The player who always loses the game.

It is easy to have high fighting spirit before the game and want to make up for the previous regrets;

Playing silence during the game, rather than comforting his teammates, he is the one who needs to be stimulated by good news;

In the end, I was cranky, and my mind was completely out of the game.

The characteristics of such frustrated people are obvious: think too much, do too little.

They are afraid of losing.

Really scared to lose.

It doesn't feel good to walk on the edge of a cliff --

"Small brush", "do nothing", "please die on the plane", "don't come back", "dragged down faker, khan (the team that has been there, all teammates are listed among them)"...

What do the audience think of this bo5?

Little Peanut is still unclear.

October 5th.

The entire kz team was shrouded in a cloud, the players on the field, the coaches off the field, and even the management.

Golden Pig was pacing back and forth in the lounge, he couldn't sit still, couldn't stay still, watching what was typed in the field, there were too many words in his heart.

I don't know where the proud Ueno system is.


No one understands what Little Peanut is going to do next.

The commentator couldn't guess it, the coach couldn't guess it, and the teammates couldn't figure it out. Everyone was playing in a chaotic manner.

kz is at a disadvantage.

In terms of proportions, before it was the policewoman's turn to exert her strength, the game had already started three to seven.Seven is ig.

It can't go on like this.

A voice said to bdd deep inside.

But the more you want to do things, the bigger the flaws will be.

rookie is very strange, how dare the other side come out of the defense tower, isn't he afraid of me Syndra?

6 minutes 11 seconds.

Ning Cai came out of the spring, level [-], and his equipment was not like the development of this time period.He abandoned the more mainstream warriors' wild knives and black-cut bloody hands, and chose to make up for the small armor-piercing first, and directly transition to the dream.He thinks that there is a second-level jungler, enough to punish people with blue.


A new wave of soldiers gathers.

rookie sensed the opponent's desire to fight.

Is the blind monk nearby?
It doesn't have six, it can operate.

Stand in God's perspective.

The blind monk was eating three wolves, saying that there was nothing wrong with him near the middle road, but it was impossible to say that he could take care of the tsar.

rookie threw q to test, the limit distance did not hit the tsar, bdd knew the range of Syndra's skills, and there was no chance to advance.

next moment.

Syndra crossed the front line to put pressure on him, 600 yards from the blue tower.

"It's level six on both sides, what do you say?"

"Q skill hits, bdd backhand pokes a comet, he's summoning sand soldiers, rookie didn't retreat—"

While poking Syndra, bdd walked around to choose the game.

rookie knows the Tsar very well.

He moved to the left, forcing out the Tsar Q skill, and there were already three sand soldiers surrounding him. Q skill is good, he did not release it immediately, but understood that the tsar raised his hand and stopped for a moment, and the dark orb appeared at the foot of the tsar.

Hand speed is fast.

As if confident that his skills would hit, Syndra pulled the first orb that was about to disappear, threw it in a gesture, and suddenly the golden light flashed to the lower right.

rookie interrupted his raising his hand.

The Tsar flashed, the wall of the forbidden army pushed the air.



bdd panicked.

He didn't expect that the other side would calculate like this.Obviously they sold enough, obviously the other party has tried to slow down W to increase the hit rate of e.Why?
No one answered his question.

in a panic.

Syndra w slowed down, pushed e in no hurry, raised his hand to level a and cheated out eq.When the tsar returned to the tower, without any displacement skills, rookie resisted the tower, q predicted the retreat and pushed e smoothly, and a powerful force hit the tsar.At this time, the blind monk gave a shield and six orbs poured into his body, and the tsar still fell to the ground.


Fight to win.

Xiaohuan made a Q, rookie turned around, and in front of the blind monk, went out of the tower and repositioned.

"Line kill!"

"In the three rounds, the only line kill in the mid lane position!"

"Wow, bdd is in a hurry, he's not in a hurry, it's not that easy to be killed alone."

Rookie was in a good mood, and after 2 rounds, he finally found the stage.

"Brother Yijin."

"This is a mid lane carry."

Teammates touted appropriately, rookie is even more cool.

He admits that bdd is slippery like an old loach, but even such an old loach has moments of urgency.

"Wait for my big move. You can go down the road."

This wave of single kills.

It made kz's already difficult situation even worse.

Clouds are gathering more and more.

The North American commentator bluntly said: "It should be over, I can't think of any turnaround point. The three-way is suppressed, the blind monk has no rhythm, Pan Sen immediately ushered in the first qualitative change, but kz can't think of any restrictions. Go to the wild area to find Pan Sen? With such an equipment gap, the blind monk can't beat it."

"At 2:0, this bo5 is over." The partner shrugged, "We expect a miracle, but the reason why miracles are called miracles is that the probability of occurrence is too low. ig's morale is like a rainbow, kz's morale is low, Just looking at the expressions of the two teams, KZ is also a loser."

The runner-up face khan is really going to become the runner-up.

He is in a hurry.

But theshy's crocodile told him that it was useless to be anxious. If he was caught on the road, Jess could not have the advantage of the blood line. The line went in and the line was pushed out. If no unexpected factors happened, the crocodile would normally transition to a strong period.

of course.

When, in a game, it is necessary to rely on the opponent to make mistakes to breathe, indicating that the situation is very critical.

Panson six.

7 minutes and 55 seconds is only six, which is a bit delayed.

But Ning doesn't care, he is more and more certain that he can't win the game by brushing the wild, and he is more and more convinced that his style of play is very correct.

"Prepare for the bot lane. They may all be there, but it doesn't matter, let me go first."

The reason that helped Ning make this judgment is simple.

Jace suddenly didn't pay eq to touch the line.

The Tsar leaves Syndra's skill range.

"Ning is going down, looking for a jumping position. Xiaohuan came to the open space in the bottom road ahead of time, trying to protect his teammates to clear the line. Kz doesn't want to let the tower, we have a policewoman, let the tower be too early, the rhythm of pushing the tower will be very fast, fast Until kz can't accept it."

Going off the assembly line and entering the tower, Bulong pressed forward, and the second elder Xuanming gave up his position.

Zeyuan could see that kz didn't want to fight.

"Be careful, Little Peanut is still hiding his position, both sides have big moves in the middle and wild, rookie is moving this way, and bdd doesn't want to line up!"

Syndra took the first step, the tsar queen came first, and supported him on his own site. Unlike Syndra, the tsar had to take a detour.

The bottom lane is a magnet.

Attention is drawn to this area.

I remember still talking, "A Shui Liu is already six, and Verus Lulu still has some experience, but Blom is still level [-]. Otherwise, you can let the missing hit the waves and force out some skills to facilitate Pan Sen's entry."

5 seconds passed.

rookie eliminated the view of the triangle grass, and Kz's next assistant was still maintaining his position.

There were not many soldiers under the tower, so Ning Du decided to look for an opportunity next time and press B to replenish the equipment.

at this time.

theshy chose Yue Jiesi, missing judged: "Don't go back, don't go back, accompany me to catch the tsar, they must be nearby, you can jump depending on the situation."

"Brother shy, look at your tp."


Decision issued.

There were only 3 long-range soldiers left in the lower tower. Braum joined Syndra in the stone beetle passage and pressed towards the flank of the second tower.

The action of the assistant in ig attracted the little peanut.

3 seconds.

The bdd partition wall poked at Bloom and immediately adjusted his position.

"He's in the second tower, eh, can you see from the front, Verus is lining up!"

There is a loophole in the kz formation.

From the open space in the bottom road to the second tower, the defense line is too long, and kz has no ability to defend multiple empty positions.Unless you give up the tower.

Verus Lulu is out of touch with the blind monk Tsar.

The camera turns to Panson.

The unique flapping special effects of dragon slayer warriors are extremely gorgeous.

"Ning's position is very tricky, he chose it in front of the second tower!"

Elder Xuanming was about to turn around.

The blind monk was forced by the big move to touch the tsar backwards, followed by Pan Sen landing, his eyes lit up with a beam of light.

"Theshy is here, Verus Lulu is in an awkward position, they can't meet their teammates."

4 packs of 2.

Braum took the lead in resisting the tower, and his weakness was given to the Tsar. The back road was cut off, and there was no room for the front road. When Pan Sen sat down on the blind monk, the little peanut did not enlarge, and only 6 seconds later, KZ Zhong Ye was killed in action.

"Have it!"

"You can return the package, you can return the package, pray shivering in a tower."

The upper auxiliary takes turns to resist the tower.

After Nakano was dealt with, the two elders Xuan Ming had nowhere to run, and Ah Shui had already set up a clip array in front of the tower.

"The rhythm is so right."

At 8 minutes and 40 seconds, the heads were 0:8, and Panson had four heads in hand.

Saw the replay.

Ze Yuan boasted: "I know that Pan Sen is big, but Kz can't prevent it."

"I still played a poor support on the top road. Originally, the line of troops was almost gone, and it was difficult for Ah Shui to come over. We had few people in front of us. But theshy's crocodile opened up and exchanged blood with Jess. After forcing E, Khan was in a hurry. Clearing the tower, he can't control it, so theshy has the opportunity to cooperate with his teammates to cross the second tower."

"Yes, the timing was good." I remember agreeing, "At this time, our upper midfielder is stronger, and the decision to grab the rear midfield first, and then get stuck on the lower assistant is very unreasonable."

There was even louder cheers.

in such an atmosphere.

ig unplugged a tower, replaced the auxiliary and went on, the policewoman pushed the tower and took off in rhythm.

have more initiative.

Ning couldn't bear the loneliness, and when the policewoman came up to the tower, she led an assistant to invade the blue area, forcing Little Peanut to lose blood.

"The blind monk is going down, you can go to look around Xiaolong."

Missing saw that the blind monk took the initiative to give up the toad, and felt that the little peanut was not a jungler who followed the "rules" very much.


rookie cleared the center line, retreated and disappeared, not letting the tsar know where he was.

14 seconds later.

Rookie controlled Syndra to walk from the blue buff to the entrance of the river, and was encountering the blind monk.

"Little Peanut just crossed the wall!"

Prey breaks into pockets.

Looking at the opposite position, rookie has a bit of coke.

Q hits, catches the ball to slow down.

Thanks to the length of the hand, the rookie is kept within the range of 400 yards.

"Khan has no troops, theshy packs it, how should the blind monk go?"

The audience watched Little Peanut run towards the triangular grass with a flash of eyes. Rookie turned around and stuck on the left wall of Xiaolong Pit.

There are crocodiles that provide the view.

The blind monk was about to leave the pursuit, Syndra qe launched, and the dark orb passed through the wall and extended abruptly for a short period.


[Wocao, this is two balls and one Ji]


【How come this e is placed farther than me】

The barrage is hot about the calmness of rookie.

There is a sense of joy in letting you run first.

Stunned, theshy followed aw Tiamat to trigger a strong attack, and the blind monk was in front of the 2-level crocodile, which was similar to that of Paper Lake, not to mention that the blood volume was only one-third.

"0:9, kz won't be shaved."

"As long as you don't make waves, you will have a chance." Ze Yuan said objectively: "The advantage is too great."

Crocodile opens, and it's Jace who's unhappy.

And for ig.

It took 8 and a half minutes to demolish the next tower, and only three waves of troops were needed to operate the previous tower.

10 minutes.

Ready to eat the pioneer, and then hit the group.

"Pioneer is summoned, rookie is looking for opportunities to steal damage, this e is pushed to Lulu!"

Pre-tower draws are Syndra's favorite way to advance.

After eating a push, the policewoman made up for q, and Lu Lu's blood volume dropped by half.

When the vanguard collided, Braum opened the top of the shield, and the deterrence given by Syndra was too great, and kz could only give up his position.

The middle tower is broken.

ig begins to squeeze the field of view.

The liberated rookie became a kz dream demon.

12 minutes.

Rookie quietly squatted into the red buff grass, with f6 vision protection, as long as someone made an eye on the lower side, they would enter Syndra's sweet spot.

"The classic transition period does not eat the line."

"Wait for a destined person, bring theshy down, and kz will definitely come to do the vision."

As explained.

There's no reason why kz can't protect Jace's vision.

Gori joined the jungler, and first eliminated the f6 vision. At this moment, Xiaohuan went to explore the grass behind the wall, and entered the river by the way. Lulu looked at the flanks, trying to protect the triangle grass area.

Gori has no idea that he is breaking into the enclosed territory.

The scan immediately swept, and a dark orb came to the foot.

"It's no use opening up."

The lens is brutal.

A q comes with Comet Luden and takes away one-third of the blood, and then pushes it, half of the blood disappears, w is connected to r, and Lulu sets a shield for himself, which is still a second.

【Auxiliary Killer! 】

The barrage gave the answer.

At this stage, Syndra is level 10, leading the support by three levels, but he is not a crispy killer.

"Khan also withdraws, but not very timely."

Pan Sen came behind the crocodile ahead of time, and rookie's squatting position was originally to prevent people from the midline.

Picking up the auxiliary head, Pan Sen's ultimate move was placed in front of the high ground, and then he landed and flicked Jace, Syndra and qe, threw a spear through the heart, a bright red number of 274 appeared on the top of Jace's head, and slowly fell to the ground .

"This is Pan Sen. Although there are such and such shortcomings, the big move is really effective in cooperation with teammates to capture orders."

Panson does not rely on field of view information.

As long as the personnel are about the same, they can open a big order.This advantage is similar to Mengmo, the only difference is that Pan Sen has a tough point control, and the Mengmo curve is not very harsh.

It takes 24 seconds for Jace to revive.

It took A Shui 10 seconds to come from the center line with the assistant, and it took 15 seconds to cooperate with the dismantling of the second tower and the push line. It is reasonable to say that the normal operation idea at this time is to return to the city to supply supplies. Focus on conquering the upper two towers and continue to maintain the rhythm of pushing towers.


The advantage is too great.

"Go up and go up, I'll find a position to push, you guys hide it."

The line of soldiers entered the high ground, and there were not many small soldiers.

Standing in Khan's field of vision, when he came to the high ground, only the crocodile was left in front of him. Pan Sen retreated. As for the lower assistant, he could not see the lower assistant at all, and he might be returning to the middle.


"Don't withdraw yet? Ig, calm down."

The highland passage is overcast with the middle auxiliary.

Just finished.

Jess hammered the minion, Syndra hid behind the wall to steal qe, Khan could only watch ig swarm up.

"Push it!"

"Gori wants to come over to protect it, miss the partition wall to Q, and the others haven't responded yet. We can demolish the high tower."

The crocodile chased after a few steps, and was hammered away by the close range of the soldiers, and immediately changed the target to join his teammates to gain ground.

kz is already dizzy.

When the other three return to defense, ig is already grinding the main crystal.

5v5 confrontation.

Zeyuan commented: "As long as you are careful about the tsar and the blind monk, there is no threat to others."

"theshy is full of anger again."

Jess flew to the back row with a shot and hit the policewoman, his HP dropped by 2 bars.

"Khan is poorly equipped and his pokes aren't much of a threat."

The blood volume of the main crystal goes down a little bit.

The ig spread out, leaving the policewoman to grind alone, to guard against the opponent's first move.

"Look at me."

To drag it down is also to lose.

With this idea in mind, Pray wanted to cover his teammates to start a group.

He carefully captured the opposite station, thinking about Syndra.

Because ig is on the right side of Syndra, on the left side of the crystal in the Crocodile Bureau, the policewoman stands behind, and Bron Panson is responsible for supporting.

Verus pretended to turn back, and Lu Lu took a step towards ad.

That's it.

rookie pushed qe to Lulu first, and the crocodile e soldier charged forward.

theshy has a very sensitive sense of smell.

After being dealt with like this, Verus could only rhythm the crocodile, and the moment he made his big move, theshy took a big hit.

"Want to kill the crocodile? Braum went up to check his position, the security door confiscated Jace's output, A Shui stood to the side, put the clip, does the Tsar dare to enter the field? Oh!


ig spread out, let the crocodile eat skills.

After 3 seconds.

Theshy pretended to turn around to avoid the Czar's output, waited for the two C-positions to come together, dodged Q and returned to the blood, the red anger bit the Czar, Syndra did damage, and the Czar's ultimate move was very general.

"Bdd pushes the crocodile away, his health is very unhealthy, what to say in the team battle, Ah Shui is ordering Jess, but Khan can't."

The crocodile entered the field to tear apart the defense line, and when the kz formation was chaotic, Braumw protected the crocodile, attacked Floo with a big move, and forced Verus to retreat to the left.

"Too big, Lu Lu is big for himself, and can see Verus!"

Lu Lujiao flashed back to the front of the spring, merging with the Tsar and Jess in the supply state, and in the next moment, Varus flashed back from the front teeth.

The Korean students at the scene were collectively silent.

Worse yet.

In the case that the loss has been determined, ig has to slap his face ruthlessly in this way.

The policewoman is clicking her front teeth.

The blind monk was watched by Bloom, and Little Peanut was in no mood to operate.

in despair.

bdd didn't notice the clip in the pawn pile, he came out from the left and wanted to clear the line, he went too hastily.

Oolong happens.

The tsar was punished on the spot, got a headshot and pushed the ball, and his blood volume was very unhealthy.

"Let the bullet fly to lock the tsar, bdd has to go back to the spring, how to guard the front teeth, Verus is fighting with the crocodile, and A Shui threatens Shuang C alone."

"Tear down."

"we are the champion!"


in great excitement.

Bloom raised the security door to block the right output position. Except for theshy who was still playing with the opposite side, the remaining four split the crystal...

3 seconds.

Pan Sen blocked with a shield and was taken away by the Tsar;

In 6 seconds, the crocodile was clicked back.

Relying on the front row to attract firepower, the policewoman took away Crystal's last blood.

"Let's congratulate ig!


"Congratulations to them!"

Rookie was so excited that he took off his headphones and hugged his excited teammates.

The place was so noisy.

rookie tilted his head, his eyes locked on the championship trophy in the center of the stage...

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