See postgame panel.

I remember Le Dao: "It's about the same as I thought, the top road matchup leads by more than 4000..."

"Who do you think the MVP will be for?" Rita asked while holding the memory card.At this time, the barrage is full of xxx on the gaming chair.

With the game gone, the voices of the LSPs began to gain the upper hand.

"In this case, Rookie's use of the enchantress is as effective as ever. In Ning's case, the rhythm is good. The first wave of catching is very important..."

After blowing everyone to the end, I remember saying, "So I will give TheShy, his growth ability is too strong, counterpoint suppressed 103 knives, and he was the first in the field in making up knives, which also proved 'I like to grow' The gold content of this sentence."

For other teams, AD is the king of last-difference. Only IG has the heaviest development task on the road. If you watch more IG games, you will find that as long as it enters the transition period, Ah Shui is responsible for taking the center, and Rookie often works offline. When the amount is roughly the same, the reason why IG's mid-lower double-c money-making efficiency is not as good as other teams is that part of it is wasted by transfer, and part is divided by Ueno.

TheShy's grouping node always reaches the stalemate stage, that is, he will only go when the two sides have confronted each other for some reason, so his money-making space is very loose.

Passionate background music came out.

I remember looking at the big screen and saying loudly: "Sure enough, the MVP was given to TheShy's Sword Demon."

"And with IG's [-]-[-] victory over BLG, it means that IG has achieved its own ten-game winning streak, continuing the undefeated myth of the Spring Split."

Rita was a little moved, "The state is so good... I don't know who can win this IG."

I remember making a haha, "Maybe time will tell us the answer."


lose the game.

AJ took the bus back to the club, finally waited until the end of the replay, received a lot of information, and heard Coach Sun Dayong let them rank freely.

In 18, BLG did a good job in competition training, but after the acquirer took over the operation work, it also learned to start marketing.

Old IM fans should be clear.

It was during the BLG period that there were a series of player activities. Before that, there were few live broadcasts, and there was no such high level of thinking to engage in ancient style activities.

at that time.

The survival mode of many teams is to look for sponsors to invest money. Due to lack of reputation, the guaranteed reserve price of the live broadcast platform is not high, or there is no platform at all.

AJ is different.

In other words, after BLG found out that AJ was acting ugly, he stepped on the rise of Guoman and helped AJ market a memory point.

Some people may feel uncomfortable hearing marketing, but the purpose of marketing is to deepen the impression.

Whether good or bad, first of all, you have to be known.

There is a phenomenon in the entertainment industry, called black and red is also red, because it is far easier to whitewash after becoming popular than to create a celebrity.

12 pm.

AJ didn't have a training task, so he took the initiative to start the live broadcast. He was the only one in the team who had this need.This does not mean that his teammates are not allowed to start the broadcast, but that no one will watch it, so he doesn't like to do it.

Less than 10 minutes after the opening, a hundred or so fans came. AJ was waiting in line for the game, and the barrage was comforting him.

"It's no shame if you can't beat TheShy."

"That is, Khan, who has been praised by so many people, can't control TheShy. It's not normal to not be able to beat him."

"Your team's jungler doesn't help at all. They don't help you when you are pressed. They only know how to develop themselves."

Another half hour passed.

Some spectators who watched the game poured in.

"Yo, isn't this AJ, it's still live at such a late hour."

"Haha, the host is like a clown."

The ancient beauty is a contrasting memory point.

These barrages attacking AJ were quickly overwhelmed by supporters, "The housing management can do something, won't this be blocked?"

"The anchor is too teamwork."

"BLG will definitely go far this season, come on."

"Some people are unhappy in life, come to attack their looks, and don't look themselves in the mirror."

Facing these voices, AJ didn't pay much attention to them.

At the beginning of wearing ancient costumes, he received a lot of insults, but after several screenings, the most irritable part didn't have the time and energy to watch the live broadcast every day.

On the contrary, with this memory point, some passers-by swiped to the live broadcast and were willing to click in to see it.

AJ doesn't understand why.

He only knows that when he played his best in 16, no one watched the live broadcast. In 18, his strength declined, but more people watched it. Moreover, after each game, many people discussed himself in the comment area.

It was sprayed, and some people maintained it——

Compared with TheShy, it is definitely not comparable, but everyone is TheShy?

BLG's results are not bad, and they didn't spend much money.

Is it okay to make it like this?
The people who pick the comment area go up to the competition, let us appreciate how powerful the king of mouth is.

This is actually not bad.

1-4-3 lost the ranking, AJ glanced at the barrage, many people said that his program was doing well.

AJ is satisfied.

Compared with Qian, the barrage of ugly people doing more mischief is not so annoying.

After all, could there be such enthusiasm before?

Qin Ming just woke up when a phone call came.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Ming stared at the ceiling in a daze.

Still here.

The days are getting closer to the Asian Games, Qin Ming and other insiders have heard that the League of Legends is linked to the Asian Games as early as when the intercontinental competition was held.

Same as the original time and space.

LOL has become a performance event, and the phone call just now was to inform me that I have become a member of the coaching team and will be in charge of training.

Butterflies flap their wings and cause a storm.

The difference from memory is that the preparations for this year seem to be a lot more "formal". Qin Ming remembered that there was no so-called training camp in the original time and space. The scheduled live broadcast was overturned.

After thinking about it seriously, Qin Ming felt that this was a good thing.

As a practitioner, he definitely hopes that the competition will be more formal.

Just about to go out.

Ugus called.

"Congratulations, Teacher Qin."

"You know?" Qin Ming asked.

"Look at the WeChat group, I called you as soon as the news was released." U Gus was really happy for Qin Ming, "Your title is not ordinary, the head coach of the Asian Games!"

When Qin Ming heard this, he clicked on WeChat immediately, only to find out that Tengjing executives had created a group, and the group had issued an announcement 1 minute ago, notifying the members of the Asian Games coaching staff. looking at myself--

Qin Ming, ID: Beggin, the next column is the registration photo.

Then write the professional achievements below——

In 2015, coached VG;

In the spring of 2016, coached LD and promoted to LPL;

In the summer of 2016, coached SS, the third place in the playoffs, and went to the 16 World Championship as the third seed, and won the championship 3:1 in the final;

Coached RNG in 2017, champion in spring and summer, MSI champion, No.1 in the intercontinental competition, went to the 17 World Championship as the No. 3 seed, defeated SSG 0:[-] in the final to win the championship;

In 2018, he coached IG, won the Spring Finals, won the MSI, and was No.1 in the intercontinental competition.

The best coaches in 2016 and 2017...

Qin Ming stared at it for a long time, until Ugus began to urge, "Qin Jiao? Qin Jiao? Hello..."

"Oh, I'm here. What's the matter?"

"This..." U Gus was a little embarrassed, "You read the training camp. It said that each club needs to match the time of the Asian Games. I think so. On behalf of the Asian Games, TheShy and Rookie definitely have no chance Playing, so, if you are short of a top order, consider Letme, he really wants to go. Although he knew the news, he didn't tell me..."

RW Club.

The news of the Asian Games spread throughout the circle immediately. U Gus was standing outside the training room on the phone, and he could feel Letme keep looking this way. Ugus could understand this feeling. Although he was very happy for Qin Ming, there was a moment in his heart where he fantasized that he could stand on the stage in this capacity.

Therefore, U Gus can understand Letme's entanglement.

He can fully understand the complicated mood of wanting to speak but fearing rejection.

"How about it?"

U Gus didn't want to kidnap anyone, he was afraid of Qin Ming's embarrassment, so he raised his mouth again, "Anyway, the players have to cooperate with the recruitment. If you think he is OK in the top lane, then everyone will be happy. If someone is better than him, I'm going to appease him."

"I can't guarantee anything." After the joy, Qin Ming immediately started to have a headache.

Obtaining the position of head coach also means that he has the responsibility to lead the team to play a good game. Isn't it up to him to worry about who to choose and who not to choose? There is no need for Tengjing to take the blame.

Qin Ming understands this logic with hindsight.

He also underestimated how attractive the Asian Games are to players.

Such an honor, no one wants to miss it.

of course.

Qin Ming's headache was purely showing off to other coaches.

Some people want to have a headache and haven't had a chance yet.

The LCK side.

Around this matter, the preparatory team was pressured by all parties.

Some people think that the deduction has the highest qualifications, but SSG refuses to accept it and pushes Edgar.

In addition to these two, some people also said that this year's results are the most important. Past honors are just past tense. If you want to win the game, of course you have to look at the present.

But if the coaching staff is launched according to this year's team leadership performance.

The deduction horse and Edgar are not enough to watch, after all, KT and AFS are ranked there in the standings.

For the position of the head coach of the Asian Games League, the always good guy is trying to sell himself, and his competitors are no worse than him. In the LCK circle, who doesn't know that buckle horses are not good at tactical adjustments, and buckle horses are relatively weak in this respect.

Turn your gaze back to LPL.

As soon as Qin Ming entered the training room, he was followed by Ning, Ah Shui and Missing.

They also want to go to the Asian Games, and after analyzing it, they feel that they have an advantage over outsiders. After all, the bishop of the Asian Games is their coach.


Ning didn't feel embarrassed at all, and he was very doggy when he came up, "I want to play in the game at the end of the month. I'm in the best form as a jungler!"

Ning didn't think there was any problem.

I was the jungler for a while. Although MSI’s matchup economy is not as good as Peanut’s, Peanut’s rhythm is not good. Qiang, why not me in this position?Ning logic is very simple.

I have the best grades, the most impressive statistics, and everyone can see my performance at the rhythm end. Even the coach didn't say that I didn't play well, so what happened to my self-recommendation, I am very confident.

Qin Ming couldn't laugh or cry.

He had never seen such a doggy Ning.

Look at Ah Shui and Missing's anticipation again. Seeing Ning's hands pinching his shoulders, the two came over to help him beat his back, and the other went directly to pour water.

"I didn't say that I must have been nominated. I really can't stand you like this. I don't usually see you like this." Qin Ming complained, "At the celebration banquet, I was busy eating, now come to show my hospitality."

"I finished MSI hungry, what's wrong with eating something?"

Ning continued to talk back, "Just tell me how I am doing, whether you need me or not."

Ning wanted to say that I don't need me, and I won't play seriously in the next game, but after thinking about it, threatening with such a thing seemed like a shame, so he didn't dare to say that.However, Ning really wanted to go.

Putting the so-called honor and no honor aside, he felt that he was playing in the jungle for a while, and it was unreasonable not to go. If someone is more qualified than him to go, unless the matchup blows him up, otherwise he can't.

What a champion jungler.

Just like Xiangguo doesn't recognize Ning, Ning doesn't like Xiangguo either.

This matter is also related to the Xiangguo live broadcast.


Qin Ming's contract ended and he came to IG. It happened that IG was going to MSI. The record in the group stage was magnificent. When Xiangguo was broadcasting the game on the second road, besides boasting that he played well in Zhongshang, he said that he could play better.The main idea is "I can do it myself", "When Qin Jiao took us, we did what we did..."

It is probably boasting, adding to belittle others to promote oneself.


In the spring game, Ning's private letter was blasted, and he was criticized for being a dog and a dish. In this part of the argument, most of them like to compare it with a hot pot.Talking about how strong the incense pot is, the second-level prince reverses EQ, the nightmare turns off the lights and starts a group, and the wild area is at level 2 and level 3 chasing An Bixin.

Actually things are normal.

As the previous champion jungler and the current starting jungler, it is quite normal for the audience to subconsciously focus on Qin Ming.When Qin Ming led RNG, some people also used Sofm's yin and yang strange gas incense pot, saying that he was too reckless and brainless, and didn't know how to plan at all.

As long as you want to find a spray point, there is always a place to start.

But here's the problem.

It doesn't matter if they don't see eye to eye, the two of them have a personality that explodes at one point, agitate here, spray there, and the two will hold grudges.It is no longer possible to be objective.

In short.

In Xiangguo's eyes, Ning is just lucky and has a good team leader.He often talks about, 17 years, who knows who Ning is? When the LSPL was still there, who didn't know that the labor-management Leopard Girl and Spider Chaos C played, did Ning lead the team to carry before this year?

In Ning's eyes, Xiangguo is purely brainless. He won a championship in 17 through experience compensation, so he doesn't know who he is anymore. He talks about this and that every day, but he dare not admit that his style of play is not suitable for the version.Ning refuted Heizi's logic: What's wrong with the champion, won't the champion change?Then Faker has so little counter-kill data this year, who will come out and explain.

Obviously, both of them know in their hearts that players need to adapt to the version, there will be growth and regression or transformation for teammates.

But neither of them mentioned it, they both focused on the pain point and attacked, as long as they met the fans of the opponent, they lost their minds first.

A stereotype has already been branded in my heart, and it is not easy to break it.Under preconceived circumstances, no one will bow their heads to another person, especially this kind of bowing, will be misunderstood by fans as surrender, and as an admission that they are not as strong as the other party.

But how is this possible.

Ning didn't think Xiangguo was better than him at all.

and so.

The reason why Ning opened his mouth was that besides wanting to go, he wanted to slap Heizi in the face in this way. As long as he thought of the Asian Games list coming out, his ID would be on it—to be honest, Ning had already figured out how to use the list to liquidate It's sunspot.

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