Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 660 The Incense Pot Rebelled

RNG's offensive deployment is really good.

You can't borrow too much energy for laning, just look at the incense pot. If the incense pot is difficult to make, wait for the transition period. If the transition period fails, try dragging equipment (three-piece set).The big dragon was forced to pick it up.

In essence, RNG's jungle area is relatively independent. Xiaohu is not a person who can put pressure on the laning phase. If you expect him to break through one-on-one, it is better to find a way to improve the rhythm quality of the middle field.

After all, when multiple people work to support, the variables generated are multiplied geometrically, and it is impossible for the wing to retreat when people disappear, which is unrealistic.

Just this set of middle and wild, occasionally adding support system, as long as the jungler is in a good state, the power cannot be weak, but on the other hand, because it is too dependent on the jungler to do things, there is no way to ensure the transition of the jungle, if you are not careful, the pressure on the jungler It will aggravate to the stage of near collapse.

Therefore, in the RNG jungler, the advantage is that you don’t have to find the rhythm by yourself, and the disadvantage is that it is difficult to grasp the relationship between doing things and your own development.

Pro into the game.

Xiaobai specifically told Xiangguo not to worry.When he could find Xiangguo against Wei Ning, he wanted to get back his position, and he refused to take any losses.Obviously, in normal times, Xiangguo would say: It’s okay for me to suffer a little, as long as I can play online.

This sentence is obviously not reflected in today's game.

of course.

The incense pot couldn't hear the order at all.

The more Xiaobai said this, the more he felt that everyone underestimated him, why should he bow his head to Ning.


"Three sword demons on the road, I think zoom thinks very clearly, just play normally in the lane, and don't be greedy."

zoom felt that against TheShy, one should not rush at all. The more urgent, the easier it is to give a chance. Instead, he was steady and used hero strength to make up for the gap in exchange. He was stronger than TheShy, and he could only play a flat game with him.

This can be regarded as a personal psychological experience of zoom.

It's not that he likes to play Sword Demon, but that only Sword Demon is difficult to be countered by Conte, and there is room to cut in team battles.

"The pawn line is coming soon, and the junglers on both sides choose to open in the upper half. IG seems to be aware of it. Rookie pinned the signal to the blue pin."

First class.

Neither side has invaded, but IG has done one more thing than RNG, and that is to look for jungle positions in advance, so that Ning can go heads-up.

RNG doesn't like the transition to the jungler.

RNG knows this, Qin Ming knows it, and IG naturally knows it too.

The inner reason is actually not complicated, because the teammates have to line up in front, and the middle and bottom will not use their strength to disrupt their own line rhythm.Compared with online, the jungler can avoid brushing.

Moreover, generally speaking, it takes a process of accumulation to reflect the income of the jungler. If the jungler dies once or twice, it will have the least impact on the overall situation. This is something RNG understood last year.

in the screen.

With the help of the stone beetle's eyes, which were deeply repaired on the next road, Uncle Ning was sure that the incense pot was blue, and since the blue was blue, things would be easy to handle.

The blind monk eats the red, and goes down the river next to the three wolves at level 2, and then enters the RNG red zone to ambush the prince.

There is only one Super 3 route, so I am not afraid of missing it.

And in the middle.

Galio began to support the Ice Maiden's consumption level at the first level, relying on corruption to support him, so that Xiaohu could not quickly support him offline.

After doing all this well, Zeyuan watched the prince eat the blue and toad, and came to the red buff.

"The incense pot has used the punishment, this wave is not easy to defend."

"Can you find out?"


Xiangguo wasn't that vigilant, he only thought that the blind monk would drive two river crabs.

Halfway through the red buff, the prince just pulled the red to the right, before entering the grass, the blind monk hits with a Q, and pursues the basic attack.

"Ning's choice of timing makes Xiangguo very uncomfortable. E is not well, and his blood volume is not enough. It feels like he is going to flash."

With the red buff, the blind monk can easily lower the prince's blood volume.

In 4 seconds, the blind monk used the second-stage Q, and more than 200 blood crosses from the incense pot flashed across the wall, and ran towards the second tower, cursing incessantly.

to be frank.

As soon as the teammate heard Xiangguo scolding, he knew in his heart that he was unhappy and wanted to comfort him. Xiangguo was also a very assertive person, so he didn't know where to start.

"The red zone has given way, Ning is about to lead the level again."

This BO3, one of the most common screens, is the jungler's leading experience.

Where is the gap between the two?
Obviously, Xiangguo is under more pressure than Ning. In many cases, if Ning does not help online, online will not be particularly uncomfortable, but he will not be able to gain too much advantage.

There is a saying, TheShy is right, that is, IG only plays development, and will be a strong team, but IG develops normally to the late stage, the overall winning rate is unstable, and the discipline cannot guarantee that there are no loopholes in the defense line.

In terms of tacit understanding, IG has improved a lot, but in organizational defense, tacit understanding is only a small part of it, and the overall participation in mobilization is fundamental.

The problem is that during the transition period, IG can play a deterrent on the side, and there is no need to return to defense frequently.

To put it simply.

IG has an operating system that is better for winning and is more suitable for the player's style. It does not need to learn the advantages of LCK and steadily erode the operating methods.As the version changes, this kind of operation style snowballs too slowly, and it is stable when it is stable, but it is easy to bury future troubles.

After IG has gained the advantage, it likes to use points on the side to defeat the opponent.


Xiaobai was a little uneasy when he saw that Xiangguo was suffering.


His uneasiness has become a reality. As the saying goes, he is afraid of what will come. He is very worried that Xiangguo will take risks to invade and find supplements. But for Xiangguo, he dare not look at the three wild areas in the red zone. Hexie, he can only wait for the second round when he is not sure where the blind monk will be.

But in the second round, both of them knew it well.

In order not to suffer for himself, Xiangguo ventured into the red to exchange for development. This is the same logic as the previous game. Xiangguo did not want to lower his figure in front of Ning.

"It's a little irrational!"

Seeing the prince facing the anti-stone beetle, the blind monk returned to the F6 area, and Kenan shrank behind the line of soldiers, pretending not to see it.

5 seconds.

The prince had just knocked out the boulder beetle. The blind monk touched his eyes and tapped E to slow down. He pinched Q and waited for the prince to shift. At the same time, Kenan silently blocked the direction of the triangle grass.

"No flash, how to run?"

Of course, the incense pot can't escape.

The blind monk's pursuit ability is there, and the wild area can easily handle the prince.

The first blood was born, the head was eaten by the blind monk, and Kenan got an assist.

Ze Yuan pouted, "I seem to have seen this game before."

"It's about the same as the last game."

"It's time to watch Xiaohu again."

Compared with what the commentary saw, the death of Xiangguo was more uncomfortable.Prince can't compare to Nightmare, and can't clear the wild area quickly. Its wild clearing efficiency is full of loopholes in front of the blind monk.

At the same time, the matchup situation in the middle of this game is different.

Rookie actively topped the line in the early stage, level 4 and level [-] drug bottles, and continued to top when level [-] T came out.

In the early 4 and a half minutes, the prince was killed in less than 10 seconds, Galio E taunted with heavy punches, Xiaohu saw the blind monk approaching, so he had to dodge.

This round.

Rookie thought clearly.

He allowed the ice girl to help, but only after he reached six.Learning from the lesson of being unable to keep up in the previous game, IG took out Galio to sit on the center line, in order to ensure that the number of people in the battle was poor.And if a hero like Galio can make the Ice Maiden jump the tower unscrupulously, Rookie feels that she should take the blame.The last pot is obviously not a problem of mid lane alignment.

After 12 seconds, the ice girl handed over the TP return line, so you don't have to worry about being caught suddenly when you go on the road.

Just flattened a wave of soldiers in the middle.

The prince and the blind monk approached the middle in two successive positions.

This can be considered a tacit understanding, Xiangguo has no wild brush, and it is best to catch it; Ning has a wild brush, but he knows that RNG has to play rhythm, and the first target is definitely the middle.

that's it.

When the ice girl took advantage of Galio's passive attack, E and W made the first move. On the next shot, Galio charged up and used W to eat the prince and fly.

"Rookie triggers aftershocks and is more resistant. In 2v2, the two sides can't fight to the end."

The middle road is really lively. The blind monk cooperates with Galio to knock out two-thirds of the prince's blood. The ice girl uses Q to cover and blocks in front of her. Ning knocks out half of the ice girl's blood, but it is the same as the commentary analysis. Bad damage.

"Xiangguo really wants to do something."


Both middle and upper to six.

Xiangguo ran to the road, trying to cooperate with Sword Demon to defeat Kenan, but the pawn line came to the tower, TheShy got stuck in the line and cleared pawns, and twisted the first QE.

From the perspective of God, the audience knows that the blind monk is trying to control the river crab, and the prince is in danger on the way back.

Xiaobai stood up nervously.

The prince returned to the river from the triangle grass, just walked a few steps, and bumped into the blind monk 500 yards away.At this time, the blind monk was stepping on the altar to accelerate.

"Xiangguo, run quickly."

The prince ran up the road first, and heard Xiaohu reminding Galio to come first.At this point, Xiangguo felt that he shouldn't join the Sword Demon. The Sword Demon couldn't protect him at all, and instead it was a bit of a drag on the lane.

Xiangguo was right.

Kenan E flashed his big move, entered the field to force his skills, and the blind monk walked around behind the wall.

6 seconds.

RNG Ueno tried to counter-drive Kenan, and Galio made a big save.

"There is still no way to prevent the upper line from entering the tower, what should I do, the prince has residual blood, and the sword demon wants to change, can it be changed?"

Galio insists on taking damage, and waits for a W to surpass the Sword Demon, and the damage will die.

Just after the sword demon fell, the ice girl entered the field, Rookie handed over the flash to evade the output of the defensive tower, and the remaining blind monk had healthy health, and Xiaohu didn't want to waste his big move.

Seeing this scene, Xiaobai felt that his breathing was a little short: the jungler took the top laner badly! !
What the hell is going to happen!
Xiaobai's worry is very reasonable.

IG got such an advantage, the blind monk invaded more confidently, and couldn't get the second blue ice girl, and the line clearing was affected.

At 8 minutes and 34 seconds, a critical wave in the red zone.

Ning made a time difference to move first, and then Missing pretended to look at the jungler. In this wave, Xiangguo didn't want to be popular, but was used by IG to kill the jungler again.

Then Niutou returned to the line, Xiao Ming sent the line into the tower, got a roaming round, cooperated with the ice girl to kill Galio, "aftershock absorbed a lot of damage, Xiao Ming came, E pointed to Q to ignite, Galio did not flash, Xiaohu rushed Enter the tower and QA take it away!"

Killing Galio didn't quench his thirst at all, the ice girl used her big move, and IG continued to fight for the rhythm.

At 9 minutes and 27 seconds, hit the road. Zoom wanted to push the line too much, but the blind monk seized the opportunity to play a set, which caused the sword demon to be unable to beat the vanguard group, and RNG gave up the vanguard rhythm.

After this.

After IG developed for a while, Ning put the vanguard on the bottom lane and liberated Ah Shui to occupy the center first.

in this way.

While Uzi was clearing the line in the second tower alone, the blind monk invaded the blue zone with the bull head, captured the prince, knocked down the incense pot, and then surrounded the upper tower.

The sword demon made up his sword under the tower, knowing that he was surrounded, and ready to fight back at any time.

On IG's side, the bull's head is still the first to go first, W tops the wall and then Q, maximizing control.Then, Kenan took the big, and the damage was full. When Kenan was big, the defense tower lit up TP.

"The sword demon still has a second life, the ice girl will land immediately!"

The ice girl landed W to control Nosuke, triggering the aftershock absorption output.

At this moment.

The ultimate scene happened.

The blind monk suddenly stopped the basic attack, touched his eyes and adjusted the angle R Ice Girl, took advantage of the situation to hold down the sword demon and stood up, and then Q sword demon.


Kenan kept up with the damage, W pulled out the stun, and the Sword Demon fell to the ground.

"The hall gourd!"

"Buy one get one free, it's not this R, RNG can fight back, but if two people eat this R together, the ice girl can only get her head if she falls down."

"Ning, the blind monk, does have something to say. Although he may not be able to win, being handsome is a lifetime."


Xiaobai, who had stood up, sat down on the bench again!
The camera showed Ning, who turned his head to communicate with Zhongfu, and seemed to be in a good mood.

Xiaobai was in a trance, he also endured a lot of pressure today.Since he became the new head coach of RNG, he couldn't avoid comparing with last year's results.It is conceivable how much pressure he is under now, and the outside world is criticizing him for being inferior to xx.

The IG rhythm has been opened.

At 13 minutes and 34 seconds, after Missing seized the view of RNG's red zone, he returned to the city to supply supplies and came to the top road. He cooperated with the blind monk and Galio to arrest the ice girl who was almost a good move.

At 15 minutes and 44 seconds, IG fired a fire dragon, and the incense pot dared to peep.

Ning tried to hit Q through the wall, and immediately kicked up to force the displacement.After the prince handed over his EQ, the blind monk continued to chase, and the second Tianyinbo hit. Knowing that Prince E was 5 seconds behind, Galio opened the big protection.At this time, Xiao Ming came out to help, and took Kenan who had fallen from the next tower in advance to go around. ERAQW melted three-quarters of the female tank's blood, and the terrifying damage directly forced Xiao Ming to flash.

This wave of deaths brought the prince's record to 0-3.

Xiangguo cursed, occasionally putting pressure on his teammates.The view is too poor, and there is no safety guarantee wherever you go.

IG got the fire dragon and threatened the first tower in RNG at the same time, grinding blood for a while.

Only 2 minutes later, Kenan and the sword demon were entangled in the bottom lane, and Kenan suddenly bound ER, and the speed of nearly 600 more made it impossible for Zoom, who had reacted, to do anything.

"Moyan, Tianyinbo is following, there are no teammates around, you have to fall when you get up."

On the big screen, IG's economic lead has reached 4000 yuan.

In the next 3 minutes, Ning Bao took the line with TheShy, and zoom wanted to regain the position, but he saw the blind monk showing his head and putting pressure on him. zoom is very helpless, when Kenan's big move improves, the situation will be different again!

that's it.

RNG continues to lose blood, and the economic gap is getting bigger and bigger.

at last.

When the head came to 3:11, RNG made a bold decision.

Seeing the blind monk outcropping in his own red zone, Xiangguo disconnected the dragon.

Although Kai'Sa is not slow to fight Baron, their equipment is not very good after all.

Only in the past 6 seconds, IG found an abnormality, and the ez big move went directly to the dragon pit.

25 points for this big dragon game.

RNG is at a natural disadvantage.

The sword demon sent over wanted to resist the formation with his body, and dragged out the critical time. As a result, TheShy quietly passed to the stone beetle.

"Sky Thunder!!! RNG is about to explode!"

Uzi got hurt, and immediately set off a stopwatch to save his life, and then the ice girl R herself, the female tank E Kenan, and the prince only focused on outputting the dragon.

Without the help of his teammates, the sword demon couldn't stop it. Galio, who fell from the sky, gave a fatal blow. W taunted Kai'Sa who got up, and cooperated with the blind monk to cut it off.

"Uzi down!"

"As soon as the ice girl finished her big move, her teammates evaporated! Oh, Xiaohu flashed and hit the wall."


In desperation, Xiaohu made a mistake, but it didn't matter if he made a mistake or not. In the dragon pit, the prince was the last to fall. Outside the dragon pit, the sword demon was pulled by ez to the point of discomfort. The ice fist continued to decelerate, and the zoom couldn't do any damage.

After killing the prince, the sword demon was besieged and beaten.

This wave directly caused RNG to be pushed off the middle high ground and drop the dragon.

At 27 minutes and 34 seconds, IG operated the bot lane again.


In front of the front teeth of the Deadly Group, the prince entered the field and was marked by Galio, Uzi flew in and output, but was sent away by Ning Shan.

As long as Kai'Sa doesn't harvest the environment, RNG's positive breakthrough is not enough.


Crystal hub, fragments flying.

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