Chapter 596
As Zeyuan said.

Chaotic fighting is chaotic fighting, and the necessary operating methods are not lacking.

Wait until this will.

The clockwork level, equipped, is no slower than the crow to clear the line.

There are double c plus auxiliary sitting on the center line.

TheShy sent the little soldiers to the second tower, and then went home to pick up the offline.

"The vanguard is called, and Ray has to go to the second tower for punishment."

"Oh, it's hard." Zeyuan felt the same for Aoun, "It's 2 levels behind, and EDG really doesn't care? Don't they think it's easy to deal with Sword Demon in team battles?"

It is normal to place a tower, but the position is not easy to defend.

But Sword Demon continued to lead forward, and Xin Zhao's blue zone was filled with eye guards, and EDG did not allocate a c position to help defend.

Zhongxia was busy brushing money.

The second tower was hit again, TheShy made a face, Ray turned W to counteract the knock-off, A lost his eyes and E pulled back, his figure looked so lonely.

The camera cuts to the upper river.

Haro cooperates with Meiko to preempt it in advance, so that Iboy can grind to the next tower.

Wait until the camera cuts back.

Xin Zhao walked towards the blue zone, and Braum squeezed out the grass in the pass.

[Ray is such a team? 】

Even the barrage was surprising.

What did they see?
They saw that IG was deployed to the upper side, and EDG marked the signal to fight.

Then Tam and Crow stood together.

Counterattack from EDG.

Missing scans out the view of the river grass. Xin Zhao just walked to the intersection of the blue zone, scanned the eye position, and was caught by the barrel E.

"Ray teleports the river and gets stuck on Missing. Ah Shui is on the middle line, and Victor is too slow!"

Mindful and careless.

Xin Zhao was blown to the river, Rookie got to the blue buff and wanted to cover.


Tamm's support was too strong, and the big move brought the crow to threaten the clockwork position. Before Rookie could press up and drag Victor over, Ornn hit the wall and knocked Bron into the air, telling the sheep to slow down Xin Zhao.

"Dead, dead, no place to run, EDG small-scale group is really strong."

Missing held up the shield and confiscated the Erduan sheep, and was knocked into the air.

The wine barrel is very good at keeping people. Verus followed the wine barrel to output Xin Zhao, and Ning chose to counterattack and deal damage.

And on the rear side.

Clockwork big move R two, return to EW to speed up and escape, lacking the mid laner, Bron was kept by Aoun, Scout obliquely double-teamed, and the assist was killed.

Heads 4:8.

The strange thing is that EDG's economy is not leading, and the difference between the two sides is less than 200.

the reason is simple.

IG's resource control has become much more reliable. EDG has won the head and has no chance to further expand the economy.

"The second tower is gone. Aoun just finished his work and has to go back to the city to guard the high ground."

"Ray has no place to spend money, and the top laner's economy is poor. It's 1900, and it's only 17 minutes."

Pretty exaggerated gap.

Aoun's record is 0-1-2, which doesn't look much different from being killed.

Zeyuan commented: "This one has a big demon king on one side, IG's sword demon is a bit invincible, and EDG's side spent a lot of effort to fatten up Iboy, and immediately made a sheep knife in a 2-piece set."

Remember: "Speaking of which, it depends on which big brother plays better."

"It can be said that the output point of EDG is only Iboy, and the Scout stage is very small."

EDG is still considering restricting Sword Demon.

At this point, the concept almost disappeared in their minds. They began to use Tamm's support and Aoun's first strike to create a killing opportunity.

The leading head gave EDG confidence.

The two sides began to play games around Xiaolong.

19 minutes.

The two sides were fighting for the middle line, and TheShy, who had a black cut and bloody hand, squeezed out the bottom line.

There are people and horses on the front.

TheShy took it to the Autism Grass, and retreated to the ruins of a tower to see the direction of the wind.

at this time.

EDG cleared the line and took the lead, Victor followed the clockwork, not daring to approach the barrel for fear of being opened.

"Haro's AP nuclear bomb barrel, his explosion is very impressive."

"Do you want to pick up this water dragon? EDG can settle first, and IG's vision is not very good."

"Only Bron can top the front, but if Bron gets too much output, IG will lack the means to keep people."

EDG actually knows that the sword demon is next.

But where exactly, it's not clear.

blue zone.

Ornn cleared the line and walked to the fork.


Bron throws Q to explore the grass, walks away and twists the crow's E, and steps forward to repair the real eye.

Iboy was not in a hurry to go to the river. He chose to pick up a wave of minions in the middle tower, feeling that he was putting more pressure on the side.

5 seconds.

Ning went up to the wall to see the dragon pit, and saw the wine barrel beating the water dragon and pulling it out.

In terms of position.

The crow is staring at the entrance, Ornn is going around the pass, trying to meet AD, Tam cooperates with the wine barrel to open the water dragon.

IG here.

The sword demon hides the position, Ning communicates that he can grab it, double c sends the center line into Iboy's hands, walks to the F6 channel, Missing attracts firepower.

4 seconds passed.

Halfway down the water dragon, the crow moved in the same way as Nosuke. The defensive eye in the blue zone saw the sword demon sneaking around and tried to enter the field from behind.

IG fans' scalps tingled.

Because the sword demon was exposed, Xin Zhao was stuck on the lower side, and only three people were entangled with EDG in the front, and Cheoen was in a very good position.

"EDG is about to open, and it's sheep with wine barrels again!"

The sheep emerged from the F6 open space, slowed down along the way, and Bron, at this moment, Missing reversed E and confiscated his ultimate move, the wine barrel went from Dragon Pit E to the upper wall, and Tam was close to the crow.

"IG is out of touch, as long as it starts to play, 5 vs 3 head-to-head, there is no reason why they can't win."

After the red buff, the grass sees the wine barrel.

The explosive barrel shot, IG dodged with double cs, and no one went to see Bron.

"Missing is down, and the special effects flow Verus just doesn't make sense."

Kill Bron, force the c-position to flash, Meiko communicates with the water dragon, and he goes to see the Sword Demon.


As the barrel retreated to the river, TheShy repeatedly marked the signal.

this moment.

Double c chose to trust TheShy's judgment.

The clockwork speeds up the shield, Victor throws out the force field, and the position returns to the front of the open space. Seeing this scene, Haro actively communicated, thinking that if he sells it, he can continue to stay.

Meiko Jiaotong University, repeated the same trick to send the crow into the field.

"The sword demon came to the river, all the EDG players pressed forward, and IG was still out of touch."

The wine barrel took a wave of damage, and its blood volume dropped to half. In 2 seconds, the crow landed and got the clockwork big move, but the position was good, and Victor was stuck.

Ah Shui knew he couldn't escape.

The chaotic storm came out, and Iboy continued to look for the output position. In the next moment, Victor started the stopwatch, and the clockwork moved to avoid Tahm's Q, but the deceleration missed. live.

IG was left in the back row, Victor got up and was taken away by Verus and the barrel, the nuclear bomb barrel was unreasonable.

At this time.

There are only 3 IG players left, and Ray is eyeing Sword Demon.

"Rookie hands over the stopwatch, but it's just a dead stopwatch."

"EDG wants the team to win—"

Ze Yuan just shouted this sentence.

The sword demon fights with Ornn, and Xin Zhao returns to the back grass of the red buff.

In a Q1, the evil fire beam chain was pulled, Ray felt that the situation was good, and he judged that he could win. TheShy relaxed right E, forcibly changed the position, while avoiding the control, the second oblique angle hit the damage.

Q3 does not let go.

Chasing Ornn general attack, superimposed conqueror.

When Aoun was being beaten, Rookie dealt all the damage before dying and gave Iboy the head.

2 to 5.

TheShy continued to operate, approaching Ornn by walking and hacking, and forced the bellows to extinguish and break, further forcing the barrel.

Ray wants to cooperate with the back row, so E can't go away.

At this time.

Verus turned back with Tam, Xin Zhao poked the barrel to get dizzy, Ray made a Q and pulled towards the F6 channel.

"I'm going to be walked, can I change to Aoun? Two people should be able to kill."

Ornn's blood is one-third.

Zewon delivers the signal.

Verus had just entered the output range, and Xin Zhao, who was hitting Ornn, suddenly turned around.

The E skill is six seconds, and the skill CD is reduced by the triple claw strike.

This time, Xin Zhao's E skill improved, and in front of the three of them, E Verus flashed R and swept away the middle assistant.

Scout wants to submit E prediction, but the E skill is empty.

How to lose 5 against 2?
In this kind of thinking, EDG played a bit casually. When Xin Zhao moved, Sword Demon followed suit.

Battle seats.

TheShy has a serious expression on his face and accelerates at full speed. The Conqueror bypasses Aoun, and Q1E is looking for AD.

"Iboy has flash, when will it be handed in? Tam has W, and Iboy is not dead."

The first stage was knocked into the air, before Sword Demon could perform the second stage, Tamm swallowed and walked into F6.

The Sword Demon speeds up to chase after him, and Iboy takes his time, and puts Xin Zhao's blood to more than half. I believe that Tam can protect him.

as predicted.

Sword Demon threw out the chain of evil fire, Iboy opened R to stop Sword Demon, and the two fought with EDG in the crow's ultimate move, with Wine Barrel and Ornn blocking the back side.

TheShy didn't panic.

Control offsets.

A crow recovers blood and eats 4 seconds of damage, E goes through the wall and enters the red zone, Xin Zhao delays by opening the watch.

30CD, Sword Demon's Q skill will improve very quickly.

Iboy subconsciously chased the Sword Demon, and judged that the crow could kill Xin Zhao, but he misjudged the strength of the Sword Demon.

With Xin Zhao's head vision, TheShy moves to the inside.

Haro had no idea he was being targeted.

2 seconds.

Just when Da Mie could not be supplemented and was about to disappear, the wine barrel E stood up and Xin Zhao was killed;

Iboy chased the red buff and tied the ace in the opening hand, feeling a little bit wrong.

"take a look--"

I haven't finished shouting yet.

Sword Demon E crossed the wall and stuck to the back of the open space. When Ray was stunned, TheShy first Q the wine barrel, and then the second Q flashed to bestow sword energy, and continued to destroy.

"This is all right? Deceitful Sword Demon??"

"The crow is not hurt, Iboy's position needs to be pulled again."

By speeding up, TheShy ignored the middle assistant and turned back to output Aoun.

At this moment.

Aoun is completely a recovery pack, and just after Bellows Yanxi finished fighting, Ray's remaining blood flashed.

EDG is in a hurry.

Chased for 3 seconds.

Meiko commanded Aoun to sell. Seeing the Sword Demon walk to the wall, Aoun charged fiercely and sent him flying. The crow fought with E, and Ray turned and pulled.

"Missed in Q1, Ray is easy to move!"

Unable to chase Ornn, TheShy made a quick decision, turned around and Q2E, knocked the crow into the air, and took a passive breath.

It fell in front of the front trio.

Tam Q slows down, Verus follows output, and then, Sword Demon Q3 Tam, a bright red number pops up.


Meiko was taken aback. Before he could make a move, Rookie revived and crossed T, and passed to the F6 grass, threatening the back row.

"This wave has been fought for too long, until the clockwork comes back to life!"

"To kill the Sword Demon, you must kill it." Iboy emphasized.

At this time, TheShy knew that he could sell, and took another 4 seconds of damage, and lost his first life.

The Sword Demon is moving, and the Blood Spring can restore one-third of its HP.

follow closely.

The clockwork hit Tam Q, a crow went to the top, Verus stole a set, and his eyes were still on Sword Demon.

I have flash, I can operate!

"Clockwork left blood, a Q hits the crow, and a second angle hits 2 people. The sword demon's blood volume is back up again. Oh, the evil fire chain is hanging on Tam."

TheShy, who adjusted his position by resurrection, exploded with strong combat effectiveness. The two front row players were in such a canyon area, and they suffered multiple damages in a row.

In the endgame.

Seeing that he couldn't run away, Meiko swallowed Verus to ensure the follow-up output of AD.

next moment.

Sword Demon Q3 took advantage of the situation to knock Tamm into the air, took away the sword energy, and triumphantly returned to a quarter of blood.

Tam was killed.

Iboy knew that he had underestimated the pulling ability of the Sword Demon, and seeing that the situation was not good, he could only flash and pull it to Rookie's side to output the spring.

Both sides are attacking.

The clockwork can't beat Verus who is full of sheep and knives;

The crow can't consume the Sword Demon.


Clockwork with blood left, Rookie gave TheShy the last shield.

"TheShy is still pulling!"

Clockwork was killed, TheShy pulled back, Scout's hand E was twisted, and he could only watch the sword demon's skills improve.

Nofe's heart is about to stop suddenly.

How could this wave of groups be like this?

Good skills.

Ah Shui came out from the high ground, and saw that the EDG double C was forced to go down the second tower by the demon king, the force field on the partition wall slowed down, E made up for damage, and the sword demon's third-stage Q harvested heads.

"Is this a fake four kills? Except for Aoun, they were all slaughtered by TheShy."

"As I said before, the sword demon is so developed that it is difficult to deal with team battles."

"It's time for a big dragon. A group of small dragons fought for more than 40 seconds. Ning is rushing to the big dragon pit."

Kill the double c.

Triumph back two thirds.

EDG can only watch IG to control Dalong.

No, Dalong can't give it. Ray was anxious and went to investigate alone.

"Haro will be resurrected soon, can Ray hold on?"

The situation fell instantly.

6 seconds.

Dalong Jiuqian blood, "IG doesn't have an ADC, so they don't play fast. EDG still has a chance."

I remember that the reason why I said this was because I saw Ornn immediately entering the river, the wine barrel rushed out of the spring, and the crow was revived in 9 seconds and teleported.


Vision saw Ornn approaching.

In the dragon pit.

The sword demon came to the upper side through the wall, and drove towards the red buff grass alone.

Qin Ming was satisfied.

In the current situation, EDG is eager to counterattack, but the sword demon fighting Aoun head-on is of little significance. TheShy can think of blocking the wine barrel, and his judgment is correct.

Aoun went down to the river and was watched by Victor. Ah Shui blocked it a little, but couldn't stop Ray's real eyes from the partition wall.

There were five thousand dragons left, and Braum pulled towards him, and Ray hurriedly handed over to E to keep the distance.

Ray thought he had an opportunity to stall.

But I don't know-

"Oh, The Shy!!"

on the screen.

Not long after the sword demon entered the grass, the wine barrel was coming towards this side.

For Haro, it is meaningless to join Ornn. Xin Zhao can resist the dragon, and his vision can see the blood of the dragon drop a little bit, even if the speed is not fast, but he must find an angle to go in and fight.

in other words.

The barrel is the best choice from the upper E wall.

He didn't know someone was squatting on him.

The big dragon attracted all the attention, who would care if the Sword Demon was there or not, maybe the Sword Demon would go home to replenish equipment and find a chance to come out.

EDG didn't have many options.

under these circumstances.

In the voice of the barrage.

A section of Q1 was hit and flew, TheShy did not rush to hand in W, but immediately took Q2E, and predicted that the wine barrel would hand in E.

"The displacement has been interrupted! The Sword Demon's damage is very high!"

See through panties.

The first time he was attacked, Haro handed back E, but the wine barrel E was stupid.

Q2 takes effect, Hellfire Beam Chain is given, and Q3 falls straight down.

Why is Sword Demon so strong?

There are controls on the periphery of the Q, and there are double Es to adjust the size. During the maneuver, most heroes can easily fill up the three stages as long as they eat the first stage of Q.

The death-giving sword energy A is released, the wine barrel is filled with residual blood, just handed in Q to slow down, the evil fire chain is pulled back, the sword demon attacks and slashes, and sticks tightly.

The barrel ECD is not fast enough.

Sword Demon's Q turned better first, and a Q1E shot knocked into the air, with 2 consecutive sets of combos, which made Haro miserable.

In front of the sword demon who is 2 levels higher (13th), the AP wine barrel of about 1600 is like a toy.

"The jungler is dead, Xin Zhao is still fighting the dragon, Ornn can't get through it, Victor can kite it!"

"This rhythm, big dragon."

Zeyuan commented: "It was another two waves of chaos that came suddenly, and IG suddenly grasped the victory."

Ray desperately squeezed into the dragon pit.

It's good to want to change your fate against the sky, but Aoun didn't bring the seal in this round.

I remember regretfully saying: "I can only say that I was cheated by IG again during the BP stage. TheShy, the sword demon, definitely came prepared. You can see how long he has dragged Iboy in and out of the red zone, and he is still in front of Verus. face, killed the barrel, and fooled everyone.

Everyone felt that he wanted to run away, but who knew that his goal was to kill Canxue and continue to take over the endgame with the help of Triumph. "

Very good position pull.

Not so.

If Verus squats to death and Xin Zhao doesn't chase after him, the sword demon will change the wine barrel at most, and there is no way to stand up to the sheep knife Verus.

The dragon is lost.

EDG was defeated like a mountain.

At this time.

EDG Nosuke's fragmented soft board is undoubtedly revealed.

Before the IG army overwhelmed the high ground, it was obvious that Nosuke should do one side vision together and try to hold the high ground as much as possible. As a result, Haro went to the blue zone to develop, and Meiko went to the red zone to look around, and was arrested by Ning.

"Meiko was too careless."

Retained by Xin Zhao, Rookie rushed over to take Tamm away.

Without Tahm's protective attribute, Sword Demon started to destroy like no man's land. Crow and Ornn all recovered blood packs. TheShy grabbed the barrel and threw Q to clear the line. He immediately broke through the defense line and forced Verus out. trick.

Deterrent enough.

Verus' ultimate move hit, and no one dared to make up for the damage.

23 minutes 06 seconds.

In the end, Rookie took advantage of EDG's focus on the upper single, hid Q and pulled a big wave on the front teeth, and instantly disabled the AP wine barrel. The sword demon followed Q and blocked the spring.

Win the first round.

Qin Ming couldn't see how happy he was.

In the second game.

EDG squeezed out the ban position, blocked Sword Demon with the first three moves, and released Kai'Sa, Qin Ming had no reason not to take it.

this game.

Tactics have been successful.

Since EDG has not yet figured out how strong the penetrating crab tactics are, IG continues to resort to the combination of mid-up and top line grabbing, which is matched with the development of bottom line clearing to help Ning find a rhythm.

Familiar drama is staged again.

Just this time.

Haro thought that the river crab would be stolen, and wanted to fight with Ning to punish him. Unexpectedly, IG's action was faster than he thought. Rookie, who was laning in the middle lane, arrived 2 steps ahead, and cooperated with Ning's blind monk to gain a blood.

Shuanghe crab, first blood, speed 4, card 6.

Every step is stepping on the rhythm point figured out in the training game.

Haro was stunned.

Just like what Qin Ming said in the tactics class, the Shuanghe Crab not only means that it is easier to gain experience, but for the game in the field, the gap in combat power brought about by the first arrival of 4, the first arrival of 6, and faster equipment updates , is simply a superposition state.

The second game didn't end as quickly as the first game.

But in terms of heads, IG got 27 and EDG got 11, and they were beaten a little bit lost.

"An all-round lead."

"Okay, IG fans should feel relieved, after returning from MSI, IG played more confidently!"

"As for EDG fans, I don't think you should be discouraged. Losing to IG is not ashamed, and you can't see anything."

The MVP of the first round was given to TheShy's Sword Demon;
The MVP of the second round was given to the blind monk who worked in Ning.

Back in the background.

After going through a BO3, it seemed very easy. Ning was emphasizing to his teammates how cool it is to control the Shuanghe Crab. Missing was discussing whether the Bomberman and the female tank can play against the Crow combination.

In the harmonious atmosphere, Qin Ming took a few extra glances at Ah Shui.

He originally thought that MSI won the championship, and it will be a long time before the World Championship. The cake is not timely enough to motivate, and the players will be loose and swollen to some extent——

This is a matter of high probability. With 5 people, none of them will be miserable. Strong teams start, talent and strength. These things come too easily. Who thinks they will cherish them?

But he didn't expect that Ah Shui would be the first to give up.

On second thought.

Ah Shui went back to his hometown and didn't touch a few rankings at all, unlike TheShy who stayed at the base and could only practice heroes.

Qin Ming can understand.

But he didn't want to forgive, couldn't forgive, and he had to kill the signs one day.

(End of this chapter)

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