Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 547 You are the only one


The muscles relax briefly, and a sense of fatigue immediately rushes to my heart.

Post game panel.

Ah Shui looked at the opponent's output damage that was more than twice as high as him, and returned to the backstage without saying a word.

The fragments of the last two waves of team battles popped up in YouQi's mind.

It was difficult for Ah Shui to lie on the soft chair calmly.



RNG fans shouted loudly at the scene, cheering for the home team to recover the score.

"The MVP was indeed given to Uzi's Kai'Sa, with a perfect record of 9-1-3, output damage of 3, and the team accounted for 7%. In the last wave of the big group in the middle, the harvest was completed against the trend."

"The shot of flying over to hide the second E of Qinggangying reminds me a bit of the pentakill vn in the F6 channel, who is also playing IG. Although the staffing of this IG is not the same as that of IG, there is one thing that is very similar. Similar, that is, Uzi played AD like an assassin, and found a solution to break the game."

"The next IG chose the side. According to the news, they chose the red side." Miller first notified the audience of the news received from the director, and then commented, "I feel that IG has to consider Kai'Sa. It has a ban position——

IG's ban position is actually not that tense. Look at the heroes he banned in the first round. Let's not talk about Aoun. The tank top laner is the first pick. I can understand it with respect, so that TheShy can take advantage, but in fact, Titans, Galio includes the policewoman, I think it can be released. "

There are not many big-core ADs in this version. Without Kai’Sa, only Big Mouth, Verus, and Xia are left. Small cannons need to be moved back.

One of the negative consequences of RNG winning the championship is that the 100% small cannon speed push is cut, not to mention the reduction in the early burst, and the damage of E to the defense tower is also reduced by one-third. This is for the small cannon players. It can be regarded as 2 cuts on the aorta.

in other words.

Without Kai'Sa, the combinations that can be built are better targeted.

Isn't Qin Ming clear about this?

He is clear.

It's not that he hasn't seen Uzi playing other ADs, but he wants to try to deal with Kai'Sa and try the hot Kai'Sa system.

to be honest.

Qin Ming wanted some intensity.

After all, if IG can go to MSI, other teams don't have this taste of Kai'Sa, the kind of desperate, facing difficulties, and truly achieving the upper limit of Kai'Sa.

This hero is just playing with the wind and doesn't need to do so many things at all.

And if you take out Kai'Sa, other teams must have countermeasures.

Precisely only adversity can force out RNG's understanding of this hero.

Looking at it optimistically, at least I know that the game of fighting against the wind and the time difference is suitable for delaying the advancement.

If it is targeted by others, it is not impossible for IG to learn.

Be more optimistic.

That means Xiangguo is playing more and more urgently.

Well, this is his style. He will fight hard when he encounters a team that is not easy to deal with. In addition, Qin Ming has to remind his players that when the situation changes from defensive to advancing, they must always be vigilant against being forced by RNG. ——

The last two waves of team opening methods can only be said to be exactly the same, they all occupy the center and push back, RNG lays an ambush in advance, and then forcefully drives back to the defense in the middle.

speak up.

This is what Qin Ming taught RNG.

In the past, the only uncomfortable thing about RNG was the opponent's poor management. Therefore, Qin Ming developed a lot of ways to find opportunities. The main tactical features focused on grabbing the time difference and grabbing skill CDs.

"Everyone, let's play the red side, we can get another point."

Qin Ming didn't worry about the loss in the last round at all.

He spoke so easily, and the team members felt the emotion, and gradually calmed down.

"After two rounds, in the prepared 5v5, RNG's coordination was smoother than ours, so there is no shame in that.

But we also have our advantage, that is, small-scale team battles can be launched first, and on the top lane, zoom plays very conservatively. Of course, he is not so easy to deal with.

Our Ueno leads by 2 rounds, but we haven't broken the top lane.

So, I was thinking about a question, you said, would they think that we would leave Conte for the top laner in the third game? "


No one refuted Ning.

Even Rookie knows that the top laner Conte can play more value.

Again, with a long top line, TheShy can easily rely on the BP advantage to pinpoint the opponent and benefit the vanguard.

"That's something we can take advantage of."

Qin Ming thought more and more clearly, "Crocodile, Gnar, Captain, Kenan, Sion, and Wine Barrel (Aoun defaults to ban), probably the first to consider these first. In the first round, we will ban Kai'Sa, and then Ban Sion, let the opponent hesitate what lineup we will take, and then we will..."

The team members nodded while listening.

I feel that the content of the deduction is likely to happen.

Qin Ming finally instructed: "The opponent must clear the siege and go up the road to prevent us from taking advantage of the upper field. In this game, we will not besiege the upper side. The key tactics are placed in the middle field, and more emphasis is placed on the field."

He looked at Ning, "I don't need to say more about how to cooperate, just play out the things in the training game."

Ah Shui cheered up and said, "I am the one who guards the line."

"Well, no accident, ban Sion and put Galio, they will most likely consider pairing with Nightmare or Prince, and then go down the road to get a fort that follows the harvest. If this is the case, we will involve their energy and force them to do things. There are more and faster offensive and defensive rounds than top players."

Qin Ming affirmed: "This gives us the right to push the lane in the middle. If the middle lane is active, the two wings should be able to continue to exert pressure."

"Come on, bring me back 2:1."

The players are full of fighting spirit and ready to regain a point.

From a psychological point of view, this defeat did not have much impact on his players. Perhaps the only one with relatively large fluctuations is Ah Shui.

They played the game, and they knew very well that Xiangguo was not in a good state, because the pressure on the line would affect the jungle.

Another, the guidance plan given by the head coach looks very feasible.

In the end, the team members felt that Kai'Sa would be banned by the red side, and there would not be so many variables in the team battle.

There are no variables, why does RNG win?

This is where IG is proud.None of them lost to RNG in the lane, no matter what, they have the confidence to take over the team.


"Welcome back to the live broadcast of the third round of the Spring Finals. At present, the two sides are tied 1:1. After losing the top round, IG, like RNG, took the initiative to choose the red side."

"Yes, the red side has become the point of contention in this game's BO5." I remember saying: "RNG took the red side because they wanted to see the overall picture of IG's lineup, and then consider what heroes to add. The reason for IG's choice of the red side is very simple. Here's the top laner TheShy, this ID is worth a red square."

For a while, the top lane kills the king solo, the blood exchange is aggressive, and the tower jumping is straightforward.

Anyone who watched these two rounds would think that IG will bet on the top laner. To be precise, the top lane advantage radiates to the jungler. Ning only needs to come to the top lane often, and the top half of RNG will be passive.

"Uzi's expression was very serious, and he turned the headwind, but there didn't seem to be many smiles."

under the lens.

Uzi moved his wrist silently.

It's not that he's unhappy after winning, but as the commentator discussed, Uzi thinks that IG takes the red side, and it's difficult for him to affect the first half of the confrontation, and the vampire in the first fight put him under a lot of pressure.

These are the reasons for his serious expression.

Because Uzi knew that their ban positions could not be changed, and Jess, Vampire, and Karma didn't dare to release them.

Enter BP.

The three commentators were refreshed.

"RNG is still the old three, Jess, Vampire, and Karma, and IG, as Mr. Miller suggested, banned Kai'Sa second-hand."

Ornn, Kai'Sa, and Sion in the third hand.

"It's kind of interesting, this hand was banned by Sean, because he didn't want Xiaohu to be lazy in the lane?"

"The double grace is gone, but correspondingly, Prince Galio's big mouth has been released."

"Let's see how to choose, does RNG want to grab Galio?"

Of course not.

Before seeing the tendency of the lineup, Xiaohu knew in his heart that compared with Rookie, his laning tended to be weak.

How did he beat Rookie last year?
Lay line and team.

If you want to be stupid, you must not be able to release heroes early, because in this version, Galio will be tortured by Zoe. Unlike in the past, banning Syndra feels that Galio can be released first (the ones who dare to take Lucian, after all, are very few ).

"Give it a go, help Xiao Ming get the hero, and choose Titan!"

It's either grabbing or banning. In the third round, RNG comes to grab the lock, especially in terms of coordination proficiency. They don't think it's a problem to go first.

As the head coach predicted.

Everyone has to look at the direction of the wind, and the only one who can grab it is Nosuke, unless Uzi wants to play ez.


how can that be possible.

Playing IG and choosing ez means that the three-way confrontation is not active enough, and the risk should not be too high. In case of being exploded, you will not be able to save it.

Qin Ming backhanded out the ice girl and female tank.

"Ice Girl? The Tsar is still outside. I feel that Rookie played the Tsar pretty well. I can only say that RNG is too good at teamwork."

Ze-won is a bit skeptical about this option.

Because the first one has been tested, Ice Girl is too tool-like in the middle and late stages, which will lead to aggravated AD output tasks.

Zeyuan just means one thing, ID is Rookie, what does the whole ice girl mean?
White Crescent is also thinking about this: Pike Ice Girl wants to hand the ball to Ah Shui?Confident that the bot lane can be suppressed?
"Don't use AD first, Xiaohu, how about you take the Tsar? Bring a purification, it's not easy to do anything to you."

Xiaohu hesitated and said, "I'll take the Tsar? Is it too late?"

Qin Ming waited for RNG to make a decision.

There are not many heroes who are good at fighting Ice Maiden. Enchantress, Tsar, Zoe, and some mid laners who are also tools, such as Crow and Sion, but some of these heroes are too new, some rely too much on proficiency, and some are not at all. Xiaohu's dish.

I have a question, how do you choose?

Qin Ming waited for the answer with great interest.


"It's still Galio."

"In this case, Galio can't push the ice girl, but after six, he can keep up with the ice girl's rhythm."

Sure enough, the tool is in the list.

"Little Tiger didn't take the Tsar."

Missing was surprised and admired his coach very much.

"This craps me." Ning pretended to compare.

"Ning is smiling, he seems very happy."

In the lens.

Every move of the players will be projected on the screen.

Some people can't understand Ning's "face".

Amidst the scolding, RNG added Galio and Nightmare, and Qin Ming got the bomber on the third floor!

"Crack, don't communicate with me."

Uzi was depressed.

The combination of Bomberman and female tank, the S6 Snake team took it, took it out, Xiao Ming said directly: "We have to strengthen the initiative, otherwise we will be disgusted by the Bomberman. They are convenient for the Bomberman to consume. Once the blood line is low, the Ice Girl , female tanks link up with big moves, we can easily fight with fewer people in the team."

"Be careful that they use trolls to fight in the jungle. Qin Jiao likes to use troll bombers very much. Using icicles to increase the hit rate of bomber Q, and the absorption attribute can quickly focus on the first wave of force-dispelling personnel."

The IG lineup tends to be initially exposed.

Xiao Ming is familiar with this lineup system.

There are 2 points for anti-bombers. First, pursue lane kills in the bottom lane. This is the best way. Bombers are abolished, and the damage is scraped. It's easy to pull.

Go to the second round.

Ban trolls and Qinggang shadows on the left, and Kenan and wine barrels on the right.

White Crescent was wondering why IG was so targeting the backhand entry hero. On the fourth floor on the right, he locked Xin Zhao in seconds.

"Xin Zhao?!!"

"Bright move? Ning still has this hand?"

The audience was surprised.

"It has to be coach Beggin. In his hands, new heroes and old heroes can play different flavors."

Zeyuan said excitedly: "I can only say that I am looking forward to Ning's performance, because in terms of strength, Nightmare's single-handed ability in the jungle has not been weak, but it can't beat Xin Zhao.

There is a saying, the first-level captain, the second-level letter, the third-level crocodile will kill you. This one is a bit stressful. Who would have thought that IG would use Zhao Xin to fight Nightmare, and let Zhongfu be in charge of the first wave of entry. "

Positioning has been adjusted.

Unlike the previous two Paul Rookie development is different, this one, Zhao Xin is to eat meat, ice girl is the support.

The more critical point is that the nightmare system requires Xiangguo to have a certain initiative in the wild area, which is determined by the characteristics of the hero.

"You need to be more flexible, Xia or ez."

Uzi frowned: The output of these two is not stable, they are both sub-c, "Not good, too little damage, they will disperse as soon as they charge."

"How do you get out on the road? They are pinching Kang Te."

The pressure brought by BP is a bit big.

White Crescent did not expect that IG would change like this, especially the first round plus the second round, which is very targeted at the anti-gank attributes and team battles on the top lane, making people fall into the trap unknowingly.

it's good now.

If they want to threaten Bomberman, the lineup cannot be "soft", but if they want to rush, they rely on Nightmare to turn off the lights and Galio to jump big. In other words, Xiangguo cannot accept too many matchup disadvantages.


It's hard to be calculated.

With Xin Zhao in one hand and Ice Girl in the other hand, the Nakano collision is at a disadvantage.

compare to.

The IG players are discussing the opening field in the early stage.

Just like the trainer designed.

No matter what Uzi adds, it will definitely affect their style of play.

If you insist on a big core, Rookie clears the line and catches it, helping the bomber to grind the tower. If you want to protect yourself, then go to Nightmare and force RNG to do things.

"This move by Xin Zhao is a bit of a stroke of genius. Nightmare Galio is not easy to cooperate in the early stage. Both of them are heroes who have reached six qualitative changes. Xin Zhao is one of the very few heroes who can invade the Nightmare wild area and play a strong role. It can amplify the RNG mid-jungle combination. There is no sense of fragmentation before six.”


Uzi boldly selected Verus, and zoom made up the crocodile.

"What will TheShy take if you fight a crocodile?"

Fifth hand on the right, locked on Gnar.

RNG once again fell into a thinking trap.

Their fear of TheShy subconsciously turned into the need to consider the strength of the laning, and the entire lineup was too pursuit of curves.

"Take Verus, then give them a set meal on the road." Qin Ming said to Ning: "This will put you on a big stage."

Full of confidence, Ning called out the attack, "Just watch my performance!"

Finish this sentence.

Qin Ming went to shake hands with White Crescent.

The lineup for both sides is as follows:

RNG (Blue) Titan, Galio, Nightmare, Verus, Crocodile

IG (red) Ice Girl, Female Tank, Bomberman, Xin Zhao, Gnar

From the perspective of the lineup alone, RNG is more violent, pursuing a three-way transition in the mid-term, and giving way to Verus in the later stage. IG is the sixth-level front midfielder against Xiaomu, and Gnar's normal side is more comfortable than the crocodile.

In Zeyuan's words, the two teams have not changed much in the general direction. RNG still pursues 5v5, and IG still pursues small-scale team battles and emphasizes economic advantages to enter the transition period.

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