Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 519 Canyon Flight

Chapter 519 Canyon Flight
One level.

IG stood up to defend, and the two sides met each other.

Miller said happily: "The road is very important, and both sides are very cautious. From the perspective of the lineup, no one in the first-tier team has a special advantage."

After confronting each other for half a minute, they retreated one after another. SS's plan to kill Quinn at the first level failed. Similarly, IG's plan to threaten the crocodile... Well, only half of it failed.

For TheShy, even if it goes online normally, the crocodile can't touch the line at the first level.

Look at the three remaining blood soldiers.

Quinn E came up to play passively, and the crocodile suffered a dull loss. Not only did he not dare to retreat, but he had to move forward and was stolen to tie A.

Trigger the phase, TheShy advanced grass, A small soldier and then pressed forward, waited for the crocodile to rub the experience of 2 dead soldiers, chased and then A twice.

"Oh, it's hard."

Miller felt the same way.

Those who play top laner, who has no humble experience.

But for Flandre, it's been a long time since he felt so humble, especially because Quinn was not a human being, standing in front of the back row of soldiers, and the line only controlled the tail knife, and he had to be beaten if he entered the experience zone.

Another EA was rubbed.

As soon as the second wave of lines arrived, Flandre went to the side of the wall early to give an eye. He didn't even dare to go to the triangle grass, for fear of being stuck by Ning and handing over the flash.

"The position is very conservative. The three groups of wilds in the Ninglan District came up and were seen by the eye, but this wave of artillery soldiers is a big line. How can we defend without teammates?"

Yes, how can you defend without teammates?
I remember asking a good question, and the solution Flandre gave was to get rid of autism. Hey, I don’t want the line anymore. Labor and management are uncomfortable, but I don’t bother my teammates.

off the road.

Butterfly almost wanted to kowtow to Shanglu, he really, I cried to death, in order to cover the attack, he gave up Xiaojia for everyone.

grab two.

IG pulls back ahead of time, and is 500 yards away from Xialuo. On the next shot, the butterfly flashes W and lifts 2.On the wild route, the prince came down at the speed of 3, but they were not prepared enough to advance the line, because Verus only suffered a small loss at the first level, and it was difficult to accumulate a large line. The solution given by Butterfly was to force the status of the summoner skill.

"Xia turned on W and posted it, Bron QA Luo, both sides are focusing on fire support."

This is a common collision mode in the LPL bottom lane.

There is definitely no market for it in the LCK.

For the LCK, it is a bit of a struggle to flash the forced change state. Why do you have to take the push pressure so seriously?
"Someone is coming."

Ah Shui played a stun and covered Braum into the tower. Even so, Xia who triggered the deadly rhythm counted the end of Q, knocking out two-thirds of Braum's blood.

Missing replied: "It doesn't matter if I die, you ate the thread."

The bottom lane is not qualified to fight in a short period of time, and can only watch Xialuo turn back to control the third wave.

3 minutes 15 seconds.

Sofm, who calculated the speed of the soldiers entering the tower, had the leisure to control a river crab, and then double-teamed from the intersection of the blue zone.

Whether you have eyes or not, this wave of big lines is an opportunity.

"Ning ate the stone beetle and was still squatting on the road, Flandrte shrank back, the thread is not enough, go forward."

"You have to jump on the next road, wait for the first move."

Luo entered the tower to force himself into position, and watched Bloom posting QA tactfully, the butterfly W lifted up the weak Verus, and when he landed and was marked by A on the third floor, Exia decisively returned to the tower and continued to fight against the tower.

"There is a security door, resist for a few more seconds, the Sofm red buff is stuck, Ah Shui has no chance to save."

Before dying, Missing detoxified the cannon car, Ah Shui and Prince A.

"Remaining blood to change resistance, Verus slows down. The prince resisted 2 times, and his blood volume is only one-third."

A blood is born.

SS gained a breakthrough in the bottom lane by sacrificing the laning experience of the crocodile.

And in the middle.

Guoguo lost his temper when he was beaten. Every time Rookie's ball got stuck in the way of making up the knife, he tried to cheat his skills, but Rookie was not fooled.

"This is Rookie's clockwork, forcing out two bottles of health from Guoguo in 4 minutes."

Economically, IG leads.

The crocodile was beaten home once, and the road level was one level behind.

"Is it really okay to go on the road? The crocodile pays T, TheShy goes home and takes out a mine knife and 2 long swords."

【Classic Shy Knife】

[I was pressed 4 knives in 10 minutes, numb]

[Tell you a terrible fact, this wave of pushing back the line, Quinn just stood in front of the tower]

Da Zhiming had seen that Quinn hadn't lost much HP, so he went home to resupply.

Looking at the crocodile's pitiful 3 cloth armor and little green bottle, where will Sofm go?
The middle lane is being consumed intensely.

Guoguo sacrificed 2 soldiers in the back row, went home and came out of the T. The prince blocked his vision from the side of the F6 wall, but he saw Galio rushing forward, slowing down, and Rookie retreated consciously.

Look at this scene.

Guoguo couldn't bear it, so he hurriedly punched and pulled the position, and flashed close to him to taunt.

"SS played in a hurry, the mid laner swapped and flashed, and Sofm had no chance to follow."

Rookie's sense of smell prevented him from pressing forward.

Now, Flandre repeatedly communicated with the jungler, "If you don't get in this wave, I'll just wear it out."

As top laners, both of them have enough understanding of the pawn line, but Quinn has the initiative, he doesn't, so he can only step on the trap.Because if you don't step on the line, you will be charged for a long time.

Afraid that sister pig will come and catch her.

The crocodile stands against the wall.

On the map, Sofm was very close to the top road, and Zhumei clicked the explosive fruit to get off the wall.

"Four soldiers are short of going in, Quinn E goes up and slows down, and Pig Girl is one step ahead."


The jungler has really come.

The expected situation became a reality, Quinn EAA triggered the phase, and the crispy skin had no chance to focus on the fire.

next beat.

The crocodile pressed E before, Q killed 2 minions, and then the pig sister turned Q, he lost control, turned around and bit the jungler, and the second stage E merged with the prince.

Ueno 2v2, the crocodile has no skills, Ning turns around to press the position, and Quinn runs faster on the flank.

The pig girl W forced the prince to pull down, and SS Ueno was a little out of touch. At this moment, the prince suddenly turned back to EQ to predict Quinn's pursuit. As a result, TheShy twisted his waist spiritually and turned back to focus on the fire.


TheShy smiled.

IG Ueno replaced the target output prince, and Flandre could only communicate and run away.

"SS wanted to take advantage of Quinn E's failure and forcefully focus on a set, but this EQ failed, and the position of the prince is very poor!"

At this time, SS still didn't want to run away.

In an instant, the pig girl shot E, and the movement of raising her hand was obvious. Sofm was forced to cross and fainted, and the crocodile turned around to save him.

After 8 seconds, the prince's EQ fell ahead of the crocodile, because the crocodile E was not doing well, and the speed was even slower, and the pig girl's Q flashed.

"This wave has to be dealt with. Flandre's approach is correct, but the cost of dealing with it is 2 dodges from Ueno and the crocodile going home to replenish."

Judging from the content of these few minutes, IG has a good grasp of the strengths and weaknesses of its own lineup. They are not simply focusing on strength, but have a whole set of calculation processes.

Whether it’s the third level to force the crocodile to be self-closing, or to play another set to force the TP, to play 2v2, including when playing, it is not too aggressive. This shows that IG Ueno played very clearly and memorized a lot of sets. .

of course.

Miller also didn't think Sofm made a mistake in trying EQ. Bai was forced to dodge, and he tried to resist and lost two dodges. It seemed that the latter was worse, but this is a game, and there is no risk-free operation.

Go online slowly.

Rookie pushes the line in the middle to consume, and stands on the lower side.

Sofm couldn't find a chance to make a shot, and habitually swiped for a while.

6 minutes.

"Pig girl goes up, the crocodile's blood volume is only half."

The unparalleled consumption under the Quin Tower, on the other hand, the crocodile was forced to stand, and the A soldier A was very uncomfortable, so the EQ soldier was kicked away by E, and the blood volume was exchanged for pushing the line.

When Qin Ming saw this scene, he focused his gaze decisively.

He wants Rookie to know what he can do.

next beat.

Rookie didn't let him down. Knowing that his teammate was in the bag, he hit a QW first and stuck the ball a little higher in front of the tower. If Galio made a move to move up, he couldn't get out of the range of the ball.

As expected of 2 goals and [-] Ji, experienced.

"I saw the pig girl, but Sofm is still at the corner of the red buff, the crocodile is not flashing or big, IG's best chance!"

When Guoguo was in a hurry, Rookie, who was replenishing soldiers, raised his hand to control the ball and moved a step forward. His big move distorted the space and forced him to play.

Can't get through the middle road.

Just as Flandre was about to struggle, Quinn kicked it with a broken soul, taking advantage of the momentum to resist the tower, and pulled it to the outside, not giving the crocodile a chance to change.

"Sofm is slow, the crocodile is dead, and there is no way to line up on the road."

SS is still worrying about this.

TheShy followed Zhumei to push another wave of lanes, and went home to make attack speed shoes. Seeing that the bottom line was missing, the prince showed his head on the top lane, and flew directly to the bottom lane.

His gaze was locked on Birdman.

Flandre was still struggling with how to play after going online, and then heard Ah Deng complaining, "Fuck, it's too fast."

Fly low.

Missing intentionally showed his flaws and was lifted, and then raised his shield to block the damage. When Luo returned to E, he immediately jumped into the pawn Q to catch Xia.

Ah Deng fell down in such a humiliating way...

It wasn't a line kill, but Quinn who flew over was too fast.

(End of this chapter)

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