Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 587 If you think you will lose if you drag it on

[Little Peanut, I have to rely on you at the critical moment]

【The score comes to one to one】

[Keep it up, Qinggang Shadow is inferior and can still play, ez is inferior, it is trash, kz can win]

Korean net comments swiped.

Most of the voices felt that Xiaohuan was fine to catch, and Khan didn't protect it.


Facing a team like ig that is good at relying on laning and tearing up the situation, it is really not easy to be able to lead the scene.

From the group stage to the present, very few teams have played ig and can do well in the early stage.

This kind of sign is seen by Korean audiences, including domestic and foreign commentators.

Ze Yuan felt a little guilty in his heart.

In the midline, Shane was trapped in the clockwork, and it didn't matter that he was behind in development. He was waiting for his teammate c in a meat suit;

Off the assembly line, the rhythm of the goddess ez's tears was delayed, and the 2 consecutive waves of deaths came too fast, causing A Shui to have no money to update the equipment.Anyone who has played the game understands that from 18 to 19 minutes, if you fail to upgrade ez's core equipment Magic Cut, it means that this game is not qualified. ez is a hero who takes the lead in economics to show his combat power, not to mention stealing money with him.

ez half useless.

lpl viewers don't feel right.

Those bad memories start to attack.

They remembered the picture of the spring finals, A Shui was too backward in the matchup, and Uzi was riding the face in the team battle.

For those who watch the game a lot.

If you ask them, what is ig's most accustomed way to win?
Ask ten people, a hundred people, or a thousand people, and you'll get only one answer.

Frequent exchange of blood and fights, reckless tower jumps, and two or three crouches bring down the number of people, then lead the economy, roll the snowball, the game is over, and ig wins.

Gaining an advantage in laning is always a regular item here at ig.

What does this feel like.

Only when ig enters familiar territory will fans be free of anxiety.

I am happy to be an ig fan.

Most of the time, they don't feel anxious.


Competitive games are never mediated by emotions.

Little Peanut broke the boat, took the spider in the reverse version, and played what the team wanted.

ig is going through a game in which the offensive and defensive rhythm is mastered by the opponent.

What is offensive and defensive rhythm?

Opponents can choose to fight more freely and proactively.It's not about head count, it's about the rhythm of the game.

Because what kz needs most is not Qinggangying's strength, but Shimono's strength.

In this regard.

Qin Ming took out ez as expected, hoping that the bottom road battlefield could support the top road battlefield.

"It's a little wrong. Let's see if we can do something when kz controls resources."

Think so.

Qin Ming continued to observe the situation.

ez was killed twice.

After A Shui communicated with the team, Ning gave up some of the monsters and went straight to the road, wanting to take advantage of Sain's return to link up with rookie.


Khan is very slippery.

He's not the kind of player who gives out kills for a point.

Although this method is actually more profitable for a disadvantaged top order, but for the team's consideration, Qinggangying chose to go to the autistic grass and punish the station.

"Experienced, if you go down the road and cross the tower, Khan will retreat directly without giving him a chance."

"Jianji has a great advantage, but our resource group is not easy to pick up. Originally, ez should go to poke, the clockwork is centered to mark the opposite position, the blind monk controls resources, theshy finds opportunities to go around his back and put pressure on the opposite back row. But now Ah Shui is a little bit behind on this part."


"Yes. In the lineup of kz, only the upper assistant can watch Jian Ji, and Sein is a blood-recovery bag in front of Jian Ji."

was talking.

Little Peanut ate his own toad and came to the f6 channel of the blue side to ambush.

"Little Peanut is here again. He hasn't been home. Rookie doesn't seem to know this."


ig, who is good at attacking, is a little uncomfortable in the rhythm offensive of Little Peanut.

Rookie obviously didn't expect the spider to appear in the back at this time.

After he returned to defense, he stood on the flank to evade Sion's e skill, and then handed in the skill to clear the line.

More than 20 seconds have passed since the spiders finished catching the bot lane.

Rookie felt that the spiders would haunt the upper side, so after pushing the line, he saw that Shane opened his shield and got stuck, and subconsciously looked down the river, ready to push another line to go home to supply.

The station trajectory has changed.

Bdd pretended to have no teammates, and after accumulating power, he took 2 steps forward, and suddenly changed direction to get closer.

"The cobweb hits, and this wave will be forced to dodge."

The amount of clockwork blue is not much, and the blood volume is very healthy.

After eating the control, the spider played a set, and Sion couldn't keep up with the charge q, so rookie flashed and ran to the tower.

rookie: "The spider didn't go home, I disappeared."

Ning: "I'm going to steal a dragon. Sai En is on the sixth day, be careful yourself."

rookie knew that Ning couldn't help himself so easily.

That's the point of Sean's disgust.

For a normal mid-game combination, you can only find a chance to do it in the first few levels. After the sixth level, Sion's survivability has changed qualitatively, and it will become difficult to kill.

"Would you rather control the dragon?"

"Little Peanut has just returned to the city, there is a chance."

The timing is okay.

No matter what.

kz is on guard.

Xia was clearing the line, and Gori habitually filled her eyes, and she was seeing the blind monk who wanted to make it dark under the lights.

"Almost, Xiaolong still has [-] blood, and pray is leaning here. Ning Shanxian is not good, this wave will be very dangerous if he is left behind, and the slowdown given by Water Dragon is a bit annoying."


Ning was very upset.

The process of stealing the dragon was interrupted, and the two elders Xuanming pulled the water dragon to the outside and dragged the little peanut over to pay the punishment.

"I was taken over." Ze Yuan said: "It's a bit of a part-time job. But the idea is no problem. There is only a group of stone beetles in the lower half. It's better to control the dragon."

"The spider's equipment is a bit good, the red punishment and the soul are added, and the kill line has reached [-]."

"You have to find a chance to kill the spider once. You can't let Xiaohuan be so arrogant in the wild. When he is arrogant, kz will have a good time."

Little Peanut Mingpai passed the middle road and disappeared on the upper side.

hit here.

The spider level is one level ahead of the blind monk. Although theshy also suppressed the blue steel shadow, but in terms of experience, it did not open up too much. Khan relied on the skillful experience of rubbing experience and successfully increased to 6.

in this way.

Jian Ji sent the line into the tower and temporarily retreated to see the situation. Bdd pushed the line with his back foot to keep up with Little Peanut's pace, helped the spider swept the array, and let it reverse the toad, and then put a fake eye at the intersection of the blue zone.

The blue zone is lost.

Ning seemed a little helpless, and Xia Luo left after clearing the line, and he didn't make a comparison in front of the tower, all of which made Ning very uncomfortable.

He doesn't like the lack of lane fights, which will make him lack the necessary gank information.

The next 1 minutes.

Ning Mengtou devoured the remaining wild monsters from Little Peanut and succeeded in making a big move.

There is a big move.

Desire to do things rises.

Ning went straight to the road, seeing through his underwear along the way.

"It's not easy to catch, khan knows he will be targeted."


"Gori came out of the house and leaned up. What is Xiaohuan going to do? He's going to be caught."

Little Peanut didn't want to know how annoying Ning was, but he probably could.

That's what the league is.

If someone is suffocating, someone must be helping you.

Peanuts are cool.

Have a good vision, wait for the opportunity to fall into your hands, and don't take risks at all.


The spider enters the blue square and red area from the lower side, squatting in the f6 grass, waiting for the soldier line.

The shot cuts to the road.

Ning didn't know his position was seen by the eyes set by bdd. He touched the wall from the big dragon pit, clicked the explosive fruit to cross the wall, and just entered the tower when the line went online. The timing was perfect.

Then, theshy first tried to test the blood volume, and took advantage of the Qinggang shadow to replenish the troops, q bleeding line advantage.

3 seconds.

Jian Ji resisted the tower, three-quarters of her HP, two-thirds of Qinggangying, and she was passively beaten.

Khan knows what he knows, and his e skill is very stable.

Seeing the blind monk showing his head, Jian Ji was not in a hurry to open the r, knowing that the opposite side wanted the blind monk to resist the tower, and used Menglong to swing its tail to match the flaws in the sword formation.

"Khan opened the e and pulled back, Ning touched his eyes and broke his body, and kicked the wall with a big move."

"Luo is here, this position is really difficult to grasp, Qinggangying takes 2 steps back and can return to the defense tower."

Luo Lu nodded for a moment.

theshy restrained and killed her heart, "Don't follow. Go."

Jian Ji went to cover, but Gori didn't dare to collide with IG Ueno behind the tower. He lifted the flying blind monk, stopped to recover blood, and followed Qinggangying into the tower to help Khan clear the line.

The action was in a hurry, and even Qinggangying's ultimate move was not forced out.

Ning Zheng was depressed.

The voice heard rookie shout, "The big move can't be released. Hey, I was overtaken, and the spider damage is a bit high."

Zeyuan: "Sean sent the line in, waited for rookie to exchange q, and hit it with a big move. To be honest, bdd is very general, rookie twisted his waist and hid on the side of the tower, but the problem is that Sain slammed into it. Yes, rookie was forced to move, so he could only stand down and enter the cobweb distance."

"Little Peanut's outbreak is a bit high. The clockwork is half-blooded, and Sein's damage hasn't been dealt, and it melts when he pounces."

"8 minutes, 3 heads of spiders, and [-] heads of kz team, all related to Little Peanut."

Head 1:4, ig is one thousand eighteen behind.

"This carries me!"

Little Peanut finally had the confidence to call out this sentence to his teammates.

Xiao Shusheng's name has been with him for more than half a year.

But no one cared about how the kz team won the msi final stage.

Stereotypes kill people.

this game.

The commentators seemed to have seen s6, the wild king who was rampaging in the wild. At that time, he was young. Every time he made a kill, the corner of his mouth showed a smile, and the audience always shouted "peanut".

Smiles are getting harder and harder to see.

The pride of pointing the country will become high because of the smooth rhythm.

"I'm clocking up nausea once, putting pressure on him, and preparing to switch to the vanguard in the bottom lane."

"Ig won't be willing to put resources away. If I look at the other side, I'll keep an eye on Jian Ji. They are very weak in team play, and they don't hurt. Don't be pulled into too many by the clockwork, you can't lose the team battle."

"Don't give the opponent a chance to fight for punishment. The main purpose of the vanguard group is to fight, kill people and then control resources."

9 minutes.

The spider turned down F6 and went home to upgrade the jungler, enchant the rune, and buy the dark ring.

"Buying a ring? So crazy?"

"Little Peanut is playing."

The audience was a little outraged.


They can't see how crazy the little peanut who is still in jail can be.

【Master Zero Ring】

【Want to kill a pig? 】

[Little Peanut doesn’t think it’s hard for spiders to die, right?]

Peanut thinks so.

Rookie just returned to the lane and pushed a wave of pawns. Sain took the initiative to press it up, the spider popped up on the top, and the e skill forced him to move.

"Near me. Be careful on the road. If they want to move forward, they will definitely grab the line."

The exact location of the spider is unknown.

Ning didn't dare to enter the wild area at all.

Spiders with this kind of equipment are half-blooded when they meet. The bloodline of the resource group was suppressed before, and they had no milk to help them survive.

The field of view is a little stressed.

9 and a half.

The two elders of Xuan Ming were about to switch lanes, and missing went home ahead of time and bought 2 real eyes and leaned upwards to meet Ningpu's eye position.

at this time.

Khan went home to go down, theshy was eating the tower knife, and waited until Qinggang Ying appeared in the lower tower to catch the line pushed by Ah Shui, kz Liuxia occupied the middle, and Nakano Fu squeezed into the river.

"Kz is very greedy, Khan has teleported, they let Qinggangying go to the bottom, and continue to look at the vanguard from the front."

"I don't dare to push forward on the line, the speed of Jian Ji's push is not fast, we have no vision, and Jian Ji cannot be forced to use skills."

Watching the stalemate on the line.

theshy walks through the grass behind the wall and pulls in circles towards the pass.

This is the signal for a group.

For ig, it's okay for kz to control Pioneer, but we will look for opportunities.This is the will of ig.

"What do you say about this wave, the vanguard collided, and the missing took the blind monk to occupy the intersection. Can you find an opportunity to drop Luo in seconds. Only Luo poses the greatest threat to us, and its group control will limit the position of the clockwork."

The two sides attacked and defended around the river.

Qinggangying relieved the pressure in the bottom lane.


A Shui joins theshy, uses the Q skill to explore the pass, covers it with his eyes, and squeezes to the right.

The ig position is very smart.

Make full use of the blue side's terrain advantages, double-team kz at the intersection and at both ends of the pass, and lose skill consumption.

2 arcane shots, all hit on the Sion shield.The damage is very scratching.

2 seconds have passed.

Miss took the initiative to push forward and inserted his real eyes, knowing that Pioneer had [-] blood, Spider was standing on the inside, Middle and Lower Auxiliary was at Longkengkou, Xia was standing behind Shane, and Luo was marking the intersection of the blue zone.

"Do you want to fight for punishment? Our double-c is still flexible, and Ah Shui can sell it."

The ez position is relatively aggressive, the basic attack range hits Sain's face, and theshy has never shown up.

"Sell it, let's move to the middle. Force them out of position first."

Little Peanut directs his teammates to do things.

Pioneer three thousand blood.

Ning couldn't hold back, and stood on the upper side of the river. In the next instant, Gori turned around suddenly, first attacked the blind monk, Ning's eyes were quick, and he continued to pull up when he touched his eyes, backhand Q to the original position, and hit Luo.

"Luo is gone, there is a chance!"

The press succeeded, creating a certain amount of confusion.

The solar flare lit up, capturing Luo back to e position, and Gori was forced to cross and pull in front of Shane.

This big move didn't hit anyone, but it formed a vacuum at the dragon pit. Facing the female tank, the middle and lower assistants squeezed to the right and gave up their position.

The formation is divided.

Rookie accelerated the ball, missed to the dragon pit, got close to the spider, and ez continued to flank poke harassment.

"One finger, the spiders are open to the sky. They can defend and defend. Kz will pay for their arrogance!"

Spiders are seen.

Ah Shui E entered the left side of the river, continued to harass the KZ trio, and joined his teammates.

next moment.

The ez is wide open, the angle is very good, and it is swept to three.


The blood line is squeezed down.

The spider landed on the golden body, the blue steel shadow sent the river to the grass, and the flanks were double-teamed.

At this point, even if the back road is dangerous, ig still feels that if the jungler dies, the team battle can be played.

The atmosphere is very anxious.

Xia turned on w, output female tank, missing was afraid that she would be barbed, and subconsciously gave up some space.

"Look at the clockwork!"

ig failed to get up.

Little Peanut flashed in seconds, flashed to the upper wall, and left the front of the battlefield.

Can be dragged by spiders for 6 seconds, enough to rearrange the pockets.

"Is there no one to stop this car?"

"The rookie got hit and Luo came in. This wave is a little dangerous."

In the anxious tone of the commentary.

Bdd accurately grasped the space, pressed against the wall to accelerate, rubbed the female tank and rushed into the back of the ig.

Ning devoted a part of his mind to Qing Gangying, watching the clockwork take control, Luo Er connected with charm.

almost simultaneously.

Jian Ji entered the pass, and aimed directly at Xia, who was alone.

The spider was forced to retreat. As long as he watched Xia, the team battle still had to be fought. Although the kz opened well, it did not mean that there was no room for counterattack.

see this scene.

Zeyuan screamed, and the lpl audience followed suit.

"Theshy is in a good position. The female tank points again, forcing out the flying feathers in the sky. Kill pray, kill pray!"

Gori is very good at keeping the back row.

After he charmed the blind monk, he seemed to know that Xia would be threatened, and by accelerating, he turned around and looked at Jian Ji's position.

upper side of the river.

Rookie was taken away by Qinggang Yingqing, the blind monk was struggling, all the viewers watching the live broadcast were staring at theshy, hoping that he could cut off the lower assistant and exchange for the loss.

"Missing flash q, Xia's barb didn't play the effect, there is a chance for seconds!"

The eye of the heart is blocked and lifted, the big move is opened to Xia, the missing position adjusts the angle, and it is judged that Xia only has room to pay e, and flashes the connection Q skill.

Nice fit.

The barb effect didn't come out, the female tank adjusted her position to dodge, and Jian Ji q went to the back to dodge.

The mood of the audience is at its peak.

Ze Yuan was about to shout out the phrase "theshy is still operating", and a group of cobwebs flew out of the shadows, predicting that Jian Ji would break to the left.

A sigh sounded.

It was bitter to say it, and Miller said in a low voice, "Little Peanut... Hey, we've been fried this time."

Cobweb's prediction was successful.

Pary, who got the breathing space, flashed to open his position, Shane replaced his position, and the two converged.

"One more flawed damage can cut off the ad." Ze Yuan was very sorry.

Can't kill Xia, the location is very poor.

The spider bites, and Jian Ji instantly drops to one-third of the blood. At this time, theshy has a flash in his hand. If he runs to the middle, there is still a chance to walk away.

Jian Ji pretended to pull towards the river, waited for Luo to chase, and immediately went back, and the second section of e hit the damage.

All kz members have no skills.

Xia couldn't output Jian Ji, and only relied on spiders for cover. Theshy was stunned to change the support before dying.

"It's still a big loss. The vanguard group has been bombed, and kz has eight heads."

1 for 4, 2:8 heads.

in playback.

Clockwork got Sion's ultimate move, got charm, and Sion's q, and the residual blood increased, and when he reached Sion, he was taken away by the Qingsteel Shadow E wall.

The blind monk was even more miserable. After eating the charm, he was framed by Hexton, and Ning simply saved his skills.

"Little Peanut dragged it very well, dragged it to Qinggang Ying, and dragged our formation into a mess. In the end, I was able to reach Jian Ji and save Ad."

"At this stage, our damage is too bad. If ez is equipped better, the opponent will not dare to stand like this - I mean, our double team formation is actually very suitable for this lineup. Just because of the lack of damage, kz can Play very calmly, they won't be in a hurry." Remember to add the reason for the loss.


"Sean can't handle it. I regret taking it. Look, he came in this wave, and no one could see his ultimate move. Besides, the position of missing to hide the feather was caught by bdd. Bring Luo into the field and play us in the back row to lose our temper."



The kz coaching staff is clapping.

of course.

Qin Ming did not regret why the team members took this group.

The barrage is spraying decision-making.

The Korean audience is climaxing.

Zeyuan comforted: "Look at theshy. 2-1, little Tiamat and Yaoguang's wooden hammer, the development is not bad, even if Qinggangying picks up 2 heads and catches it back, it can't beat it heads-up. Sword Princess."

Just finished.

Little Peanut ate the Pioneer, quickly returned to the city, made the addition of the Devil's Code, put on shoes, and moved towards the bottom road.

Qinggangying only came over after handling the bottom line.

in other words.

This wave of bot lane has a wave back to the push-line round.

20 seconds passed.

Khan exposed flaws to Jian Ji's position, theshy came up fierce, and Q ate cobwebs on the way.

"It's Peanut again, his e is too accurate. It gives him the feeling of hard control."

Kz Ueno is not in a hurry to set fire.

Qinggangying first q for a period of time, and then cut off the retreat path, which is convenient for the spider to compensate for the damage.With only one qw electrocution, Jian Ji went down to a quarter.Scary outbreak.

Theshy ran for 700 yards, but he couldn't run. When he blocked the spider's next move with his heart knife, Qinggang Yingjiao got close to him with two kicks and took him away.

Heads 2:9.

When the commentator said that Jian Ji died in battle, the audience felt bored.

【Give some flaws and be fooled】

【send.Get ready.My suggestion is to ban spiders.This hero is smooth, and the pressure is too great. If he hits an E, he will be half-blooded, and the crispy skin will be instantly hit.]

[What is A Shui doing, is there such a person?]

Kill Jian Ji, let the vanguard hit the tower, and crash into the second tower all the way, only to be solved by the rookie who is returning to the defense.

The idea of ​​kz is very simple.

They only have a slight disadvantage on the wing, and Little Peanut feels that as long as he makes up for this link, ig has no reason to come back.

Spider brushed a wave of wild areas.

Go home and go up.

"The blue buff is refreshed, the spider is coming, it's not good."

The explosive spider explored the path, then pulled down to the jungle, Ning tried to punish, and Sion came from the flank.

"The blue is gone, it will be a bit difficult for the clockwork to continue. Rookie has just made Luden."

Ning continued to lose blood.


Sein blasted the tower and knocked off the upper tower, and kz led the economy by more than [-] warning lines.

It feels bad to be beaten.

Kz has a good grasp of vision control, and his habit of pushing the line is also good. The two elders of Xuan Ming said that they are in the middle, so they will not press randomly.

Fire Dragon lets.

The third imprint Fenglong, Miller slightly comforted, "The Fenglong is okay, this imprint does not help the team battle very much."

13 minutes, to 17 minutes.

A full 4 minutes.

Kz takes advantage of the field of vision to erode resources a lot.


Khan cleared the line and crossed the ruins, and immediately retreated to see the situation. Sain pushed the line down, and in the ig blue area was like his own home, swaggeringly leaned in.

"Kz is very stable, so he didn't give him a chance. After the sideway operation, he immediately huddled together and forced us to return to the defense."

Little Peanut came to the grass below the midline.

Enter the line.

Ning wanted to put pressure on the flanks to see if he could find a loophole. The next moment, the spider web flew out and half of the blood strips melted.


"Luo is relying on. Ah, the flash is gone."

The blind monk did not flash.

Missing doesn't know who to drive, pray relies on Sion to take damage in front of him, and grinds the tower at will.

"Rookie comes here, the tower can hold it."

"There is still one third of the tower in the middle. I feel that rookie is going to occupy the middle tower. Let Ah Shui guard the line. It can be delayed for a while."

Everyone knows the strategic significance of Zhongyi Tower.

The key target of kz becomes the first tower.

ig to adjust the defense.

Put ez on the second tower and eat the line pushed by Shane.


Peanut got angry again.

The previous wave flashed, and this wave controlled the intersection in the red zone with vision, regardless of whether the blind monk would bypass the vision, and drilled to the blue zone and others ahead of time.

19 minutes 14 seconds.

The blind monk ate the three wolves, and Gori moved closer without obtaining the vision information.

"Ning, it's dangerous."

Ning used the sky sound wave to explore the grass, faced the spider web, and then was lifted up by Luo Rw and directly controlled to death.

"Little Peanut 4-0-4, ten layers of rings."

"It's a bit difficult, it's really a bit difficult, Xia can protect herself, Luo is not the first to open the team, we have no chance to make it to the back row."

too familiar...

For ig fans, this kind of sudden death is all too familiar.

The blind monk died from the loss of vision, and there were obviously missing defensive eyes at the intersection, but the center line was suppressed, and the missing could not block all the intersections.

Shane is very meaty, ez can't move, bdd blasts the second tower against ez's output.

And in the middle.

The spiders were stuck on the flanks of the blue zone, threatened with explosive spiders, and the Qinggang shadow disappeared in the bottom lane, ig could only let him fall into one tower, and split people to help defend the road.

What is the current situation?
Where is the center of gravity of kz, ig can only passively defend.

Whether it's hitting the top or hitting the bottom, ig can't control the line.

"Forcing a ban position will save you."

The kz analyst muttered.

If I win this game, no matter how IG cracks the mid-tank and wild law systems of Sion and Spider, BP will be a lot more comfortable.

If they grab it, the pressure on the line will be reduced. If they don’t grab it, they are willing to continue to believe in Little Peanut.

At this moment.

Ning had a hard time playing.

It's so dangerous in my own wild area. I want to catch people, but there is nowhere to catch them. Every time I don't pass, Qinggangying retreats.

The visual field pressure is increasing.

For ig, who is not easy to guard, it's a little worse.

Even more so.

KZ slowed down the attacking rhythm, and they clearly advanced to the side of the second tower. The first thing to do is to keep an eye on the lower side, and do not need to go deep into the game of the blue team, so that the vision on both sides can pull the ig defense line and look for flaws.

The more you fight, the more confident you are.

Khan dared to take the initiative to exchange blood with Jian Ji. They played with operational skills slowly, and through continuous branching and the liberated Yesuke, they always maintained poor support.

"The next two towers are going to fall. Shane is very fleshy, and the clockwork can't be beaten. Bdd can confiscate our poke with a shield."

Kz let go of the line, found an opportunity to hold a group and pressed down, blasted off the second tower, and then all retreated to the wind dragon that refreshed immediately.

22 minutes, the wind dragon whine.

theshy gave up the single-belt outfit, did not cooperate with Tiamat, but did the bloody hand first.

"Three-phase, Purple Rainforest and a pickaxe. Theshy wants to join the group."

"Kz is to control resources and let the blue steel shadow develop. We have a good start, but if we can't drive the back row, everything will stop."

It is very difficult to start a group.

The regular starter is useless to kz at all. If it is not activated well, it will be counterattacked by kz and speed up the game.

Watching the spider control resources to the fullest, ig didn't dare to watch it. This kind of scene was very demoralizing.

Ning was bored.

The flash turned better, and the skills were all there. He made a serious suggestion, "If you think that you will lose if you drag it on, I will go up and try it. I don't know who I can kick back, but it's definitely not Sean."

Champion Bishop of the League

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