Chapter 574
[handsome handsome]

[TL is too afraid of spicy]

[Damu is dying, he is old and old]

Gnar was bullied.

Jhin was killed, the support did not flash, only 4 minutes, TL's situation is a bit unfavorable.

The camera cuts to the blue square spring.

The elder brother bought a mining knife and rushed down the road.

en route.

He saw that Mr. Damu hadn't said a word for a while, and the screen cut to him, huh?Why is the blood volume down by half again?
"It seems that the wave of blood was changed just before the road, and TheShy made a profit."

Hearing what PYL said, the two commentators took a closer look, didn't they? Gnar, who had just handed in a T, had less health than expected.

【Play back】

【Director enters the factory】

The barrage is swiping.

The fist director team heard the voices from the audience.

After releasing the killing shot of the bottom lane, he quickly cut to the top lane, so that people could understand what Mr. Oki did.

Kenan has [-]/[-] blood, Gnar T comes out full of blood, straw sandals and small green bottles are lying in the equipment column, why don't you dare to fight?

Seeing that Kenan did not retreat, the line of soldiers pushed back normally.

When Kenan A came up with his imprint to point him out, no matter how good-tempered Mr. Omu was, he couldn't keep it.I am two-thirds angry!
He couldn't figure it out.

The moment the boomerang slowed down, Gnar took the initiative to shoot up.

However, Oki didn't expect TheShy to react faster than him. E had just landed in the air and hadn't made up for the third ring. Kenan E turned forward, made a two-stage reversal, and then turned back to QW.

The stun effect triggers.

Kenan double A, walk towards the river while A, go up A to the third ring, stuck Kenan against the wall and throw Q when turning to the triangle grass, Kenan's small step flat pull dodge skill backhand dart, Gnar got the belt Alley's damage...



Mr. Oki made me want to cry but had no tears.

After watching the replay.

The barrage burst out laughing.

[It was Gnar who moved first]

[I testify that TheShy just wanted to A, and the behavior of Damu jumping on it was more aggressive]

[Positive... Justifiable self-defense? 】

Kenan circled back to the line.

Damu's plan to send in the line of soldiers went bankrupt, which was blocked by Kenan, and the feeling of the former second level came back.


Damu continued to be stuck on the edge of the experience area, bearing Kenan's surprise attack.

It's hard to be stared at by monsters.

This kind of intensity is rarely encountered a few times in a season in the North American division. The "low" intensity of the line has caused the degradation of the details of Mr. Oki's body.

Another Q shot.

After the hit, TheShy pressed forward decisively, and the E soldier accelerated, clicked on the floor to move in an S-shape to avoid Gnar's sixth boomerang, chased A to make a mark, and forced Gnar out of the experience zone.

"It's uncomfortable to go on the road. If the jungler doesn't come, he will be charged with at least three waves."

"I can only say that Oki didn't expect Kenan to be so twisted." Zeyuan smiled and said, "It seems that we don't have to worry about going up to the lane. I'm still quite afraid of Gnar's normal transition equipment, which will increase the pressure on us to start a team. , had to force the group."

Qin Ming was not surprised at all when he had an advantage in the top lane.

This kind of soldier line position.

From the moment Gnar pushed the line and pushed the idea of ​​changing blood, he would be counter-calculated by TheShy.In terms of pawn line understanding, TheShy has a delicacy beyond the horizontal line. This active front E directly put Damu into a dilemma.

What will TL do?
IG's opportunity has come.

as predicted.

The jungler was called to untie the line, and the moment his head appeared, Rookie quickly pushed to E and then withdrew to the city, Ning leaned down.

"Neither flash nor flash, I can T."

"Can the line go in? They want to fight, and I will arrive in 6 seconds."

The elder brother's judgment on the situation is not particularly bad.

Olaf showed up on the road and forced Kenan into the tower. Knowing that the opposite middle lane disappeared, Jhin wanted to clear the line before retreating.

"Ning is here, Missing won't let the opponent push, go up and open the shield to block the damage."

Titans go up to draw fire.

TL sensed the danger in the down lane, and in the process of pulling back, Kai'Sa cleared the line, Titan walked towards the aisle, and the blind monk touched the dragon wall and came around from the red zone.

"Two little short legs, there is a chance to stay!"

4 seconds.

The big brother just walked 200 yards in front of the second tower, and a dragon flew out from the wall.

"Give me an eye, and Rookie will send it to you. How about 3 vs 2, who will you give the black shield to?"

Jhin throws a lotus that simply slows Lee Sin.

Ke Ning is standing in front of the beam of light to eat skills, which is convenient for the ice girl to enter the arena. Seeing this, the TL assistant threw the black shield to AD and offered to sell himself.

"Who is the head for? Haha, Ah Shui W got an assist."

Kai'Sa took the line in, spirituality looked for an angle and threw W.

Morgana died.Head 0:2.

"Pretty, no problem."

"Rookie played the stage so well."

PYL nodded, "TheShy attracted the jungler to come over to untie the line, and this wave will be caught. Our offensive round is very fast."

is soon.

From the appearance of Olaf to the death of Morgana, it took only 15 seconds.

TL voice.

Pobelter was a little apologetic, "My, my level is too low."

"It's okay, I'm going to control Xiaolong."

things have happened.

The big brother didn't mean to blame anyone, he marked Xiaolong, as if to encourage his teammates, but also as if to cheer himself up, "It's useless to target me, I'm not the master c. If they continue to capture, I will give up the tower."

In the opening game, IG caught 2 rounds.

Taking advantage of Kai'Sa to go home, his side went back to the lane first, and Olaf clicked the explosive fruit and went down the wall.

"In less than 5 minutes, TL came to eat the dragon."

"It's okay if the water dragon is given. They are very united as a jungler. I remember playing FNC. He didn't invade the wild area much. He just controlled resources and helped the online work."

Xmithie is marked as a united jungler.

Miller was right.

In TL's Olaf system, you can't see the smell of Peanut or Ning who is quick to brush and grab people.

Control the water dragon, and the next brush will show the fire attribute.

follow closely.

Olaf ate the F6, and tried to get down the view of the river with the scan, but Ning came over to stop it.

"Tianyinbo hangs up, Olaf doesn't dare to fight. There is no line in the middle of the plane."

Instead of entanglement, Olaf went back to eat the stone beetle, and continued to row eyes after eating it!
He didn't believe that the blind monk could stay nearby all the time.


No one bothered this time.

The shot cuts to the road.

After returning home, Kenan found mage shoes and a mining knife lying in the equipment rack, and Gnar was consumed to two-thirds of his blood.

This is the result of Gnar returning home for the second time after the last wave of junglers cleared the line.

For TheShy, he discovered that Gnar likes to flat jump to dodge darts.

Exchange round.

Gnar handed a boomerang and ate the string.This time, Kenan accelerated diagonally into the attack range, raised his hand to attack A with a mark, then raised his hand again, and then threw Q at an oblique angle to hit, and W triggered three layers of marks.

"It hurts a bit, Gnar's anger is good. Ning ate the stone beetle, and Olaf is also leaning this way."

5 and a half.

After defeating Gnar, the red side can stock up when it goes online.

In this round that was sure to be tied for sixth, Oki knew he couldn't stop it.

"Is this going to cross? It's not good to go. Damu is very cautious. He lost his eyes to the thread grass. TheShy is signaling for the blind monk to go around the river. There is Olaf there."

The 2 wave line came to the front of the tower, almost time to go in.

wild area.

Olaf went down the intersection and bumped into the blind monk.

"The ax slows down, both sides are restrained, the plane is entangled with the ice girl, and Rookie can't get through for the time being."

The bottom lane is already weak, if the top lane is broken again, the rhythm pressure will be great, TL has to make a transition for whatever.

Go online and go in.

Kenan earned a Q, but the blind monk was not in place in time.

"Gnar will grow up soon, and he will be six."

Ning withdrew, and there were 5 ranged soldiers and 1 melee soldier left on the line. The sixth-level Danar was clearing the line, and Olaf turned back to eat the three wolves.

Just when everyone thought there was no chance, Zeyuan made a judgment that he would not overstep.

TheShy saw that Gnar was picking up stones and throwing Q, and pressed back, forcing Gnar to E.

Kennen faced back again.

2 minions in front of the tower.

The blue line comes here
E lights up on Kenan's body, the dazzling electric light just revealed, TheShy clicks on the floor and turns back to ER.Damu reacted quickly, taking 2 steps back to the side of the tower.

"Can this be surpassed???"

Gnar's blood is one-third, and when the electricity is fired for the first time, TheShy presses W, which triggers the first layer of imprint attached to the previous Q, and stuns.

"TheShy is fighting towers, is the damage enough?"


The audience followed suit.

Gnar with double toughness is activated, and the last fifth of the duration of the rage, flashes and shoots big.


Someone is faster than him.

TheShy dodges ahead of time.What's more, Kennan flashed to the right, 300 yards from Gnar.

"A hit with a mark, Nars blood, can this Q hit?"

Gnar is ready to throw a stone, and Kenan plays Q.


The stone was thrown, and Damu accelerated with the help of Little Gnar, and walked out of the tower, dodging the dart with a little prediction of the future.

"It's only 2 basic attacks, TheShy fights the tower again, one, one more, this damn little soldier! TheShy can't seem to get away."

Was chased by A 2 times.

Gnar fell to the ground, and Kenan hit the defense tower, leaving some blood to go out. In the camera, three long-range soldiers with residual blood executed the attack command and poured energy into the body of the enemy who killed our Gnar.


Zeyuan was very sorry, "This is the king's soldier."

Such an adrenaline scene also made Miller gasp, "It was a one-on-one kill, but it changed."

"It has to be said that Omu still has the reflexes, and he is showing off on both sides."

PYL nodded, "I looked at it, and TheShy is the duration of the imprint after the card Q, and suddenly turned back to ERW to play control, but Gnar's quick steps and double toughness allow Damu to make a counterattack—if he dodges back , the remaining blood can go away, but Damu also wants to fight back. I guess it was a bit uncomfortable to be beaten by TheShy in the lane, and I think it is an opportunity."

"Yes, if it wasn't for TheShy's pre-judgment and evasion of the big move, it would be hard to say who will win."

Damu Kanal's transformation is also very beautiful.

Calm down.

Da Mu knew that he was at a loss: Xiba, Kenan's army was completely disabled! !

Make up the knife on the road and pull it further.

Oki bought the Negative Cloak sincerely, and prepared to produce Wisdom Edge.

As the road level increases.

TheShy reduces the frequency of blood exchanges and concentrates on mining.

And in the middle.

The plane gets the blue buff, and the situation on the center line is no longer under the control of the ice girl.

The ultimate move plus Q plus machine gun, the reset speed is not slower than that of the ice girl Q soldier.


The junglers on both sides are taking care of the center line. Often, the blind monk will line up the ward to occupy the lower area. After 20 seconds, Olaf will come and snatch it back.

"Rookie is a little restless."

"Don't worry, let's wait for Lu Six, Tai Tan has a big move, and the first move is stronger."

The two sides competed for a minute and a half around the center line.

7 minutes 57 seconds.

The plane pushed the line back to the city and brought the explosives.

Missing reminded: "Be careful with the plane. Let's put the line first and wait for it to show up."

"Yeah." Ah Shui said.

"We defended well, the winger was in the control position, let Rookie top the line, and sent the minions into the defensive tower."

Pobelter couldn't find a chance and showed his face.

The next 1 minutes.

IG is relatively honest. The blind monk is doing eyes, putting pressure on the bright side, and then discussing with his teammates to move the vanguard.

9 minutes 20 seconds.

The blind monk first went back to the city to make up 2 real eyes, and went straight up.

"Pioneer node, what should TL do?"

Qin Ming is also observing.

Jhin and Morgana accelerated the speed of pushing the wire, and the plane shrank in front of the tower, waiting for Olaf to come over.

Due to the bottom lane reset speed equalization.

9 minutes 50 seconds.

Ah Shui and Missing decided to let go of a wave of minions to complete the line transfer.


Pioneer refreshed in 7 seconds, Ah Shui caught the center line, and IG noticed that TL did not come.

Rookie is calmly analyzing the current situation.

Gnar was very careful, he shrank behind the tower early, and probably wouldn't give him a chance.

Look at Xiaolong again, refreshed in 11 seconds.

If TL wants to play the dragon control rhythm, we force the tower and block the vision, what will happen to the other side? Rookie talked about his problem, and Missing responded quickly, "You can squat in the middle. We ward to put pressure on them, and squat them back to the lane. If you squat, they will be very explosive in the mid lane."

"Come on, come on, Ah Shui and I will take care of the side-eye, Ning, you take away the triangle grass."

Decision issued.

The ice girl goes around the second tower, Ah Shui pushes up the soldiers, follows Tai Tan to see the river, and then pulls back to continue the top line.At the same time, the blind monk leaned up and squeezed out the defensive real eye made by Damu.

The vision is dark.

The only judgment TL can make is that after IG has finished playing the vanguard, they will hold together and force them up the tower.

"Pioneering for Fire Dragon, we must make a small profit."

"TheShy crossed the defense tower and cut off the line, and continued to put pressure on Damu. If Gnar didn't defend, the pioneer would have a chance to hit the second tower."

TL thought the swap was set.

Unbeknownst to him, Rookie pinched his mid-line vision, crossed the wall and entered the middle lane to lay grass.


"He's squatting back to the defense." PYL's eyes lit up, "TL doesn't know the speed of our play, they may come to squeeze the center line."

"There is a chance, there is a real chance, TheShy is acting, and Gnar can't stand in the autistic grass."

The online situation forced TL to make a choice.

Just like PYL thought, TL has a tacit understanding to let go of the tower, but they don't accept that Pioneer can do so many things, so TL decided to press the middle line of the wave and force IG to split up.

"Eldest brother is eating offline, only Nosuke is here."

4 vs 3, chance! !

The Ice Girl provides vision, Missing takes the blind monk to the blue zone, and Kai'Sa is responsible for clearing the line.

at this time.

The teammate came over immediately, and the plane stood on the lower side, thinking about Kasha.

"I'm up!"

Ice Girl E went behind the opposite side and forced out the plane W skill and flash. Pobelter had just left the range of the Ice Girl's ultimate move, but his heart was still beating. He couldn't understand why the Ice Girl appeared in this position.

Just as he was about to communicate with his teammates, flashing sound effects entered his ears.Auxiliary Titans kill behind.

"It can be done in seconds!"

Unpretentious locks.

The plane tried to struggle and burrowed into the new soldier.

next second.

Pobelter gave up completely.

"Ultimate move to hit the fly, the blind monk touches the Titan to compensate for the damage, the plane! The plane was shot in seconds!!" The blind monk QRQ got the head.

"The flanks can still be seen, Olaf and Morgana are in poor positions."

The plane fell to the ground.

The blind monk led the Titan to the red zone.

4 seconds later.

The trio keeps 2 people on the lower side of the red buff.

"Olaf made a big move, the big brother is leaning this way, when will the black shield be handed in, the ice girl, the ice girl EW forced out the black shield, Morgana didn't dodge, Kai'Sa W hit Olaf!"


Jhin made a big move, the blind monk got control, Missing stepped forward to block the bullet, and Kai'Sa used Olaf's position to enter the arena to focus on Morgana.

"Their assistants have no skills. It's useless to use the big one. Ice Girl makes up a Q, and Morgana's second-stage effect can't be played at all."

Morgana wanted to sell herself, Ah Shui got the head.

Olaf looked back and slowed down, and IG went down the tower bag: "I can chase and chase, I have a big."

Rookie is excited.

IG's sudden offensive pulled out a large net covering the middle and bottom.

TL was completely stunned.

When Olaf joins the AD, the two of them are also very desperate and want to leave. The blind monk touched the wall under his eyes and got stuck in the stone beetle grass ahead of time.

"Sell me." The elder brother was very calm.Being double-teamed by four people, except for the fastest moving Olaf who can try to run, he will never do it.


IG rationally let Olaf go, and Ning put pressure on Jhin's output range, and dragged his teammates over.

"Elder brother, it's miserable, he died twice."

The number of people is 1:7, and the economy has expanded to 2.6K.

"This wave was played beautifully." Miller's passionate mood has not yet calmed down, "No one thought that the ice girl would appear from this position. The plane turned in 2 displacement skills and did not run away. As a result, the teammates could only run down. .”

"Wow, this initiation and follow-up... TL is screwed."

"Pyl, what do you think?"

"They have a lot of equipment for double-c, and the economy has been stretched so much, they will be under great pressure in the mid-term." PYL added, "This will tear down the tower, and we Pioneer haven't released it yet."

0 for 4, clear the line and remove the tower.

In front of the camera, the eldest brother sipped his saliva and smiled wryly.

This scene made many European and American audiences uncomfortable.

They knew that there was a gap with IG, but they didn't expect that it would be broken at the first touch.

"They want to tear down the tower."

"Give it up. Can't beat it."

Jhin went to the bottom lane to develop, IG's assistant team forced to go up the tower, and TheShy returned to the city.

"They set the vanguard."

"Let. I'm short of 200 big swords." The senior brother said.

The three of TL guarded the second tower, delaying the vanguard's advance.

Rookie cleared the center line, leaned up, and there was another short 4 on 3 scene.

"Ning lined up on the flanks, and hit Gnar with a random Q."

The TL trio stood behind the defense tower, afraid of being opened.

follow closely.

Pioneer knocked down half of the health of the second tower, Rookie joined the blind monk to put pressure, and the distance was very ambiguous.There is a taste of being able to enter the field with crampons, and the position is almost there.

next beat.

Missing stepped forward to put pressure on Morgana's Q.

"TL gave up the position, Rookie handed over to E and followed his teammates to dismantle the tower."

"Okay! We have the second tower, and then go to pull out the middle tower, and then spend some time operating to drop the second tower, and the whole game will be stable."

Knowing that IG will do this, TL can't help it.

TL has the means to clear the line, but the equipment gap is so large, they lack the front row.

1 minutes later.

16 and a half.

IG pushed from the middle to the bottom, maintaining the principle of discovering Gnar's position and pressing forward boldly in the middle.

The middle tower was stolen again by Kai'Sa.

TL discussed for a long time and decided to take a risk, "Xiaolong gave it. After they push down the middle tower and switch to the lane, we will fight a wave in the red zone."

"Well, I'll keep the dynamite pack."

TL foreshadowing action.

Mr. Damu ate the tower soldiers and returned to the city. In the supply state, when the wind dragon wailed and IG took the cannon line to hold the middle tower, the plane hid its vision and returned to the city to pick up the explosive package.

"TL wants to fight??"

"If they don't fight, they will lose." PYL judged, "When the Titan Flash gets better, we are very capable of tower jumping. As long as we keep an eye on Gnar, TL can't play."

It is clear about this.

TL is ready to die.

Qin Ming watched the team members dismantle the middle tower, turn down the line, and block the view along the way.

"Morgana is overcast at the red buff position, the plane is approaching, did you notice it?"

There was no one in front of TL, which made IG a little vigilant.

Missing walked down the scan, the blind monk went to F6 grass, double cs followed behind the support, the whole formation was relatively tight.

Titans came into view.

At such a narrow intersection, a cloud of black energy hit the front row.

next moment.

Morgana's black shield was given to herself, flashed to Tai Tan's face, and the plane was ready to go.

"Morgana got hurt and started a stopwatch. This position hurts a bit!"

Enhanced version of the dive, entering the position obliquely from the front of the red buff, the moment the plane's position is exposed, Ah Shui pulls back and is surrounded by the second W.

The flames are burning.

The cooperation of TL's middle assistant forced Rookie to pull the red buff out of the flame area, and then hit Gnar and Jhin head-on.

"We're kind of out of touch, this W is so hot."

Olaf started sprinting and slashed at the unflappable Titan; Gnar looked at the ice girl with anger, and Rookie had no choice but to give R to Gnar.

In such a situation.

TheShy stuck into the stone beetle camp, and Ning knew that his teammates had lost their combat effectiveness, and only Kenan could be relied on.

The map of the battlefield is printed in my mind.

Ning didn't get close to the front for the first time, but walked around from the F6 grass to the lower side of the battlefield to put pressure on Jhin.

"Look at me look at me."

Big Brother A shot the Ice Girl 2 shots, and Gnar became big enough to deal with the mid laner. Seeing the blind monk approaching, he quickly retreated to the side. He knew that as long as it dragged on for a few seconds, at least 2 of this wave would be killed.


"This kick!!! TL exploded."

R to Morgana before the Titan died.

The plane couldn't beat Kai'Sa single-handedly, forcing out the hunter's instinct, and let Kai'Sa temporarily leave the battlefield, and then turned back to cooperate with the jungler to kill the Titan, and pulled back.


In the grass passage behind the red buff wall, four people stood temporarily.

In Qin Ming's expectant eyes.

Ning's ability to capture space has been demonstrated, and the simplest way to adjust his body position is to touch his eyes, QJinR and flash.

With a powerful kick, Jin flew into the crowd, knocking Ruanfu into the air.

this moment.

TheShy is in a position that no one can defend, presses the binding method, and flashes over the wall.

Teacher Oki was dealing with the ice girl, and he didn't even have time to make remedial actions.

Kenan ER enters the field and calls to four.


In less than 1.5 seconds, the huge amount of damage took away the middle and lower assistants, and only Olaf was left holding the double ax and was confused: Where are my teammates?

"Kenan's equipment, no one can stand it, Olaf can't run away, Rookie can last a while, this wave, we won!"


The ice girl was killed in battle, and Mr. Oki fled back to the highland alone. TL took the lead, but was manipulated into 2 for 4 by IG.


This wave has never been fought, and TL has no chance to launch a decent resistance.

In 22 minutes, as IG ate the dragon, TL's base was flattened.

(End of this chapter)

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