KZ has lowered its stance since the BP stage, which the big guys didn't expect.

Koreans are a little bit annoyed by this.


You, KZ, are the leading team from the LCK division. When you meet a line-playing team like IG, why don't you dare to take the offensive hero?

What behavior is this?

The LPL barrage is very exciting.

The domestic audience did not expect that KZ, who has been praised so much, would be "convinced".

"Hmph, the audience also understands games?"

The KZ coaching staff disdains it, strategically avoids its edge, and tactically cuts off a finger. Isn't this approach better than the so-called casual game?

IG voice.

Ah Shui thought about the coach's instructions, with a serious expression, "I will push in the fourth wave to lower their defenses. They should be able to make trouble, be careful in the wild."


Rookie brought purification, and Tam brought weakness and unsealed cheats.

"I can give pressure."

Rookie responded accordingly.

According to the coach, this game must attack the lower half in the early stage, and then actively form a group, block the CD of Kenan's big move to increase the strength, and actively invade the opponent.

"Xia is also carrying purification, probably to prevent Zoe's hypnotic bubbles. Level [-], does KZ have a design?"

It's not a one-word long snake formation, and it's not half-area focusing on station methods. KZ comes out of the spring, and inserts too many eyes.

And to cover his teammates.

BDD came to the middle first, stood to the front, waited until Zoe appeared in his vision, and then continued to maintain an ambiguous distance.

"The two mid laners looked at each other in the middle lane. Peanut went down the river to show his eyes. Seeing Missing approaching, Tam went to the triangle grass and took ParY to the blue buff space."

Another ward is inserted (AD inserted).

This set of stance restraints has obviously been designed.

At the intersection of F6, Little Peanut looked like a human being. He retreated, Tamu went around, and the next assistant advanced. One back and one front, he judged a lot of open field information.

Another 8 seconds passed.

Xia continued to stand on the triangle grass, BDD turned back to deter, and Peanut went to the upper river ahead of time, and slowly stuck to the wall and circled into the IG red zone.

"Don't dare to change the wild area, afraid of being trapped, so I can only withdraw."

Ah Shui kept an eye on the wall.

But as soon as the person left, Tam turned on the scan and cooperated with AD to clear them out. At this time, the pawn line came in 7 seconds, and the offline gathering was a little later. Ah Shui took Mising to the bottom lane to occupy the grass. Xia went online, and Tam silently went to the middle lane. Pull, did not follow AD.

Coach KZ frowned.

Tamm's unseal is considered a good move for their training game. With the carnivorous jungler, it can ensure the opening advantage.


IG went online first in the bottom lane, and the blind monk did not choose to open red or blue, but stayed at the F6 grass.

what's going on?
When did Ning Kaiye's plan become so innovative?


in view.

Lee Sin is in a vanishing state.

Little Peanut was in the grass behind the red buff. He waited until the buff was refreshed, but he didn't show his head. He waited until Tam came over, and then turned around to look.


Little Peanut had question marks in his mind.

He thought of two possibilities, such as entering the grass and encountering a surprise, or the blind monk pulling to the lower side to turn red, but what is the scene in front of him: the red buff squatting obediently in the camp.What about the blind monk?Where did the blind monk go!Bring back my blind monk!
"Ning is very spiritual, he guessed that Tam would come and mess with him!"

GorillA went back to the city silently, planning for a little accident.

But it's okay, acceptable.

The leopard girl turns red, and can also organize three buffs.

"The blind monk is driving down the F6, and be careful of the wave of the cannon lane on the next road."

Little Peanut Laye saw that the blind monk ate the last bird at 2, and only then did he eat the red.

And the sequelae of too many wards at the first level is that the blind monk has to brush down for about 3 minutes, lacking the wards to detect in advance.

In terms of bot lane alignment.

Missing stepped forward and forced Xia to miss the knife, but it is still a bit of a fantasy to prevent Xia from gaining experience.

"In the middle, Rookie's Q is good, consume one set, grab the second immediately."

First block and make up the knife to press the position, and then pull the flying star to attack Tibet.

Rookie is very proficient in this set of consumption methods. Ryze was hit by a flying star just as he retreated after eating the remaining blood soldiers.Zoe attracted aggro, and with a passive A, he played an electric shock, and Ryze lost a quarter of his blood.


Very fierce.

Rookie puts more pressure on him than Teacher Da Fei.

As for Rookie, 3cs have each other's backs. He doesn't have to think about being caught, which will make the situation very depressed. On the contrary, if Leopard Girl insists on coming, he can help attract firepower from the side.

With the same idea, TheShy went too far, and the electric mouse level-[-] point E rode his face to grab money, and pulled grass after touching it.

It is also because of the mobilization of hatred that Khan knows that he will hand over this Q to eat the three melee soldiers in the first wave, and it will be difficult for the soldiers to push over quickly.

"Come on, E has turned around and continues to grab money. Kenan, the hero, is against the big bug. It's impossible not to go up and touch it."

"Little Peanut jumped off the dragon pit, is he going to catch it?"

"No matter how you catch it, it's hard to die if you hand in E. The position of the lane is good, and TheShy controls it very well."


Little Peanut pulls wild to the limit, Lan fights with Toad, quickly rises to 3, then uses all available grass to speed up the map, and crouches in the lower river ahead of time.


come into the bowl!
"Ryze's minion dematter eats the cannon and wants to push Rookie's line back."

The minion detoxifier has helped too many weak heroes to control a wave of pushback without relying on poor TP.

7 seconds passed.

Little Peanut dropped a clip under his feet.

Another 10 seconds passed.

Little Peanut started to ping the signal: "Where are the people from Xiba, your blind monk blue zone has all three groups of wild players, so it's time to come here."

It’s not in the bottom lane, it’s impossible to be in the top lane. My red buff also has a real eye that can be supplemented. Captain Kill Matt, where are you!

"Who is Little Peanut squatting on? Doesn't he hunt river crabs, and he doesn't eat them in the red zone."

Miller was wondering.

Missing went to the river to make an eye, deliberately slowing down the progress of pushing the line, and Xia followed with reason to retreat carefully.


Coach Jin didn't know what to say.

Two consecutive waves of traps aimed at Ning Kaiye's characteristics failed to produce any effect.

The blind monk made up the hunter's talisman and went out with real eyes on his body.Go home if you don't have enough money, which made Little Peanut unexpected.

Leopard girl ate the river crab and turned around to play F6.

It's IG's turn.

This is exactly what Qin Ming said in advance.

original time.

KZ overshadowed both RNG and KT with this move. From exploring the field of vision to deploying and controlling minions in line with the jungle position, KZ played very maturely.

But this routine is also very obvious. The specific sign is that the assistant carries the unsealed cheats, otherwise the fight is too risky and does not conform to the LCK's tactical concept of controlling risks.

of course.

IG isn't so sure either.

It was only after going online that only Xia was seen behind the tower, and Tam didn't show up at all, so Ning was sure that the other side was going to trick him.

to be frank.

These methods, as long as you know in advance, it is not difficult to avoid, just stagger the peak.

"Push back the line, as long as Tam hands over Tun, we have a chance."

Director Mi clenched his fists.

The mood is more excited than the players.

If you want to catch Tam and Xia, if you don't force W first, you have no chance at all, because the two elders Xuanming are usually very resistant, and they pay attention to the distance and position. They also know that when they fight together, Xia and Tam will definitely not be able to beat Sarah Titan.

The fifth wave of the middle road goes in.

Rookie walked towards the red zone of KZ, Little Peanut frowned slightly.Good guy, I didn't turn against you, but you came to me first.

"A hypnotic bubble predicts the grass and hits the red buff!"

"Little Peanut is not punished. Is there a chance to grab it? If he grabs it, it will disrupt his start with the three buffs."

Pure guessing, hit red, skills provide vision, red buff [-] blood.

KZ's bot lane attention was attracted, but he wanted to go out offline, and there was no room for support.

A few seconds passed.

Little Peanut communicated that he had killed the red buff, and Zoe retreated. Just as KZ went down the road and the two relaxed, Titan, who raised his hand to rest his knife, suddenly flashed around the soldier in front of him, Q and caught Xia on the flank.

The action was sudden.

Xia opened E to speed up to catch up, A made the first basic attack, Titan AE continued to set, relying on enough control, Kaisha immediately A made the third plasma plasma moment, GoaillA could only use W to protect, and dared not let Xia Too much loss.

"The plasma didn't come out, and Xia half-blood spit out to the back."

The blind monk crouched on the thread grass.

Miller lowered his voice, "Tun has been forced out, Ning wants to cooperate with his teammates to gank, but the Titans didn't dodge, so it's not easy to initiate a second attack, but the good news is that the blue team has more minions than us, so they won't come out in this wave If so, it will be very comfortable to go down the road."

The elder Xuanming sensed danger.

But he dared not go back to the city.

This wave is no different from a solo kill, it's all a loss of experience to make up for the knife.

"KZ is pinging the signal, and the little peanut brush stone beetle can come."

"3v3, our side controls more."

4 seconds passed.

Little peanuts give up splitting little rock beetles.

no way.

Titans take the lead, the pawn line has passed the middle line of the river, and if they don't come again, the next step of the pawn line is in front of the tower. A Titan can force KZ to go down the road without smelling experience.

Leopard girl came to the wall for a moment.

Tam moved away from the pawn pile to slow down the Titan, and Missing used a shield to backhand Q Tam.

"Look at AD!"

Kai'Sa stood on the flank and accelerated up to focus fire. KZ knew that killing the Titan would be laborious, as long as Kai'Sa was driven away, the line could be untied.

KZ is not serious about killing.

Xia triggered the fatal rhythm to confront Kai'Sa, and Tam let Taitan go to see Ah Shui.

"Leopard Girl is here, Ning is still hiding, this Q has been marked by it."

Little Peanut didn't expect it to be so easy to block and move.

In Q, the red buff on his body made him want to kill, you can't kill Kai'Sa with dual summons!

next beat.

Ah Shui dodges the bite, distances himself from each other, and the front grass lights up with beams of light.

"It's TP from TheShy!"

KZ's three positions were all threatened by Kenan. What's more deadly was that Tai Tan was able to cut off his retreat. Just as Little Peanut was about to fight for his life, a wave of heavenly sound hit him.The blind monk was there too.

Only half a beat behind, Big Chongzi turned T.

Missing threatened Xia with all her strength without looking at her teammates.

"GoaillA is in a bad position, W is not good, it's not good to protect teammates."

Titan hit Xia with a 200-yard hook, IG went to the field to output Leopard Girl, Peanut W retreated to the river, followed closely, Kenan landed on E to accelerate, and went to the field to heel.

"ParY flashed away, turned back with a barb, TheShy twisted off the skill with the remaining acceleration effect, Tahm, Tahm's health is low, and he was fired by three people, and he couldn't get away at all!"

A blood eruption.

The head is given to Kai'Sa. Seeing that the situation was not good, Khan canceled the transmission at the last second.

"IG is playing well. Missing's flash hook has forced Tahm's skills away. If Peanut can't come to untie the line, they will suffer losses in the bottom lane."

"The first two waves did a good job of evading Leopard Girl. Anyway, as long as the number of people is about the same, we won't be afraid of a collision."

"That's right, this is the charm of Kai'Sa Titans. In small-scale team battles, the continuous combat ability of these two is more than a grade higher than Xayah and Tamm."

Kenan rubbed the soldiers back to the city.

Zeyuan smiled and said, "Haha, TheShy didn't get a head when he came down, so it's like eating a few soldiers from Ah Shui."

"What happened on the road just now, it was Kenan who came down first, and the big bug didn't stop him."

The director played back and answered the questions I remembered.

Just as the Titan flashed to consume his skills, TheShy had already activated E to threaten the big bug's position, and by the way speeded up clearing the line. When the leopard girl came over, he started to fight in the bottom lane. very far.

"Whether it's mental calculations or not, TheShy also knows that this wave of bot lane will be played, and they have already prepared the groundwork."

Heads 0:1.

KZ swallowed this bitter fruit, Peanut countered F6, and then wiped out the stone beetle.

"Leopard girl is still brushing too fast, the three buffs are activated, and she hasn't returned home until now. I have E to continue the battery life."

"Ning wiped out Toad and Three Wolf, and came to the middle to help push. If this wave of lines is sent in, it will be convenient for Rookie to go back to make up for his status."

Ning has nothing to do.

It is impossible to clear the wild, and I will never be able to clear the wild in this life, so I can only wander around and wait for the opportunity.

Nakano went home one after another.

Ning He produced a second-level red wild knife, bought a long sword for shoes, and made up for his real eyes.

I was thinking about where to find opportunities.

The big bug began to push the line against the basic attack, and TheShy decisively handed in the E pad knife.

"The Leopard Girl came to the top lane, Khan silently took the Q and knocked him into the air, and the minion was in front, so it was difficult for the Leopard Girl to play a Q. When will TheShy dodge?"

Landing and eating spikes slows down.

After walking 2 steps, he was blocked by the javelin and had to hand over Flash.


Miller's heart dropped from his throat, "If this wave hadn't been for clearing the soldiers and forcing KZ Ueno to fight in advance, it would be difficult to escape into the tower."

"Yes, there is less room to maneuver under the tower, and the new wave of minions have only reached the second tower, so Leopard Q is hard to hide."

The gank was not too successful, and TheShy knew that Leopard Girl was in the first half.

However, forcing a flash can pave the way for KZ's next wave of offensive.

5 minutes 16 seconds.

After refreshing the little peanut, he went home and made a blue wild knife, 2 augmentation codes, straw sandals, and real eyes.

Just on the way.

Rookie pulled Feixing to force Ryze out of the range of the minions, and raised his hand to attack Zang E and hit it.

"When I fell asleep, Ning Mo's eye Q hit a set, and BDD brushed out the shield with his backhand."

Ryze's blood volume dropped by a third.

Zoe's electrocution strengthened the suppression force, coupled with Rookie's operation in place, BDD felt a lot of pressure.

Sweat broke out on his forehead.

As long as he saw Zoe La Q, he had to be careful. Under this high-intensity probing frequency, 20 seconds passed before the blind monk shot, and the line of troops reunited. This time, seeing Zoe pressing the position, BDD simply gave up the remaining blood soldiers. , wait for it to enter the distance, first W to live, hard to eat flying stars, exchange blood volume.

"Ning continues to come, and walk around from the F6 passage. Rookie is holding E in his hand, how to release it."

BDD feels like a fucking dog.

You play Zoe, what do you mean by hard grab twice?Bullying my vulnerable group?
Rookies are bad.

He walked across the pawn line, forcing Ryze to stick to the upper side, and then Ning first played Q to predict the retreat, and Rookie blocked the turn back.

BDD saw that there was no way out, so he could only dodge.

"It's okay, let's dodge, the midline is much more comfortable."

The blind monk helped to push the line and disappeared behind again.

Remember to comment: "But in this way, Ning's level will fall."

"The blind monk doesn't feel bad at all. Anyway, there are people who have taken over the banner in the early, middle and late stages."

"Sixth in high school soon..."

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