of control, but the disadvantage is that the output is single.

This means that EDG has few execution routes, and even if it has an advantage, it is difficult to have room for a three-way turn.

Fighting broke out down the road.

Let TheShy find an opportunity to steal money again.

Now there are 2 points in front of Ray, one, don't let Jian Ji enter the tower frequently, and two, if you don't let her enter, you will be rubbed with Q.

In this way, after 1 minute, Meiko didn't dare to use his position to seduce Luo to make a move. He had to maintain a certain position with Verus to prevent being charmed and lifted 2 times. Xia easily barbed.

"Both middle and top are under pressure, and IG is inexplicably ahead by 1000 yuan."

Hearing Zeyuan's shout, the director silently cut out the economic panel, and the audience realized that Thain was 7 behind.The last knife is 15 dollars less.

The audience can see that Ray can't grasp the balance between the blood volume of the defensive tower and the Q being rubbed.

Starch was very angry, "Why didn't Haro help?"

"What's the use of aiming at Xia, Ah Shui is a bastard, aiming at the middle and upper class!"

"Ah Guang doesn't help, neither does Ray, do you expect to form a team?"

Barrage does not affect the game.

Zeyuan looked at the top lane matchup and smiled and said, "This is an invisible matchup, the deadliest. It doesn't need to kill you alone, just rely on non-stop swiping money."

Jian Jilan was empty.

Coming back again, the sword girl Tiamat added the vampire scepter and the straw sandals of the magic boots. Ray looked at this outfit and understood that he was several hundred dollars behind in economy.

And the small anti-armor on Thain's body can play a role in reducing Jian Ji's murderous intentions.

But judging from the situation, the commentators have been talking, and EDG has no intention of helping them on the road.According to their thinking, it is of little significance to target Jian Ji, because even if the gank is successful with effort, the balance of the wing will still not be turned.

This is true.

LPL has a lot of experience of being defeated by Korean April [-]st. It is very clear that the profit of catching it is very low and the difficulty is very high. Therefore, the best way is to get it down.

Zeyuan is waiting, waiting for Galio's ultimate move, and waiting for IG to reveal his position.

9 minutes.

Haro is normally in the middle, and Ray's defense really sees the blind monk enter the blue.

Judging from the matchup situation in the jungle, Haro is consciously controlling the spawning of the wild monsters. Although he is not afraid of the blind monk in the wild, he will not fight to the end anyway, but he knows that Ning will be more calm and bloody than him.

Sure enough, taking advantage of Jian Ji's return to the line, the blind monk wanted to put pressure on the road again, "I can fight in the bottom lane."

Haro said anxiously.

In the next shot, Lulu left the grass, destroying the standing space, Baolan gave a Q, just wanted to persuade her to quit and didn't want to fight, but Lulu slowed down with EQ, Iboy caught Luo's intention of turning back to E, and suddenly turned and swung.

"The chain of corruption hit Baolan, Ah Shui flew all over the sky to avoid the chain that spread over."

There was another confrontation in the bottom lane, and Iboy played fiercely, crossing the line and outputting Luo, forcing the two to retreat.

Seeing this, Rookie wants to get closer to the bottom lane. Now he has a little sense of the positioning given to him by the coach, that is to radiate the advantage, not necessarily to cause a kill, but to destroy the opponent's original action.

"Rookie, danger!"

Haro is hiding on the side of the wall, and IG's eyes are in the grass. Rookie just pulled towards the river, and when he was about to disappear from Galio's sight, a mass of ice blasted him, and Galio, who had just released the line, moved away. Get close, cooperate with pig girl Q's continued control, and give E face to W.

In the shout that I remember, Pig Girl played Permafrost, just after it was crushed, Enchantress was passively triggered, Rookie still had enough energy to hand over the chain to Pig Girl, and W was pulled to the side of the wall.

At the first moment, Rookie judged that he would not die, the middle and field damage was not enough, and a set of explosions close to a thousand blood was not enough to watch.

EDG also understood this, the two retreated and disappeared after clearing the line, and Zhumei walked towards the river, making Rookie think that it was being surrounded and forced, and then Galio used his energy to run to the blue zone.

"Ray is seducing, EDG intends to target Jian Ji."

Ah Shui and Baolan didn't dare to look at the line. The blind monk touched his eyes and passed the wall to get stuck.


Ray was overjoyed, he knew his teammates hadn't forgotten him.


Thain continued to stick to the wall and took a step towards the blind monk. Ray was on the tenth floor. He knew that TheShy reacted quickly, so he couldn't drive R to hit Jian Ji immediately, even if Jian Ji was fighting against the tower, even if she was in the same position. The distance is short, but TheShy must be wary.

It's different now, pretending to retreat, weak and pitiful, who would have thought of a counterattack?
Time seemed to stand still.

The moment Jian Ji posted it, Ray moved his mouse backwards, turned around and charged, and the orange-red animation hadn't even appeared yet, Galio jumped up, and the sword of heart and eyes vibrated.

"Sean was dizzy, what's going on!"

Turning around so quickly, even the commentary didn't catch it.

next beat.

TheShy's calm AEAQ, knocked out three flaws, and was knocked into the air.

"Did Sion's big move be blocked just now?" I remember commenting: "The situation is hard to say, Scout hits two flying on the ground, but Jian Ji has returned to the blood formation, so it is not easy to focus fire."

The control combo is broken.

Ray's mind went blank, and he subconsciously withdrew into the tower. Ning bypassed Galio Q to Sion, forced out his power, followed Jian Ji and Q, moved to the side away from the wall, and played a blood recovery formation.

"It's no problem resisting tower kills!"

Amidst the shouts he remembered, the elementary school boy silently walked to the wall and sold it in a flash.

As soon as Thain died, TheShy disconnected and grinded the tower. After the replay, Zeyuan called TheShy to predict invincibility, "He completely relied on the operation, and let Galio lead a wave of bad rhythm."


Ah Shui and Baolan turned into Kua Kua Dang, but they didn't forget the threat of getting off the road.

The road was picking up pace, and Meiko was offline. At first, Ah Shui guessed that he was going to do eyeballs, but after a few seconds, Xiaolong wailed, and Verus stood alone across the middle line of the river to eat soldiers, "Have you ever been beaten?"

"Bottom lane, why is Iboy in this position?"

Zeyuan's puzzled voice sounded, and in the next shot, Luo turned around and gave E, R flashed W to lift Verus away, Xia took advantage of the situation to increase her attack speed, hit a barb, and completed the kill.

Heads 3:5.

"Are you fired?" Haro couldn't hold back.

"He flashed (Lo)."

"No, why are you greedy for lines?"

"Hey, mine, mine, I didn't think so much." Iboy wasn't too blunt, but there was no sincerity in his tone.

It wasn't until we got along for a long time and after the baptism of the World Championships that Meiko realized that Iboy had a calmness in his bones.

It's not that he doesn't want to win, but it's very difficult for Iboy to give his best.

(End of this chapter)

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