Chapter 648 The Second Game
[Mole Akali played so-so, not that bad. 】

[The biggest war criminal is Akali. Well, the one who died online was considered to be Ning, but I didn’t expect that in the round of the bottom lane, the dragon girl completed the split, and IG wanted to sell Xin Zhao. Why did he hand over his skills to Kenan?After killing Xin Zhao quickly, what can happen? 】

[Actually, there is no need to be so pessimistic. With our configuration in this version, it is already very good to be able to stand in the mid-range. Moreover, IG in this game, if you change to another team, the laning pressure will not be so prominent. ] A certain fan of BLG left.

Anyone can see the disadvantage of BLG's third line.

Faced with this kind of thing, different people have different analysis angles.

However, some OMG fans felt comfortable, and began to comment on the ugliness of BLG players in the comment area, such as AJ's classic 10 minutes behind by more than 25 dollars, and Xiaodongbei leading the team to give away a hand.

[BLG Chuncai, I haven't seen much of BLG's early economic advantages. 】

[The shameless team is like this, they only rely on their bladders to win the game, and against a team like IG who doesn't talk about martial arts, the urinating tactic is not easy to use. 】

[Haha, the description upstairs is so apt, BLG focuses on holding back urine tactics! 】

These OMG fans seemed to want to vent all their anger from losing the game the day before yesterday.

【I still don’t understand what’s wrong with those of us who support BLG. Why does a small group of people bring the rhythm and need to be expanded to attack the entire group? It’s so difficult to discuss the facts. 】

See this.

Some people were silent, and some were so excited that they flew up.The more someone humbs down, the more someone tastes the pleasure of poking someone's pain point.Reason is useless in front of emotions.

[Won't people comment on the dishes? 】

[But Mole only played four small games. 】

[Why, no spraying for newcomers? 】

[Mole is not playing well, but he wants to win the game, he is not bad. 】

【He is your father, you protect him so much. 】

One sentence kills discussion.

Many times, even both sides of the review forget what the original issue was.

BLG lounge.

The team members returned to the backstage, not in a good mood.

Although they thought that they would not be able to win against IG, the tempo during the transfer period was really a bit miserable, and there was no way to squeeze out.

"Don't even sigh."

Only when no players are paying attention, Sun Dayong will reveal his true emotions of watching the game.He pays attention to this aspect. As a coach, players will naturally care about your feelings. Therefore, if you want to be a good coach, please be careful not to expose your true feelings.

Say as little as possible if it doesn't work.

Shouting a few words and playing like shit doesn't make a player improve, it only hurts self-confidence.The league game is a game that most tests the on-the-spot mentality.

Everyone here knows that Mole is not playing well.

In such a well-known situation, Sun Dayong wanted to encourage Mole instead. Even though he was suppressed by Rookie Lulu in the lane, several rounds of team battles did not play their due tactical role, and did not cooperate well with Dragon Girl, ez, complete the harvest.

"Facing Rookie, he was not under pressure. This must be maintained. Sometimes, it is necessary to judge the purpose of the opponent's blood exchange. Rookie is very good at hiding his true thoughts in the normal blood exchange game."

"Guohao played very well in this game. Our wild area looks passive, but it has been within the tolerance range. It's just that we can't pull out from the outside line. The initiative of the group is not enough to force IG to come to the group. They have no reason to take the group. .”

Sun Dayong's way of ending the game is quite admirable for teamwork, positioning and attacking, and creating more room for team battles with a solid lineup.

After saying this, Sun Dayong walked up to Mole and looked down at him.

The shadow hangs over Mole, Mole has no idea and is afraid of being sprayed.

"How does it feel to be fully marked by the opponent?"

"I'm sorry, let's go to Tanabo to solve my problem. I just think that my teammates can solve Xin Zhao, but I didn't expect Lucian to come so soon." Mole held such regrets. He felt that if they were more decisive, the situation might not be resolved. into that.

"I know, I understand what you mean."

Of course, Sun Dayong could see that Mole wanted to operate and rolled more chips, "But have you ever thought that it is not easy to ask your teammates to execute your instantaneous thoughts in sync, which requires a high level of tacit understanding. You Do you think we have such a high tacit understanding?"

Mole still wanted to talk, but Sun Dayong waved his hand, "No matter how the wave is played, the result will not change much. You have to admit that we are not that strong in this aspect, and IG is very good at on-the-spot cooperation. IG likes to fight alone. Their Synergy is subjective, we're not. I like the fact that we're executing what's agreed upon and fighting for the tempo we're fighting for."

Sun Dayong pointed out: "Your communication cannot be integrated into the team. This is your biggest problem at this stage. I am not preventing you from operating, but it is also appropriate to play the game according to the established rhythm and in a smarter way."

It is not for teammates to adapt to Mole, but for Mole to adapt to the team framework and find room to play within the framework.

Mole sounded confused.

If you adapt to the team and the operation becomes "submissive", then what is the difference between yourself and Kuro.If there is no difference, then why am I able to start?

and also.

A self who dare not operate can really find a job.

Sun Dayong will not remind these.

Sometimes the coaches are warm and sometimes ruthless. They don't care who implements the idea. It doesn't matter if it is A, B, or C, as long as he is suitable.

But as a player, the market price determines the size of the contract, and it is also the market price that determines whether the club respects the player or not.No one thinks that the core players worth 1000 million have the same right to speak in the team as the rookies of the second team who are living on a monthly salary of cabbage.

No matter how much he said, Sun Dayong would not give Mole a stable promotion environment.Because it's cruel to Kuro.

and so.

BLG can't guarantee that when Mole transitions, the team will not abandon him. Sometimes, like the experience of SSG Crown, the players can empathize even more.

In the S6 season, the crown was relatively tough in the lane. They played back and forth with Faker and killed each other solo. At that time, Chidi was the one who held the team back. In S7, SSG experienced a jungle rotation and experienced CuVee's downturn, but the team's focus was gradually given to AD.

At that time, whether it was the winning rate of the training match or the performance of the game, it told the SSG coaching staff the fact that the crown did not communicate with others in the line, and the collision factor was maximized and weakened (the game link must have the most in the middle and wild), and Chidi showed no luck. few.

And AD is outstanding, and Ambison has an excellent overall view, which can effectively support SSG to enter the desired rhythm.

The audience also saw it afterwards.

The S7 crown is gloomy, and he is used to the functionality, so he can't get back his original vigor.Because the blood exchange game has reached a critical point, as long as there is a little bit of stop and admit defeat, the momentum shown can see the gap.

In the original time and space, the crown was not recognized for winning the championship. In this time and space, the crown sacrificed itself and had no results. According to the statistics listed after the game, the average output of the crown was crushed per game, and the average output per game was among the four C positions of both sides. lowest.

What can be learned from these data?
In fact, the role of the crown cannot be seen.But the audience will only think that his laning is mediocre, the earth binds the spirit, and there is a gap in the middle.

What lessons can this matter teach the players?
Seeing Crown's lonely eyes when he was interviewed by the Korean media, and hearing him smile to show his inner strength, he said that he would not pay special attention to the insults that bombarded him for half a year.

Does he really not care?
Coaches need results, and players need performance. The general direction of the two is the same, but the small direction is different.

The coach needs to win the game, it doesn’t matter if it’s ugly or pleasing to the eye, winning is capital; players also need to win, but more than winning, they need the audience to think that he played well and has a huge impact on the team. Don’t forget this person when you win , When you lose, you can't escape the blame.

and so.

Qin Ming puts so much emphasis on communicating with the players.

If you don’t communicate well, you will lose your temper if you win, and your anxiety will increase if you lose.

BLG lounge.

Sun Dayong was also helpless.

Mole is short of time, and BLG is even short of time. Their points are not stable, and they don't have time to adjust slowly, and adjust the team to a range of "playing like this, you can do well".

IG can play so easily because the players believe in the team.

Compared with the original time and space, Ning did not use a lot of team-starting points such as Zhumei, Wine Barrel, Zac, etc. He didn't have so much resentment at all. In many cases, TheShy had to suppress himself and cooperate with jungle operations.

The obvious point is.

TheShy's kill data is a quarter less than that of the original time and space. In some lineups, his position is only a small pressure on the line, and he will be aggressive in the sideline period.

Let's say that.

Just like a seesaw, Nakano and Uenosuke stand at the poles, the position of the middle lane drops, Ueno rises, and the position of the middle field rises. The two sides can't fight too hard, it depends on where Ning is.

Commentary seat.

Players from both sides entered the arena. I remember seeing Mole with his head down, sitting on the seat and rubbing a tissue repeatedly. He also said: "Fight against Rookie, don't have too much psychological interference. As a newcomer, I think I need to give Mole some encouragement." .”

"I gave the MVP to Ning, so how will BLG solve the problem of targeting the bottom lane when the IG Nakano gets a strong combination."

"To be honest, Golden Horn's sense of crisis was very good in the last game. I remember that Ning wanted to go down the lane twice, but Golden Horn evaded them all. Later, Ning brought Lulu to fight hard. This is really difficult to operate."

Rita answered, "I am very impressed by Guohao's dragon girl. This is the first time I have seen an AP dragon girl play. I mean LPL."

"Look, although there is a lot of pressure on laning, I really want to see how BLG responds."

Not much strain.

This is not the playoffs, BLG will not prepare much.

Another one, although it is stereotyped to comment on BLG holding back urine, BLG is indeed not very good at ending games quickly.

Enter BP.

BLG took the initiative to choose the red side, and banned Akali, Victor, and Jess when they came up.

These three bans highlight a helplessness.

AJ was stumped by money theft, but he could only accept Victor's ban, not Kenan.

IG reminded BLG of a very important thing.

That is, the laning exchange is not intense enough, which does not mean that TheShy cannot take advantage.

"Ban Akali by myself. Then, I have said a lot about the mid-lane. I feel that BLG will ban like this, and Rookie will not take Lulu again."

I remember thinking that the level of competition in the middle line is bound to increase, and I am a little worried about Mole's performance. After all, after watching the game for so many years, the rookie is not old enough, and it is easy to be hit by a loss in a game.

On the IG side, continue to block Mondo, Wine Barrel, and Pig Girl, and the ban position does not need to be changed.

To deal with BLG, it is enough to pinpoint the jungler. Qin Ming believes in this very much.

Battle seats.

Guohao doesn't know whether to be proud or what. Generally speaking, there is only one possibility for IG to remain in the ban position, and that is that Coach Beggin thinks it is most appropriate to do so.

According to this logic, doesn't IG regard me as the key point?

Guohao asked, wanting to hear what Sun Dayong had to say.

"Let's play the jungler in the first three moves, IG is targeting our jungle area."

In the early stage of AP Dragon Girl, the development rhythm cannot be interrupted, and BLG has to change the way.

Guohao agrees with changing heroes, but he also has his own decision, "I think I am better than the opponent in terms of developmental ability. If he wants to suppress me in the wild, I don't think he can do it."

"If I'm going to play jungler in the first round, I need someone with higher efficiency in clearing the jungle. I'll play hide-and-seek with him in the jungle."


Sun Dayong felt that this consideration was no problem.


IG grabs Kai'Sa.Now that it's released, let's take it, this hero is about to become the performance moment of LPL professional AD.Most of them have bright harvesting shots.

"It's okay to play Kai'Sa first, it depends on whether IG will match Qian Jue and Galio's set, and bring Ah Shui to the back row."

BLG first-hand and second-hand locks Syndra and male guns.

Sun Dayong felt that it would be difficult for Mole to integrate into the system in a short time. It is better to let him be stronger in the lane, and then communicate more in team battles.

See this hand.

IG can see the idea of ​​BLG Nakano fighting independently.

Ning laughed out loud on the spot, "Did they lose their memory in the last game? Why is it a similar combination again?"

The AP dragon girl first swipe and match with Akali in the middle lane to have some deterrence until the sixth, and the speed swipe in front of the male gun, Syndra is strong, the difference is not big.

It may be that the environment in the middle lane is much more comfortable.

"Bring a demon girl to the middle lane."

Ning Tuo said: "He went out of Syndra first, and then banned Akali, so the enchantress sanctioned him? Coach, they are going to play against each other in the middle."

Qin Ming originally thought of Galio Titan to cooperate with Kai'Sa to charge the battle. Hearing this, he felt that it would be no problem to play the Enchantress. He certainly didn't think Mole would pose much threat to Rookie in the lane.

"Then the enchantress and the blind monk will be forced to ban them."

"Oh, the tempers of both sides have come up, Syndra beats the enchantress, quite a classic matchup!!"

Even BLG fans are complaining, "How long has it been since I have seen a hero like Syndra in the middle lane?"

Location OK.

BLG's third-floor repairing wheel mother immediately pushed out Jian Ji and Tai Tan; on Qin Ming's side, he limited the support, blocked Thresh, and then gave Tamm the second.

"Tam is gone, IG likes heroes like the second round of ban."

"BLG's fourth pick should be a support. Without Tamm, it's okay to play Braum. In short, we can't use soft support."

It takes a certain amount of courage to be a soft assistant in front of the Rookie enchantress.

No one will forget how Rookie played KZ with the enchantress at MSI.

as predicted.

Bron is on the fourth floor of BLG, and IG has a backhand sword demon and a female tank.

Conte gave it to AJ.

AJ doesn't have much Conte relationship to speak of, honestly, a big bug got beaten up. AJ thinks that facing Sword Demon will definitely get a spinning top. In this case, it is better to produce a hero who can defend the tower and continue.

In this version, the strength of the big bug is relatively average, the core equipment has been slightly shaved, and the gargoyle is no longer manned.

But without Mundo, AJ didn't have much confidence to resist the pressure against TheShy.

(End of this chapter)

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