Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 658 Kaisa is not that good c


RNG's rhythm is very tight.

Qin Ming can feel Xiangguo's desire to do things. Generally speaking, RNG's rhythm is not so dense. They prefer to play a wave, then slow down and wait for skills, and then find opportunities to keep others to play first.

off the road.

Kaisha and the female tank sent the line in, and Uzi used the AQ of the minion to consume ez. Ah Shui backhanded Q, and Uzi moved and twisted it away.

Zeyuan just wanted to say that this kind of position is not easy to fight, and RNG has no way to jump over the tower.

next beat.

The wine barrel came from the river, Missing saw the position and pressed the Q flash, trying to knock two of them into the air.With a flash of golden light, Uzi and Ming didn't stand very close, Kai'Sa pulled half a step to the side to get out of range, and only the female tank was knocked into the air.

And because the first goal of Niu Tou is to knock 2 into the air, Q makes a shot, half of Niu Tou's body is turned upside down, he adjusts his position and then goes up to the tower obliquely with W.This gave Xiao Ming room to maneuver.

A rather shocking scene appeared in the live broadcast room.

The female tank entered the defense tower, but before landing, she pointed to the bull's head and returned to the tower. The defense tower only had time to output, and almost lost the target of the fire.

"The female tank E is back, Ning didn't flash, this wave of IG is not easy to fight!"

ez's outburst was not as good as Kai'Sa's. It took 2 seconds for the wine barrel to come over and hit the AD. As soon as Ah Shui output a QAW, a pig girl appeared in the grass and overturned the wine barrel.Ning's position is not good, and he wants to walk into the tower with the output, but there is no E or dodge. Although Drunken and Furious can reduce the damage, it is impossible to be safe and sound.

The female tank walked over to Q to the wine barrel, hung up the ignition, and the three of IG shifted their targets to exchange the female tank, and the two sides played one for one again.

"I flash multiple times."

Xiao Ming is very satisfied with this wave of exchanges. The assistant switched to the wild head, the bull head did not flash, ez did not heal, and his side paid for ignition and healing.

IG also understands this.

Next 2 minute.

Ning honestly cleared the jungle, protected the intersection of the red zone, and prevented his teammates from being overtaken. If he only played lane in the bottom lane, it would be difficult to fight to the end.

"Ning came over and squatted back, the incense pot is also there, does RNG dare to do it? Not too much."

After this wave, RNG wants to find another cannon round, and it will take time.

Soon, Xiangguo set his sights on the road, and said in the words of zoom: TheShy is playing too much, he is not afraid of my Q.

From the standpoint of zoom, after reaching six, Jess should put the line to fight and eat the remaining blood soldiers with cannons; from the perspective of TheShy, it is already his greatest tenderness not to move around to harass and cheat skills.

The two have a different understanding of the position.

zoom can't wait for Jess to shrink in front of the tower and never come out again. TheShy thinks it's a good way to save face. In the case of him last year, he has already stood in the attack range and tried his best to micromanage.

7 minutes 05 seconds.

Xiangguo went down the river along the upper triangle grass, TheShy stood up and gave a sideways position, "This wave of TheShy should be gone, although there is a flash, but where are you going?"

zoom went forward and played Q to empty out, TheShy really seized the opportunity to go forward to clear the rear row.

5 seconds.

A little past the line, Jess approached the river and was bumped by the pig girl.

"When the Great Destroyer comes out, will Jess still dodge?"

At the first time, the three-layer imprint, the pig girl W started her hand Q to catch the flat A, Jess flashed to hide the second stage of W, and did not get dizzy immediately, then, the sword demon opened up and approached, and Jess turned back when he played Q. , TheShy still wanted to operate, but the sword demon stepped back with the evil fire chain, and hacked Jess to death with 2 knives.

[The first one is easy to catch! 】

[When you should bow your head, you have to bow your head. 】

[The flash is gone, so he won't be trained in the military. 】

Head 2:3, Zeyuan praised Xiangguo, "When I came up today, Xiangguo played very well."

"When he reaches level six, he can still come. Sword Demon's ability to cooperate with tower jumping is also top-notch."

Sword Demon's skill mechanism means that once a certain skill is hit, it is easy to play a follow-up link.

At 8 minutes and 10 seconds, Zhumei was at the sixth level. Seeing that she could push the line in the middle lane, she immediately ran towards the top lane.

On the road, there are many sword demons burning gems, and their bodies are anti-cannon hoarding lines, which are obviously putting pressure on them. In 8 seconds, Ning came from the second tower, but he could only watch helplessly.

TheShy's reaction was limited enough, but the speed bump formed by the explosion of Zhumei's big move still helped the Sword Demon to complete the kill.

"It's too fast, without any hesitation."

"The timing was perfect. As soon as Miss Zhu entered the blue zone, the top laner line entered the tower."

TheShy didn't hide in order to eat the line, and the head was 4:2.

in the screen.

Xiangguo turned on the RNG team logo for Ning, who came late. Seeing this scene, Ning was quite annoyed: What is there to be proud of?
Anger did not interfere with Ning's judgment of the situation.

He was sure that the vanguard group was not easy to pick up, and he planned to run a tactic, "The vanguard gave it, and our group's front consumption is stronger than theirs. This laning disadvantage is acceptable."


IG took the lead in changing the formation. At 9 minutes, Ning grabbed the return to the city and went to the upper river to control the river crab. group meaning.

According to his thinking, why would he do so many things if he didn't join the vanguard team? Besides, IG's game style gave him the illusion that IG seldom considered running away without a fight, and always wanted to crush people on the operational side.

In the eyes of Xiangguo, they don't have many advantages. Zoe's performance in this position is very skillful. In contrast, Jess and ez are behind Poke. They need some skills to drive a good team.

and so.

At the node close to the vanguard's refresh, Uzi saw that Ah Shui was recruiting reinforcements, and hurriedly asked Xiao Ming to rely first, because the number of defense against IG was poor.

In this way, IG let RNG mobilize in the direction it wants by first laying out the vision.

In 10 minutes, TheShy ate the back row with a single shot, and retreated directly to the city.

And in the next road.

Missing no longer hides his body, Uzi sees that the bull's head has not gone up, so he quickly calls Xiao Ming back.

"Ning to catch it? Uzi retreated to the open space. There is a flash in this position, so it's not easy to kill.",

"I think it's okay to force a flash."

The wine barrel was shaded by the blue buff grass and did not move. In 12 seconds, Rookie saw Zoe speeding up to clear the line and descending from the passage to the pass in advance. Just after doing all this, Ning saw the female tank coming from the eye position given by the grass on the side wall of the middle road.

Finally waited for you, but fortunately did not give up.

For some reason, Miller subconsciously came up with this sentence, "Xiao Ming is in danger, what should I say about this wave?"

As soon as he approached the bushes, the wine barrel started Q and then E, triggering aftershocks.

Xiao Ming didn't receive the signal to disappear in the middle, Q went to the barrel and then pulled it, but a teleportation array appeared behind him.

"IG found an opportunity and took advantage of RNG to control Pioneer."

"Xiaohu went to Ryze through the wall, pulled Feixing, and the wine barrel stepped forward to help block it. Zoe alone can't keep it."

Uzi still couldn't take the tower knife in the bottom lane, but Xiangguo felt that he could accept it. He controlled the vanguard, and Jess also gave way.

Afterwards, it was confirmed that RNG did not intend to hit the pioneer, Jess returned to the line, and Ning continued to protect the middle and lower half.

RNG is a team that likes to liberate the bottom lane.

Seeing IG being so defensive, Xiaobai also secretly sighed in his heart. He folded his arms around his chest and watched the game intently.

He was very sure that if the vanguard round didn't produce much effect, he would be able to see whether the death of this wave of female tanks had any effect.

11 minutes.

The Xiangguo replenishment wave equipment came, before the pig girl came, RNG sent the line into the tower, occupied the triangle grass, and followed the pawn line to push back. The IG duo wanted to regain the vision, and was known by RNG.

"Hey, here, is there a chance?"

ez, bull's head and row of eyes, pig girl QR starts, drives to the bull's head, triggers the plasma, the next shot, Kai'Sa enters behind ez, AQ looks for ez to single out.

"Ah Shui's blood volume is not slow, Ning is rushing here at F6, and the flash can't keep it."

ez crossed E and flashed, pulled to the aisle next to the red buff, Uzi turned around and set fire to the bull's head, "Don't give it all the skills, the damage is not enough."

"I cover to push the tower."

Xiangguo underestimated the speed of IG's support.

Niutou was forced back to the defense tower, with less than a third of his blood, Zhu Mei pressed him from the aisle, feeling that ez Niutou would not dare to open him, and ended up out of touch and killed.

"It's useless to kill female tanks on the barrel with a big move."

"Being bombed to this position, I can't escape even with Q."

After eating pork, the head ratio was 4:4, and in a blink of an eye, the heads on both sides were even.

The lens rotates.

The RNG organization pushed, Xiangguo felt that he was dead and then came out. IG didn't know where he would go, but how could it be possible? The vanguard round is not only a source of motivation for improving the rhythm, but also a defensive target point. The line eye given by Rookie saw the appearance behind the push line A pig immediately called Ning to come and escort it.

For Xiaohu, in the first 10 minutes, all the shots about him were pushing the line, and Rookie rarely gave him a chance to consume. In other words, his RQ hit rate was not high, and Rookie moved to avoid 3 super-far flying stars.

Just like this, Xiaohu played in a hurry. Before Zhumei could release the vanguard, he saw Ryze come up to the top line, R reached 300 yards from Ryze, paused for a while, waited for the direction of movement, and then shot E.

"The bubble missed, and Xiaohu pulled the flying star to go up, and Rookie backhanded QEQ to trigger the phase."

Rookie refused to give up, and continued to control the distance output, hitting Zoe to half blood.

This time.

The vanguard was summoned, the wine barrel appeared, and the two RNG Nakano could not squeeze past the position.

Just when IG was stuck in the position to solve the vanguard, RNG disappeared in the bottom lane, and Missing ran to the middle lane.The combat power of the bottom lane affected IG's defensive round.

Although Ning paid the punishment, A lost his eyes, quickly cleared the vanguard, and didn't let it hit, but Zoe's second E hit Ryze, and when Ning went to help block, the bull's head had just walked to the F6 intersection, and a solar flare suddenly appeared on the sole of his feet .

"R arrives, Uzi flashes and outputs, and the bull's head is overwhelmed, and the plasma burst is simply too much to bear."

In the face-to-face stalemate, the support staff suffered, and Xiao Ming found a breakthrough.

"I think IG can accept it."

Backstage, Qin Ming shook his head, feeling that RNG's discipline had declined, and it was a big taboo to not be able to distinguish the key points in a pioneer round like this.In this wave, Xiaohu was greedy for consumption, and the line did not go in. Xiangguo stood in the middle of the river to summon the vanguard.

As far as the situation is concerned, after this wave is over, RNG's rhythm cannot be accelerated.

Because in the face of a Poke-based lineup, the first tower is very critical. Originally, according to Xiangguo’s script, the first wave was forced to pull out the first tower. , Can unplug the middle tower before 16 minutes.

However, one step was wrong, and he fell behind step by step.

After playing like this, Xiangguo and Ning each found a wave of opportunities. In 22 minutes, the heads of the two sides were 6:5, and RNG led by a small lead of [-].

The key wave is coming.

RNG's operation fell off the upper and lower towers, and the idea of ​​pushing in a group again came up.

At this time, there was a quarter of the first tower left in IG, and the vision saw the wine barrel eating toads in the blue zone, and RNG quickly assembled four people.

on the map.

Missing is at the front, and ez and Ryze are responsible for clearing the line.

"There is a cannon cart, can Xiaohu consume it first?"

Just finished speaking, E, who was hidden from view, fell asleep on the bull's head in front of the tower, Missing walked 2 steps, Fei Xingping A triggered the electric shock, and took away one-third of the bull's head's blood.

"The 2-piece set Zoe still hurts. Can the tower still defend? It feels like the wave line is coming. I have it."

There are only a few defense towers left.

IG still didn't retreat.

Xiaohu probably guessed from his blind vision that the wine barrel was squatting on the side wall of the blue area, with his body forward, he moved to the right and fell asleep to the barrel, "It's time to sleep again!"

This E gave RNG the confidence to start a group.

There is only a trace of the defensive tower left, and Xiangguo is squatting in the red zone of IG. In the next shot, Rookie sees the female tank entering the attack range, QEW moves to pick up Q, and twists the female tank E, triggering the phase.

The sudden movement speed exceeded Xiangguo's judgment.

The pig girl's partition wall was too big, and she predicted a little behind Ruiz, but it was still empty.

"IG wants to fight back, knowing that the pig girl is not big, Ah Shui jumps up to slow down Xiao Ming, Xiao Ming's position is relatively forward, and he is kept."

The female tank held her big move, but Xiao Ming didn't dare to use the ez.

After walking a few steps, the blood volume was knocked down, and Ryze immediately followed up the range, and zoomed to the center line.

Xiangguo felt that it was working again, and pulled it back to F6 after the grass was ready to be broken. On the upper side, the wine barrel entered the river.

"Xiaoming Q Shan Ruizi took the big move, Uzi turned around and accelerated to take damage, but was caught by the ice fist, Ning, can Ning make a good team."

The sword demon immediately landed, and the wine barrel was seen as soon as it reached the grass, so Ning's wave of ER combos was evaded by Uzi.

"Go up, go up!"

RNG fans were excited and stared at the screen.

The sword demon landed and was guarded by the bull head, and a bull horn pushed it away. In the next moment, the sword demon started to destroy aggressively and wanted to cooperate with the pig girl. He was hanged weak again. 200 yards behind the sword demon, the wine barrel was fighting Kai'Sa , Uzi pulled the kite, but Uzi's eyes were always on the double c.

The sword demon is on again, a QE knocks Ryze into the air, Rookie's output does not decrease, first cooperate with ez to kill the female tank, then move to twist the flying star, limit the flat pull to avoid the bubbles, backhand WQA Zoe, hit his HP down section.

Zhumei made a Q from the back, Ah Shui actively blocked it, and then used E to pull her body away, but was not covered by Sword Demon Q2.

When RNG was playing fiercely, no one noticed that Jess was rushing here from the bottom lane.

5 seconds.

Ryze brushed the shield to the limit, pulled Ueno, and dragged it until the sword demon flashed Q3.

"Take away Ryze with one sword, and continue with the Great Annihilation. Ah Shui ran to the second tower and continued to kite. This one is big, and I got 2. Zoe's blood volume is only half."


The voice just fell.

In the distance, a cannonball hit Zoe and Sister Zhu, and then, a figure quickly inserted along the F6 passage.

The appearance of Jess disrupted RNG's defense deployment.

At this time, Moqie Bingquan ez's difficulty appeared, Ah Shui hit Sword Demon with 2 consecutive Qs, causing RNG to split the distance between the middle and the field, and more importantly, the pig girl Q flashed, TheShy reacted faster, and suddenly turned back Give up the pursuit.

Seeing Jess on his face, Xiangguo's heart missed half a beat.

E is hammered open, the cannon shape is WAA, and A is the slightest way to fight the disabled jungler.

The sword demon was stuck by ez, behind him, Ning couldn't beat Kai'Sa, and E ran to the river.

"TheShy continued to chase, and Xiaohu moved away first, but what about the Sword Demon."

Kai'Sa is in good condition and wants to continue to pick it up. At the critical moment, Jess took a predictive shot and hit the pig girl who was handing over the Q shift, and then rubbed against Kai'Sa.


Zoe has no combat power, and becomes 2 on 2, Sword Demon has no ult, and Jess pulls into the inside when he plays Q, and immediately retreats to play Q2; Kai'Sa and R output, just press AQ, Jess is disabled Blood Cut R speeds up and flashes into the F6 camp.

Without even thinking about it, Uzi followed 2 steps, flashed across the wall, and was driven by Jess E head-on. Finally, the general attack that could trigger plasma was unable to make a move.

Repelled, shifted W, waited for Q, Kai'Sa was taken away by one shot.

"Zoom can't run away, ez endgame pursuit is too powerful."

"With the big dragon, RNG is uncomfortable."

This wave is over.

IG didn't give RNG a chance to turn back, "One shot is one-third of the blood, how can this be defended?!"

As long as Niutou leaves W to Sword Demon, RNG will start a group, and no one will press the blood volume.

At 26 minutes and 02 seconds, IG flattened the base.

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