Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 538 Double Stopwatch Ends the Game

Chapter 538 Double Stopwatch Ends the Game

Do not know why.

Nofe was suddenly a little afraid of taking the group.

Think back then.

When he was leading Rox, he loved to play collisions the most. When he coached EDG, he became less and less fond of doing things that were not sure.

Under the pressure to choose Lu Xi'an, in the spring game as a support team, in the playoffs, strive for a lineup that is convenient for transition.

His core idea has always been to make the mid lane awesome first, then radiate the jungler, and finally become a double-c awesome.

In order to ensure that the middle road is awesome.

He tried to take the OP hero, so he had three choices of Lucian.Although everyone knows that this hero walks a tightrope and is unstable in getting an advantage, it is undeniable that he is really strong in single lane and has no natural enemies. Even if he encounters Syndra who plays well, it is not impossible to fight.


This choice broke his heart, and Scout perfectly confirmed that Lucian's move is not suitable for EDG.


Nofe will also think about changes, but he always thinks that the most important thing in League of Legends is the midfield positioning.

If you adapt well in this aspect and are in good condition, your confidence will be much higher.

But what just happened?
TheShy gave the opportunity, and the factory manager seized it, but the subsequent pioneer group lost more than expected.

In this wave of offense and defense, even from the perspective of God, the team members made the right decisions.

If they don't take advantage of Jian Ji's death and take the initiative to do something, they can only get the next tower that they should have won, and nothing else.


IG's occasional god-level cooperation on the operating side made Nofe's heart tremble.

This is a policewoman.

It is the instinct of every AD to stand up and maintain his position.

If you want to say that it is weak at this point in time and its output is not enough, then Nofe10,000 agrees, but the decision made by EDG is to squeeze out time to play the vanguard and let Aoun sell it.Their position has already made a bad plan, that is, no one can get this pioneer eye.

was manipulated again...

In this regard.

Qin Ming's opinion is different.

Doesn't he know that TheShy has a bad habit of ult pressure?

Qin Ming knew it, and he even encouraged it.

A lot of people watch IG games, they just think that fighting seems fierce, but they don't understand why so many opponents are willing to fight against IG.

If you want to say that hoarding the line to put pressure has to come, that's fine, but why every team that fights against IG can't control the bloodiness at all.

There must be a reason for this.

Could it be that IG knows magic, and no matter how the team is run, it will get hot-headed when it encounters it?
of course not.

The reasons for this are not complicated at all.

Because IG will take the initiative to give opportunities.


Just four words, take the initiative to "make mistakes".

This kind of initiative is not the same as RNG's way of playing with the line and suddenly playing first. IG is deliberately showing its flaws and doing things that people rarely do.

If I have to say it, it is to make the mistakes that the advantage operation can make first.

For example.

With the advantage, what will the LCK do?I will focus on the field of view, offensive eye, defensive eye, everything I need, and then wait for the skill CD to find opportunities to snowball.This method is both stable and efficient, so in the past few years, there have been many scenes where the LCK has been prepared. When the LPL attacks, I will take advantage of the situation and eat you.

You may call this a prepared collision.If the skill has improved, it is enough to be sure. If not, then avoid team battles first, and wait until the certainty appears.

What is IG?
To make the opponent murderous.

Generally speaking, what the disadvantaged side is most afraid of is that the dominant side will fight steadily and give too few loopholes, so they have to take risks.

But what about IG?

TheShy is often too fierce when he gets the advantage, being beaten by the defense tower, deliberately selling blood, handing in skills at will, playing disconnection, and not controlling the rhythm round at all;

Rookie presses the line to exchange blood, Ah Shui also presses out if he has the opportunity, all three are impulsive, and rarely shrink their fists, concentrate their strength and then swing out.

If you were across from IG and saw IG doing this, would you be tempted?
Presumably it will.

Here comes the question.

If there are too many offensive rounds, mistakes will be magnified, which is not determined by the will of the players.

IG hopes to have more offensive rounds, so it gives a loophole.

This style of play makes no matter who is facing IG, the offensive rounds will increase.Therefore, Qin Ming only asked TheShy to pay attention to the big rhythm rounds, and to play more unrestrained at other time points. There will not be too many risks, but it will promote opportunism.


this playoffs.

In terms of BP, IG has the upper hand.

This is a problem that EDG has to face. Their game awareness, tactical skills, and positioning are actually all right, except that they are not very used to the rhythm being destroyed.


Too many offensive rounds can also be regarded as destroying the rhythm.Because it reduces a lot of time to conceive the script, it is easy to be forced to be impatient.

"TheShy blasted again, EDG wanted to let go of the first tower, and turned to go down."

The Vanguard is over.

With the advantage in numbers, Jian Ji continued to complete the great cause of single belt.

off the road.

The factory manager drove the scanner to drill the triangular grass, followed by Meiko. Since there was only a little blood in the first tower, it was very troublesome to organize the wire release.

EDG takes advantage of this, liberates the bottom lane first, feeds Iboy, and speeds up the development cycle.

12 minutes.

Zhumei took Morgana to clean up half of the red zone and gave the second tower a deterrent, and the elementary school boy stood in front of the tower to give way.

In terms of discipline, EDG, who is calm enough, played very well.

The purpose of this wave of action is to lead the vanguard to remove the second tower and threaten the high ground. Then the middle lane cannot push the line to increase the risk, otherwise the middle lane will be caught, which will affect the bottom lane action.


Primary school students must pay attention to the speed of approaching.

Once the IG Nakano moves down, he has to keep up with the main force.

"I saw the crow in the red zone, and the Imperial Vision blew up the pawn line, and let Jian Ji take it with me. IG wholeheartedly guarantees the development of Jian Ji."

Everyone knows that EDG temporarily has the initiative to dismantle the tower, and the replacement is a loss, whether it is a small loss or a big loss.

But Ryze needs a little time to clear the line. EDG dare not break it too much for the time being. The scorer marks the team, especially they don't know Olaf's position.

Hit the road.

Ray huddled in the tower.

Jian Ji came in with a big wave of lines, and cleared the lines with QW as usual, but Jian Ji directly rushed to the face with Q to open the gap.

"Olaf is nearby, IG doesn't want to go down to the second tower, but is Ornn so good?"

Out of the small anti-armor slag cloth armor shoes, Ornn went back to E, Jian Ji temporarily went out of the tower to avoid the hatred of the defensive tower, and then moved forward again.

It was dark around.

Ray was a little worried about being outrun.

next moment.

Sword Fairy Q hits her face and widens, A drops the front and E slows down and walks to the side, Ray hides the lower side tightly, Bellows Yanxi fights back, raises his hand and flattens A again, but is still blocked by the mind knife.

"The damage of the defensive tower is not low, and the side wall can't be hit. The sword girl's blood volume is Q outside the lower half. Do you want to break the line of troops to suck blood?"

This behavior put a lot of pressure on Ray.

His forehead was sweating, and he always felt that when the wave line came in, Olaf would come, so he rushed to open the Qing soldiers before the line came.

"The pawns are gone. You clear the red zone, and I'll go home." Ning pressed B to go back to the city, and saw that the lower tower had just been demolished, and Ryze was in the middle lane, "Can you stay in the lower lane?"

In the eyes of EDG, support was urgently needed on the road, and the vanguard was released to knock down the second tower, and Mieko was the first to retreat.

"Ning goes back to the city and rushes down, what does Missing want to do?"

5 seconds passed.

Iboy took another wave of lines, the factory manager followed the grass and pressed B, and then the bull head rushed up.

"Morgana is returning to the city, and the policewoman is still eating the thread."

EDG's goals are uneven.

Olaf turned on the predator, ran out of the high ground and started sprinting.On the front, policewoman E slows down, Missing is not in a hurry at all.

"Scout drove down, and the pig girl's big move froze the bull's head, and she was eaten by her firm will. She still has to chase, and the female policeman moves a bit slowly, so it's not easy to retreat."

A new wave of minions from the red side arrives.

Tau W small soldier Q dodged, was dodged by Iboy's dodge, the factory manager wanted to stop him, and moved away from Crow E, followed by an Olaf with a speed of more than 800 hanging Q to slow down, and rushed out from him.


"Iboy is difficult to walk, without the protection of the formation, he is a moving target. The crow triggers the phase, wants to keep the pig girl, the pig girl Q passes the wall, Rookie flashes and wants to stay!"

No one has seen the policewoman.

The fighting scene came to the red zone, pig girl W slowed down backwards, the crow made a big move, and the imperial vision moved half a body forward to press the position.Ah Shui seized the opportunity, W shot, the hunter instinctively rushed to the front, and AQAA shot plasma.Pig girl down to a quarter.

3 seconds later.

Ryze was 600 distance away from the pig girl, and he made a big move. The factory manager is also worthy of his rich experience in escaping. With his remaining blood, he can bear it until Rookie makes a second E, and it must be when he comes back with the right skill, and flashes Dodge, then move 2 steps into the circle and pass to the middle tower.

Heads 4:1.

Zeyuan commented: "EDG is a bit greedy. I can actually understand why Iboy is not in a hurry to go home, because his teammates can go back and he can defend on the road. It doesn't matter if he goes back or not.

But the question is, is there a small problem with EDG's communication? If you don't reply, either Ryze will come to protect it in advance, right? , Wait for Kaisha to push out the line, and Ryze will go to respond. "

Miller speculated: "I think there is still too much pressure on the road. Jian Ji's big move is to force blood, and the line is broken around the tower, and then he doesn't know the jungle position. If he doesn't open and scream, he is in danger.

But I have to say that IG is very good at seizing opportunities. Knowing that he can't move on the road, Olaf went home decisively, and rushed to the policewoman's face with double acceleration, which only took 8 seconds.This wave is a bit unpredictable. "

"There's still pressure on the sidelines. Let's see if the junior can take the lead with Jian Ji, and let Aoun guard the crow's line."

EDG voice is a little silent.

The downside of having to choose Pig Girl as the last choice is that after not being able to get the rhythm point, she is too caught by Olaf Kante.

This is what Qin Ming wants.

One of the reasons why the factory manager likes to play trolls in 18 is that the trolls have the ability to pull, and the attributes of the tools are good.

Let's just put it that way.

If EDG needs Nosuke to start a team desperately, then they will not be too comfortable. They are better at using rhythm points to play a defensive tactic, that is, leaving room for a second counterattack.

IG got the desired rhythm.

TheShy made up for greed, Ah Shui Zhanzhong and Iboy continued to face off, and IG Nosuke was partially liberated.

"The field of vision is concentrated in the EDG blue zone, and Olaf has a bull's eye. Compared with it, Meiko is not very easy to go offline."

Zeyuan can understand the embarrassment of EDG, "And they dare not press too deep, too deep, only relying on the black shield can't resist Olaf's attack. At this point in time, Olaf, who is preparing to do justice and glory with the slag jungler, is a bit invincible .”

Zeyuan's analysis makes sense.

The female policeman seems to have priority in the center, but in fact she doesn't, and the pressure on the field of view is nothing more than that. Kai'Sa is not slow to clear the line. Just after the line passes, Icacia's heavy rain is all collected, and EDG can't rely on the line of soldiers to consume it.

However, Ruiz stared at Jian Ji, unlike Aoun who had no physical distance.

"Ning came to the blue zone of EDG again. Down the road, Ryze lost his skills to clear the soldiers and prevented the soldiers from entering the tower. But this is a wave of cannon lanes. The factory manager knew that going down the tower was dangerous, so he came here in advance to support him."

Pig girl showed her face to protect, Olaf turned against Toad, and Niutou turned back to defend and forced the policewoman to retreat.

In such a cycle.

In the wave from the cannon lane, Scout has to be extra careful. Although he has a much better environment to eat the lane than Ornn, if he is under the tower, he is not as resistant to risks as Ornn.

Time passed by minute by minute.

After Missing's eyes are inserted, he will go home to make up, and always maintain the advantage of offensive vision.

It developed like this for 3 minutes.

The life of the factory manager is a bit sad, the toad disappears as soon as it is refreshed, and it is easy to meet Olaf near the pass grass. Seeing it, starch is terrified, afraid that any wave of bull heads will be there and eat him, a pig that has not flashed.

"EDG has to break the game. It is definitely meaningless to play around the middle lane. Kai'Sa can fly, so how can the female policeman keep up? If the bull finds an opportunity to catch the order, it will be a three-on-one situation."

The factory manager can figure out this situation.

There was another wave of cannon lanes on the road, Jian Ji was about to move, and he was not around, Ryze could only give way to one tower.

TheShy is bad.

Instead of rushing to dismantle it, he pressed forward and broke the line. With Olaf by his side, he played a two-person road.

17 minutes.

Jian Ji 176 knives, ate three groups of stone beetles, and updated her equipment with flare, small wooden hammer, and magic resistance shoes.

Miller is talking about the only difficulty of IG is that it is not easy to hit the first tower.

The factory manager came home and crouched in advance.

The next tower is pulled out, and if Jian Ji wants to take a deep lead, the jungler must take care of it.This is the opportunity he was waiting for.

"I want to arrange the crow, the policewoman Morgana resets very quickly, and Meiko is leaning this way."

8 seconds.

The assist is in place, Ray sends the line over and pretends to leave, and the crow pushes back again.

"The pass grass saw Olaf!"

The crow handed over Q and cleared the back row, Ao En called the sheep through the wall, and Nosuke showed his head.

"Dodge to avoid sheep, Meiko hangs a black shield, pig girl is not afraid of your control."

Close to the R, Morgana made a Q, and the three of them worked together to kill the crow.

Nosuke showed his head.

TheShy rushed to kill Ryze, and the displacement of the Q soldier was controlled by W.Ryze didn't dare to fully use his skills to brush the shield.

next beat.

Sword Fairy flashed and opened up, Ryze took damage, dodged dodge, and dare not bet that the second W can be stably controlled.

Very cranky.

Scout also felt the pressure, there was no one around here, and he slapped his face like crazy, who can resist this.

"It's okay, I'll be golden immediately."

Rookie spoke.I didn't feel anything in my heart.

Since the tactical focus was shifted to the wing, this season, his number of deaths during the transition period was a little more than in previous years.After all, he was being targeted for his teammates.

Commentary seat.

Zeyuan also said: "Catching dead crows is not enough to quench your thirst. If a promotion lineup can't push down the three lanes and one tower earlier, it can't be regarded as a speed increase."

Meiko didn't dare to stay, and returned to defend the middle.

With Ornn blasting, EDG ate the last tower, but the pressure on the bottom lane still exists.

"Ah Shui eats F6, clears the middle line again, and goes home to make a sheep knife."

IG gave the economy to Ah Shui.

After suffering a loss, Missing began to help the flank vision, at least giving the crow an environment to push out a tower of ruins, and then try to save it.

of course.

Kai'Sa has the sheep knife, the timeline will immediately refresh the dragon, and IG has a way to force the group.

Be aware of this.

TheShy began to slow down the push intensity.

He can still listen to the coach's exhortations and instructions, and the mistake of Quinn's kick in the regular season must be contained.

With such a change in TheShy, EDG not only did not breathe a sigh of relief, but felt even more stressed.

They can't get out of the sideline anyway, and Jian Ji can't catch it if he doesn't press deeply;
It's not easy to break a tower in the middle, and the lower wild area is watched by Olaf. It takes time to hold out until the female policeman comes out of the mountain.

These mountains weighed heavily on EDG.

"Here comes the big dragon refresh, Missing goes home to fix his eyes, EDG has to watch it if he doesn't, otherwise with the big dragon buff, Jian Ji can't control it."

EDG actively grabbed the center line, and they also smelled danger.

But for IG, just pick a non-cannon car line and rely directly on it. You want a tower for you.

IG was more decisive than EDG thought.

21 minutes 07 seconds.

2 false and 2 true, respectively inserted in the pass grass, the wall grass, a real dragon pit, and a real river grass.

"TheShy is controlling the lane, don't rush to push, and start to move the big dragon in the front, EDG wants to demolish a tower first."

In order to liberate the center line.

EDG felt that this was also their opportunity.

The blue jewelry saw Kai'Sa, Crow, and Olaf, leaving Iboy to grind the tower, and Meiko used his skills to explore the grass and walk to the open space.

"Just approaching the dragon pit, the crow's E skill forced out the black shield. Wow, Meiko was very focused and didn't get pulled."

Rookie harassed through the wall, and Meiko inserted the first real eye.In the field of vision, there was also no sign of the bull's head.

EDG knew it was hiding, but didn't know where it was hiding.

"Wait for my black shield, 9 seconds, they are not playing fast, let Dalong consume it."

EDG is waiting.

off the road.

Sword Girl sent the line in and disappeared immediately. Scout was very worried about the front, just like the previous wave when he got off the road. Not so easy to pull.Not to mention, they were not the first to settle.

The dragon has nine thousand blood.

Olaf resisted to two-thirds, and the crow was already marking the front, constantly throwing skills to test.

"Is IG really going to fight to the end? Aoun cleared the line and went around a circle to join the big army. I feel that fighting and punishing is not a good choice. Although Olaf is one level higher, the risk is still very high."

"Can you find a chance to open it? The bull head is hiding in the blue buff camp. EDG doesn't know it at all. They don't have time to explore this kind of location."

The imagined frontal offense and defense did not appear.

TheShy eats the toad and does not retreat, and the spirituality blocks Ruiz to move closer to the route.He just judged that Ryze didn't hand over the teleportation so easily. After all, it was his way of guarding the side and cooperating with the front.

at the channel.

The elementary school boy was repeatedly confirming the blood volume of the dragon. Suddenly, the sword girl appeared from the partition wall. He subconsciously W for a second, and was blocked by the mind knife.

"Use a big move, Ryze is in danger."

After knocking out 2 flaws in 3 seconds, Scout calmly stuck to the wall and fought back.When the blood volume dropped to one-third, and the skill was refreshed W, he just showed his back and saw the sword girl's sprinting direction to control the return tower.

Take advantage.

TheShy judged that the frontal pressure would continue, and with the second tower, it might be able to threaten the high ground.

But what happened in the lower lane seduced EDG in a disguised form and made EDG anxious.

Ruiz needed time to return to the city. Morgana was just leaning against the wall of the blue zone, approaching to apply pressure, and Aoun was beside her, and the formation moved forward.

Missing moved.

"Bullhead enters the field, Meiko reacts quickly enough, puts the black shield on himself, and catches with a backhand Q. Bullhead makes a firm will, the Imperial Vision gets stuck and moves, Kai'Sa W hits again, Mieko is afraid of being set fire, and he flashes and then pulls. "

Only Olaf is left in the Dragon Pit.

Ning moved back first, and Scout teleported to the red zone.

On the front, EDG retreated while fighting, keeping a distance, IG chased and ran in the middle, trying to squeeze space for Jian Ji's single belt.

"Olaf doesn't have much blood, EDG seems to have an idea."

The first factory manager who turned and moved came to the red zone. Seven seconds later, Morgana turned her head and Q to the bull's head. Olaf returned to the dragon pit and saw a pig going down the wall.

"Ning is a bit out of touch, Jian Ji is leading the second tower."

next moment.

The pig girl's big move forced Ragnarok, Ning rushed to the dragon pit, wanted to single out blood-sucking, and then the teleportation array fell in the middle of the river, Ning was embarrassed, his teammates wanted to save, Ornn called the sheep, and it was too late to move the double c, It is even more impossible to turn back and support immediately.

"Big dragon, big dragon!"

Meiko shouted.

Once the jungler dies, the bull's head does not have more than half of the blood volume, at least the sword girl must be forced back, otherwise 2 will have to go back, and the vision will be disadvantaged.

"EDG started to move the dragon, and TheShy brought it very fast. I seem to have seen this scene!"

Jian Ji entered the high ground immediately.

Iboy set up a trap formation, focusing on blocking the intersection of the blue zone, but didn't care about the flanks.

5 seconds.

8 seconds.

Rookie thought about walking towards the side of the triangular grass wall.

in the crowd.

The bull's head gave away the last real eye on the wall, Ah Shui grasped the angle W and hit Morgana, assisting the residual blood.

"Back off, Jian Ji, if T, we will leave."

The factory manager kept emphasizing.

next beat.

The Imperial Vision was thrown inside the dragon pit, the policewoman moved back, and the pig girl pulled forward to make room for the skills.

right here.

Rookie clicked the explosive fruit and went down the wall, flashing his big move into the arena.

The demon wings spread.

The red energy gathers, the starting QA triggers the phase, and Rookie adjusts his position to the right. He knows that his task is to delay as much as possible. EDG can't afford it in this game round.

As he judged.

As soon as he moved, he got Ryze W, Ornn E hit the wall, and the pig girl QW wanted to play Permafrost. Rookie pressed the stopwatch.


During the delay, Kaisha shot the policewoman with a second W, scaring Aoun to look back.

"Sword Princess immediately demolished the highland defense tower. Oh! Rookie still has a golden body, and he can drag it!!!"

Another ding.

Ryze raised his hand and gave up.

The double stopwatch round is matched with the big dragon, the ultimate move is absorbed, and Morgana surrenders Q.

At such a moment, the factory manager felt cold.They seem to lose control of articulation.

House seemingly endless rain.

The big dragon flicked its tail, and Ao En was knocked into the air without noticing. Ah Guo seized the opportunity and flew into the dragon pit, forcing the policewoman to appear.

next moment.

The crow took a step forward to gain control, pressed his big move, and blasted three people.

"KaSa E speeds up and pulls out of the policewoman's attack range, focusing on the front row. There is no skill to press up, this wave, the crow's damage is full. The factory manager, the factory manager flashed to sell Aoun, but Missing knew it well, he advanced Going to the red zone, you have to cut off your retreat."

4 seconds.

Aoun fell to the ground.

Iboy was forced to go to the triangular grass by the old cow, Missing followed the policewoman's escape route, blocking the three people's retreat, and the elementary school boy simply cleared the line and ran up.

"Can you go back one? The policewoman E slows down the bull head, but the bull head's task is to prevent the return to the city."

Ah Shui chased after him, and Rookie teleported to the high ground.

at this critical moment.

Kaisha W rubbed against the pig girl who returned to the city from the autistic grass.


Ah Shui is very happy.

Because when Scout came out of the spring, the IG top center was removing the front teeth, and he was the only one who couldn't control it.

"Sword Princess Q goes up to deal damage."

In this game, TheShy hid the W, waited for Ryze to play the Q, and successfully blocked it.

"Dizziness is played, the crow is passive, Ryze is going to be gone."

Just finished.

Ryze started the stopwatch, Jian Ji returned to Q to remove the second front tooth, and the two of them clicked on the crystal.


In the shot of Zhumei returning to defense in despair, the main crystal of EDG shattered.

"Let us congratulate IG for winning 2 consecutive cities and leading 2:0."

 BP lost half, and the game was not good.

  Let's be honest, the four in the middle can't grab the line, the rhythm is too hard, and the other one, every time the vanguard team goes down, RNG will give way to a wave of lanes. It looks very passive, and the RNG of the old oily holy gun brother is stuck Uncomfortable, elementary school brother, VP played bravely——

  The hero pool is not comparable, the laning is not comparable, the resource group is at a disadvantage, and the Silas Czar Zeli fights everything, oh, and a cat and a group start point are added.

(End of this chapter)

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